Unlted States Patent (191 (11) Patent Number: 5,004,060: Barbagli Et A1. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 2, 1991
Unlted States Patent (191 (11) Patent Number: 5,004,060: Barbagli Et A1. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 2, 1991
Unlted States Patent (191 (11) Patent Number: 5,004,060: Barbagli Et A1. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 2, 1991
[54] TRACKED VEHICLE WITH AN EPICYCLIC 1147142 10/1960 France ................................ .. 475/23
STEERING DIFFERENTIAL 2540058 8/1984 France .... .. . 180/644
_ _ _ 32528 3/1978 Japan . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. 180/644
[751 Inventors: Rilw Orwe Blrbash; Gwrsw De 653162 3/1919 U.S.S.R. ISO/6.44
Castelli, both Of Borgaretto, Italy 1399203 5/ 1988 U.S.S.R. 180/644
. . 933125 8/1963 United King om . . . . . . . . . .. 475/28
[73] Asslgnee Flat?wtech S-P-A" Mmena Italy 8200867 3/1982 World Im. Prop. 0. .......... .. 475/23
[21] Appl' N" 263300 Primary Examiner-Mitchell J. Hill
[22] Filed: Oct. 27, 1988 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn,
[51] Int. c1.5 ............................................ .. 13621) 11/18 Macpeak 8 $635
[52] U.S. Cl. ......................... .. 180/6-44; 4;: [57] ABSTRACT
[58] Field of Search .................... .. 180/644, 6.2, 6.24, A tracked vehicle is provided with an epicyclic steering
130/616, 63, 6,32, 643; 475/23, 23 differential interposed between the internal combustion
_ engine and the track drive wheels. A reversible hydrau
[56] References cued lic motor is operatively associated with the differential
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS for operating the steering of the vehicle. The differen
tial includes a double epicyclic train which divides the
3,371,734 3/1968 Zaunberger et a1. ............... .. 475/23
3,450,218 6/1969 Looker ...... .. 180/644 torque from the internal combustion engine. The hy
3,530,741 9/1970 Charest .... .. 475/28 draulic motor acts on two elements of the train which
4,718,508 l/1988 Tervola ..... .. 180/644 are connected for rotation with each other about the
4,813,506 3/1989 Smith ............................... .. 180/644 central axis of the differential, and which rotate in equi
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS librium with each other when the vehicle is travelling a
straight line.
1154724 9/1963 Fed. Rep. of Germany ...... .. 475/28
2053698 5/1972 Fed. Rep. of Germany 180/644
2055380 5/ 1972 Fed. Rep. of Germany 180/644 2 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
l1L I
1:2.1: :]
20 22
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1991 Sheet 1 of s
US. Patent vApr. 2, 1991 sheet 4 of 5 5,004,060
5O 24
57 28
53 60
so 26
43a E0 00
U.S. Patent Apr. 2, 1991 Sheet 5 of 5 _
FIG. 11
\" 4H; 38
, /32a
5,004,060 2
STEERING DIFFERENTIAL Further characteristics and advantages of the present
invention will become clear from the detailed descrip
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 tion which follows with reference to the appended
drawings, provided by way of non-limiting example, in
The present invention relates to a tracked vehicle which:
including an internal combustion engine, an epicyclic FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective view which shows
steering differential driven by the engine and adapted to a tracked vehicle provided with a transmission system
rotate the drive wheels, and a reversible auxiliary motor according to the invention,
operatively associated with the differential for operat FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the transmission system
ing the steering of the vehicle. of the vehicle of FIG. 1,
In vehicles of the above type, the rotation in one FIG. 3 is a schematic plan view of the differential of
sense or the other of the auxiliary motor which acts on FIGS. 1-2,
an input shaft of the differential steers the vehicle to the FIG. 4 is a schematic view of a differential similar to
right or the left with considerably less power loss than that of FIG. 3,
is typical of well-known traditional epicyclic or brake FIG. 5 is a schematic elevational view of the epicy
and-clutch steering systems. clic train B as viewed in the direction of the arrows V
On the other hand, systems with such epicyclic steer in FIGS. 3 and 4 with the differential in a condition
ing differentials are quite complex and bulky and in 20 corresponding to the advance of the vehicle in a straight
clude a large number of associated epicyclic trains. line,
FIG. 6 is a schematic elevational view of the epicy
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION clic train A as viewed in the direction of the arrows VI
The object of the present invention is to provide, a in FIGS. 3 and 4 with the differential in a condition
tracked vehicle having an epicyclic steering different 25 corresponding to the advance of the vehicle in a straight
which does not have the above disadvantages and line, FIG. 7 is a schematic view similar to FIG. 5 and
which is simple, compact and cheap to produce. shows the differential in a condition corresponding to
According to the invention, this object is achieved by the steering of the vehicle to the left,
virtue of the fact that the differential includes ?rst and FIG. 8 is schematic similar to FIG. 6 and shows the
second epicyclic trains having a common central axis 30 differential in a condition corresponding to the steering
and each provided with three mutually cooperating of the vehicle to the left,
elements (a sun gear, a planet carrier, a ring gear); the FIG. 9 is a partially-sectioned plan view of a differen
internal combustion engine drives the differential in tial produced according to the diagram of FIG. 3,
FIG. 10 is a schematic view of another embodiment
correspondence with two ?rst elements (a ring gear and
35 of a differential according to the invention, and
a planet carrier) of the ?rst and second epicyclic trains FIG. 11 is a schematic view of a further embodiment
respectively, which are fast for rotation with each other of the steering, differential.
about the central axis; the auxiliary motor is associated
with the differential in correspondence with two second DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
planetary elements of the ?rst and second epicyclic INVENTION
trains, which are fast for rotation with each other about With reference to the drawings, a transmission sys
the central axis; the differential rotates the drive wheels tem for tracked vehicles is generally indicated 10 and
in correspondence with two third elements (a planet includes a gearbox 12 connected to an internal combus
carrier and a ring gear) of the ?rst and second epicyclic tion engine 14, a differential 16 connected to the gear
trains respectively; speed reduction means are inter 45 box 12 by means of a transmission shaft 42, and a pair of
posed between the third elements and the driving gear reduction units 20 interposed between the differen
wheels for re-equilibrating the driving torques and the tial 16 and the drive wheels R. The differential 16 is
rates of rotation. operatively connected at 22 to a hydraulic motor I
By virtue of the above characteristics, the driving driven by a hydraulic pump P which is in turn driven by
torque input to the differential is distributed to two 50 the internal combustion engine 14 through a hydraulic
elements of the trains which are fast with each other for circuit E.
rotation, producing a very reliable differential. More As will be explained in the description below, the
over, the said two second elements which are adapted reversible hydraulic motor I provides for the steering of
to be rotated by the auxiliary motor do not require the tracked vehicle by the differentiation of the speeds
braking when the auxiliary motor is stopped, since they 55 of the drive wheels R and of the tracks C associated
are in equilibrium with forces opposing rotation be therewith.
tween them when the vehicle is travelling in a straight The differential 16 includes a casing 24 which is ?xed
line with equal torques required at the drive wheels. ?rmly to the structure of the vehicle and contains ?rst
The steering differential of the vehicle according to and second epicyclic trains, A and B respectively, hav
the invention does not require the use of brakes or ing a common central axis X-X. The ?rst epicyclic train
clutches to steer the vehicle, which is entirely to the A is constituted by a central sun gear 26, a planet carrier
bene?t of an efficient transfer of driving torque to the 28, planet gears 30 supported for rotation by the planet
tracks, even in conditions of non-straight-line travel. carrier 28 and meshed with the sun gear 26, and by an
Preferably, the ?rst two elements of the trains are internally-toothed ring gear 32 meshed with the planet
respectively the ring gear of the ?rst train and the 65 gears 30. Similarly, the second epicyclic train B in
planet carrier of the second train and the second two cludes a central sun gear 34, a planet carrier 36 which
elements are the respective sun gears of the ?rst and supports planet gears 38 for rotation, and an internally
second trains. toothed ring gear 49.
3 - 4
The planet carrier 28 is rotated about the axis X-X planet carrier 36 of the second epicyclic train B is thus
by the drive shaft 42 arranged longitudinally of the cancelled out (the rotation of the planet gears 38 about
tracked vehicle and on which a brake F is mounted themselves is shown by the arrow S in FIG. 7). The
through a pair of bevel gears 42a. The planet carrier 28 left-hand track is therefore stopped. The velocity V5 of
of the ?rst epicyclic train A is connected for rotation the sun gear 26 of the ?rst train A causes an increase in
with the ring gear 49 of the second epicyclic train B by the velocity of the ring gear 32 of the ?rst train A with
means of one gear of the pair of bevel gears 420. More a consequent doubling of the tangential velocity V3 of
over, the sun gear 26 of the ?rst train A is rigidly con the ring gear 32. The result is that the speed of advance
nected to the sun gear 34 of the second train B and both of the right-hand track is doubled with respect to the
are rotated by the hydraulic motor I by means of a drive condition of movement in a straight line, enabling the
shaft 43. The ring gear 32 of the ?rst train A is con desired steering to be achieved.
nected for rotation with a bevel gear 320 which is FIG. 9 shows a differential 16 which corresponds to
meshed with a corresponding bevel gear 33 keyed to a the diagram of FIG. 3. The drive shaft 42 is mounted for
?rst output shaft 35 mounted for rotation relative to the rotation relative to the casing 24 of the differential with
casing 24 of the differential and adapted to drive one of 15 the interposition of the cylindrical rolling bearings 50
the reduction units 20. Similarly, a bevel gear 360 is and is keyed at 51 to the planet carrier 28 which carries
keyed to the planet carrier 36 of the second train B and three pins 52 arranged at 120 to each other, on which
is adapted to cooperate with a corresponding bevel gear the planet gears 30 are mounted with the interposition
37 keyed to a second output shaft 39 of the differential of rolling bearings 53. The planet carrier 28 is keyed at
16 and adapted to drive the reduction unit 20 associated 20 54 to the internally-toothed ring 49 which faces the ring
with one of the tracks C. gear 32 and is adapted to cooperate with the planet
The differential illustrated in FIG. 4 is similar to that gears 38. The latter are mounted for rotation on pins 55
illustrated in FIG. 3, with the single substantial differ ?xed ?rmly to the planet carrier 36 which has a tubular
ence that the common axis XX of the two trains A portion 36b and a portion 360 which is formed as a ring
and B is arranged transverse the shaft 42 driven by the 25 bevel gear. The planet carrier 36 is mounted for rotation
engine 14. In FIG. 4, the similar components are indi relative to the casing 24 with the interposition of ta
cated by the same reference numerals as used up to pered roller bearings 56.
now. The drive shaft 42 simultaneously rotates the The drive shaft 43 connected at 43a to the hydraulic
planet carrier 28 of the ?rst train A and the ring gear 49 motor I is inserted in correspondence with the tubular
of the second train B by means of a pair of bevel gears 30 portion 36b of the planet carrier 36 and two gears con
42a. The drive from the differential 16 is output to the stituting the sun gears 26 and 34 are keyed thereto. The
reduction units 20 in correspondence with the gear 32a planet gears 30 of the ?rst epicyclic train A mesh with
which is connected for rotation with the ring gear 32 of the ring gear 32 which is keyed at 57 to a tubular ele
the ?rst train A. Similarly, the gear 360 for driving the ment 58 mounted coaxially with the shaft 42 for rotation
corresponding reduction unit 20 is keyed to the planet 35 relative to the casing 24 of the differential 16, with the
carrier 36 of the second train B, coaxially with the axis interposition of tapered roller bearings 59. The tubular
X-X, by means of a hollow shaft 13. The drive shaft 43 element 58 has a portion 320 which is formed as a bevel
connected to the hydraulic motor I is mounted for rota pinion and is adapted to mesh with the corresponding
tion coaxially with the hollow shaft 13. ring bevel gear 33 ?xed for rotation with the hub 35
With reference to FIG. 5, the tangential velocity which is mounted for rotation relative to the differential
input to the differential 16 in correspondence with the casing 24 with the interposition of tapered roller bear
ring gear 49 of the second train B is indicated V1; simi ings 60. Similarly, the ring bevel gear portion 360 of the
larly, the tangential velocity of the planet carrier 36 of planet carrier 36 meshes with the corresponding ring
the second train B is indicated V2. In the same way, in bevel gear 37 keyed to the hub 39 which is mounted for
FIG. 6, V3 indicates the tangential velocity of the ring 45 rotation relative to the differential casing 24 with the
gear 32 rotated by the planet gears 30 carried by the interposition of tapered roller bearings 61.
planet carrier 28 which has a tangential velocity indi FIGS. 10 and 11 show two further embodiments of
cated V4. The condition illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6 the differential 16. With reference to FIG. 10, the two
relates to the condition in which the vehicle is moving spur gears 132a and 1360 which form part of the differ
in a straight line, wherein the sun gears 26 and 34 are 50 ential are not longer positioned one at each output of
stationary and give rise to identical and opposite reac the differential 16, but are both arranged at a single
tion torques (with equal torques required by the tracks output and mesh with each other in order to achieve the
C). In this case, the hydraulic motor I is not subject to speed correction of the output to the reduction units 20
any reaction force. Since the angular velocities of rota and also to correct the sense of the drive, since the
tion of the ring gear 32 of the ?rst train A and of the 55 output senses of the two trains A and B are different in
planet carrier 36 of the second train B are different from this con?guration. In this solution, the drive input by
each other, the bevel or spur gears, together with the the shaft 42 takes place by means of a bevel pinion 42b
reduction units 20, must ensure an equal rate of rotation which is adapted to transmit the drive to the sum gears
of the drive wheels R. 26 and 34. The planet carrier 36 of the second train B
FIGS. 7-8, which are similar to FIGS. 5 and 6, show and the ring gear 32 of the ?rst train A are rotated by
the con?guration of the differential 16 during steering the hydraulic motor I by means of a bevel gear pan 65
to the left with a steering radius, relative to the centre one of which is connected to both the carrier 36 and the
line of the vehicle, equal to half the gauge (inner track ring gear 32. Again, in the solution of FIG. 10, if the
stopped). In order to achieve this steering, the revers ratios of the two epicyclic trains A and B are appropri
ible hydraulic motor I must rotate the sun gears 34 and 65 ately de?ned in accordance with the ratio between the
26 with a tangential velocity V5 which is at a predeter gears 32a and 360, the reaction torques of the planet
mined ratio to the tangential velocity V3 of the ring gear carrier 36 of the second train B and the ring gear 32 of
49 of the second train B. The velocity of rotation of the the ?rst train A are identical and opposed (for given
5 6
equal torques on the tracks C), so that reactions to the out thereby departing from the scope of the present
reversible hydraulic motor I are avoided. invention.
