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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,455,474
Flynn (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 3, 1995
(54. MAGNETIC MOTOR CONSTRUCTION 4,972,112 11/1990 Kim ........................................ 310,181.
5,179,307 1/1993 Porter ...................................... 310,268
(75) Inventor: Charles J. Flynn, Kansas City, Mo. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
73) Assignee: Magnetic Revolutions Limited L.L.C., 21.0005 7/1960 Germany ............................... 310/18
St. Louis, Mo. 0025153 2/1982 Japan ..... ... 310/18
01521078 9/1982 Japan ..................................... 31.0/52
21 Appl. No.: 902,952 0002840 1A1987 Japan a a o O -- 31.0/52

22 Filled: 23, 1992 Primary

ry Examiner-Clayton
y E. LaBalle
22 File Jun. 23, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Haverstock, Garrett & Roberts
151) Int. Cl." ............................ H02K 1/17; HO2K 1/27;
H02K11/00, H02K29/10 (57 ABSTRACT
52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 310/181; 310/152; 310/154; The present invention relates to an apparatus having spaced
310/156; 310/268; 310/68 B permanent magnets positioned so that there is magnetic
58) Field of Search .................................. 310/68 B, 152, interaction between them, and controlling the interaction by
310/154, 156, 181, 268; 335/126, 131, having a coil in the space between the permanent magnets
272; 318/254 connected to a source of electric potential and a controllable
switch in series such that closing the switch places a voltage
56) References Cited across the coil and predeterminately affects the magnetic
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS interaction between the spaced permanent magnets. The
invention also teaches mounting one of the permanent
3,096,467 7/1963 Angus et al. ........................... 38/138 magnets on a rotatable structure so that the spaced perma
3,569,806 3/1971 Brailsford .... ... 38/254 nent magnets can move relative to each other, the control
3.679,189 6/1972 Monroe ................................... 30/81 lable switch operating to control the application of electric
3.E. kiOllic .....- 39: potential across the coil in such a manner as to produce
4,151,431 4/1979 Johnson .................................... 310/12 R rotational movement between the spaced permanent
4,187,441 2/1980 Oney ............ 310/112 magnets.
4,758,756 7/1988 Pouillange ....... ... 310/152
4,875,110 10/1989 Kazama et al., ......................... 310/268 25 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 1 of 7 5,455,474
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 2 of 7 5,455,474

U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 3 of 7 5,455,474

A767. /2


A77. /4
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 4 of 7 5,455,474
1. A2O


Y 3O A22 E
32 A32
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 5 of 7 5,455,474
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 6 of 7 5,455,474

W 2/2 A767. 2/
U.S. Patent Oct. 3, 1995 Sheet 7 of 7 5,455,474
1. 2
MAGNETIC MOTOR CONSTRUCTION for coupling and/or decoupling relatively moveable perma
nent magnets to produce motion.
Another object is to provide novel means for controlling
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the coupling and decoupling of relatively moveable perma
nent magnets.
The present invention is an improvement over the inven
tions disclosed in Flynn et al and Flynn pending patent Another object is to make the generation of rotational
applications Ser. Nos. 07/322,121 and 07/828,703, filed energy less expensive and more reliable.
Mar. 13, 1988 and Jan. 31, 1992 respectively. The devices Another object is to teach a novel way of generating
disclosed in the pending applications relate to means to 10 energy by varying magnetic interaction forces between
produce useful energy using permanent magnets as the permanent magnets.
driving source. This is also true of the present invention Another object is to provide an inexpensive way of
which represents an important improvement over the known producing energy.
constructions and one which is simpler to construct, can be Another object is to provide a substitute source of energy
made to be self starting, is easier to adjust, and is less likely 15 for use in places where conventional motors, generators and
to get out of adjustment. The present construction is also engines are used.
relatively easy to control, is relatively stable and produces an These and other objects and advantages of the present
amazing amount of output energy considering the source of invention will become apparent after considering the fol
driving energy that is used. The present construction, like the lowing detailed specification of preferred embodiments in
constructions disclose in the earlier applications, makes use 20 conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
of permanent magnets as the source of driving energy but
teaches a novel means of controlling the magnetic interac BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
tion or coupling between the magnet members and in a
manner which is relatively rugged, produces a substantial FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of a magnetically
amount of output energy and torque, and in a device capable 25 powered device constructed according to the present inven
of being used to generate substantial amounts of energy that tion;
is useful for many different purposes. FIG. 2 is an exploded view of the device shown in FIG.
The present invention resides in a fixed support structure 1;
having one or more fixed permanent magnets such as an FIG. 3 is a fragmentary elevational view showing a
annular permanent magnet mounted thereon with the pole 30
relationship between one of the movable magnet members
faces of the permanent magnet located adjacent opposite and the non-movable magnet member in one position of the
faces thereof. The device has one or a plurality of relatively device;
flat coils arranged in a coplanar manner about the periphery
on one of the opposite faces of the fixed permanent magnet, FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 3 but showing the
and it has means for journaling a shaft member that extends 35 relationship between the other of the movable magnet mem
through the permanent magnet with one or more other bers and the non-movable magnet member in the same
permanent magnet members attached thereto at spaced loca position of the device;
tions, each of the one or more spaced magnets having one of FIG. 5 is a fragmentary view similar to FIG. 3 but
its magnetic poles positioned adjacent to the fixed perma showing a repulsion interaction between the relatively mov
nent magnet with the plane of the coils positioned therebe 40 able permanent magnet members;
tween, the spaced permanent magnets and the fixed perma FIG. 6 is a view similar to FIG. 4 for the condition shown
nent magnet having their polarities arranged to produce a in FIG. 5;
magnetic interaction such as magnetic coupling or magnetic FIG. 7 is a side elevational view showing another embodi
repulsion therebetween. The device also includes journal ment of the subject device which is capable of producing
means for supporting the shaft member and the spaced 45 even greater energy and torque;
permanent magnet members for rotation relative to the fixed FIG. 8 is a fragmentary elevational view similar to FIG.
