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Grade 8 NSC

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About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Express products using indices and vice versa;

- Multiplication and division of indices with different bases;
- Place values of bases other than of base 10;
- Convert between bases;
- Operations with bases other than base 10;
- Write numbers in standard form;
- Write integers in standard form;
- Round numbers to given number of decimal places;
- Properties of: closure, reflexive, symmetric, transitive properties and trichotomy;
- Articulate and contribute towards group discussions.

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Distinguish between the types of numbers;
- Approximate.


Standard Objectives:
- State the meaning of , where a and m are whole numbers;
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts,
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real-world
problems involving fractions, percentages, and decimals, and apply principles - Evaluate the expressions , and where a, b, m, n,
of computation to solve real-world problems. are whole numbers;
- Write numbers greater than or equal to 10 in standard form;
- Write a number to a given number of decimal places and
significant figures;
- Express place values of digits in all bases including base 10;
- Add, subtract and multiply numbers written in base n,
(where 1<n<10);
Convert numbers written in base n, (where 1<n<10) to
base 10 and vice versa.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will:
Investigate indices, by modeling the spread of a contagious epidemic such as ● If an STI is used, involve the Formulation and use of function to
Influenza. HFLE teacher/guidance represent multiplication of
Equipment required: people (about 40). Start with everyone sitting down. counselor in discussions. numbers of the same base

● The first person to be infected stands up – choose someone. This is step 0 ● Each person is only allowed Conclusions made and application
● They infect two more people – choose them. They also stand up. This is to infect two persons. of any number raised to the power
step 1. of zero is one
● They each infect two more people – choose them from amongst those still ● Repeat investigations for
sitting. This is step 2. cases where each person is Ability to represent numbers in
● Continue until everyone is infected, keeping count of how many steps only allowed to infected 3, different bases
there are in the epidemic. 4…. persons.
● participate in a discussion where the concept of indices and bases will be ● Allow students to report Ability to carry out research
generated. findings. independently on given topic
Step Total number of Total number of ● Have the students design a
new infections infections in strategy to combat the Expressing of integer in standard
population spread of the epidemic, such form and vice versa
as designing sanitation spots.
0 1 1

1 2 3 ● Discuss the types of

pathogens (virus, bacteria,
2 4 7
etc) which would be the
cause of such epidemic.

Complete a table to record at each step . For example ● Explore the use of numbers
expressed in standard form to
describe the size of

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Express products using indices and vice versa;
- Simplify multiplication and division of indices with different bases;
- Know the place values of bases other than of base 10;
- Convert between bases;
- Perform operations with bases other than base 10;
- Write numbers in standard form;
- Round a number to a given number of decimal places.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Sequence, Identify patterns, Think critically, Compute, ● Students should investigate other diseases, and how they are
Investigate, Make observations, Discover patterns, Use formula, ● Investigate distances of planets from earth.
Count in bases other than 10, Research, Present, Review,

Memory Recall, Solve, Convert, Estimate

Resources: Key vocabulary:
Activity instruction sheet, internet, laptop/tablet/smartphone Base, powers, epidemic, contagious, infection, infected, population,
disease, Pathogens,

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Investigate the spread of diseases

- Design approaches to reduce the spread of diseases.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Distinguish between types of numbers.



Standard Objectives:
Identify and use the following Concepts:
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts,
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real-world - Closure;
problems involving fractions, percentages, and decimals, and apply principles - Reflexive property;
of computation to solve real-world problems. - Symmetry property;
- Transitive property;
- Trichotomy Law.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: ● Students can discover the Discover the properties

Use the Geogebra software to demonstrate the following properties: Closure; properties through from given examples using
Reflexive property; Symmetry property; Transitive property; Trichotomy Law. question and answer the GeoGebra software.
sessions while using
GeoGebra to investigate State the properties
the properties.
● Let students use Construct real life examples to
examples outside of represent the various properties.
mathematical content to
demonstrate their Apply the properties in solving
understanding arithmetic computations.
● Have students use real
life examples to
represent the properties.
For example, You go to
the supermarket. 1 bag of
apples costs 4 dollars. 1
gallon of olive oil costs 10
dollars. You get 6 bags of
apples and 6 gallons of
olive oil. How much
money do you pay the
Total cost = # of items
you get × (cost for apples
+ cost for olive oil)

Total cost = 6 × (4 + 10) =

6 × 4 + 6 × 10 = 24 + 60 =
84 dollars.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Identify and use the following Concepts:

Closure; Reflexive property; Symmetry property; Transitive property; Trichotomy Law.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Discover, Construct, State, represent, Apply. Research the different types of mathematical properties and their
importance to real life.
Resources: Key vocabulary:
Computers/tablets/smart phones Closure, trichotomy, transitive, symmetry, reflexive
Internet access
Geogebra files
Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore me
- methods and procedures use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi-step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Engage in group discussions and activities;

- Problem-solving situations;
- Changing subject of formulae;
- Share and compare findings with others;
- Equations and inequalities;
- Represent inequalities on number lines;
- Making algebraic rules;
- Simplification;
- Solve linear inequalities.

