Interference of Wave 1
Interference of Wave 1
Interference of Wave 1
.......................................................................[1 mark]
(b) (i) A ripple tank is set up with two identical dippers in
contact with the surface of the water. The distance
between the two dippers 5.0 cm. When the switch is
on interference occurs. The distance between two
consecutive antinodes is 3.0cm. The distance
between the antinode points and the dippers is 10.0
cm. Calculate the wavelength of the water waves
As a increases, x decreases
[2 marks]
(ii) The distance between two sources is increased to 8.0
cm. What will happen to the distance between two
consecutive antinodes?
......................................................................[1 mark]
Interference of sound waves / Inteferens Bunyi
As increases, x increases
Example 1
Diagram 4 shows two identical water wave pulses moving
towards each other. Wave interference occurs when the two
waves meet at point O while
propagating along the
same medium.
When two similar loudspeakers are connected to the same
audio-frequency generator interference effects is produce.
Interference of sound waves produces regions of louder
sound by constructive interference and regions quiet by
destructive interference.
Bila dua pembesar suara yang serupa disambungkan
kepada penjana audio, kesan inteferens dihasilkan.
Inteferens gelombang bunyi menghasilkan kawasan bunyi
kuat disebabkan inteferens membina dan kawasan bunyi
lemah disebabkan inteferens membinasa.
(a) What is meant by interference?
.............................................................................[1 mark]
Example 2
Figure 4 shows two loudspeaker A and B are connected to a
audio signal generator at a spacious area. Each loudspeaker
produce a sound wave of frequency 2 200 Hz. In the
experiment, a student walks along the straight line MZ. He
hears alternate loud and soft sound. At point P, R and T the