Nota Padat Force
Nota Padat Force
Nota Padat Force
Example 2
A car accelerates from rest at 3 ms-2 along a straight road. How far
has the car travelled after 4s?
Example 3
Find A car is travelling at 20 ms-1 along a straight road. The driver puts
(a) total distance traveled the brakes on for 5 s. It this causes a deceleration of 3 m s-2, what
(b) displacement is the car’s final velocity?
Ticker Timer
Time for one tick = 0.02s
a) Determine the average velocity
Displacement/m Gradient =
Type of motion:
e) Describe the type of motion for each of the following
s/m Type of motion :
Gradient = acceleration
s/m Type of motion:
Area under the graph = displacement
Type of motion:
The following figure shows displacement – time graph of an object.
(d) Calculate
(i) total distance (ii)total displacement.
(e) Calculate
(i) the average speed (ii)average velocity
Type of motion:
(f) Sketch a velocity against time graph.
v/ms-1 t/s
Figure below shows a displacement-time graph of a lift moving
from the 4th floor to the 7th and goes down again to the 1st floor. EXAMPLE 1
The following is the velocity-time graph of a car moving to the right
and turning to the left.
20 B C
A 0 2 5 7 8 10 t/s
(a) Calculate the velocity over
(i) JK (ii) LM (iii) MN -10 E
(b) How long the car was moving with constant velocity?
(c) Calculate:
(i) average speed (ii) average velocity (c) State the point on the graph showing the car start to change
(d) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the lift from J to N. (d) Calculate the acceleration over
(i) AB (ii) BC (iii)CD (iv) EF
(i) average velocity (ii)average speed
0 2 5 8 10 t/s
v/ms Type of motion :
v/ms -1
Type of motion: Diagram 8.1 shows a car driven by a kidnapper has overtook a
police car at 2.00 p.m. The police car then followed the
kidnapper’s car. Diagram 8.2 shows a velocity against time graph In elastic collision, after two objects moving with their respective
for both cars. velocities do collide, those two objects will separate and move with
different velocities.
…………………………………………………………[1 mark]
(b) (i) What is the net force acting on the police car after 2.01p.m?
…………………………………………………………[1 mark].
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in 3(b)(i). Two objects P and Q of masses 0.8 kg and 0.6 kg respectively
moving towards each other. After collision object P bounces back
…………………………………………………………[1 mark] with a velocity of 1.6 ms-1. What is the velocity and the direction of
motion of object Q after collision?
(c) Sketch a displacement against time graph of the police car.
Inelastic collision
In inelastic collision, after two objects moving with their respective
velocities do collide, they stick together and move with a common
momentum = mass x velocity
p =mv (unit = kgms-1)
Two trolleys of masses 2 kg and 3 kg respectively moving towards
each other. Both of the trolleys are moving at same velocity of 2
ms-1. After collision they stick together with a common velocity.
What is the common velocity of the trolleys?
Figure below shows a man standing on a stationary boat. He then
jumps out of the boat onto the jetty. The boat moves away from
Diagram 13.1 the jetty as he jumps.
(a) State the type of collision involved in this accident.
(c) The driver of the car is thrown forward during the collision. ………………………………………………………………
State the physics concept involved.
(b) Explain why the boat moves away from the jetty when
……………............................................................................. the man jumps.
(d) The speed limit and the load limit of a truck is shown in …………………………………………………………..……
Diagram below.
(d) Name one application of the physics principle stated in
……………………………………...…...……………………..(2m) (a) in an exploration of outer space.
Push/pull on an object
Balanced Force
i) When the forces acting on an object are balanced, they cancel
each other out. The net force is zero.
ii) Effect : the object at is at rest [ velocity = 0] or moves at
constant velocity [ a = 0] (a) Based on the situation in Diagram 5.1 and situation in
Diagram 5.2,
Example 1 (i) state similarities about the magnitudes and directions of the
forces F1 and F2 , F3 and F4
magnitudes : ………………………..…
F = ma (N or kg m s-2) …………..……………………………………………………….