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Formulate rules from their knowledge of arithmetic properties;
- Define and identify variables, terms, constant, coefficient, expression, equation and operations;
Identify, add and subtract like and unlike

UNIT TITLE: Making Rules, Equations & Inequalities, Simplification

Standard Objectives:
Identify and use the following Concepts:
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and
formulae to interpret, model and solve problems involving unknown - Change the subject of a simple formula e.g. , making r
the subject gives ;
- Write inequalities to illustrate word problems;
- Illustrate inequalities on a number line;
Solve simple linear inequalities and represent the solution on a
number line.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: Students form teams of four to

Using the bouncing ball activity below collect and record data which will be bounce a tennis ball. Active involvement in group
used to formulate the relationship between the dependent and independent Teacher should pose the focus discussions and
variable in their experiment. They will find the gradient of the ‘line of best fit’ problem at the start of the lesson
to be used as a constant in the formula that they will generate. The formula “How many times can each team Engagement in
should contain the variables b, to represent the number of bounces of the ball member bounce and catch a situations
t, the time it takes to bounce to the ball using ten seconds intervals and k, the tennis ball in two minutes?”
gradient of the line. (B=kt).
All the students must bounce the
Willingness to share and compare
ball on the same surface (e.g.,
results with others
tile, carpet, concrete) because
The Activity  differences in the surface could Accurately recording the number of
affect the number of bounces. bounces in the specified time
How many times can each team member bounce and catch a tennis ball in
two minutes? Create and distribute a sheet Plotting the graph of recorded data
having an uncompleted table
consisting of columns: Time Identify and use an appropriate
A bounce is defined as dropping the ball from the student's waist. One student (10 seconds interval), scale for the graph
keeps the time while the second student bounces and catches the ball, the Number of Bounces
during Interval, Ability to find the gradient of a line
third student counts the bounces, and the fourth student records the data in a
Cumulative Number
table showing both the number of bounces during each ten-second interval
of Bounces Analyze graphs and make
and the cumulative number of bounces. Each trial consists of a two-minute inferences
experiment, with the number of bounces recorded after every ten seconds (or
A discussion should ensue where
twenty seconds for fewer data points). The timekeeper calls out the time at Ability to formulate the appropriate
students present their results to
ten-second intervals. When the time is called, the counter calls out the number formula
classmates by showing their
of bounces that occurred during that ten-second interval. The recorder records graphs. During the discussion, the
this count and keeps track of the cumulative number of bounces. teacher should think about these
Completed list of change subject of
guiding questions:
The same process is followed by each student, with the students rotating roles
so that each student can collect a set of data. ● Can the students Applying concepts to change the
identify what varies in subject of any formula
Once the data have been collected, graph the data showing the cumulative the experiment? Do
number of bounces over two minutes (number of bounces on your y-axis and they comment on the
time on the x-axis). Draw the line of best fit and find its gradient. Plot the dependent and
graph exchanging the variables. Find the gradient of the new line. Discuss the independent variables
effect on the gradient and the changing of the formula for the dependent and either implicitly, in
independent variables.
their conversations
Complete a table changing the subject of various formulas. about the graphs, or
explicitly, using
correct terminology?
● Do they discuss
whether the points
should be connected
with a line? The
numbers of bounces
are discrete data, so
they should not be
● Decisions about the
scale for each of the
axes are important.
Do the students
understand what the
graphs would look like
if the scales changed?
● When directed to
sketch lines on their
graphs in order to
notice trends, do they
demonstrate some
sense that the
steepness of a line is
related to the number
of bounces per

Observations related to these and

other questions will yield
information about what the
students appear to know and are
able to do that will guide the
teacher in making instructional
decisions. The aim is to guide the
Guide students to discover the
formula B=kt
Have students plot a graph
exchanging the variables. That is
a number of bounces on the x-
axis and time on the y-axis.
Discuss how the subject of the
formula affects the transposition
of the formula. With this new
graph a small “margin of error” is

