He CV GW 11 23
He CV GW 11 23
He CV GW 11 23
van insurance
policy booklet
How to claim
Report an incident or make a claim, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
Online: Log into MyAccount www.hastingsdirect.com/MyAccount
Call (in the UK): 0333 321 9800
Call (outside of the UK): 00 44 1424 738 585
If you need to send us more information about your claim
(such as photos of the damage) you can email or write to us:
Email: motorclaims@hastingsdirect.com
Address: Claims department, Hastings Direct, Conquest House,
Collington Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 3LW
Have any questions?
Check your details, view or download your documents, make
changes to your policy or read our FAQs, at any time, in the app
and MyAccount.
Log in or register for
MyAccount: www.hastingsdirect.com/MyAccount
Download the Hastings Direct app from the App Store or Google
Play Store.
This insurance is not available in the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands. Hastings Insurance Services
Ltd, trading as Hastings Direct, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(register number 311492.) Registered in England and Wales, 3116518. Registered Office: Conquest
House, Collington Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN39 3LW.
Welcome....................................................................................................... 2
Your cover...................................................................................................... 2
Legal statement, your contracts of insurance
and important documents......................................................................... 3
Your legal obligations – the law and motor insurance......................... 6
Who can speak to us about your policy.................................................. 7
How to make a claim................................................................................... 8
Replacement van service......................................................................... 10
Meaning of words – terms and definitions explained....................... 14
Your policy – what you’re covered for
Section 1 Damage to your van/s (except that caused
by fire or theft)...................................................................... 18
Section 2 Damage or loss by fire or theft.......................................... 18
Total loss – if your van can’t be repaired.......................... 21
Section 3 Legal responsibility to others (third parties)................. 23
Section 4 Personal accident................................................................ 25
Section 5 Driving abroad..................................................................... 26
Section 6 No claims discount............................................................. 28
General exceptions – what your policy doesn’t cover..................... 29
General conditions.................................................................................. 34
Terms and conditions
Your contract with us – the service we provide
and what you pay for................................................................................ 46
Our fees – administration costs for our services................................ 47
Who regulates us?.................................................................................... 48
Your privacy................................................................................................ 49
Things you need to know
Keeping your policy up to date – tell us if anything changes......... 52
Renewing your policy.............................................................................. 55
Complaints – how to contact us if
you’re unhappy with the service........................................................... 59
Thank you for insuring your van through us. This document explains
your insurance policy; please read it carefully so you understand
exactly what you are covered for.
We are one of the UK’s leading insurance providers. We arrange
and administer your insurance cover, allowing you to choose the
best available option to meet your needs.
We are always your first point of contact if you have any questions,
want to make changes to your policy or need to make a claim.
We know making a claim can be stressful so we will handle things as
efficiently as possible, giving you one less thing to worry about. Our
claims helpline is open 24 hours a day.
Your Cover
This is a short explanation to help you understand if the cover is
suitable for your needs.
Legal statements
A policyholder of a van policy enters into two separate contracts
when taking out a policy through us.
(i) The first contract is between the policyholder and the insurer:
• The insurer’s name is shown on the policyholder’s current
certificate of motor insurance. This can be found on the
policyholder’s certificate of motor insurance in
MyAccount: www.hastingsdirect.com/MyAccount
• The insurer is the company providing the policyholder’s
van insurance
• The insurer’s terms and conditions for van policies
are set out at pages 46-49 of this document
(“Insurer’s Terms & Conditions”)
• It is the policyholder’s responsibility to be aware of these terms
and conditions and to make sure that named drivers are also
aware of them
• The policyholder is the only individual able to cancel the van
policy (as set out in more detail in ‘Cancellations’)
• The policyholder is able to make claims under the van policy
(as set out in more detail in ‘Claims’) on their own behalf and on
behalf of any named drivers
• This contract does not give rise to any rights under the
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any
term of the contract
• This contract will be governed by and interpreted in accordance
with English law
• We will communicate in English throughout the course of
this contract.
