Grade 8 NSC
Grade 8 NSC
Grade 8 NSC
About the Unit
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Distinguish between the types of numbers;
- Approximate.
Students will:
Investigate indices, by modeling the spread of a contagious epidemic such as ● If an STI is used, involve the Formulation and use of function to
Influenza. HFLE teacher/guidance represent multiplication of
Equipment required: people (about 40). Start with everyone sitting down. counselor in discussions. numbers of the same base
● The first person to be infected stands up – choose someone. This is step 0 ● Each person is only allowed Conclusions made and application
● They infect two more people – choose them. They also stand up. This is to infect two persons. of any number raised to the power
step 1. of zero is one
● They each infect two more people – choose them from amongst those still ● Repeat investigations for
sitting. This is step 2. cases where each person is Ability to represent numbers in
● Continue until everyone is infected, keeping count of how many steps only allowed to infected 3, different bases
there are in the epidemic. 4…. persons.
● participate in a discussion where the concept of indices and bases will be ● Allow students to report Ability to carry out research
generated. findings. independently on given topic
Step Total number of Total number of ● Have the students design a
new infections infections in strategy to combat the Expressing of integer in standard
population spread of the epidemic, such form and vice versa
as designing sanitation spots.
0 1 1
Complete a table to record at each step . For example ● Explore the use of numbers
expressed in standard form to
describe the size of
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Express products using indices and vice versa;
- Simplify multiplication and division of indices with different bases;
- Know the place values of bases other than of base 10;
- Convert between bases;
- Perform operations with bases other than base 10;
- Write numbers in standard form;
- Round a number to a given number of decimal places.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Distinguish between types of numbers.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Identify and use the following Concepts:
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore me
- methods and procedures use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi-step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Formulate rules from their knowledge of arithmetic properties;
- Define and identify variables, terms, constant, coefficient, expression, equation and operations;
Identify, add and subtract like and unlike
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Actively engage in group discussions and activities;
- Engage in problem solving situations;
- Present a completed list of changing subject of formulae;
- Complete list of inequalities accurately;
- Accurately represent inequalities on number lines;
- Solve linear inequalities correctly;
- Accurately complete teacher-generated table on solving inequalities;
- Accurately represent solutions on number lines.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi-step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- State the relationships between and object and its image in a plane when it undergoes a translation in that plane;
- State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it is reflected in a line in that plane;
- State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it is rotated about a point (the centre of rotation) in that
- Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Standard Objectives:
- Investigate the relationship among angles formed by:
(a) a transversal and two or more parallel lines;
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalization about (b) intersecting non-parallel lines;
geometric relationships within the environment. - Sketch different views (top, side, etc.) of solids making use of unseen
(dotted) lines;
- Perform translations and identify images of objects, where the
translation vector is given;
- Find the translation vector given the object and its image;
- Perform reflections and identify images of objects, where the
mirror lines are the x or y-axes;
- Perform rotations of 90o, 180o, 270o about the origin.
Students will:
Translations of objects to its image
● Use GeoGebra to and vice versa with given
Use GeoGebra to investigate Translation, Reflection, and rotation and demonstrate Translation, movement and direction
participate in a discussion about the transformations. Reflection, and rotation.
Ability to determine the movement
Discuss the types of
and direction given an object and
symmetry and the
Create a drawing or artwork using one of the following. its image
concept of tessellations,
with students.
Use of real numbers to represent
horizontal and vertical movements
and their direction
Rotation of objects
900, 1800 and 2700
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Accurately measure angles formed from transversal and parallel lines;
- Names and apply types of angles formed from transversal and parallel lines to find missing angles;
- Sketch different views of solids making use of unseen (dotted) lines;
- Describe movements of shapes/objects;
- Translate objects to its image and vice versa with given movement and direction;
- Determine the movement and direction given an object and its image;
- Use real numbers to represent horizontal and vertical movements and their direction;
- Reflect an object in the x-axis or y-axis;
- Rotate objects 900, 1800 and 2700.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi-step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in regular
practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player, coach or
About the Unit
Students will:
● Use their electronic devices to create movies about polygons in their ● Students should be able Identification of properties of n-
environment. This movie should include scenes or photos of students to identify polygons. sided polygons where 3 ≤ n ≤ 10
identifying the different polygons they see and also measuring the
sides of the polygon. ● The teacher should Formula derived for the sum of
differentiate between interior angles of an n-sided
regular and irregular polygon
Use of formula to calculate the sum
● The teacher should have of the interior angles of an n-
students download sided polygon
application softwares
such as “auto distance”
and “protractor” master
to measure length and
angles from a distance.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Identify properties of n-sided polygons where 3 ≤ n ≤ 10;
- Derive formula for the sum of interior angles of an n-sided polygon;
- Use formula to calculate the sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit
- Interpret graphs;
- Conduct research;
- Get involved in group discussions and activities;
- Problem solving situations;
- Key terms;
- Use tables to represent data;
- Means of sets of data;
- Medians of sets of data;
- Mode of a set of data
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Create a frequency table from a raw data;
- Analyze information in a frequency table;
- Find mean, mode and median from given data.
