Homework #4 For Chemical Process Calculation PDF
Homework #4 For Chemical Process Calculation PDF
Homework #4 For Chemical Process Calculation PDF
Homework #4
Due: January 23, 2019
Not only answers but also how to get to the answers should be shown.
Problem 2) The heat capacity of carbon dioxide gas in the temperature range 0 to 1500 K is
Cp = 2.675 x 104 + 42.27 T – 1.425 x 10-2 T2. (J Kg mol-1 K-1) Calculate the amount of heat in
KJ that is required to heat 1 kg of carbon dioxide gas from 30oC to 200oC in an open system.
Problem 3) For 10 min 10 lb of water at 40oF and 6 lb of steam at 250oF and 20 psia were
introduced into a 125 ft3 insulated vessel that initially contains 4 lb of water at 32oF.
Problem 4) There is a water tank heated by an electrical heater. Initially, the amount of water
in the tank was 10 kg and the tank was at 20oC. Calculate the amount of electrical energy
that must be supplied to the tank to heat the water up to 60oC. Assume that the tank is
perfectly insulated and neglect the heat content of the tank.
Problem 5) 1000 kg/h of ethanol vapor at 1 atm and 100 oC is condensed in a heat exchanger
to liquid ethanol at 40oC by using a cooling water at 25oC. The temperature of the cooling
water leaving the exchanger is 35oC. Calculate the mass flow rate of the cooling water. The
latent of ethanol is 38.56 kJ/mol, Cp of ethanol vapor is represented by R(3.518 + 20.0 x 10-3
T – 6.0 x 10-6 T2), and Cp of liquid ethanol is represented by R(33.866 – 172.6 x 10-3 T +
349. 17 x 10-6 T2), where R is gas constant and T in Kelvin. Cp of liquid water is represented
by R(8.712 + 1.25 x 10-3 T -0.18 x 10-6 T2).
Problem 6) Consider a gas-phase production of methanol from CO and H2 at 1 atm and 700 K:
CO(g) + 2H2(g) = CH3OH(g).
(6.1) Calculate the heat of reaction at 25oC.
(6.2) Calculate the heat of reaction at 700 K.
Problem 7) 100 g moles/s of CO at 500oC is completely burned with 600 g moles/s of air
which is at 100oC. Refer to Appendix C in Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics by Smith et al. in the library for heat capacities (Cp) of components
involved in the reaction.
Problem 8) 100 g moles of CH4(g) at 100oC is reacted with 250 g moles of O2(g) at 100oC to
produce CO2(g) and H2O(g) in an adiabatic reactor.
(8.1) Calculate enthalpy changes associated with conversion of the reactants into their
constituent elements at 25oC.
(8.2) Calculate enthalpy changes associated with formation of the products as a function of
(8.3) By using the energy balance equation that the sum of the enthalpy changes in (8.1) and
the enthalpy changes in (8.2) equals zero for adiabatic reaction, determine the temperature of
the product gas.
= 𝐴 + 𝐵𝑇 + 𝐶𝑇 + 𝐷𝑇
species 𝐶 , A 103 x B 106 x C 10-5 x D
𝑎𝑡 25 𝐶
CO2 4.467 5.457 1.045 -1.157
O2 3.535 3.639 0.506 -0.227
CH4 4.217 1.702 9.081 -2.164
H2O 4.038 3.470 1.450 0.121
Problem 9) Use the psychrometric chart to estimate (1) the absolute humidity, wet-bulb
temperature, humid volume, and specific enthalpy of humid air at 40 oC, 1 atm, and 10%
relative humidity, and (2) the amount of water in 150 m3 of air at these conditions.
Problem 10) Air at 80 oF and 80% relative humidity is cooled to 60 oF at a constant pressure
of 1 atm. Use the psychrometric chart to calculate the fraction of the water that condenses and
the rate at which heat must be removed to deliver 1000 ft3/min of humid air at the initial