(ii) The second contract is between the policyholder and Hastings
Insurance Services Ltd (“Hastings”):
• Hastings is an insurance broker and arranges and administers
the policyholder’s van policy on behalf of the insurer
• Hastings is the policyholder’s first point of contact
• Hastings’ terms and conditions for arranging and administering
policies are set out at pages 5-44 of this document
continued overleaf
• This contract does not give rise to any rights under the
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any
term of the contract
• This contract will be governed by and interpreted in accordance
with English law
• We will communicate in English throughout the course of
this contract.
The policyholder of a van policy is covered by the insurer for the
period of cover when the policyholder:
• Agrees to the terms and conditions offered; and
• Pays, or has offered to pay, the appropriate premium, insurance
premium tax and Hastings’ arrangement and
administration fee.
The policyholder is required to take reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation when providing information to the insurer
and/or Hastings.
What do we mean by 'my insurer'?
We are permitted to set up your insurance contract on behalf of
the insurer and we act on your behalf in arranging your contract
of insurance for all policies.
Ownership and close links
If we have arranged your insurance with Advantage Insurance
Company Limited, please note that we are both part of the
same group of companies and are both, indirectly, wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Sampo plc (registered in Finland, ISIN
FI0009003305), which is the ultimate parent company of
the group
Where your insurer is Advantage Insurance Company Limited:
i) W
e act as either subcontractor or agent for them and provide a
number of services (which may include the repair of your van).
When dealing with elements of your claim, we are acting as
agent of the insurer and, as their agent, we hold claims monies.
We also receive fees, commission and other income for
undertaking these roles and services and you agree we may
retain; and
ii) w
e are entitled to process your claim in its entirety as well as
conduct the defence or settlement of any claim and/or admit
negligence for any accident or claim on your behalf.
Four key documents make up a policyholder’s policy;
1. This policy document, which explains how we manage your
insurance and tells you what you are covered for
2. Your statement of insurance which shows all the information
you gave us, on which your cover has been based
3. Your schedule which contains details about you, your
insurer, the van/s on the policy and the cover provided.
It also shows you which sections, excesses and endorsements
apply to you
4. Your certificate of motor insurance which gives details of
who can drive your van, what it can be used for and the
period of cover.
It is important you read all of these documents plus your cover
summary carefully. Also take a minute now to check your statement
of insurance to make sure you have the right level of cover for your
needs and all the details are correct.
If the details on your documents are wrong, or if you wish to
make any changes, please contact our customer services team.
Their details are at the front of this document.
Arrears Renew
changes to Cancellation
payment accept
your policy
How to make a claim
We hope you never have an accident or loss, but if you do, we will
make the process as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
Please call us within seven days of the incident. It’s better to speak to
us as soon as you can, while the details of the incident are fresh in
your mind. Getting all the facts quickly can also reduce the time and
cost involved in dealing with your claim. That’s better for you and
helps insurers to keep their prices as low as possible.
Your insurer’s nominated repairer may use parts or accessories that
aren’t made or supplied by your van’s manufacturer, including
recycled parts of a similar type and quality to those being replaced.
What’s an excess?
An excess is the amount you have to pay towards the first part of
any claim you make.
You agree the amount of each excess when you buy the policy.
Details are shown on your schedule of insurance.
Can I choose my own repairer/garage?
Yes, you can take your van to a repairer of your choice but if you do
so you won’t be entitled to the benefits available under the
nominated repairer scheme.
You will also need to submit a repair estimate to your insurer for
authorisation before the work can start, which may delay the progress
of your claim and the repairs to your van.
Guide to your cover
Check the column that matches the level of cover you have bought
(you will find the details on your statement of insurance and
policy schedule).
This table is a summary; it doesn’t describe all the terms and
conditions that apply, so please refer to the appropriate section for
full details.
Policy features and benefits Policy cover
Meaning of words
To help you understand the details of your cover, here are
definitions of some of the key terms in your policy. Wherever
these words or phrases appear in bold in this document, they
will always have the following meanings:
Parts or products (including spare parts) specifically designed to be
fitted to your van.