magnet and to the coils thereon, and means for selectively 3 for the device of FIG. 7;
and sequentially energizing the coils located in a plane or FIG. 9 is a view similar to FIG. 4 for the construction
space between fixed and movable magnets to predetermi shown in FIG. 7;
nately control the magnetic interaction forces between the 50
respective spaced permanent magnet members and the fixed FIG 10 is a view similar to FIG. 3 for the device shown
magnet in such a manner as to produce relative rotation in FIG.7 but with the polarity of one of the fixed permanent
therebetween. Various means can be used to control the magnet members reversed relative thereto;
application of energy to the coils including timer means FIG. 11 is a fragmentary view similar to FIG. 4 for the
under control of means mounted on the shaft for rotation 55 device as shown in FIGS. 7 and 10;
therewith and a source of energy. The present construction FIG. 12 is a side elevational view of another embodiment
can be made to be self starting or to be started with some of the device;
initial help to establish rotation. FIG. 13 is a schematic circuit diagram of the circuit for the
devices of FIGS. 1, 7 and 12;
FIG. 14 is a perspective view of another embodiment of
It is a principal object of the present invention to teach the the subject device;
construction and operation of a relatively simple, motor-like FIG. 15 is a simplified embodiment of the device showing
device using permanent magnets in an unique manner to the use of one rotating magnetic member and one coil
generate rotational or other forms of movement. 65 positioned in the plane between the rotating and stationary
Another object is to teach the construction and operation magnetic members,
of a relatively simple, motor-like device having novel means FIG. 16 is a simplified embodiment of the device showing
3 4
use of one movable magnetic member and three coils shown diameterically opposite to one another (see FIG. 2).
arranged to be in a plane between the rotating and stationary The magnetic members 54 and 56 have their north and south
magnets. poles oriented as shown in FIG. 2, that is with north poles
FIG. 17 is a side elevational view of an air coil with a shown on their lower sides and their south poles on the upper
voltage applied thereacross and showing in dotted outline sides. This is done so that there will be mutual magnetic
the field of the coil; attraction and coupling between the magnets 54 and 56 and
the fixed magnetic member 24. The polarity of the magnets
FIG. 18 is a view similar to FIG. 17 but showing the air 54 and 56 and/or of the magnet 24 can also be reversed if
coil positioned adjacent to one side of a permanent magnet desired for some purposes to produce relative magnetic
showing in dotted outline the magnetic field of the perma 10 repulsion therebetween.
nent magnet with no electric potential applied across the air Referring again to FIG. 2, the lower plate member 40 is
coil; shown having a plurality of phototransistors 58-70 mounted
FIG. 19 is a side elevational view similar to FIG. 18 with on the upper surface thereof at spaced locations therearound.
an electric potential applied across the air coil, said view The number and locations of the phototransistors 58-70 are
showing in dotted outline the shapes of the electric field of 5 such as to be in alignment substantially with the centers of
the air coil and the magnetic field of the permanent magnet; the respective coils 26-38 that are mounted on the member
FIG. 20 is a side elevational view similar to FIG. 19 but 24. A similar number of infrared emitters 72-84 are mounted
showing a second permanent magnet spaced above first on the undersurface of the member 42 in alignment with the
permanent magnet and showing in dotted outline the mag respective phototransistors. There are seven infrared emit
netic fields of the two permanent magnets when no electric 20
ters 72-84 shown, each of which is in alignment with a
potential is connected across the air coil; respective one of the seven phototransistors 58-70 and a
FIG. 21 is a view similar to FIG. 20 but with the respective one of the seven coils 26-38. This arrangement is
such that when the shaft 44 and the members attached
permanent magnets in an different relative position and with thereto, including the disk 46 and the member 52, rotate
a voltage applied across the air coil, said view showing the relative to the other members including the member 24, the
shapes of the electro-magnetic field of the air coil and the 25
arcuate openings 48 and 50 will pass between the respective
modified shapes of the magnetic fields of the two permanent pairs of infrared emitters and in so doing will cause the
magnets; and phototransistors periodically to be in optical communication
FIGS. 22-25 are similar to FIG. 21 and show the electro with the respective infrared emitters for predetermined time
magnetic field of the air coil and the magnetic fields of the intervals. The purpose of this communication is to establish
magnets in four different relative positions of the permanent 30
a sequence of energizing circuits to energize the respective
magnets. coils 26-38, one at a time, so that each coil in turn will cause
a momentary interruption of the magnetic interaction or a
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE portion thereof between respective ones of the permanent
magnets 54 and 56 and the magnet member 24.