Students will:
Active involvement in group
Working in groups Use to measure their ● Separate males from discussions and activities
shoe sizes females and complete
separate frequency Engagement in problem solving
Write their individual shoe size on a picture of a shoe given to them after which tables for each situations
they will paste the picture in a frequency table on the board. They will then ● Discuss how the median is
complete the table by filling in the numbers in the frequency column. They will found for an odd or even Definition of terms
then form groups according their shoe sizes. They will observe the groupings number of values(data
and participate in a discussion while answering questions such as points) Completed tables
What do you think is the most popular size? ● Explain that data might not
How would this size be determined? possess a mode or might Calculation of means of sets of data
Is this what we would call the typical size? have more than one mode
● Ensure students complete Calculation of medians of sets of
Students will then calculate the mean and locate the mode and median of the the task of measuring their data
collected data feet prior to the lesson.f
Determine the mode of sets of
The information can also be represented using pie chart, line graph etc. data
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Interpret graphs; Conduct research; Get involved in group discussions and activities; Engage in problem solving situations; Define key terms; Complete
tables; Calculate means of sets of data; Calculate accurately medians of sets of data; Correctly represent data on map of Jamaica; Determine the mode
of a set of data.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About these Units
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Express fractions as ratio and vice versa.
Students will:
Compare the price of tolls in Jamaica to the distance travelled. Students will This introduction could be Justification why revision might be
investigate data numerically and graphically to determine the per-mile/km embellished to include reasons needed
charge, and they will design a new pricing scheme in the event they discover why the revision of the prices is
that the price of the tolls and distance travelled are not proportionate. being made, such as the price Ability to use the map of Jamaica to
being too high and so on. get distances
Ability to completed form with the
Activity Provide students with a map of distances and prices
Jamaica to get the distances
Taking its Toll between the toll plaza or online Engagement in group activities
source such as www.
The Jamaican government is planning to revise prices of the toll plaza in and the Ability to use a scale for the
Jamaica. They have asked for help in determining the amount of toll that current prices of the toll plazas. appropriate distances
should be charged at each toll plaza.
Create a sheet for students to Accurately create the model of
In groups, record the distances between the toll plaza and the prices charged record the data in a table form. Jamaica with the toll plaza
for each. Graph the information recorded through a scatter plot or line graph highlighted
of “best fit’ Assign students to groups of
Discuss if there is any relationship with the two variables. If so, is the three or more. Make all materials Justify the price charged for each
relationship proportionate or in a particular ratio? easily accessible, and designate toll
one member to different roles
Make a model of Jamaica on cartridge paper or otherwise and highlight the such as getting the Taking Its Toll
locations of the toll plaza. Activity Sheet, while another
member gets calculators, rulers,
Make a new pricing scheme for the model that is proportionate with its and graph paper.
Discuss and share with the entire class. Student should use a scale for the
distances when making the
model of Jamaica.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Use ratio ideas to find unknown quantities;
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
Estimate and approximate to the nearest hundredths, tenths, etc.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
- Derive formulae;
- Area of triangles, parallelograms and trapezia;
- Total surface area of solids;
- Volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with known altitude);
- Use formulae to solve problems involving area, total surface area and volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with known
- Differentiate between capacity and volume;
- Convert between units of measure up to cubic units;
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Apply the properties of solids;
- Apply the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to solve problems.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Derive formulae for calculating the:
- Area of triangles, parallelograms and trapezia;
- Total surface area of solids;
- Volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with known altitude);
- Use formulae to solve problems involving area, total surface area and volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with
known altitude);
- Differentiate between capacity and volume;
- Convert between units of measure up to cubic units;
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
- Linear inequalities;
Representations of given
simultaneous equations on graphs
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Complete grid with points plotted accurately;
- Cooperatively engage in group participation, discussions and activities;
- Draw lines correctly;
- Identify and write list of coordinates correctly;
- Accurately calculate gradients of given lines;
- Correctly identify y – intercepts;
- Correctly complete teacher generated tables on linear inequalities in groups;
- Accurately represent pairs of linear equations on same axes.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit
- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 3 Apply solutions: manage resources with the aid of appropriate technologies in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 2: explore methods and procedures: make informed decisions in the selection of materials, tools and equipment and
demonstrate increasing skill in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: build practical skills and the technical competencies necessary for effecting a solution/outcome.
Physical Education:
- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit
Standard: Objectives:
- Determine the number of subsets of a given set;
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, - List all the possible subsets of a given set (number of elements
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real world in the given set should not exceed 4);
problems involving fractions, percentages and decimals, and apply principles of
- Solve simple problems involving, at most, two subsets of the
computation to solve real world problems.
universal set.
- Understand the concept of proposition and use the language
of logic ( negation, conjunction, disjunction, if…then,
- Identify and differentiate between simple and compound
- Express simple and compound propositions algebraically using
appropriate terminology and vice versa
Figure 2. Set diagram Expression 1: Set Notation with. The activity is not
restricted to the two items
used in the suggested
This is a group activity or entire class activity.
Have students collect information on how many of them, in the class, The students could be given a
have a DVD player at home and how many have computers at home. The
matching exercise to express
results should be recorded in the table below.
the worded propositions
symbolically and vice versa.
(iii) How many children did not have a computer or a DVD player
at home?
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
List subsets of a given set;
Use formula to determine the number of possible subsets of a given set;
Analyze information from a Venn diagram, involving the intersection of at most two sets;
List elements of simple set problems.
Write simple and compound propositions in algebraic form
Convert simple and compound propositions from algebraic form to English-like form and vice versa