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Actively engage in group discussions and activities;
- Engage in problem solving situations;
- Present a completed list of changing subject of formulae;
- Complete list of inequalities accurately;
- Accurately represent inequalities on number lines;
- Solve linear inequalities correctly;
- Accurately complete teacher-generated table on solving inequalities;
- Accurately represent solutions on number lines.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Investigate linear programming
Engage in activities, Work in groups, Discuss key terms. Change
subject of formulae, Problem-solve, Judge responses, Identify
variable, Write inequalities, Represent inequalities on number
lines, Solve linear inequalities, Represent solutions on number
lines, Correctly complete teacher- generated table, Model
inequalities, Share and compare

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Computers/tablets/smartphones Algebra, Inequalities, Linear, Formulae, Solution, Equation, Simplification
Internet access
Teacher generated tables needed for each activity
Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi-step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Angles formed from transversal and parallel lines;

- Names and apply types of angles formed from transversal and parallel lines to find missing angles;
- Different views of solids making use of unseen (dotted) lines;
- Movements of shapes/objects;
- Translate objects to its image and vice versa with given movement and direction;
- Movement and direction of an object and its image;
- Use real numbers to represent horizontal and vertical movements and their direction;
- Reflect an object in the x-axis or y-axis;
- Rotate objects 900, 1800 and 2700.

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- State the relationships between and object and its image in a plane when it undergoes a translation in that plane;
- State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it is reflected in a line in that plane;
- State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it is rotated about a point (the centre of rotation) in that
- Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Standard Objectives:
- Investigate the relationship among angles formed by:
(a) a transversal and two or more parallel lines;
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalization about (b) intersecting non-parallel lines;
geometric relationships within the environment. - Sketch different views (top, side, etc.) of solids making use of unseen
(dotted) lines;
- Perform translations and identify images of objects, where the
translation vector is given;
- Find the translation vector given the object and its image;
- Perform reflections and identify images of objects, where the
mirror lines are the x or y-axes;
- Perform rotations of 90o, 180o, 270o about the origin.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will:
Translations of objects to its image
● Use GeoGebra to and vice versa with given
Use GeoGebra to investigate Translation, Reflection, and rotation and demonstrate Translation, movement and direction
participate in a discussion about the transformations. Reflection, and rotation.
Ability to determine the movement
Discuss the types of
and direction given an object and
symmetry and the
Create a drawing or artwork using one of the following. its image
concept of tessellations,
with students.
Use of real numbers to represent
horizontal and vertical movements
and their direction

Ability to reflect an object in the x-

axis or y-axis

Rotation of objects
900, 1800 and 2700

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Accurately measure angles formed from transversal and parallel lines;
- Names and apply types of angles formed from transversal and parallel lines to find missing angles;
- Sketch different views of solids making use of unseen (dotted) lines;
- Describe movements of shapes/objects;
- Translate objects to its image and vice versa with given movement and direction;
- Determine the movement and direction given an object and its image;
- Use real numbers to represent horizontal and vertical movements and their direction;
- Reflect an object in the x-axis or y-axis;
- Rotate objects 900, 1800 and 2700.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Draw lines, Label lines, Measure angles, Observe relationships Investigate the use of transformations in computer graphics/games
between angles, Describe relationships, Compare and Contrast, Create designs using a combination of 2 transformations only.
Record, Discuss, Calculate, Translate, Arrange, Rotate, Collect,
Sketch, Plot, Review, Infer, reflect, use software to carry out

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Computers/tablets/smartphones, Internet access Transformations, Translate, Rotate, Reflect, Transversal, Cartesian plane, Parallel,
Copies of the tables needed for each activity, Geometric Non-parallel, Intersecting, Solids, Image, Object, Vector, Mirror line, x-, y-axis,
instruments, Plastic cups of the same size (i.e. transparent, Origin, symmetry, similarity, congruence.
opaque), Teacher-generated tables, Cartridge paper, Assortment
of polygons, Scissors, Markers/crayons, Objects (i.e. coins,
marbles), Journals, Camera
Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi-step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in regular
practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player, coach or
About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Properties of n-sided polygons where 3 ≤ n ≤ 10;

- The sum of interior angles of an n-sided polygon;
- Use formula to calculate the sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon.
Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Identify angles in polygons;
Calculate angles in polygons


UNIT TITLE: Making Rules, Equations & Inequalities, Simplification

Standard Objectives:
- Determine the properties of n-sided polygons, where
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalizations about ;
geometric relationships within the environment. - Find the angle sum (sum of the interior angles) of polygons with
n interior angles ( ).