A clause that changes the terms of the policy. Your schedule of
insurance will show any endorsements that apply
The part of the claim that you must pay, even if the damage or loss
isn’t your fault
• A compulsory excess is the amount you will have to pay towards
each claim. It’s set by your insurer.
• A voluntary excess is an amount you have agreed to pay if you
make a claim, on top of the compulsory excess. Increasing the
amount of voluntary excess may reduce the cost of your
insurance. “Voluntary” doesn’t mean you can choose whether to
pay or not.
• Young and inexperienced driver excess. If your van was being
driven by or was in the charge of anyone under the age of 21,
including yourself, at the time of an incident, you will have to pay
the first £295 of any claim. If your van was being driven by or was
in the charge of anyone aged 21 to 24, or anyone over 25 who
hasn’t held a full UK or EU/EEC driving licence for at least one
year, including yourself, you will have to pay the first £195 of any
claim. These amounts apply to accidental damage claims under
section 1 and are on top of any other excesses shown on your
schedule of insurance.
• Your total excess is the full amount you would pay out if you
made a claim under this policy. It’s the total amount of all
excesses which apply to your claim. See your schedule of
insurance for details of the excesses and amounts that apply to
your policy.
Green Card
The international certificate of motor insurance required when
driving in the EU.
Hazardous goods
Goods or substances referred to in the European Agreement
concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by
Road (ADR). Examples are; explosive substances and articles, gases,
flammable liquids, flammable solids, self-reactive substances and
solid desensitised explosives, substances liable to spontaneous
combustion, substances which, in contact with water, emit
flammable gases, oxidising substances, organic peroxides, toxic
substances, infectious substances, radioactive material and
corrosive substances.
Hazardous locations
Power stations, nuclear installations or establishments, airports and
dockside, refineries, bulk storage or production premises in the oil,
gas or chemical industries, bulk storage or production premises in
the explosive, ammunition or pyrotechnic industries. Ministry of
Defence premises and Military bases – other than in any area
designated for access or parking by the general public.
The insurance company named on your certificate of motor
insurance and schedule of insurance.
The keys, lock transmitters or other devices that unlock or start
your van.
Market value
The cost of replacing your van in the United Kingdom at the time the
loss or damage occurred with one of the same make, model, age and
condition. This may not necessarily be the value you declared when
the insurance was taken out. Your insurer may use publications such
as Glass's Guide to assess the market value and will make any
necessary allowances for the mileage and condition of your van and
the circumstances in which you bought it.
Nominated repairer
A repairer or garage from an approved network, who will be asked to
repair your van following a claim.
Your husband, wife, civil partner or a person who lives with you on a
permanent basis at the same address, sharing financial responsibilities,
as if you were married to them.
Period of cover
The period you are insured for, as shown on your certificate of
motor insurance.
This policy document, the statement of insurance, the insurer’s
schedule of insurance and the certificate of motor insurance.
The person named as the policyholder on the current certificate of
motor insurance.
The amount of money charged for insurance cover excluding
insurance premium tax (IPT), fees and any optional extras.
Statement of insurance
The document recording the information you have provided at the
start and renewal of your policy; it's important that it's correct.
Third party
Usually another person involved in an incident, accident or claim, but
it can refer to any person not party to this contract.
A trailer, semi-trailer or container used for carrying goods but which
can’t be driven itself.
Total loss
If your van can’t be repaired or the cost of repair is uneconomical,
your van will be declared a total loss. This is commonly called
a “write-off”.
The van insured under your policy and specified on your current
certificate of motor insurance and insurer’s schedule.
Hastings Insurance Services Limited trading as Hastings Direct
on behalf of the insurer identified on your certificate of
motor insurance.
The person named as the policyholder on the current certificate of
motor insurance.
Section 1
Damage to your van (except that caused by fire or theft)
You’re covered for accident, vandalism and malicious damage
If your van is damaged or lost because of an accident, vandalism or
malicious damage there are four ways your policy can help you get
back on the road again. Your insurer will do one of the following:
• Pay for any necessary repairs
• Replace your van
• Repair the damage
• Pay the market value of your van immediately before the loss.
