Chapter Appendix II
Chapter Appendix II
Chapter Appendix II
Collision Guarantee to Club from Lloyds Brokers
The [Name and address of Club]
Dear Sirs,
Collision with
In consideration of your providing bail or other security in respect of the claim of the
Owners of the ............... against the above vessel in the amount of US$ ................. in
order to avoid the arrest or detention of the above vessel or any other vessel or assets in
the same ownership or in order to secure their release from arrest, we hereby agree as
1. To pay immediately upon any liability being incurred by you or your agents in or in
connection with such bail or security, a sufficient sum to discharge such liability in full
and generally to take all such measures as may be necessary to ensure that such
liability is discharged in full without delay as soon as it be incurred and that neither
you nor your agents shall be required to make any payment whatsoever to discharge
the same, save out of funds which we shall have provided.
2. To indemnify you and hold you harmless in respect of any loss or damage which
may result from your giving such bail or security and to reimburse to you at any time
upon demand, any such sum or sums of money you may be called upon to pay
under or in connection with such bail or security.
3. To pay all your costs, expenses, charges and commission in connection with the
provision of the above bail and security. Provided at all times our liability in respect of
this Letter of Indemnity shall not exceed three quarters of US$.......... together with
costs and interests.
This Letter of Undertaking shall be governed and construed in accordance with English
Law, and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in
Service of proceedings in respect of this guarantee may be served on us at our
registered office for the time being......................................
Yours faithfully,