Circuits Conductors / Insulators: SOL 4.3 Electricity Released Test Questions 2002-2012
Circuits Conductors / Insulators: SOL 4.3 Electricity Released Test Questions 2002-2012
Circuits Conductors / Insulators: SOL 4.3 Electricity Released Test Questions 2002-2012
3 Electricity
Released Test Questions 2002-2012 Conductors / Insulators
Compiled by SOLpass
6. Which of these substances conducts electricity the
Circuits best?
(2007 test question 37)
a. Wood
1. Which of these best b. Brick
completes the circuit? c. Copper
(2008 test question 38) d. Plastic
a. Rubber band
b. Metal nail 7. The electrician in this picture is wearing rubber gloves
c. Leather shoelace for protection. The purpose of the
d. Wooden toothpick rubber gloves is to
(2009 test question 13)
2. Which of these materials is a good conductor of a. keep the electrician dry
electricity? b. create an electrical circuit
(2005 test question 32) c. produce electricity
a. Rubber d. insulate the electrician
b. Glass
c. Metal 8. What material would be safest to use as an insulator to
d. Newspaper cover electrical wires?
(2003 test question 15)
3. Electric lights will not come on unless their electrical a. Aluminum
circuit is a b. Tin
(2001 test question 36) c. Rubber
a. parallel circuit d. Water
b. series circuit
c. closed circuit 9. Copper wire is often wrapped in plastic. Plastic material
d. short circuit is a good
(2008 test question 14)
4. A fifth-grade class a. electromagnet
constructed this circuit. b. insulator
Which of these objects c. circuit
most likely made the light d. current
glow when connected to
points X and Y? 10. Many electrical wires are
(2010 test question 27) wrapped with a plastic
a. Plastic straw coating because plastic is
b. Cotton string (2004 test question 13)
c. Aluminum foil a. less expensive than steel
d. Rubber eraser b. more dense than copper
c. able to keep its shape
5. A class prepared some d. a good insulator
electric circuits using
battery, connecting wires, 11. This instrument can be used to see if materials conduct
and three light bulbs. electricity. Which of these groups contains items that
Which of these circuits can could all conduct electricity to complete the circuit?
make the three bulbs light? (2002 test question 37)
(2007 test question 25) a. Rubber ball,
plastic comb, nail
b. Paper clip, penny,
c. Cork, dollar bill,
d. Pencil, eraser,
Static Electricity
18. A bar magnet is placed on a table, and a sheet of blank
12. Early scientists most likely saw a discharge of paper is placed over the magnet. What could be
electricity for the first time when observing a sprinkled on the paper to show the magnetic field of the
(2011 test question 4) bar magnet?
a. waterfall (2002 test question 30)
b. rainbow a. Salt
c. lightning storm b. Iron filings
d. volcano erupting c. Sand
d. Soil
13. Benjamin Franklin conducted
this famous experiment that showed 19. In this picture, the iron filings show the shape of the
lightning was magnetic
(2003 test question 19) (2003 test question )
a. a movement of air molecules a. axis
b. a magnetic field b. core
c. an electrical discharge c. field
d. a glowing chemical d. pole