7.2 Answer
7.2 Answer
7.2 Answer
A 6.0 W B 4.0 W
C 14.0 W D 24.0 W
A Longer Bigger
B Longer Smaller
C Shorter Bigger
D Shorter Smaller
What is the resistance of the wire?.
A 500 W B 1000 W 16 Diagram shows a piece of nichrome wire is
C 2000 W D 4000 W connected at P and Q.
17 Which of the following V-I graph shows the 21 Diagram shows an eagle perching on a high voltage
resistance increasing as the current increases? cable but it does not experience an electric shock.
18 Which of the following has the highest A the resistance of the cable is high
resistance? B the voltage between its legs is low
C the bird is a good electric insulator
Length / cm S.W.G D most of the electricity is converted to heat
A 100 32
B 100 20 22 Diagram shows an electric circuit consists a cooper
C 50 32 wire , jockey ,ammeter, voltmeter and dry cell.
D 50 20
Answer : C
Diagram 28.1
Diagram 27.1
Diagram 28.2
(a) Name the physical quantity measured by the
(b) (i) Compare the thickness of the copper
wire in Diagram 28.1 and Diagram 28.2.
the copper wire in diagram 28.2 is more
thick than copper wire in diagram 28.1
m m =R d 2
1/d 2
πRd 2 (vii) The way you would analyse the data.
(iii) Using the formula ρ and the
value of m in(b)(i), calculate the
resistivity , 31 Diagram31.1 shows an electrical circuit with a cell
ρ , of nichrome. Use l = 100 cm. and a bulb. It is connected using a coil of wire. The
bulb lit less brightly.
πm Diagram 32.2 also shows an electric circuit with a
ρ cell and bulb. It is connected by using a straight
wire. The bulb lit more brightly.