Section 2
Damage or loss caused by fire or theft
You are covered for fire, theft, attempted theft or lightning
damage to your van
If your van is damaged or lost because of theft, attempted theft, fire
or lightning there are four ways your policy can help you get back on
the road again. Your insurer will do one of the following:
• Pay for any necessary repairs
• Replace your van
• Repair the damage
• Pay the market value of your van immediately before the loss.
Accessories are also covered while they’re in, or on, your van or in
your private garage.
How your claims are settled for sections 1 and 2
How the insurer will deal with your claim for accident, vandalism,
malicious damage, theft, attempted theft, fire or lightning
If your van is damaged, your insurer will arrange the transportation
of your van to the nearest suitable nominated repairer or a place of
storage. Where appropriate they’ll also return it after repair to the
address shown on your schedule. Alternatively, they’ll cover the
reasonable cost of doing this.
Costs you may have to pay:
• If your insurer accepts your claim, and we find your details or
circumstances have changed since you took your policy out, you
may have to pay any additional costs and associated fees (see
General Conditions for more details)
• If your claim is settled on a total loss basis and you pay by
instalments under a loan arrangement with us we may take all
outstanding payments from the claims settlement or ask you
to pay the outstanding amount (see total loss section for
more details)
• If your insurer doesn’t accept your claim, you may have to pay
any costs already incurred. These may include (but are not limited
to) engineers’ fees, van recovery and storage charges
• The VAT element of any claim, if you are registered for VAT.
If your van is declared a total loss, and you have already paid the
premium in full, no refund will be made, even if the policy is later
cancelled. This may not apply if your insurer is able to recover all
losses from a third party. In this case insurers may sometimes refund
the premium paid and, if they do, we will pass that refund on to you.
If your claim is settled on a total loss basis and you don’t replace
your van within 30 days of being issued the settlement payment we
will cancel your policy. The notes above, about loan agreements
and refunds, will still apply.
If your claim is settled on a total loss basis and your van belongs to
someone else, or you have bought your van by hire purchase
contract, your insurer will pay any money owed to that person /
company first and then pay any remaining money to you. If your van
is on lease or contract hire, your insurer will pay the lease or contract
hire company either the market value of the van, or the amount
required to settle the contract, whichever is less.
Section 3
Legal responsibility to others (Third Parties)
What’s covered
After any incident involving your van your insurer will pay all sums
you are legally responsible for:
• Following death or injury to other people
• Up to £3,000,000 for damage to someone else’s property.
This cover also applies to accidents involving a trailer, caravan or
broken-down vehicle being towed (as long as you hold the correct
entitlement on your driving licence to do so). This cover also applies
if goods fall from your van and to the loading and unloading of
your van.
Legal costs
Following a claim covered by this policy and if your insurer agrees it's
in their interest to do so, which is entirely their decision, they'll pay
reasonable legal costs and expenses for:
• Solicitors’ fees for representing anyone insured at a coroner’s
inquest, fatal accident inquiry or court
• Reasonable legal services, which they’ll arrange, to defend a
charge of manslaughter or causing death by dangerous or
reckless driving
• Any other legal costs and expenses if agreed in writing beforehand.
You will need to get your insurer’s consent in writing before
incurring these sorts of fees and costs.
See also
General exceptions
General conditions
Section 4
Personal accident
Your insurer will pay up to £1,000 if you or your partner are
accidentally injured while travelling in or while getting into, or getting
out of, your van and within 90 days if this injury is the sole cause of:
• Death
• Permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes
• Total physical loss of a limb at or above the ankle or wrist.
Your insurer will pay the injured person or their legal representative.
Section 5
Using your van at home and abroad
This policy covers your van for use in Great Britain, Northern Ireland,
the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. It includes travel by sea, air
or land within and between these places.
What to take if you drive abroad:
If you plan to drive your van abroad, in addition to your passport
and driving licence please take the following documents with you.
• Green card: A potential change to the rules around driving in
Europe could require all drivers to carry a green card. To check
if you need one or to order your green card, take a look at
our FAQs.