When a coil is mounted on top of a permanent magnet
Referring to the drawings more particularly by reference such as permanent magnet 24 and energized it acts to
numbers, number 10 refers to a device constructed according concentrate the flux in a symmetrical magnetic field result
to the present invention. The device 10 includes a stationary ing in a non symmetrical field when another permanent
base structure including an upper plate member 12, a lower 40 magnet is placed above the coil that is located on the first
plate member 14, and spaced posts 16-22 connected ther permanent magnet 24. This will result in uneven or non
ebetween. Mounted on the upper plate 12 is a fixed perma uniform forces being produced when the coil is energized
nent magnet member 24 shown annular in shape which has causing a torque between the two permanent magnets, which
one of its poles (its North pole) adjacent the upper surface torque will be in the direction to try to move one of the
thereof and its opposite pole (its South pole) spaced above 45 permanent magnets relative to the other.
the plate 12. Referring to FIG. 3 there is shown the position of one of
Referring to FIG. 2, the permanent magnet member 24 is the magnet members 54 located immediately adjacent to one
shown having a plurality of coils 26-38 mounted in a of the coils such as the coil 26. In this position there would
coplanar relationship on the upper surface thereof. Seven be magnetic coupling between the magnets 54 and 24 so
coils are shown, and the coils 26-38 have electrical con 50 long as there is no voltage across the coil 26. However, if a
nections made through the plate 12 to other circuit members voltage is placed across the coil 26 it will interrupt the
which will be described later in connection with FIG. 13. magnetic coupling between the magnets 54 and 24 where the
Another member 40 is mounted on the upper surface of the coil resides. This means that if there is any torque developed,
lower plate 14 and a similar member 42 is mounted on the it will be developed to either side of the coil 26. Without
underside of the plate 12. 55 energizing the coil 26 there will be full attraction between
A shaft 44, (shown oriented vertically for convenience) the magnets 24 and 54 and no rotational force will be
extends through aligned bores in the members 42, 12 and 24. produced.
The lower end of the shaft 44 is connected to a disk member Referring to FIG. 4 there is shown the relative positions
46 which has a pair of spaced arcuate openings 48 and 50 of the movable magnets 54 and 56 for one position of the
shown located in diametrically opposite positions inwardly 60 member 52. For example, the magnet 54 is shown located
from the edge of the disk 46. The purpose for the openings immediately above the coil 26 while the magnet 56 is shown
48 and 50 will be explained hereinafter. straddling portions of the coils 32 and 34. If, in this position
The shaft 44 is also connected to another annular member of the members, the coil 32 is energized but the coils 34 and
52 which is located on the shaft so as to be positioned 26 are not energized then the magnetic coupling between the
adjacent to the coils 26-38. The member 52 is shown as disk 65 magnet 56 and the magnet 24 will be oriented at an angle
shaped and it has a pair of spaced permanent magnet shown illustrated by the arrow in FIG. 4, and this attractive
members 54 and 56 mounted on or in it at spaced locations coupling will tend to move the member 52 to the right as
S 6
shown in FIG. 4. Since there is no energizing of the coil 26 In this construction the device produces attractive rotating
there will be full coupling between the magnet 54 and the force only.
member 24 but this will have no effect since it will neither FIGS. 10 and 11 are similar to FIGS. 8 and 9 except that
be in a direction to rotate the member 52 or to stop it. At this in these figures both attraction and repulsion forces are
same time the coil 38 which is the next coil over which the shown being produced in association with the stationary
magnet 54 will move is likewise deemergized and will magnets on opposite sides of the rotating magnets. Note also
therefore have no effect to produce rotational moment of the that the coils being energized on opposite sides of the
member 52. member 52 are energized in a different arrangement.
As the member 52 continues to rotate different ones of the FIG. 12 is a side elevational view similar to FIG. 7 but
coils 26-38 will be energized in sequence to continue 10 illustrating the way in which a plurality of stationary and
producing magnetic coupling force between the members 52 rotatable magnetic members such as the members 24 and
and 24 in a direction to produce relative rotation therebe 102 can be mounted on the same shaft, in almost any number
tween. It is to be noted, however that all of the rotational of repetitive groups to increase the amount of torque pro
force is produced by interaction between permanent magnet duced by the device. In FIG. 12 the same power source and
members and none of the rotational force is produced by the 15 the same circuit arrangement can be used to energize the
coils or by any other means. The coils are merely energized phototransistors and the infrared emitters. However, depend
in sequence to control where the magnetic interaction ing upon whether attraction or repulsion forces are used to
occurs, and this is done in a manner to cause the member 52 produce the rotation or some combination thereof will
to rotate. It should also be understood that one or more, depend upon the order in which the coils associated with the
including more than two, permanent magnets such as the 20 stationary magnetic members are energized.
permanent magnets 54 and 56 can be mounted on the FIG. 13 is a circuit diagram for the device shown in FIGS.
rotating member 52, and the shape and size of the rotating 1 and 2, showing the circuit connections for the coils 26-38
member 52 can be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the and for the circuit elements associated therewith. A similar
number of permanent magnets mounted therein. Also, the circuit can be used for the construction shown in FIGS. 7 and
member 52 can be constructed of a non magnetic material, 25 12. The circuit also includes connections to the various
the only requirement being that sufficient structure be pro phototransistors and infrared emitters.
vided to support the permanent magnets during rotation.
This means that the member 52 need not necessarily be In FIG. 13, the circuit 120 is shown including a power
constructed to be round as shown in the drawing. supply 122 which may be a battery power supply, a rectified
FIGS. S and 6 are similar to FIGS. 3 and 4 but show a AC power supply or an AC or pulsed power supply. The
construction wherein the permanent magnets 54 and 56 are
30 positive side 124 of the power supply 122 is shown con
nected to one side of each of the coils 26-38, coil 26 and the
overturned so that instead of having their north poles adja circuits associated therewith being shown in bold outline
cent to the member 24 they have their south poles adjacent and including connections to one side of a resistor 128 and
to the magnet 24 but on the opposite side of the coils such to one side of the photo transistors 58-70. The opposite side
as coils 26-38. The construction and operation of the 35 of the coil 26 is connected to one terminal of Mosfet 126.
modified device illustrated by FIGS. 5 and 6 is similar to that The opposite side of the resistor 128 is connected to one side
described above except that instead of producing magnetic of the infrared emitter 72, as well as to the corresponding
attraction forces between the magnet members 54 and 56 sides of all of the other infrared emitters 74-84. The opposite
and the magnet 24, magnetic repulsion forces are produced, sides of the infrared emitters 72-84 are connected by lead
and these repulsion forces can likewise be used in a similar 40 130 to the negative terminal side 132 of the power supply
manner to produce rotation of the member 52, whatever its 122. With the circuit as shown, the infrared emitters 72-84
are all continuously energized and produce light which can
FIG. 7 shows a modified embodiment 100 of the subject be seen by the respective phototransistors 58-70 when one
device which includes all of the elements shown in FIGS. 1 of the openings 48 or 50 passes therebetween. When this
and 2 but in addition has a second stationary permanent 45 happens, the respective phototransistor 58 will conduct and
magnet member 102 which is mounted above rather than in so doing will apply positive voltage on the associated
below the member 52 and has its coil members such as coil Mosfet 126, turning the Mosfet on, and causing the voltage
members 26A-38A mounted on its underside. The magnetic of the source 122 to also be applied across the coil 26. The
member 102 operates with the magnets 54 and 56 similarly circuit for this is from the source 122 through the coil 26,
to the member 24 and can operate in precisely the same 50 through the Mosfet 126 to and through the lead 134 to the
manner, that is by producing attraction force between the opposite side of the source 122. When the supply voltage is
magnet members or by producing repulsion forces therebe applied across the coil 26, the coil 26 operates to limit or
tween, each being used to produce relative rotational move prevent magnetic communication between whichever one of
ment between the rotary portions of the device and the the magnets 54 or 56 happens to be positioned adjacent to
stationary portions. It is also contemplated to make the 55 the coil 26 which is in the space between that magnet 54 or
construction shown in FIG. 7 so as to produce attraction 56 and the magnet24. This circuit is shown darkened in FIG.
forces between the magnets 54 and 56 on one side thereof 13. By properly timing and controlling the application of
and cooperating repulsion forces which add to the rotation voltage to the various coils 26-38 in the manner described,
generating forces produced on the opposite sides thereof. the magnetic coupling between the magnets 54 and 56 and
FIGS. 8 and 9 are similar to FIGS. 3 and 4 but show the 60 the magnet 24 can be accurately controlled and in a manner
relationship between the magnets 54 and 56 and the mem to cause angular magnetic attraction between the magnet 54
bers 24 and 102 located on opposite thereof. FIG. 9 shows (or 56) and the magnet 24, which angular attraction (or
arrows used to indicate the direction of the rotational forces repulsion) is in a direction to cause rotation of the rotating
produced that are necessary for rotating the rotatable por parts of the structure shown in FIGS. 1, 2, 7 and 12. It is to
tions of the device. These figures show one form of inter 65 be understood that each of the coils 26-38 will be controlled
action between the rotating magnets 54 and 56 and the in the same manner, that is, will have a voltage appearing
stationary magnets 24 and 102 located as shown in FIG. 7. across it at the proper time to control the direction of the
7 8
magnetic coupling in a manner to produce rotation. The four spaced permanent magnets 160, 162, 164 and 166
rotating portions will continue to rotate and the speed of mounted on or in it. The permanent magnets 160-166 are
rotation can be maintained at any desired speed. Various positioned to rotate in closely spaced relation to the station
means can be used to control the speed of rotation such as ary permanent magnet 142 but with the coil 152 positioned
by controlling the timing of the DC or other voltage applied therebetween. The coil 152 is connected into a circuit similar
to the various coils, such as by using an alternating or pulsed to that shown in FIG. 13 and the circuit will not be described
current source instead of a direct current source or by further.
loading the device to limit its rotational speed. The principals of operation of the device 140 shown in
It is especially important to note that the energy required FIG. 14 are similar to that described above in connection
to operate the subject device is minimal since very little 10 with FIGS. 1 and other figures. It is important to note,
electrical energy is drawn when voltage is applied across the however, that the permanent magnets 160-166 rotate rela
various coils when they are energized. tive to the permanent magnet 142 because of the increasing
A well known equation used for conventional motor art, coupling between them and the permanent magnet due to the
is: increasing peripheral thickness of the permanent magnet.