.…………………………………………………………..[1 mark]
……………………………………………………....[1 mark]
(c) What is the impulsive force on the resident’s legs if he does not
(b) (i)What is the frictional force acting on the box? bend and stops in 0.05 s?
…………………………………………….……....[1 mark]
(ii)Sketch a displacement against time graph motion of the (d) What is the advantage of bending his legs upon landing?
box in Diagram 4.2
Example 2
Rooney kicks a ball with a force of 1500 N. The time of contact of
time(s) his boot with the ball is 0.01 s. What is the impulse delivered to the
ball? If the mass of the ball is 0.5 kg, what is the velocity of the
(c)The pushing force of the box is increased to 350N. Calculate ball?
(i) the resultant force acting on the box.
[2 marks]
(ii) the acceleration of the box Example 3
In a tennis match, a player hits an on-coming ball with mass of 0.2
kg and velocity of 20 ms-1. The ball rebounds with a velocity of 40
[2 marks] m s-1. The time taken in the collision between the ball and the
tennis racket is 0.01 s.
The large force that acts over a short period of time during
collisions is known as impulsive force. From the relationship
between force, mass and acceleration: F = ma = m (v – u)
From the expression F = Change of momentum
(a) What is the impulse experienced by the ball?
Impulsive force is inversely proportional to time of contact /impact
(b) What is the impulsive force exerted on the tennis ball?
Impulsive force is directly proportional to force
Longer period of time - Impulsive force decrease
Shorter period of time - Impulsive force increase
4. Diagram 5.1 shows a car that had collided into a tree. Diagram (a) What is meant by impulse?
5.2 shows another car that had collided into a pile of sand.
Both cars have the same mass of 1000 kg and were driven at ………………..…........................................................[1 mark]
the same speed of 25 ms-1.
(b) With reference to Diagram 14.1 and Diagram 14.2;
(i) Compare the force on the eggs that strike surface A and
Surface B.
(b) Using the diagram 5.1 and diagram 5.2, (iii) Compare the change in momentum of the eggs in both
(i) compare the damage of the two cars situations.
(ii) compare the change of momentum between the two (iv) State the relationship between the force produced in a
cars collision and the time of impact.
(c) State the relationship between the time of impact with the (v) Suggest a suitable material for Surface A.
damage of the car
…………………...…………………………………....[ 1 mark ]
(c) Diagram 14.3 shows a pile hammer used in driving a pile into
(d) (i) If the time of impact of the collisions of the car in Diagram the ground at a construction site.
5.1 is 0.2 s, calculate the rate of change of momentum of
the car.
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) State the physics concept which affects the collision of the
car. Explain how a large force is produced by the pile hammer in
driving the pile into the ground.
……...………………………………………………....[ 1 mark ]
(iii) State the relationship between the time of impact with the
answer from (d) (ii) .................................................................................[2 marks]
……….……………………………………………..…[ 1 mark ] 6. Diagram 16 shows an egg being dropped onto a wooden block.
The egg cracks after an impact. The velocity of the egg just
5.Diagram 14.1 and Diagram 14.2 show two eggs released from before the impact is 5 ms-1
the same height and drop on to Surface A and Surface B
(a) Name the force involved during the impact. (i) The distance between two successive images of the sphere
increases showing that the two spheres are falling with
……………................................................................................ increasing velocity; falling with an acceleration.
(b) Give one reason why the egg cracked after the impact. (ii) The two spheres are at the same level at all times. Thus, a
heavy object and a light object fall with the same gravitational
…………................................................................................. acceleration. Gravitational acceleration is independent of
(c) The mass of the egg is 0.05 kg. Calculate the momentum just
before the impact. Example 1
An object that experience free fall takes 2.0 s to reach the ground.
