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Interference of Wave 1

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INTERFERENCE OF WAVE / Inteferens gelombang

Superposition/overlapping of two waves originating from

two coherent sources.
Superposisi gelombang dari dua sumber yang koheren
The waves from coherent sources have the same
frequency (f), same wavelength, same phase or constant
phase difference.
Gelombang dari sumber yang koheren mempunyai
frekuensi yang sama, jarak gelombang yang sama,
sama fasa atau perbezaan fasa yang tetap.
The principle of superposition states that when two
waves overlap, the resultant displacement is equal to the
sum of the displacements of the individual wave.
Prinsip superposisi menyatakan bahawa apabila dua
gelombang bertemu jumlah sesaran adalah sama
dengan hasil tambah sesaran gelombang individu.
Constructive Interference: occurs when crest meet
crest or through meet trough and produce a bigger
Inteferens membina berlaku bila puncak bertemu puncak
atau lembangan bertemu lembangan dan menghasilkan
amplitude yang lebih besar

Analysing Interference pattern of water waves

Mengkaji corak inteferens gelombang air



Destructive Interference : occurs when crest meet

trough and produce a minimum amplitude.
Inteferens membinasa berlaku bila puncak bertemu atau
lembangan menghasilkan amplitude yang lebih kecil.

Interference of water waves / Inteferens gelombang air

To produce the interference pattern of the water waves in a
ripple tank we can use:
Two dippers operated from the same motor, or
A plane water waves passing through two slits.
Untuk menghasilkan corak inteferns gelombang air
menggunakan tangki riak kita boleh menggunakan:
Dua pencelup sfera yang disambungkan pada motor yang
sama atau
Gelombang satah yang melalui dua celah


= wavelength / jarak gelombang

a= distance between two coherent sources
jarak antara dua sumber koheren
x = distance between two consecutive antinode and
jarak antara dua antinod atau dua nod berturutan
D = perpendicular distance between a and x
jarak seranjang antara a dan x
How to change the pattern of interference of waves?
Bagaimana mengubah corak inteferens gelombang?
The pattern of interference depends on the distances
between two consecutive nodes or antinode lines x. How to
change x?

Corak inteferens bergantung kepada jarak antara dua

antinod atau dua nod yang berturutan, x. Bagaimana
mengubah x?
From the formula / dari formula, = a x
Hence/maka, x = D
increases / meningkat , x increases / menngkat
D increases / meningkat , x increases / meningkat
a increases / meningkat , x decreases / berkurang

(i) In the box above, complete the diagram to show the

interference of waves at point O .
[1 mark]
(ii) Name the type of interference occurs in (b)(i).
.......................................................................[1 mark]
(iii) State what will happen to the motion of the cork at
point O.

.......................................................................[1 mark]
(b) (i) A ripple tank is set up with two identical dippers in
contact with the surface of the water. The distance
between the two dippers 5.0 cm. When the switch is
on interference occurs. The distance between two
consecutive antinodes is 3.0cm. The distance
between the antinode points and the dippers is 10.0
cm. Calculate the wavelength of the water waves

As a increases, x decreases
[2 marks]
(ii) The distance between two sources is increased to 8.0
cm. What will happen to the distance between two
consecutive antinodes?
......................................................................[1 mark]
Interference of sound waves / Inteferens Bunyi
As increases, x increases
Example 1
Diagram 4 shows two identical water wave pulses moving
towards each other. Wave interference occurs when the two
waves meet at point O while
propagating along the
same medium.
When two similar loudspeakers are connected to the same
audio-frequency generator interference effects is produce.
Interference of sound waves produces regions of louder
sound by constructive interference and regions quiet by
destructive interference.
Bila dua pembesar suara yang serupa disambungkan
kepada penjana audio, kesan inteferens dihasilkan.
Inteferens gelombang bunyi menghasilkan kawasan bunyi
kuat disebabkan inteferens membina dan kawasan bunyi
lemah disebabkan inteferens membinasa.
(a) What is meant by interference?

.............................................................................[1 mark]

Example 2
Figure 4 shows two loudspeaker A and B are connected to a
audio signal generator at a spacious area. Each loudspeaker
produce a sound wave of frequency 2 200 Hz. In the
experiment, a student walks along the straight line MZ. He
hears alternate loud and soft sound. At point P, R and T the

students heard the louder sound, whereas at point Q and S

the softer sound was heard.

a) State the phenomenon which causes the changes in

loudness of sound.
b) What happened to the sound waves from the two loud
speakers which met at

interference effects can be seen as the bright and dark

fringes. The bright fringes are formed by constructive
interference and the dark fringes are formed by destructive
Inteferens cahaya boleh ditunjukkan dengan menggunakan
eksprimen dwicelah Young menggunakan cahaya
monokromatik. Cahaya monokromatik merupakan cahaya
satu warna atau satu jarak gelombang. Bila cahaya dari
sumber yang sama melalui dua celah sempit yang rapat,
kesan inteferens dapat dilihat sebagai jalur cerah dan gelap
yang berselang seli.Jalur cerah disebabkan inteferens
membina dan jalur gelap disebabkan oleh inteferens
Example 3
Figure below shows the arrangement of Youngs double slit
apparatus experiment to determine the wavelength of red
light. The distance between the screen and the double slit is
4 m. A series of alternating bright and dark fringes can be
seen on the screen.

(i) point P _____________________________________

(ii) point Q ____________________________________
c) Why this experiment has to be carried out in a spacious
d) If the wave length of the sound generated was 0.15 m,
what is the distance between point P and R?

e) The distance between two loud speaker increases to 1.5

m, state the changes to the distance between two
consecutive softer sounds.
Interference of light waves / Inteferens cahaya

(a)State the light phenomenon which forms the pattern of the

(b) In the experiment, the distance between the two slits, a,
is 0.4 mm. It is found that the distance between two
consecutive bright fringes is 2.6 cm. Calculate the
wavelength of the red light.

(c) What will happen to the pattern of the fringes if:

(i) the distance between the double slit and screen is
(ii) The separation between the two slits is increased.
(d) A red filter is replaced by using blue filter. Figures below
are the patterns of interference which are not arranged in
order. Write down the correct colour filter for the
respective patterns of interference.

Interference of light can be shown by using Youngs Double

slit experiment using monochromatic light is used.
Monochromatic light is light of only one color or one
wavelength. When light from the same source passes
through two narrow slits which are close together the

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