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will:
● Use their electronic devices to create movies about polygons in their ● Students should be able Identification of properties of n-
environment. This movie should include scenes or photos of students to identify polygons. sided polygons where 3 ≤ n ≤ 10
identifying the different polygons they see and also measuring the
sides of the polygon. ● The teacher should Formula derived for the sum of
differentiate between interior angles of an n-sided
regular and irregular polygon
Use of formula to calculate the sum
● The teacher should have of the interior angles of an n-
students download sided polygon
application softwares
such as “auto distance”
and “protractor” master
to measure length and
angles from a distance.

● Identify margin of error

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Identify properties of n-sided polygons where 3 ≤ n ≤ 10;
- Derive formula for the sum of interior angles of an n-sided polygon;
- Use formula to calculate the sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Connect vertices, Record, Derive formula, Use formula, Recall Investigate the sum of the interior angles of polygons of up to 20 sides.
Tabulate findings.

Research the various uses of angles in the construction industry.

Resources: Key vocabulary:
Computers/tablets/smartphones Polygons, Angle, Interior, Properties, vertices, Formula, Regular polygon,
Internet access irregular polygon
Copies of the tables needed for each activity
Teacher-generated tables, Assortment of polygons, Journals, Ruler
Geometric instruments, “Math” kit, geometry software

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.

About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Interpret graphs;
- Conduct research;
- Get involved in group discussions and activities;
- Problem solving situations;
- Key terms;
- Use tables to represent data;
- Means of sets of data;
- Medians of sets of data;
- Mode of a set of data

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Create a frequency table from a raw data;
- Analyze information in a frequency table;
- Find mean, mode and median from given data.

UNIT TITLE: Statistics And Probability

Standard Objectives:
- Determine the mode, median and mean from a frequency table;
Collect, organize, interpret and represent data and make inferences by - Use the mode, median and mean to interpret information;
applying knowledge of statistics and probability. - Read, interpret and construct pictographs, bar charts, pie charts
and line graphs.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will:
Active involvement in group
Working in groups Use http://m.shoesize.com/measure/ to measure their ● Separate males from discussions and activities
shoe sizes females and complete
separate frequency Engagement in problem solving
Write their individual shoe size on a picture of a shoe given to them after which tables for each situations
they will paste the picture in a frequency table on the board. They will then ● Discuss how the median is
complete the table by filling in the numbers in the frequency column. They will found for an odd or even Definition of terms
then form groups according their shoe sizes. They will observe the groupings number of values(data
and participate in a discussion while answering questions such as points) Completed tables
What do you think is the most popular size? ● Explain that data might not
How would this size be determined? possess a mode or might Calculation of means of sets of data
Is this what we would call the typical size? have more than one mode
● Ensure students complete Calculation of medians of sets of
Students will then calculate the mean and locate the mode and median of the the task of measuring their data
collected data feet prior to the lesson.f
Determine the mode of sets of
The information can also be represented using pie chart, line graph etc. data

Representation of data on map of

Modes of sets of data

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Interpret graphs; Conduct research; Get involved in group discussions and activities; Engage in problem solving situations; Define key terms; Complete
tables; Calculate means of sets of data; Calculate accurately medians of sets of data; Correctly represent data on map of Jamaica; Determine the mode
of a set of data.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Review data, Construct chart, Work in groups, Discuss and define Investigate the composition of clean air
key terms, Arrange numbers, Derive ideas, Analyze data,
Record data, Research information, Construct table Represent data

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Computers/tablets/smart phones Mean, Mode, Median, Statistics, Average, Frequency, Data, Distribution,
Internet access Information
Copies of the tables needed for each activity
Teacher-generated tables

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.

About these Units

In these Units students will learn about/to:

- Use ratio ideas to find unknown quantities;

- Sharing proportionally using ratios;
- Simple equations and ratios.
- Identify different bank accounts by their characteristic features;
- Withdrawal and deposit slips associated with banking;
- Know how to write a cheque;
- Simple Interest on loans and deposits (SI);
- Use calculator to find compound interest;
- Hire purchase agreements;
- Comparisons between cash price and hire purchase prices;
- Discounts and taxes.

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Express fractions as ratio and vice versa.