What is
(d) Give one suggestion how you would avoid the egg from (a (a) its speed when it strikes the ground
cracking when dropped from the same height. (b) the height where the object is dropped
Objects fall because they are pulled towards the Earth by
gravitational force / gravitational pull.
Example 2
An object is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20ms-1. If
the object experience free fall, calculate
(a) maximum height reached
(b) time to reach the maximum height
(c) time to reach the ground again
At vacuum state:
There is no air resistance.
The coin and the feather experience free fall.
Only gravitational force acted on the objects. 3. Figure below is a stroboscopic photograph shows two steel
Both will fall at the same acceleration known as acceleration due balls in a state of free-fall. Both balls are dropped
to gravity, g. (0n earth g = 10ms-2) simultaneously from the same height.
Both object will reach the ground at the same time.
______________________________________________[2 m]
(b) Name one physical quantity which causes the balls to fall.
______________________________________________[1 m]
____________________________________________[1 m]
(iii) State how the mass of a ball affect the valued of the physical
quantity stated in (c)(i). Diagram 6
4.Fig. 2.1 shows apparatus that demonstrates how a coin and a ………………………...………………………………..…[1 mark]
piece of paper fall from rest.
(c) State the value of the velocity when the ball reached the
maximum height.
…………...……………………………………....……….…[1 mark]
(b) Explain how Fig. 2.2 shows that (f) Sketch a velocity, v against time, t graph to describe the motion
(i) the paper falls with constant speed, of the ball.
......................................................................................... t/s
[2 marks]
(ii) the coin accelerates.
.....................................................................................[2] - a single force that represents the combined effect of two of
more forces in magnitude and direction.
(c) A vacuum pump is connected to A and the air in the tube is
removed. The coin and paper fall differently in a vacuum from Example
the way they fall in air. State two of these differences. 1. Calculate the resultant force for the diagrams below. Which
direction does the object move?
1....................................................................................... (a) (b)
2. ................................................................................ [2]
60° 120°
1.By using the scale given find the resultant force for the following
(a) (b)
…………….…………………………………....(2 marks)
(ii) The vertical force Fy a) the weight component which is parallel to the inclined plane, mg
sin θ
b) the weight component which is perpendicular to the inclined (d) Diagram 11.2 shows four lawnmowers, J, K, L and M with
plane, mg cos θ different specifications. You are required to determine the
c) the normal reaction force, N most suitable lawnmower to cut grass effectively.
d) the frictional force, f Study the specifications of the four lawnmowers based on
following aspect:
QUESTIONS (i) Method of moving the lawnmower.
1) Diagram below shows a bag of cement of mass 35 kg on a (ii) Mass of the lawnmower.
ramp with 15° slope to horizontal. Frictional force exerted (iii) Size of the cutter blade.
between the bag and the ramp is 90.6 N. (iv) The angle between the handle and the horizontal line.
Explain the suitability of aspect and the determine the
most suitable lawn mover. Give a reason for your
choice. [10 marks]
…………..……………………………………….…[1 mark]
[2 marks]
(c) Based on your answer in 4 (b), state what
happens to the motion of the bag of cement.
Give a reason for your answers.
……….…………………………….........………[2 marks]
Net force/Resultant force is zero 30°
Object is stationary or move with constant velocity R
1 Diagram 2.1 shows an airplane maintaining a steady and level (b)
flight under the influence of four forces. Diagram 2.2 shows a
load hanging from the middle of the string. T1 and T2 are Tension (R)
tensions of the string and W is the weight of the load. The 60° F
dotted line shows the resolved component of the tensions T1
and T2 .
Weight (20N)
..………………...........................................................[ 1 mark ]
[2 marks] [2 marks ]
(ii) Calculate the force F [2 marks]
………..........................................................................[ 1 mark ]
Example 2
A girl is lifting up a 3 kg flower pot steadily to a height of 0.4 m.
[2 marks ]
(c) Using 1cm = 2N draw triangle of forces in equilibrium for both
Example 3
A man is pulling a crate of fish along the floor with a force of 40 N
through a distance of 6 m.
T1 = _____cm = ______N
T2 =_____cm = ______N What is the work done in pulling the crate?
[4 marks ]
i) Energy can be defined as the capacity to do work.
ii) Kinetic Energy is the energy of an object due to its motion
iii) Kinetic energy = ½ mv 2
Example 5
A ball of mass 0.5 kg moves with velocity of 4 ms-1. Calculate the
kinetic energy
Example 10:
A ball is moving along a smooth horizontal surface at a velocity of
iv) G ravitational potential energy is the energy stored in the 6 ms-1. The ball then moves up a smooth inclined plane. The
object because of its height above the earth’s surface. height of the inclined plane is 1.5 m. What is its velocity at point B?
v) Gravitational potential energy = mgh
Example 6
An object of mass 5 kg is placed at a height of 10m Calculate the
gravitational potential energy.
12 Diagram below shows a worker lifting a load of mass 20 kg (ii) Based on the answer in (a)(i), compare the work done by
using a pulley system. The worker applies a force of 220 N to the student between the two throwing techniques
pull the rope down a distance of 0.5 m. The load is raised to a
height of 0.5 m. …..……………………………………………………………..
(iii) If the force which acts on the iron ball is 20 N and the
distance of hand movement is 0.5 m, calculate the work
done by the student.
…………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………….……………………….
(b) Calculate the work done (ii) State the principle involved.
(i) by the worker to pull the rope down a distance of 0.5 m.
(ii) on the load to raise to a height of 0.5 m. (c) (i) Using Diagram 6.1, what happens to the falling time if an
iron ball of a bigger mass is used?
(c) (i) Compare the work done in (b)(i) and (ii).
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (c)(i).
(ii) state why there is a difference between the work done
in (b)(i) and (b)(ii). 14 Diagram 5.1(a) shows a boy skating down a ramp from position
X. Diagram 5.1(b) shows the velocity-time graph of the boy
………………………………………………………………. from X to Z.
…..……………………………………………………[1 mark]
……..…………………………………………………….[1 mark]
(ii) State the physics concept involved. (c) If the value of compression is the same state the changes in
the velocity of the ball if
………………………………..………………………….[1 mark] (i) a ball with bigger mass is used.
………………………………………………..…………[1 mark]
Figure 1
(ii)No external force is applied. Molecules are at their equilibrium
(a) State the type of energy stored in the elastic rubber.
separation. Intermolecular force is equal zero.
(b) Explain the change of energy when the stone is released from
the elastic rubber of the catapult.
(iii)Compressing a solid causes its molecules to be displaced
………………………………………………………………………… closer to each other. Repulsive intermolecular force acts to
push the molecules back to their original positions.
(c) What happens to the maximum displacement if a smaller stone
of similar mass is used?
A 2 cm B 4 cm C 6 cm D 12 cm E 15 cm
A 4 kg B 6 kg C 8 kg D 9 kg
400 ……………………………………………………………………..
g 400
g (ii) What is meant by elastic limit.
g …..………………………………………………………………..
5 Figure (a) shows a spring P extends by 5 cm when it hung with a (iii) Mark with a cross (x) the elastic limit of the spring on the
0.5 kg weight. Figure (b) shows four springs P are arranged in graph.
a system and it hung with a 1.0 kg load. What is the total
extension of the spring system? (b) Based on the graph in figure 14.1, determine the force
constant of a spring, k.
Figure 2.2
Sketch the graph of x against F for this experiment in Figure
………………………………..…………………….…[2 marks]
Diagram 5.1
….............................................................................[1 mark]
(c) The results from the investigation are plotted on the graph
as shown on Diagram 5.2.
Diagram 5.2
(i)The graph shows that the student has made an error
throughout the investigation. What error has the student
………………..…………………..…………………[1 mark]
..........................................................................[1 mark]