(1) Electrical systems can be analogous to mechanical systems based on their equations of motion. (2) A series analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the mesh equations of an electrical system. (3) A parallel analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the nodal equations of an electrical system.
(1) Electrical systems can be analogous to mechanical systems based on their equations of motion. (2) A series analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the mesh equations of an electrical system. (3) A parallel analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the nodal equations of an electrical system.
(1) Electrical systems can be analogous to mechanical systems based on their equations of motion. (2) A series analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the mesh equations of an electrical system. (3) A parallel analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the nodal equations of an electrical system.
(1) Electrical systems can be analogous to mechanical systems based on their equations of motion. (2) A series analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the mesh equations of an electrical system. (3) A parallel analogous circuit is created when the mechanical equations are compared to the nodal equations of an electrical system.
Similarity between Electrical and Mechanical systems equations make
possible to convert one system to another.
If mechanical system equations (equations of motion) are compared
with mesh equations, the resultant electrical analogous circuit is termed as SERIES ANALOG CIRCUIT.
If mechanical system equations (equations of motion) are compared
with nodal equations, the resultant electrical analogous circuit is termed as PARALLEL ANALOG CIRCUIT. Mechanical system Desired Electrical system Electrical analogous circuit – Series analogy P10 –Obtain the series electrical analogous circuits
No.of closed loops = No.of mass elements = 2
Elements connected to M1 in mechanical system appear in loop1 in electrical system.
Elements connected to M2 in mechanical system appear in loop2 in electrical system.
Elements common to M1 and M2 appear between loop1 and loop2
Elements connected to M1 in mechanical system should be connected to node1 in
electrical system.
Elements connected to M2 in mechanical system should be connected to node2 in
electrical system.
Elements common to M1 and M2 appear between node1 and node2
Electrical analogous circuit – Parallel analogy (a) Force-voltage analogies. (b) Force- current analogies For the given rotational mechanical system find the (a) torque-voltage analogies. (b) torque- current analogies For a given rotational system shown in fig, obtain Torque-Voltage and Torque-Current