Thus the member 158 will rotate in a counterclockwise
direction as shown, and each time one of the magnets
Speed X9.55
Torque = Power (in watts). Hence,
160-166 moves into a position adjacent to the thickest
portion 148 of the fixed permanent magnet 142 the coil 152
will have voltage applied across it, otherwise there would be
SXT - a tendency for the member 158 to stop or reduce the
is = W 20 rotational force. In order to overcome this the coil 152 is
energized each time one of the permanent magnets 160-166
This equation has limited application to the present device is in the position shown. The rotating disc 158 is connected
because in the present device the torque is believed to be through the shaft 154 to rotating disc 168 which has four
constant while the speed is the variable. The same equation openings 170, 172, 174 and 176 corresponding to the
can be rewritten: 25 locations of the permanent magnets 160-166 so that each
time one of the permanent magnets moves to a position
adjacent to the thickest portion 148 of the stationary per
9.55x W 9.55 x W manent magnet 142 the coil 152 will be energized and this
-acs - or S=-act - will reduce or eliminate the coupling between the rotating
30 and stationary magnets that would otherwise slow the rotat
These equations, if applicable mean that as the speed ing portions down. The circuit connected to the coil 152
includes the same basic elements described above in con
increases, the watts divided by the torque must also increase nection with FIG. 13 including varying a photocell 178, an
but by a factor of 9.55. Thus if torque is constant or nearly infrared emitter 180 and a Mosfet 182 connected into a
constant, as speed increases, the power output must increase circuit such as that shown in FIG. 13. The timing of the
and at a very rapid rate. 35 energizing of the coil 152 is important and should be such
It should be understood that the present device can be that the coil will be energized as the respective permanent
made to have any number of stationary and rotating magnets magnets 160-166 move to a position in alignment or sub
arranged in stacked relationship to increase the power out stantial alignment with the thickened portion 48 of the
put, (see FIG. 12) and it is also possible to use any desired stationary permanent magnet 142.
number of coils mounted on the various stationary magnets. FIG. 15 shows a basic simplified form 190 of the present
In the constructions shown in FIGS. 1, 7, and 12 seven coils device which includes a rotary member 52A having a single
are shown mounted on each of the stationary magnets but permanent magnet portion 54A mounted thereon. The
more or fewer coils could be used on each of stationary device also has a stationary permanent magnet 24A with a
magnet depending upon the power and other requirements of single air coil 26A positioned in the space between the
the device. If the number of coils is changed the number of 45 members 52A and 24A in the manner already described. The
light sources and photodetectors or transistors will change construction 190 is not self-starting as are the preferred
accordingly. It is also important to note that the timing of the embodiments such as embodiment 10 but the rotary portions
turning on of the various phototransistors is important. The will rotate continuously once the device is started as by
timing should be such as that illustrated in FIG. 4, for manually rotating the rotary portions. The construction 190
example, when one of the coils such as coil 32 is energized 50 will have other portions as described above but the output
to prevent coupling in one direction between the magnet 56 from the construction will be less than the output produced
and the magnet 24 the adjacent coil 34 will not be energized. by the other constructions.
The reasons for this have already been explained. FIG. 16 shows another simplified version 200 of the
Referring to FIG. 14, there is shown another embodiment device wherein the member 52B is similar to the corre
140 of the subject device. The embodiment 140 includes a 55 sponding rotatable member 52A shown in FIG. 15. How
stationary permanent magnet 142 which has a flat upper ever, the fixed structure including the permanent magnet
surface 144 and a lower surface 146 that is circumferentially 24B has three windings 26B, 28B and 30B located at spaced
helical so that the member 142 varies in thickness from a intervals adjacent to the upper surface thereof. The construc
location of maximum thickness at 148 to a location of tion shown in FIG. 16 will produce more output than the
minimum thickness at 150. The thickness of the member 142 60 construction shown in FIG. 15 but less than that of the other
is shown varying uniformly therearound. Near the location constructions such as that shown in FIGS. 1, 2, 7 and 12.
of the thickest portion 148 of the permanent magnet 142 and Obviously many other variations of the constructions shown
adjacent to the surface 144 is an air coil 152 shown formed in the application are also possible including constructions
by a plurality of windings. A shaft member 154 is journalled having more or fewer coils, more or fewer rotating magnetic
by bearing means 156 for rotation relative to the stationary 65 portions, more or fewer rotary members such as the member
permanent magnet 142 and is connected to a rotating mem 52 and more or fewer stationary members such as the
ber 158. The member is shown annular in shape and includes members 24 and 142.
9 10
FIGS. 17-25 illustrate some of the underline principles of FIGS. 22-25 show four different positions of the upper
the present invention. permanent magnet 214 relative to the lower permanent
FIGS. 17 shows an air coil 210, positioned in space, with magnet 212. In FIG.22 because of the position of the upper
an electric potential applied thereacross. With the energizing permanent magnet 214 relative to the air coil 210 there is a
voltage applied the electro-magnetic field of the air coil 210 concentration of the magnetic coupling force tending to
extends substantially equally in the space above and below move the upper permanent magnet 214 to the left. This force
the coil as shown in dotted outlined. increases in FIGS. 23 and 24 until the upper permanent
FIG. 18 shows the air coil 210 positioned adjacent to one magnet 214 reaches the position shown in FIG. 25 where all
side (the north side) of permanent magnet 212. In FIG. 18 no of the magnetic coupling is directed substantially vertically
voltage is applied across the air coil 210 and therefore the air 10 between the permanent magnets 212 and 214 and in this
coil 210 does not produce an electro-magnetic field as in position there is little or no torque as a result of coupling
FIG. 17. Under these circumstances the air coil 210 has no energy between the permanent magnets 212 and 214 tending
effect on the magnetic field of the permanent magnet 212 to move them relative to one another.
