Prandtl Glauert and Ackert's Rule PDF
Prandtl Glauert and Ackert's Rule PDF
Prandtl Glauert and Ackert's Rule PDF
Lecture 24
Prandtl-Glauert Rule
We shall now turn to subsonic flows past thin aerofoils. As follows from the analysis in
Lecture 23, in order to describe the flow behaviour one has to solve the following equation
for the potential perturbation function ϕ0
2 ∂ 2 ϕ0 ∂ 2 ϕ0
(1 − M∞ ) + = 0, (24.1)
∂x2 ∂y 2
where M∞ is the free stream Mach number.
The boundary conditions for equation (24.1) are the condition of attenuation of the
perturbations far from the aerofoil
ϕ0 → 0 as x2 + y 2 → ∞, (24.2)
and the impermeability condition on the upper and lower aerofoil surfaces.
∂ϕ0 V∞ dx on y = 0+,
= (24.3)
∂y V df− on y = 0 − .
Once a solution to the boundary-value problem (24.1)–(24.3) is found, one can calculate
the pressure coefficient
p − p∞ 2 ∂ϕ0
Cp = 1 = − . (24.4)
ρ V2
2 ∞ ∞
V∞ ∂x
Suppose now that the same aerofoil is placed in an incompressible fluid flow. In this
case the velocity potential ϕ satisfies Laplace’s equation (i.e. set M∞ = 0 in (24.1) above)
∂2ϕ ∂2ϕ
+ 2 = 0. (24.5)
∂x2 ∂x
As the aerofoil is thin and induces only small perturbations in the flow field, we can write
ϕ = V∞ x + ϕ̃0 (x, y). (24.6)
Here ϕ̃0 is supposed small; the ‘tilde’ is used to distinguish the incompressible case from
compressible one.
Substitution of (24.6) into (24.5) results in the following equation
∂ 2 ϕ̃0 ∂ 2 ϕ̃0
+ = 0. (24.7)
∂x2 ∂y 2
In order to solve equation (24.7) we have to impose upon the potential perturbation
function ϕ̃0 (x, y) the attenuation condition
ϕ̃0 → 0 as x2 + y 2 → ∞, (24.8)
MATH45111: Compressible and Incompressible Fluid Dynamics 2
u = V∞ + ũ0 , v = ṽ 0 ,
we can can easily show that Bernoulli’s equation reduces to the linearized form
p = p∞ − ρV∞ ũ0 .
Further, taking into account that the perturbation of the longitudinal velocity is related
to the perturbation of the potential as
∂ ϕ̃0
ũ0 = ,
we see that the pressure coefficient
p − p∞ 2 0 2 ∂ ϕ̃0
C̃p = 1 = − ũ = − . (24.10)
ρV∞2 V∞ V∞ ∂x
We shall now show that if the incompressible flow behaviour is known† then there
is no need to solve the compressible problem (24.1)–(24.3). All the properties of the
compressible flow may be easily found using the Prandtl-Glauert rule. It turns out that
the compressible equations (24.1)–(24.4) may be converted into the incompressible form
(24.7)–(24.10) using simple affine transformations. When making these transformations
we do not want the independent variables x, y used in (24.7)–(24.10) to be confused with
those in (24.1)–(24.4). For this reason we are going to denote x, y in (24.7)–(24.10) as
x̃, ỹ, respectively. Further, we allow the shape functions f˜± (x̃) to be distinct from the
compressible case. As a result the incompressible problem takes the form
∂ 2 ϕ̃0 ∂ 2 ϕ̃0
+ = 0. (24.11)
∂ x̃2 ∂ ỹ 2
ϕ̃0 → 0 as x̃2 + ỹ 2 → ∞, (24.12)
∂ ϕ̃ 0
V ∞ on ỹ = 0+,
= dx̃ (24.13)
∂ ỹ ˜
V∞ df− on ỹ = 0−,
From experimental observations or as a result of solving the boundary-value problem (24.7)–(24.9).
MATH45111: Compressible and Incompressible Fluid Dynamics 3
2 ∂ 2 ϕ̃0 A ∂ 2 ϕ̃0
(1 − M∞ )A + = 0, (24.16)
∂ x̃2 B 2 ∂ ỹ 2
ϕ̃0 → 0 as x̃2 + ỹ 2 → ∞, (24.17)
A ∂ ϕ̃ 0
CV ∞ on ỹ = 0+,
= dx̃ (24.18)
B ∂ ỹ ˜
CV∞ df− on ỹ = 0 − .
Comparing (24.16)–(24.18) with (24.11)–(24.13) it is easily seen, that setting
2 1 A
1 − M∞ = , =C (24.19)
B 2 B
reduces the compressible equation to its incompressible form.
If we have identical aerofoils then C = 1 and, solving equations (24.19), we find
1 1
A= p , B=p .
1 − M∞
2 1 − M∞
Thus, we can claim that the pressure coefficient Cp at any point on a thin
2 −1/2
aerofoil surface in an compressible flow is (1 − M∞ ) times the pressure
coefficient C̃p at the same point on the same aerofoil in incompressible flow .
This is called the Prandtl-Glauert rule.
If we wish to have the same pressure coefficients over two different aerofoils, one in an
incompressible flow and the other in a subsonic compressible flow, then we require A = 1
in (24.15) (i.e. φ0 = φ̃0 ). We can achieve this by altering the aerofoil thickness; from (24.19)
this yields
1 p
B=p , C = 1 − M∞ 2 .
1 − M∞ 2
Thus, the thickness of the aerofoil in the subsonic compressible
p flow is 1 − M∞2 times
Ackeret’s Formula
If the flow past a thin aerofoil is supersonic (M∞ > 1) then the general solution of
equation (24.1) may be written as
ϕ0 (x, y) = h(ξ) + g(η). (24.21)
Here f and g are arbitrary functions of the arguments
ξ = x − βy, η = x + βy,
with constant β being related to the Mach number as β = M∞ 2 − 1. The straight lines
In the flow below the aerofoil one has to set h(ξ) = 0 so that
ϕ0 (x, y) = g(η).
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In order to find the pressure field we substitute (24.24) into (23.27), which yields
f+0 (x − βy)
p = p∞ + ρ∞ V∞2 p .
M∞ 2 −1
f+0 (x)
p = p∞ + ρ∞ V∞2 p . (24.25)
2 −1
The analysis may be repeated for a supersonic flow below the aerofoil, and it is easily
found that the pressure field on the lower surface is given by
f−0 (x)
p = p∞ − ρ∞ V∞2 p . (24.26)
2 −1
Thus, taking into account that f±0 (x) represents the angle θ± (x) made by the tangent
to the aerofoil contour (on the upper/lower side respectively) with the direction of the
oncoming flow, we can write (24.25) and (24.26) as
θ± (x)
p = p∞ ± ρ∞ V∞2 p . (24.27)
M∞ 2 −1
The expressions (24.25), (24.26) or equivalently (24.27) are called Ackeret’s formula.
This formula gives a convenient means to determine the Drag and Lift on a thin aerofoil
in a supersonic flow.
V∞ c x
We start with the upper surface of the aerofoil. The pressure on this surface may be
calculated (see Figure 24.2) according to the Ackeret formula (24.25). The pressure force
acting on a small element dl of the aerofoil contour is
P+ = p+ dl ≈ p+ dx. (24.28)
MATH45111: Compressible and Incompressible Fluid Dynamics 6
dl {
y = f+ (x) }| θ
z dD+
The approximaton takes account of the fact that the aerofoil is thin, and therefore dl ≈ dx.
The x-component of this force represents a contribution of the surface element dl to the
aerofoil drag
dD+ = P+ sin θ ≈ P+ θ = P+ . (24.29)
Substitution of (24.25) and (24.28) into (24.29) yields
2 df+ /dx df+
dD+ = p∞ + ρ∞ V∞ p dx,
M∞2 −1 dx
which, being integrated over the entire upper surface, gives
df+ /dx df+
D+ = p∞ + ρ∞ V∞2 p dx.
M∞2 − 1 dx
Now we turn to the lower surface of the aerofoil (see Figure 24.3). The pressure on
this surface is given by Ackeret’s formula in the form (24.26). The pressure force acting
θ {z y = fl (x)
| dl
f+ (0) = f− (0), f+ (c) = f− (c),
the first integral in (24.31) vanishes, and we can confirm that
Zc 2 2
ρ∞ V∞2 df+ df−
D=p + dx. (24.32)
M∞2 −1 dx dx
We can simplify the expression for the drag by measuring the angle of the upper and
lower surfaces about the chord angle α (see figure 24.1), i.e.
df+ df−
= −α + θ+ (x), = −α + θ− (x).
dx dx
This allows us to express formula (24.32) in the form
Zc n
ρ∞ V∞2 2 2 o
D=p 2α2 − 2αθ+ (x) − 2αθ− (x) + θ+ (x) + θ− (x) dx,
M∞2 −1
and since
Zc Zc
θ+ (x)dx = 0, θ− (x)dx = 0,
0 0
we arrive at the conclusion that
Zc n
ρ∞ V∞2 2 2 o
D=p 2α2 + θ+ (x) + θ− (x) dx.
M∞2 −1