Graphic Organizers 1
Graphic Organizers 1
Graphic Organizers 1
By Lesley Barker
The most obvious people affected by juvenile delinquency are the
victims. Whether the crime involves theft, vandalism, or violence, the
victim always suffers loss. The victim may incur expenses related to lost
wages, health care, or psychological care in addition to the cost of
replacing damaged or destroyed items.
The juvenile who commits a crime also suffers affects that he or she
probably unable to predict. He or she may lose his or her freedom while
being incarcerated or placed on probation. The juvenile may lose ground
academically as well. Although placement in residential detention centers
for juveniles may be appropriate consequences for the adolescents
criminal actions, it also puts him on her in relationship with other
delinquents, who may be more sophisticated or influential. This makes
recidivism likely and, in many states, when a juvenile older than 14
becomes a repeat offender, he or she can be tried and sentenced as an
adult. The delinquency may even have future consequences on the
adolescents college and career choices.
There is a correlation between juvenile delinquency and drug use,
gang involvement, alcohol abuse, and sexual behavior. All of these issues
challenge communities by making neighborhoods unsafe and costing large
amounts of public money to be spent on law enforcement and school
Young people who commit serious crimes before they are 18 years
old challenge the future for everyone involved. They may be acting out to
protest perceived abuses that have been perpetrated against them. They
may believe that there is no future for them outside of a life of crime.
They may be expressing anger or frustration directed against another
person or group or looking for approval from a gang. Whatever the
motive, juvenile delinquency affects too many American individuals,
families, and communities. It is a serious problem that challenges the
efforts of government agencies, politicians, educators, faith communities,
and nonprofit organizations alike.
He or she is
unable to
The Effects of
He or she may lose her
freedom while being
incarcerated or placed
on probation.
Adolescents may
commit a criminal
crime like
or violence.