and the field of the permanent magnet is substantially as The principles illustrated in FIGS. 17-25 are at the heart
shown by the dotted outlines in FIG. 18. 15 of the present invention and explain where the energy comes
FIG. 19 is similar to FIG. 18 except that in FIG. 19 the air from to produce relative movement between the relatively
coil 210 has an electric potential applied across it and moveable permanent magnets.
therefore has an established electro-magnetic field shown The present device has application for very many different
again by dotted outline. purposes and applications including almost any purpose
The electro-magnetic field of the air coil 210 modifies the 20 where a motor or engine drive is required and where the
magnetic field of the permanent magnet 212 in the manner amount of energy available and/or required to produce the
shown. If the coil 210 is placed in contact with or close to driving force may vary little to nil. Applicant has produced
the surface of the permanent magnet and it is energized so devices of the type described herein capable of rotating at
that its polarity is opposite to that of the permanent magnet very high speed in the order of magnitude of 20,000 RPMs
then the field produced is similar to that shown in FIG. 19. 25 and with substantial torque. Other lesser speeds can also be
Note that the field of the air coil 210 and the field of the produced, and the subject device can be made to be self
permanent magnet 212 directly beneath the air coil 210 are starting as is true of the constructions shown in FIGS. 1, 2,
in opposition and therefore act to cancel one another. The air 7 and 12. Because of the low power required to operate the
coil 210 would be defined to produce a counter magneto device applicant has been able to operate same using a
motive force which acts to cancel the field of the permanent 30 commerically available battery such as a nine volt battery.
magnet 212 in the region where the air coil 210 exists and Thus there has been shown and described a novel mag
the amount of the field in that region of the permanent netic motor or motor-like construction which fulfills all of
magnet 212 that is canceled is the remainder of the differ the objects and advantages sought therefor. It will be appar
ence in magnetomotive force between the region of the ent to those skilled in the art, however, that many changes,
permanent magnet 212 and the counter magnetomotive force 35 variations, modifications and other uses in applications for
of the air coil 210. Note that since the field of permanent the subject device are possible. All such changes, variations,
magnet 212 is only altered in the region of the air coil 210, modifications and other uses in applications which do not
the geometric magnetic field characteristics of the perma depart from the spirit and scope of the invention are deemed
nent magnet 212 can be altered selectively based upon the to be covered by the invention which is limited only by the
size of the coil 210, the number of air coils 210 and the 40 claims which follow.
amount of counter magnetomotive force being produced by What is claimed is:
the air coil 210. 1. A device to control the magnetic interaction between
FIG. 20 is similar to FIG. 19 except that a second Spaced permanent magnets comprising:
permanent magnet 214 is positioned at a location spaced a first permanent magnet having opposite surfaces with
above the air coil 210. In FIG. 20 no voltage is applied 45 north and south poles respectively,
across the air coil 210 and therefore the air coil 210 does not a second permanent magnet spaced from and movable
have an electro-magnetic field. Thus FIG. 20 shows only the relative to the first permanent magnet and having
combined affect of the fields of the permanent magnets 212 opposite surfaces with north and south poles respec
and 214. Since the permanent magnets 212 and 214 are tively, one of which is positioned in close enough
oriented so that their respective north and south poles are 50 proximity to one of the surfaces of the first permanent
close together, there will be astrong attractive force between magnet to produce magnetic interaction therebetween,
them at the location of the air coil 210.
FIG. 21 is a view similar FIG. 20 but with an electric a coil of conductive metal positioned in the space between
potential applied across the air coil 210 and with the upper the first and second permanent magnets,
permanent magnet 214 displaced to the left relative to its 55 a source of electrical energy and switch means connected
position in FIG. 20. Note that in FIG. 21 the shape of the in series therewith across the coil whereby when the
electro-magnetic field of the air coil 210 is concentrated and Switch means are closed the electrical energy from said
shifted somewhat to the right and upward. This shift of the source is applied across the coil whereby the magnetic
electro-magnetic field concentrates the magnetic coupling interaction between the first and second permanent
between the magnets 212 and 214 to the left thereby 60 magnets is changed, and
increasing the tendency of the upper permanent magnet 214 means to control the opening and closing of the switch
to move to the left. A much smaller magnetic coupling CalS.