• Take this policy document and your certificate of motor
insurance with you. You can find your certificate of motor
insurance in MyAccount: www.hastingsdirect.com/MyAccount
• Take your van registration document (V5) document with you
(as proof of ownership).
Section 6
No claims discount (NCD)
If you don’t make a claim under your policy during the period
of cover, when you renew the policy you will get a discount
included in the price you pay. Your insurer will have a maximum
no claims discount.
You can’t transfer your no claims discount to someone else or
use it on more than one vehicle at the same time.
If you do make a non-recoverable claim, your level of no claims
discount will be reduced at your next renewal, as detailed on
your cover summary.
Non-recoverable claim
Is a claim made against your policy, where your insurer has
made a payment they can’t recover in full, from a third party.
Or it’s a claim that’s outstanding because it’s not clear
who’s responsible.
Sometimes it’s called a ‘fault claim’.
At renewal
If a claim is still outstanding at the renewal date, your insurer will
issue a renewal offer with the no claims discount reduced.
Once the claim has been settled in your favour and all outstanding
money repaid, and as long as it’s not a non-recoverable claim, your
insurer will restore your no claims discount and refund any extra
premium you may have paid.
Even with your no claims discount restored, your premium may still
increase following a claim.
General exceptions
Your policy doesn’t cover the following:
continued overleaf
• Used for criminal purposes (including avoiding lawful
apprehension), or deliberate use of your van:
• to cause damage to other vans or property; and/or
• to cause injury to any person and/or to put any person(s) in
fear of injury
• for any liability, loss, damage, cost or expense caused by,
resulting from or in connection with your or a named driver's
criminal or illegal act, in circumstances where the convicted
offence is one where the court has the power to imprison you.
• Used for carrying hazardous goods.
These exclusions don’t apply if your van is:
• With a member of the motor trade for maintenance or repair
• Stolen or taken away without your permission
• Being parked by an employee of a restaurant, hotel or vehicle
parking service.
2. Contractual liability
This policy doesn’t cover any contractual liability unless the
liability would have arisen anyway.
3. Theft claims
You are not covered for any claim for the theft of your van unless:
• You have reported the theft to the nearest police authority
within seven calendar days of discovery
• You have obtained a police crime reference number and details
of the police station the crime was reported to. Having a crime
reference number doesn’t guarantee your insurer will settle
a claim
• Your van was fully locked and secured and any keys that unlock
it were removed
• The windows and sunroof are closed and secured when it’s left
unattended or unoccupied
• Personal belongings are kept out of sight in the glove box
or locked boot.
4. Alcohol and drugs
• You are not covered if an accident happens while you or anyone
entitled to drive under your current certificate of motor insurance:
• Is found to be over the prescribed limit for alcohol or drugs in the
country where the incident happens
• Is driving while unfit through alcohol, drugs or other substances,
whether prescribed or not
• Doesn’t provide a sample of breath, blood or urine when
required to do so, without lawful reason.
6. Radioactivity
You are not covered for any loss or damage to property or any
other direct or indirect loss, expense or liability caused or
contributed to by:
• Ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from any nuclear
fuel or waste
• The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties
of nuclear equipment or its nuclear parts.
7. War
You are not covered for any loss, injury, damage or liability caused
by war, invasion, revolution, acts by foreign enemies, hostilities
(whether war has been declared or not), military or usurped power.
8. Riot
You are not covered for any loss, injury, damage or liability
(except under section 3 ‘Legal responsibility to others’) caused by
riot or civil commotion if it happens outside England, Scotland,
Wales, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
9. Terrorism
You are not covered for any loss or damage caused by the use,
or threatened use, of any action, force or violence by any person
or group of people whether acting alone, or on behalf of any
organisation or government which is committed for political,
religious, ideological or similar purposes. This includes the
intention to influence government or to intimidate and/or put
in fear the public, or any section of the public, and includes any
incident deemed to be an act of terrorism by a UK court of law
or the government.