Standard Objectives:
Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts,
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real
world problems involving fractions, percentages and decimals, and apply
principles of computation to solve real world problems.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will:

Compare the price of tolls in Jamaica to the distance travelled. Students will This introduction could be Justification why revision might be
investigate data numerically and graphically to determine the per-mile/km embellished to include reasons needed
charge, and they will design a new pricing scheme in the event they discover why the revision of the prices is
that the price of the tolls and distance travelled are not proportionate. being made, such as the price Ability to use the map of Jamaica to
being too high and so on. get distances
Ability to completed form with the
Activity Provide students with a map of distances and prices
Jamaica to get the distances
Taking its Toll between the toll plaza or online Engagement in group activities
source such as www.
The Jamaican government is planning to revise prices of the toll plaza in distancefrom.com and the Ability to use a scale for the
Jamaica. They have asked for help in determining the amount of toll that current prices of the toll plazas. appropriate distances
should be charged at each toll plaza.
Create a sheet for students to Accurately create the model of
In groups, record the distances between the toll plaza and the prices charged record the data in a table form. Jamaica with the toll plaza
for each. Graph the information recorded through a scatter plot or line graph highlighted
of “best fit’ Assign students to groups of
Discuss if there is any relationship with the two variables. If so, is the three or more. Make all materials Justify the price charged for each
relationship proportionate or in a particular ratio? easily accessible, and designate toll
one member to different roles
Make a model of Jamaica on cartridge paper or otherwise and highlight the such as getting the Taking Its Toll
locations of the toll plaza. Activity Sheet, while another
member gets calculators, rulers,
Make a new pricing scheme for the model that is proportionate with its and graph paper.
Discuss and share with the entire class. Student should use a scale for the
distances when making the
model of Jamaica.

Understand and accept that some

prices may vary or might not be
directly proportionate because of
other factors such as cost
incurred to blast mountains in
hilly areas.
Students should make their own

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Use ratio ideas to find unknown quantities;

- Describe sharing proportionally using ratios;

- Formulate and solve simple equations using ratios.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Conduct a research on how other toll rates are charged by other countries
Review, Memory Recall, Draw, Identify, Apply Concepts,
Analyze, Critique, Compare, Investigate, Measure, Infer, Solve

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Computers/tablets/smartphones Ratio, proportion, scatterplot, toll road, toll plaza,
Internet access
Copies of the tables needed for each activity

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.
Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
Estimate and approximate to the nearest hundredths, tenths, etc.



Standard Objectives:
- Identify different types of bank accounts with their characteristic
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, features;
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real world - Complete withdrawal and deposit forms when banking and
problems involving fractions, percentages and decimals, and apply principles of know how to write a cheque;
computation to solve real world problems. - Use simple proportions of principal, rate and time to develop the
Simple Interest;
- Calculate simple interest on loans and deposits;
- Calculate compounded interest using a calculator (using a
recursive method);
- Calculate total cost in a hire purchase agreement and compare
Hire Purchase Price and Cost Price;
- Calculate discounts and taxes from given instructions.
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: Demonstration and understanding

Discuss with students how money of money by creating and/or
In groups, visit a bank or otherwise, observe and obtain information about circulates from one person to the explaining the process
types of savings accounts available and the interest rates available for each other.
one. Creatively present the information to the class highlighting key
information such as similarities and differences. This can be presented using an Operating a business
electronic resource such as smart phones, tablet and so on through a movie, Students should collect samples
power point…, of deposit and withdrawal slips. Correct completion of forms
associated with banking slips
Groups will operate at different Justify why that interest rate was
In groups, operate their own bank or business. Each group should offer a times in order to be the charged
different service such as saving, chequing/business accounts, loans and hire customers of the other groups.
purchase. They should be given different roles such as customer service, teller, Create a criteria marking scheme Calculating interest on principal
manager…, for the operation of the business
Create vouchers required for their own business. As business owners, calculate
the interest that should be charged to get maximum but reasonable profits. Have students discuss why they Ability to make wise financial decisions
can’t charge too much or too
little of interest.
Cut-out and/or collect advertisement with hire purchases, sales, discounts,
loans, taxes, etc. Use advertisements to compute appropriate calculations. Guide students to calculate the
appropriate type of interest
simple or compounded..,
according to the type of business

Students should discuss at the

end of the presentations which
service would be the best for the
entrepreneur to invest in and
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Identify different bank accounts by their characteristic features;
- Complete withdrawal and deposit slips associated with banking and know how to write a cheque;
- Calculate Simple Interest on loans and deposits (SI);
- Use calculator to find compound interest;
- Determine total cost in hire purchase agreements and make comparisons between cash price and hire purchase prices;
- Find discounts and associated tax from given scenarios.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Research the development of the banking system.