occurs between the right end of the permanent magnets 212 2. A device for producing rotational movement and torque
and 214 and thus the force tending to move the permanent comprising:
magnet 214 to the right is much less than the force tending 65 a member journaled for rotational movement about an
to move it to the left. This is illustrated by the size of the axis of rotation, the rotatable member having at least a
arrows shown in FIG. 21. portion adjacent the periphery thereof formed of a
11 12
permanently magnetized material, mounted thereon, said first permanent magnet having a
a stationary member formed of permanently magnetized north pole adjacent one surface and a south pole
material mounted adjacent to the peripheral portion of adjacent to the opposite surface,
the rotatable member axially spaced therefrom means for mounting a second permanent magnet for
whereby a magnetic interaction is produced between rotational movement in a plane parallel to the first
the stationary and the rotatable members in predeter permanent magnet, the second permanent magnet occu
mined positions of the rotatable member, pying an arcuate portion of said mounting means less
at least one coil positioned extending into the space than the entire circumference of said mounting means
between the stationary and rotatable members, and having a north pole adjacent to the opposite surface
10 and positioned so that there is a magnetic interaction
means including a source of electric potential and switch between the spaced first and second permanent magnets
means connected in series across the coil, and across a gap therebetween in at least one position
means to predeterminately control the opening and clos thereof,
ing of the switch means during rotation of the rotatable at least one air coil positioned in the gap between the first
member to vary the magnetic interaction in a way to 15 and second permanent magnets,
produce rotation of the rotatable member. a source of electric potential and switch means for con
3. Means to predeterminately vary the magnetic interac trolling the application of the electric potential from
tion between first and second spaced permanent magnet said source across the air coil, the application of voltage
members comprising a first permanent magnet member across the air coil effecting the magnetic interaction
having north and south poles, a second permanent magnet 20 between the first and second permanent magnet mem
member having north and south poles spaced from the first bers in certain positions of the second permanent
permanent magnet member by a gap therebetween, a coil magnet relative to the first permanent magnet and in
positioned extending into the gap between the first and such a manner as to produce rotational movement of
second permanent magnet members, means connecting the the second permanent magnet.
coil across a circuit that includes a source of voltage and 25
11. The device for producing rotational movement of
switch means connected in series therewith so that when the
voltage source is connected across the coil it effects the claim 10 wherein a third permanent magnet is mounted on
magnetic interaction between the first and second permanent the support structure on the opposite side of the second
magnet members, and means for mounting the first perma permanent magnet from the first permanent magnet so as to
ment magnet member for movement relative to the second 30
establish a second gap therebetween and so that there is
permanent magnet member and relative to the coil in the gap magnetic interaction between the second and third perma
therebetween. nent magnets, and at least one second coil mounted in the
4. The device of claim 3 wherein the first and second gap between the second and third permanent magnets to
permanent magnet members are mounted to produce mag predeterminately effect the magnetic interaction therebe
netic attraction therebetween. 35
tween in certain positions of the second permanent magnet
5. The device of claim 3 wherein the first and second relative to the third permanent magnet thereby to contribute
permanent magnet members are mounted to produce mag to the production of rotational movement of the second
netic repulsion therebetween. permanent magnet member relative to the first and third
permanent magnets.
6. The device of claim3 wherein the means mounting the 12. The device for producing rotational movement
first permanent magnet member includes means mounting 40
defined in claim 11 wherein the switch means for applying
the first permanent magnet member for rotational movement voltage from the source across the coils includes a light
relative to the second permanent magnet member and the source and light sensor one mounted on the support structure
switch means includes cooperative optical means having a and the other on the rotatable means to produce a switching
first portion mounted for movement with the first permanent action to apply and remove voltage from across the coils in
magnet member and a second portion associated with the 45 predetermined positions of the second permanent magnet
second permanent magnet member. relative to the first and third permanent magnets.
7. The device of claim 6 wherein the switch means
includes a light source and a light sensitive member asso 13. Means for producing rotary motion using magnetic
ciated respectively with the first and second permanent energy from permanent magnets comprising:
magnet members, and control means therefor mounted for 50
a fixed permanent magnet having opposite surfaces with
movement with the first permanent magnet. north and south poles respectively adjacent thereto,
8. The device of claim 3 wherein the second permanent a shaft having an axis and means journaling the shaft for
magnet member is an annular permanent magnet member rotation in a position extending normal to the opposite
having one of its poles on one side of the gap and the other surfaces of the fixed permanent magnet,
of its poles opposite thereto, means mounting the first 55 a movable permanent magnet and means mounting the
permanent magnet member for rotational movement relative movable permanent magnet on the shaft for rotation
to the second permanent magnet member, said first perma therewith, the movable permanent magnet occupying
nent magnet member having one of its poles on one side of an arcuate portion of said mounting means less than the
the gap, and a plurality of circumferentially spaced coils entire circumference of said mounting means and hav
mounted in the gap between the first and second permanent 60 ing opposite surfaces with associated north and south
magnet members. poles respectively, one pole of said movable permanent
9. The device of claim 8 wherein the first permanent magnet being positioned to move in close enough
magnet member includes two circumferentially spaced por proximity to one of the opposite surfaces of the fixed
tions. permanent magnet to produce magnetic interaction
10. Means for producing rotational movement compris 65 therebetween,
ing: at least one coil mounted in the space between the fixed
a support structure having a first permanent magnet permanent magnet and the movable permanent magnet,
13 14
energizing of the coil effecting the magnetic interaction one magnetic member attached to the rotating member for
between the fixed and the movable permanent magnets rotation therewith includes two circumferentially spaced
when positioned therebetween, and rotatable magnet portions.