10. Use on airfields
You are not covered for any loss, injury, damage or liability while
your van is in, or on, any part of an airport or airfield used:
• For take-off or landing of aircraft or the movement of aircraft
on the ground
• As aircraft parking areas, including service roads and parking
areas for ground equipment.
11. Pollution
You are not covered for liability for death, injury, illness, damage
or loss caused directly or indirectly by pollution or contamination
unless the pollution or contamination is directly caused by a
sudden, identifiable, unintended and unexpected event, which
happens during the period of cover. Cover won’t be provided
following any deliberate release of substances or as a result of
leaks from your van caused by inadequate maintenance.
12. Deliberate acts
You are not covered for any death, injury, illness, damage or loss
arising from a deliberate act by you or anyone insured to drive
your van.
13. Confiscation
You are not covered for any loss or damage resulting from the
legal confiscation of your van by HM Revenue and Customs,
the police, a local authority or any other government authority.
14. Pressure waves
You are not covered for any loss or damage caused by pressure
waves from aircraft or aerial devices travelling at sonic or
supersonic speeds.
15. Hazardous locations
You are not covered for any injury, loss, damage or liability caused
by using any van insured under this policy in a hazardous
location. See the ‘Meaning of words’ list at the front of this
document for examples of hazardous locations.
General conditions
You must comply with the conditions below. If you don’t, depending
on the circumstances, your insurer may be entitled to cancel the
policy, refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the amount of any
claim payment.
1. Making claims
If you need to make a claim under this policy you, or any insured
driver, should phone our claims helpline within seven days of
the incident.
You, or any insured driver, must:
• Not admit liability for, or negotiate the settlement of, any claim
unless you have your insurer’s written permission
• Not answer any writ, summons, letter, claim or other document
from a third party relevant to your claim on this policy. Instead,
send it to your insurer immediately
• Tell your insurer about any impending prosecution, inquest or
fatal accident inquiry
• Give your insurer all the information and help they ask for,
including any documentary evidence to back up your claim. All
information you provide must be true and correct to the best of
your knowledge.
If you don’t tell us, or your insurer, of any changes or make sure any
information you supply is honest, full and correct, depending on the
circumstances your insurer may be entitled to cancel your policy
from its start date, apply additional premium or add new terms to
your policy. If you make a claim they may be entitled to reject the
claim or only provide partial payment for it.
2. Other insurance
We will not be responsible for any claim if the loss, damage or liability
is covered wholly or in part under another insurance policy.
This condition doesn’t apply to section 4 – personal accident.
4. Non-payment of premiums
If you are paying in instalments under a loan agreement, you must
make sure instalments are paid on time. If an instalment isn’t
received by the date it’s due, we, on behalf of your insurer, will give
you at least seven days’ notice of cancellation in writing to your last
known address by first class post or email. The policy will end after
the seven days’ notice runs out.
We also need to know if you intend to alter or modify your van from
the manufacturers standard specification. This includes, but is not
limited to:
• Changes to the bodywork
• Changes to suspension or brakes
• Cosmetic changes such as alloy wheels
• Anything affecting performance such as changes to the engine
management system or exhaust system
• Changes to the audio/entertainment system.
Some changes may result in an amendment fee being charged; see
‘our fees’ in your cover summary for more details.
Some changes to your circumstances can affect how your insurer
will assess the policy risk and may result in an extra premium being
charged or in a reduction in premium.
6. Fraud
You must not act in a fraudulent manner. If you, or anyone
acting for you:
• Knowingly provide information to us that is not true
• Mislead us in any way, including about who is the main user
of the van, in order to get insurance from us, obtain more
favourable terms or reduce your premium
• Make a claim under the policy knowing it to be false or
fraudulently exaggerated in any respect
• Submit a document in support of a policy or claim knowing
the document to be forged or false in any respect
• Make a claim for any loss or damage caused by your wilful
act or with your knowledge.
Then, depending on the circumstances:
• Your insurer may be entitled to refuse responsibility for the claim
to which the alleged fraud or falsehood relates. They may also be
entitled to cancel or void the policy without refunding
your premium
continued overleaf
• All other policies you have entered into through us, to which you
are connected (including van, bike and home insurance), may be
cancelled and your insurer will only give you a pro-rata refund
• Your insurer may inform the police of the circumstances of
the claim.
7. Victim of crime
You must report the circumstances of any claim you make as a
result of you being a victim of crime to police within seven days
of discovering the incident and fully co-operate with all resulting
police enquiries and prosecution of offenders.
9. Van modifications
This policy doesn’t cover any non-standard parts (modifications).
If you make a claim for loss or damage to your van, your insurer will
only be responsible for parts needed to meet the manufacturer’s
standard specification, including optional extras fitted by the
manufacturer at the time of first registration. If you don’t tell us
about a modification, we may cancel your policy from its start date,
apply additional premium or add new terms to your policy. If you
make a claim your insurer may reject the claim or only provide
partial payment for it.
This section contains important notes about your rights, plus our and
your insurer’s rights of cancellation. To cancel this policy you should
contact our customer services team. The telephone number is at the
front of this document. If your insurance policy is cancelled by
you, your insurer or us then all cover provided by the inclusive
benefits will also be cancelled.
If your policy is cancelled your insurer won’t refund the premium for
your van where a non-recoverable claim has been made during the
period of cover. In this case, if you are paying by instalments under a
loan arrangement, you will have to pay the balance of the loan
agreement and our cancellation fee (if it’s 14 days or more since your
policy started). You will also have to pay any interest and fees due
under your consumer credit agreement.
Non-recoverable claim
Is a claim made against your policy, where your insurer has
made a payment they can’t recover in full, from a third party.
Or it’s a claim that’s outstanding because it’s not clear
who’s responsible.
Sometimes it’s called a ‘fault claim’.
You have got the right to cancel this policy within the first 14 days
without giving a reason. This is known as “the 14 day cooling off
period” and starts on (i) the day this policy is entered into or (ii) the
day on which you receive these terms and conditions, whichever
is later.
Following cancellation, we will calculate your refund as follows:
• If you tell us that you want to cancel the policy before the cover
starts, you will be entitled to a full refund of the insurer premium
minus our cancellation and other non-refundable fees
• If you or we cancel the policy within the 14 day cooling off period,
we will refund the premium on a pro-rata basis for the period of
cover that hasn’t been used minus our cancellation and other
non-refundable fees
• If you or we cancel the policy at any other time, we will refund
the part of the premium on a pro-rata basis for the period of
cover that hasn’t been used minus our cancellation fee and our
other non-refundable fees.
You can find a list of our fees in this document your cover summary
and on our website www.hastingsdirect.com.
If a non-recoverable claim has been made during the period of
cover, there will be no refund for cancellation.
continued overleaf
• You don’t provide reasonable co-operation to us or your insurer
in order to allow us to process your policy, or a claim, or to defend
our interests
• You don’t send us or your insurer information or documentation
that your insurer reasonably requires to process your policy, or a
claim, or to defend their interests
• Your insurer is prevented from providing cover under this policy
by law or other reason
• You don’t take care of your van as required by condition 3 above
and in your insurer’s reasonable opinion this materially increases
the risk they have insured
• You use threatening or abusive language or behaviour, or
intimidate or bully our employees or your insurer’s staff
or suppliers.
In certain circumstances we or your insurer have the right to treat
your policy as if it never existed, without giving you notice or
refunding your premium. This will only apply if you make, try to make
or where your insurer reasonably suspects - misrepresentation which
is deliberate and/or reckless. If the policy is treated as if it never
existed, any claims made before or during this time will be declined.
In addition, if you received a discount from us or your insurer when
you bought your policy, and the policy is then cancelled, we will
reclaim the unused portion of the discount out of any refund you are
due on a pro-rata basis.
If you, or we, cancel the policy, at any time, any optional extras you
bought with the policy (such as personal accident cover) will also be
cancelled. Please see your additional product policy wording for
details of refunds on those products.
If you don’t pay for the insurance yourself, you must show these
details to the person who paid on your behalf.