Observe, calculate, analyse, compare, select, advise, create, share, Research security in the financial sector
discuss, evaluate

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Computers/tablets/smartphones Bank accounts, Withdrawal, Deposit, Cheque, Proportions, Principal
Internet access Rate, Time, Simple Interest, Loans, Compound Interest, Cost Price
Copies of the tables needed for each activity Hire Purchase, Discounts, Taxes
Websites to generate charts and templates
Financial Periodicals
Samples of banking documents

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.


About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Derive formulae;
- Area of triangles, parallelograms and trapezia;
- Total surface area of solids;
- Volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with known altitude);
- Use formulae to solve problems involving area, total surface area and volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with known
- Differentiate between capacity and volume;
- Convert between units of measure up to cubic units;

Prior Learning
Check that students can:
- Perform the four basic operations on numbers;
- Apply the properties of solids;
- Apply the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to solve problems.

UNIT TITLE: : Areas, Volumes, Capacity

Standard Objectives:
- Derive and use the formulae for the area of (a) parallelograms,
Use the correct units, tools and attributes to estimate, compare and carry out
the processes of measurement to given degree of accuracy.
(b) triangles ( ), (c) trapezia;
- Compute the total surface area of cubes, cuboids, cylinders and
triangular prisms (using only triangles where the area can be

calculated using for the triangular prism);

- Perform conversion within units up to cubed units;
- Establish formulas and, estimate and calculate the volume and
capacity of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, and composite

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: ● Students should be Correct application of the area of a

encouraged to be as rectangle to derive formulae of
Design and make a model of a water catchment system for your school or creative as possible. area of a triangle and parallelogram
home. Calculate the volume of the model tank. Model Tank should be designed ● Encourage discussions to
for above ground storage. Model should be made using recycled material. bring out the concept of Accurate use of derived formulae
Determine the amount of material needed to build the actual water catchment volume and capacity, and its to determine the area of given
system. The tank should be able to hold at least 10,000 Litres. importance to our daily life. shapes
● Designs should be
presented to the school’s
● Discuss the standard and
non-standard units of
measurement with

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Derive formulae for calculating the:
- Area of triangles, parallelograms and trapezia;
- Total surface area of solids;
- Volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with known altitude);
- Use formulae to solve problems involving area, total surface area and volume of prisms (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and triangular prisms with
known altitude);
- Differentiate between capacity and volume;
- Convert between units of measure up to cubic units;

Key Skills Extended Learning

Draw diagrams, Construct shapes, Draw conclusions, Derive Research the implications of drought on the school environment.
formulae, Construct shapes, Observe, Translate shapes, Observe
shapes, Recall formulae, Apply formulae, Divide shapes, Create

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Computers/tablets/smart phones Trapezia, trapezium, cylinder, volume, capacity, prism, cubic units, surface
Internet access area.
Copies of the tables needed for each activity
Websites to generate charts and templates
Computer, Magazines, Cubes, Boxes, Rulers, Templates of trapezia
of varying orientations and sizes, Scissors (for cutting out shapes),
Cylinders , Magazines, Newspapers, Glue, Scrapbooks, Worksheets

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.

About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Grid with points plotted;

- Group participation, discussions and activities;

- Plot lines on grids;

- Identify and write coordinates;

- Real-life problem situations;

- Share and compare results;

- Calculation gradients of given lines;

- Y – Intercepts;

- Linear inequalities;

- Represent pairs of linear equations on graph paper.


UNIT TITLE: : Relations, Functions & Graphs

Standard Objectives:
Plot the ordered pairs of a mapping as a graph;
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and
formulae to interpret, model and solve problems involving unknown
- Draw straight line graphs of the form

quantities. by (a)plotting points,(b)using the gradient and intercept;

- Determine gradients and intercepts of straight line graphs;
- Relate gradient of a graph to the rate of change of quantities;
- Find the equation of straight lines;
- Plot two linear equations on the same pair of axes and interpret
the point(s) of intersection (if any);
- Graph linear inequalities on the coordinate plane and identify
regions on the graph.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: Points plotted correctly

● Discuss with students the Lines drawn on grids
Design a catchment system such as a bottle located in an elevated position meaning of the gradient List of coordinates
from which water is dripping from a single hole into a measuring cylinder. as a rate of change identified and written
Students will record the volume of water at given time intervals. For example, Correctly calculate the gradient of
every 1 minute and record this in a table. The information in the table will be ● Establish the meaning of given lines given any two points on
then used to plot a graph . Students will participate in a discussion about the the y intercept ( occuring the line
rate at which the water is being collected in the measuring cylinder and how at t=0) Correctly identify the gradient of a
this can be determined by the graph drawn. This activity is then repeated using line from its given equation.
two holes (or more) after which students compare their graphs and the Discuss
with students the meaning of gradient as a rate of change. Identify y – intercepts correctly
rate at which the water is being collected in both instances
Students will then repeat the activity starting with an initial amount of water in Tables on inequalities correctly
the cylinder and again compare the graphs. completed.

Representations of given
simultaneous equations on graphs

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Complete grid with points plotted accurately;
- Cooperatively engage in group participation, discussions and activities;
- Draw lines correctly;
- Identify and write list of coordinates correctly;
- Accurately calculate gradients of given lines;
- Correctly identify y – intercepts;
- Correctly complete teacher generated tables on linear inequalities in groups;
- Accurately represent pairs of linear equations on same axes.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Calculate gradients, draw lines correctly, plot points correctly, Challenge students to make a floor map of their bedroom on grid paper or
identify intercepts, write list of coordinates correctly, correctly on graph sheet. Include the axes. Plot coordinates to indicate the location
compete supplied tables. of important parts of the room i.e. bed, closet, study table etc.
Research the uses of coordinates in real-life situations e.g. travelling,
locating etc.

Investigate the importance of gradients in building roads, ramps,

staircases, etc.
Resources: Key vocabulary:
Computers/tablets/smart phones Coordinates, Points, Relation, Function, Graph, Axes, Gradient,
Internet access, Grid/graph, Ruler, GeoGebra software Hypotenuse, Intercept, Rate of change, Quantity, Equation

Links to other subjects:

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks.


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.

Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.
About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Constructions of given angles;

- Geometric instruments used during various constructions;
- Use bisector to divide angles.


UNIT TITLE: Constructions

Standard: Objectives:
Construct, using appropriate geometric instruments:
Explore paths, geometric shapes and space and make generalization about - Angle bisectors;
geometric relationships within the environment. - Angles of 900, 450 , 600 , 300
- Triangles.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: Angles constructed

View the presentation on constructing angles on In the absence of internet the
http://www.mathopenref.com/constangle30.html teacher should use screen Correct use of appropriate
capture software to record the geometric instruments
Design the front view of a house using the 90, 45, 60, 30 degree angles. videos.
Accurate use of angle bisector
Students should be exposed to
tools used by professionals to
bisect angles. For example the
Carpenter’s square.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Construct angles accurately;
- Use appropriate geometric instruments during various s constructions;
- Use bisector correctly to divide angles evenly.

Key Skills Extended Learning

Draw angles, Memory recall, Derive, Compute, Scribe arcs,
Label points Students should be required to build a model house.

Resources: Key vocabulary:

Geometric instruments, Internet, Computer, Journals, suggested Angles, Construct, Triangle, Bisector, Degrees
website in points to note above

Links to other subjects:


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out multi step calculations.

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1 creativity and innovation: explore a range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for solutions utilizing new
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: use the design process in planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2 Explore methods and procedures: use resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 3 Apply solutions: manage resources with the aid of appropriate technologies in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 2: explore methods and procedures: make informed decisions in the selection of materials, tools and equipment and
demonstrate increasing skill in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 3: apply solutions: build practical skills and the technical competencies necessary for effecting a solution/outcome.
Physical Education:

- Attainment target: games and sports: exhibit the capacity to cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate with others in
regular practice in order to refine technique
- Attainment target: team tactics: Demonstrate advanced strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the role/roles of player,
coach or spectator.

About the Unit

In this Unit students will learn about/to:

- Subsets of given sets;

- Determine the number of possible subsets of a given set;
- Analyze information from a Venn diagram;
- The intersection of sets;
- Elements of given sets.



Standard: Objectives:
- Determine the number of subsets of a given set;
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, - List all the possible subsets of a given set (number of elements
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real world in the given set should not exceed 4);
problems involving fractions, percentages and decimals, and apply principles of
- Solve simple problems involving, at most, two subsets of the
computation to solve real world problems.
universal set.
- Understand the concept of proposition and use the language
of logic ( negation, conjunction, disjunction, if…then,
- Identify and differentiate between simple and compound
- Express simple and compound propositions algebraically using
appropriate terminology and vice versa

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Points to Note Assessment

Students will: Pictures correctly labelled.

