Dimensional Analysis PDF
Dimensional Analysis PDF
Dimensional Analysis PDF
M-L-T System
Three fundamental dimensions in mechanics:
Mass [M], Length [L], Time [T]
All other dimensions can be formed by a
combinations of these fundamental dimensions.
Acceleration velocity/time
[A] [ L / T ]/[T ] [ LT -2 ]
[ F ] [ M ][ LT -2 ] [ MLT -2 ]
Pressure force/area
[ E ] [ MLT -2 ][ L] [ ML2T -2 ]
Density = mass/volume
[ ] [ M ]/[ L3 ] [ ML3 ]
Dimensional Homogeneity
Law of dimensional homogeneity (DH): every
additive term in an equation must have the
same dimensions.
Example: Bernoulli equation
[p] = [ML-1T-2]
[V2] = [ML-3][LT-1]2 = [ML-1T-2]
[gz] = [ML-3][LT-2][L] = [ML-1T-2]
Non-dimensionalization of
Given the law of Dimensional Homogeneity, if
we divide each term in the equation by a
collection of variables and constants that have
the same dimensions, the equation is rendered
non-dimensional (or normalized).
In the process of non-dimensionalizing an
equation, non-dimensional parameters often
appear, e.g., Reynolds number and Froude
Normalization of Equations
Advantages of normalizing an equation
Increases insight about key parameters.
Decreases the number of parameters in the
Easier communication
Fewer experiments
Fewer simulations
Extrapolation of results to untested conditions.
Geometric Similarity - the model must be the same
shape as the prototype. Each dimension must be
scaled by the same factor.
Kinematic Similarity - velocity as any point in the
model must be proportional.
Dynamic Similarity - all forces in the model flow
scale by a constant factor to corresponding forces in
the prototype flow.
Complete Similarity is achieved only if all 3
conditions are met. This is not always possible, e.g.,
river hydraulics models.
P Groups
Complete similarity is ensured if all independent P
groups are the same between model and prototype.
What is P?
We let uppercase Greek letter P denote a
nondimensional parameter, e.g.,Reynolds number
Re, Froude number Fr, Drag coefficient, CD, etc.
Consider automobile experiment
Drag force is F = f(V, , L)
Through dimensional analysis, we can
reduce the problem to
Nondimensional Parameters
Reynolds number
Inertia force
Viscous force
Inertia force
Froude number
Gravitational force
Inertia force
Mach number
Elastic force
Weber number
Inertia force
Surface tension
sound speed
/ L
Ball Falling in a Vacuum
[ L] [T ] [ LT 1 ] [ L] [ LT 2 ]
Example (continued)
Step 5: Combine repeating parameters into products with each
of the remaining parameters, one at a time, to create the Ps.
P1 zw0a1 z0b1
a1 and b1 are constant exponents which must be
Use the primary dimensions identified in Step 2 and solve
for a1 and b1.
Time equation: T a1 1 a1 0
Length equation:
L1 a1 b1 1 1 a1 b1 0 b1 1
This results in
Example (continued)
Step 5: continued
Repeat process for P2 by combining repeating parameters
with t
P 2 tw0a2 z0b2
Time equation:
T 1 a2 1 a2 1
Length equation:
La2 b2 1 a2 b2 0 b1 1
This results in
Example (continued)
Step 5: continued
Repeat process for P3 by combining repeating parameters
with g
P 3 gw0a3 z0b3
Time equation:
T 2 a3 1 a3 2
Length equation:
L1 a3 b3 1 1+a3 b3 0 b3 1
This results in
Example (continued)
Step 6:
Double check that the P's are dimensionless.
Write the functional relationship between P's
Experimental Testing
One of the most useful applications of dimensional analysis is
in designing physical and/or numerical experiments, and in
reporting the results.
Setup of an experiment and correlation of data.
Consider a problem with 5
parameters: one dependent and 4
Full test matrix with 5 data points for
each independent parameter would
require 54 = 625 experiments!!
If we can reduce to 2 P's, the number
of independent parameters is reduced
from 4 to 1, which results in 51 = 5
experiments vs. 625!!
Incomplete Similarity
Flows with free surfaces present
unique challenges in achieving
complete dynamic similarity.
For hydraulics applications, depth
is very small in comparison to
horizontal dimensions. If
geometric similarity is used, the
model depth would be so small
that other issues would arise
Surface tension effects (Weber
number) would become important.
Data collection becomes difficult.
Incomplete Similarity
For ship hydrodynamics, Fr similarity
is maintained while Re is allowed to
be different.
Why? Look at complete similarity: