Jacobian Matrix and Determinant
Jacobian Matrix and Determinant
Jacobian Matrix and Determinant
3 Inverse
According to the inverse function theorem, the matrix in- f2 (x, y) = 5x + sin y
verse of the Jacobian matrix of an invertible function is
and the Jacobian matrix of F is
the Jacobian matrix of the inverse function. That is, if the
Jacobian of the function f : n n is continuous and
nonsingular at the point p in n , then f is invertible when
f1 f1
restricted to some neighborhood of p and [ ]
x y x2
Jf (x, y) = = 2xy
f2 f2 5 cos y
1 x y
J 1 f = Jf .
Conversely, if the Jacobian determinant is not zero at a and the Jacobian determinant is
point, then the function is locally invertible near this point,
that is, there is a neighbourhood of this point in which the
function is invertible. det(Jf (x, y)) = 2xy cos y 5x2 .
5.5 Example 5 3
x = r cos ;
y = r sin .
y1 y1 y1
x x
[ ] x1 x2 x3
J(r, ) = = cos r sin y2 y2 y2
y y sin r cos 1 0 0
x x3
1 x2 0 0 5
r JF (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = = .
y3 y3 y3 0 8x2 2
The Jacobian determinant is equal to r. This can be used
x1 x2
x3 x 3 cos x1 0 sin x1
to transform integrals between the two coordinate sys-
y4 y4 y4
x1 x2 x3
dy dz this determinant implies that the dierential volume 80 times the volume of the original one, with orientation
element dV = r2 sin dr d d. Unlike for a change of reversed.
Cartesian coordinates, this determinant is not a constant,
and varies with coordinates (r and ).
6 Other uses
5.4 Example 4
The Jacobian serves as a linearized design matrix in sta-
The Jacobian matrix of the function F : 3 4 with tistical regression and curve tting; see non-linear least
components squares.
7 See also
Hessian matrix
Pushforward (dierential)
8 References
[1] Mathworld
9 Further reading
Gandolfo, Giancarlo (1996). Economic Dynamics
(Third ed.). Berlin: Springer. pp. 305330. ISBN
10 External links
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), Jacobian,
Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 978-
11.2 Images
File:Jacobian_determinant_and_distortion.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/96/Jacobian_determinant_and_
distortion.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
created in inkscape
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