Allow students to work in groups Flow chart reflects correct
In groups, be given pictures, or carry pictures, of the universe, a galaxy and of not less than 3 information.
stars, and separate labels with the names. Attach the labels to the pictures. Use Aspects of logic ought to be
the labelled pictures to create a flowchart showing the relationships among Relationship among universe,
them (see example below).
linked with other areas in galaxy and star correctly
mathematics i.e. statistics, represented in set notation.
Representation of the universal
Figure 1. Flow chart sets, algebra. Have students set and its subsets using a Venn
collect the information before
Use mathematical set notation to illustrate the relationship among the
concepts universe, galaxy and star (see examples below). the actual lesson so that they Accurate analyses of information
illustrated in Venn diagrams.
will have the data to work

Figure 2. Set diagram Expression 1: Set Notation with. The activity is not
restricted to the two items
used in the suggested
This is a group activity or entire class activity.
Have students collect information on how many of them, in the class, The students could be given a
have a DVD player at home and how many have computers at home. The
matching exercise to express
results should be recorded in the table below.
the worded propositions
symbolically and vice versa.

Students should be able to

construct a Venn diagram or
shade the region(s) of a Venn
diagram that corresponds
with each proposition
(negation, conjunction,
disjunction, implication)

Have students provide answers to the following questions. Let p and q

represent the following simple propositions:
p: I have a computer
q: I have a DVD player
Write each of the following propositions in symbolic form.
(i) I do not have a computer
(ii) I have a computer and a DVD player
(iii) I do not have a DVD player nor a computer
(iv) I do not have a computer but I have a DVD player
(v) It is not true that I have a computer and a DVD player

b) Represent each of the following symbolic propositions in words.

c) Use a Venn diagram to represent the information given in the

table and answer the following questions.
(i) How many children did not have a DVD player at home?

(ii) How many children had a computer at home?

(iii) How many children did not have a computer or a DVD player
at home?

(iv) How many children were in the class?

(v) What is the probability that a student chosen at random

a) Had a computer at home?

b) Had a computer or a DVD player at home?

c) Had neither a computer nor a DVD player at home?

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
List subsets of a given set;
Use formula to determine the number of possible subsets of a given set;
Analyze information from a Venn diagram, involving the intersection of at most two sets;
List elements of simple set problems.
Write simple and compound propositions in algebraic form
Convert simple and compound propositions from algebraic form to English-like form and vice versa

Key Skills Extended Learning:

Explore, Deduce, Record, Arrange, Select, Simulate, Analyse, Observe, - Students should examine their solar system and compare each planet's
Categorize distance from the sun. Calculate the time it would take to travel from
earth to each planet and identify the fastest mode of travel. Distance
should be stated in standard form. Students should also calculate who
old they would be on arrival to the named planet.

- Research the composition of clean air.

Resources: Key Vocabulary:

Assortment of objects, Worksheets, Internet, Computer, Accessories Sets, Subsets, Universal sets, Complement, Null/empty, Venn Diagram, truth
table, implication, proposition, equivalence, disjunction, conjunction, negation,
Links to other subjects: compound proposition, simple proposition, logic


- Analyze experimental data and allow for anomalies. Carry out

multi step calculations.

Technical and vocational:

- Attainment target 1: Creativity and innovation: Explore a

range of problem solving contexts and develop ideas for
solutions utilizing new technologies;
- Attainment target 3: Apply solutions: Use the design process in
planning the execution of solution for an identified problem;
- Attainment target 2: Explore methods and procedures: Use
resources efficiently and use appropriate techniques in the
execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 3 Apply solutions: Manage resources with
the aid of appropriate technologies in the execution of tasks;
- Attainment target 2: Explore methods and procedures: Make
informed decisions in the selection of materials, tools and
equipment and demonstrate increasing skill in the execution of
- Attainment target 3: Apply solutions: Build practical skills and
the technical competencies necessary for effecting a
Physical Education:

- Attainment target: Games and sports: Exhibit the capacity to

cope with new and varied skill difficulties and to cooperate
with others in regular practice in order to refine technique;
- Attainment target: Team tactics: Demonstrate advanced
strategies and tactics in competitive play and undertake the
role/roles of player, coach or spectator.

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