The embodiment illustrated in FIG. 11 is similar in What is claimed is:
principle to that of FIG. 10 and differs from the latter in 1. A tracked vehicle including an internal combustion
the different positioning of the epicyclic trains A and B, 5 engine, track drive wheels, an epicyclic steering differ
which are arranged with the axis X-X coincident with ential driven by the engine and adapted to rotate the
the axis of the input shaft 42. The outputs to the reduc drive wheels, and a reversible auxiliary motor opera
tion units 20 are arranged in correspondence with bevel tively associated with the differential for operating the
gears 67 and 66 which are meshed with corresponding steering of the vehicle, wherein:
bevel ring gears 32a and 36a keyed to the ring gear 49 a differential includes ?rst and second epicyclic trains
of the second train B and to the planet carrier 28 of the having a common central axis and each provided
?rst train A, respectively. with a sun gear, a planet carrier and a ring gear
With reference to the embodiments illustrated in mutually cooperating with each other;
FIGS. 3-4, if the number of teeth of the spur or bevel the internal combustion engine being connected for
gear 360 associated with the train B is indicated N}, the 15 rotation with the planet carrier of the ?rst epicyclic
number of teeth of the spur or bevel gear 320 associated train and the ring gear of the second epicyclic train
with the train A is indicated N,", and the number of respectively, the planet carrier of the ?rst epicyclic
teeth of the elements of the epicyclic trains is indicated train and the ring gear of the second epicyclic train
N, (where it represents the reference numeral of the being connected for rotation with each other about
corresponding element), the following equation must 20 the central axis,
apply for correct kinematic operation of the differential the auxiliary motor being connected for rotation with
16: the sun gears of the ?rst and second epicyclic trains
respectively, the sun gears being connected for
_ ___2___
rotation with each other about the central axis,
' (N32 + N26) - MI 25 the differential having output means connected with
the ring gear of the ?rst epicyclic train and the
Similarly, for the embodiments illustrated in FIGS. planet carrier of the second epicyclic train, and
10-11, the following equation is established: speed reduction means connected between the output
means and the drive wheels.
30 2. A vehicle according to claim 1, including a differ
N32 + N26
N26 ential casing ?xed to the vehicle structure, wherein the
differential includes:
All the embodiments of the differential 16 described up a ?rst shaft arranged substantially longitudinally of
to now have the same operating characteristics. With 35 the vehicle and supported for rotation by the cas
the reversible hydraulic motor I stopped, the vehicle ing, the ?rst shaft being driven by the internal com
will travel in a straight line. Moreover, when equal bustion engine and being keyed to the planet car
torques are required by the tracks C there will be zero rier of the ?rst train and to the ring gear of the
torque on the reversible hydraulic motor I. The rotation second train,
of the hydraulic motor I connected to two different a second shaft coaxial with the first shaft and
elements of the two trains A and B will cause steering to mounted for rotation relative to the casing, the
the right or the left in dependence on the sense of rota second shaft being rotated by the auxiliary motor
tion of the hydraulic motor, without power loss, the and the respective sun gears of the ?rst and second
speed of the inner track being reduced and that of the trains being keyed to the said second shaft,
outer track being simultaneously increased and the av 45 a ?rst bevel gear supported by the casing for rotation
erage speed of the vehicle consequently being main coaxially with the ?rst shaft and keyed to the ring
tained. The average steering radius depends both on the gear of the first train,
rate of rotation of the hydraulic motor I and on the a second bevel gear supported by the casing for rota
average speed of the vehicle. If the rate of rotation of tion coaxially with the second shaft and keyed to
the hydraulic motor I is kept constant, the steering 50 the planet carrier of the second train,
radius of the vehicle will decrease as the average speed a pair of hubs supported by the casing for rotation
decreases; in fact, at an average speed of zero the vehi about an axis transverse the axis of the first and
cle will rotate about itself, since the tracks C will be second shafts and adapted to rotate the drive
counter-rotating. wheels, and
It is understood that, the principle of the invention 5 a pair of ring bevel gears keyed to the hubs respec
remaining the same, the forms of embodiment and de tively and meshed with the ?rst and second bevel
tails of construction may easily be varied with respect gears respectively.
0 I t 0 i
to those described and illustrated in the drawings, with