means connecting the coil to a source of energizing 21. A device for producing rotary motion comprising:
potential in selected positions of the movable perma 5 a support structure having a wall member,
nent magnet relative to the fixed permanent magnet. a shaft and means journaling the shaft for rotation in the
14. The device for producing rotary motion of claim 13 wall member about its axis,
wherein a plurality of coils are mounted in a coplanar a permanent magnet member mounted on the wall mem
relationship in the space between the fixed permanent mag ber extending about at least a portion of the shaft, said
net and the movable permanent magnet, the means connect 10 permanent magnet member having one pole adjacent to
ing the coils to a source of energizing potential including the wall member and an opposite pole spaced there
means for energizing the respective coils in a predetermined from,
15. The device for producing rotary motion of claim 13 a member mounted on the shaft having at least two
including a second movable permanent magnet mounted on magnetic members oriented to produce magnetic inter
the means mounting the movable permanent magnet for
15 action with the permanent magnet member,
movement therewith, said second movable permanent mag a plurality of coils mounted in coplanar relation extending
net being spaced circumferentially from the aforesaid mov into the space formed by and between the permanent
able permanent magnet. magnet member and the at least two magnetic members
16. The device for producing rotary motion of claim 13 and
wherein a second fixed permanent magnet has opposite means to sequentially apply a voltage across the respec
surfaces with north and south poles respectively adjacent tive coils to vary the magnetic interaction between the
thereto and is mounted on the opposite side of the movable permanent magnet member mounted on the wall mem
permanent magnet from the aforesaid fixed permanent mag ber and selected ones of the at least two magnetic
net and at least one coil mounted in the space between the members.
second fixed permanent magnet, and the movable permanent 22. A device for producing rotary motion using magnetic
magnet. energy from permanent magnets comprising
17. A device for producing rotary motion defined in claim a fixed permanent magnet having opposite surfaces with
13 wherein the means connecting the coil to a source of north and south poles respectively adjacent thereto,
energizing potential includes a fixed light source and a fixed 30 a shaft and means for journaling the shaft for rotation
light sensitive member mounted in spaced relationship and extending normal to the opposite surfaces of the fixed
means on the mounting means for the movable permanent permanent magnet,
magnet for predeterminately controlling communication at least two rotatable permanent magnets and means
between the light source and the light sensitive member mounting them for rotation with the shaft, the rotatable
during rotation of the movable permanent magnet. 35 permanent magnets having opposite surfaces with asso
18. A magnetic motor-like device comprising: ciated north and south poles respectively, one pole of
a fixed support structure having a permanent magnet each rotatable permanent magnet being positioned
member mounted thereon, said member having oppo close enough to one of the opposite surfaces of the fixed
site side faces with a north magnetic pole adjacent one permanent magnet to produce magnetic interaction
side face and a south magnetic pole adjacent the 40 therebetween,
opposite side face, a plurality of spaced coils arranged to be coplanar and
a plurality of coils mounted adjacent to and arranged positioned in the space formed by and between the
about one of the opposite side faces, fixed permanent magnet and the rotatable permanent
an orifice through the permanent magnet member at a magnets, and
location intermediate the coils, 45
means to apply a voltage across respective ones of the
a shaft extending through the orifice for rotation about the coils in a sequence so as to predeterminately affect the
axis thereof, interaction between the fixed permanent magnet and
a member attached to the shaft for rotation therewith and the rotatable permanent magnets in a manner to pro
spaced from the one opposite magnet side faces, 50
duce rotation of the at least two permanent magnets.
at least one magnet member attached to a segment of said 23. A device for producing rotary motion using magnetic
rotating member for rotation therewith, each of said energy from permanent magnets comprising:
rotating magnetic members having a magnetic pole a fixed annular permanent magnet having a flat surface on
face positioned in spaced relation to the one opposite one side and an opposite surface of helical shape
pole side face of the fixed permanent magnet member, 55 extending therearound from a location of minimum
the plurality of coils being in the space formed by and thickness to a location of maximum thickness approxi
between the fixed permanent magnet member and the at mately adjacent thereto, the annular permanent magnet
least one rotatable magnet member, and having one of its poles adjacent to the flat surface and
means to selectively and sequentially energize the coils as its opposite pole adjacent to the helical opposite sur
the shaft rotates to predeterminately control the mag 60 face,
netic interaction between the at least one magnetic a shaft and means for journaling the shaft for rotation
member and that fixed permanent magnet member. extending substantially normal to the flat surface of the
19. The magnetic device of claim 18 wherein there is an fixed permanent magnet,
odd number of coils mounted in the space between the a permanent magnet and means mounting it on the shaft
permanent magnet member and the at least one rotatable 65 for rotation therewith, said permanent magnet having
magnetic member. opposite pole faces and being positioned so that there
20. The magnetic device of claim 18 wherein the at least is magnetic interaction between said permanent magnet
15 16
and the fixed annular permanent magnet, shaft for magnetic interaction with the fixed annular perma
at least one air coil positioned in the space between the nent magnet, the switch means controlling the application of
fixed and rotatable permanent magnets, and voltage from the source to the air coil when one of the
means to apply a voltage across the air coil when the rotatable permanent magnets is positioned adjacent to the
rotatable permanent magnet is adjacent to the thickest thickest portion of the fixed annular permanent magnet.
portion of the fixed permanent magnet to change the 25. The means for producing rotary motion of claim 23
magnetic interaction therebetween, said last name wherein the switch means includes cooperative optical
means including a source of voltage and switch means
in series with the source for controlling the application means having a first portion associated with the fixed
10 annular permanent magnet and a second portion associated
of voltage across the air coil.
24. The device for producing rotary motion of claim 23 with the rotatable annular permanent magnet.
wherein a plurality of rotatable permanent magnets are
mounted at circumferentially spaced locations about the ck k k k sk












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