Hastings Insurance
Services Ltd policy terms
and conditions
About your contract with us
This contract is with us for arranging and administering your
insurance policy. We will charge you arrangement and
administration fees for this. Our terms and conditions are
set out in this part of the document.
If you make any changes to your policy you will be charged an
additional fee for amendment to your policy as shown in ‘our fees’
in your cover summary.
These premiums will be in addition to our fees, which are for our
services only.
Our fees
The administration fees shown in your cover summary are for our
services only. Each fee must be paid at the time the transaction is
made and is non-refundable.
If you pay by instalments additional fees will also apply, see your
consumer credit agreement for details.
If you pay for any adjustments to your premium by direct debit,
we have the right to ask for part or full payment of any additional
amount. Any return of premium will be used to reduce your
loan amount.
If someone else pays for your insurance, you must show this
information to them.
Who regulates us?
Hastings Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our FCA registered number
is 311492. You can check our registration on the FCA’s register by
visiting their website www.fca.org.uk/register/ or by contacting the
FCA on 0800 111 6768.
Our permitted business is acting as an agent, arranging and assisting
in the administration of non-investment insurance contacts
Your privacy
Your privacy is important to us and we go to great lengths to protect
it. Our privacy notice will tell you everything you need to know about
the personal data we, our insurers and ancillary product providers
hold about you, in order to be able to provide you with a quote or
insurance policy. It explains how we, our insurers and ancillary
product providers may collect, use and share your details and tells
you your rights under data protection laws.
You will find our privacy notice at
www.hastingsdirect.com/privacy-notice but if you would prefer a
paper copy, please speak to our customer relations team. Their
details are on the inside back page of this policy document.
If you have any questions about our privacy notice, including any
requests to exercise your legal rights under data protection laws,
please contact our data protection team. When contacting us,
please include your full name, policy number, address and date of
birth and send to:
Things you need
to know
Keeping your policy up to date
Your policy and the cost of your insurance are based on the
information you, as the policyholder, have given us. It’s very
important that this is kept up to date.
Changes to your policy will be subject to your insurer agreeing to
them. Some amendments may not be acceptable, or may result in
different terms, extra costs and/or fees. In some cases the additional
cost could be significant. Please use the app or contact us to make
changes to your policy.
Some examples of what you should tell us about follow. These lists
can’t cover everything so if anything changes, it’s a good idea to
check the app or MyAccount, or contact us to see if it’s something
we need to record on your policy.
Log in to MyAccount with your email
address: www.hastingsdirect.com/MyAccount
• You, or any insured driver/s, change the type of job they do
• Any named driver (including yourself) passes their driving test
and moves from a provisional to a full driving licence, or any
insured driver’s licence is revoked, either temporarily or
• The status of your or any named driver’s licence changes in any
other way.
Please also tell us about these before they happen:
• You intend to change the van on your policy
• You want to change what you use your van for
• You want to add other drivers
• You intend to alter or modify your van from the manufacturer's
standard specification.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Changes to the bodywork
- Changes to suspension or brakes
- Cosmetic changes such as alloy wheels
- Anything affecting performance such as changes
to the engine management system or exhaust system
- Changes to the audio/entertainment system.
This isn’t a full list of all possible changes. You must tell us about any
alteration you intend to make to your van. Failure to notify us of a
modification may result in your policy being cancelled from the start
date, additional premium being applied or your claim being rejected
or not paid in full.
This policy doesn’t cover any non-standard parts (modifications).
If you make a claim for loss of or damage to your van, your insurer
will only be responsible for parts needed to meet the manufacturer’s
standard specification.
When you renew your policy it’s your responsibility to tell us about
any changes or incidents. You will need to tell us about anything
that’s happened in the last 12 months.
When you renew your policy
At renewal time, think back over the previous 12 months and let us
know if anything has changed for you or any named driver.
Changes we need to know about include, but are not limited to:
• All circumstances listed in this section
• If you or any named driver have been involved in any accidents,
claims or losses not previously notified to us, whether or not a
claim was made and regardless of blame. This includes all types of
claims, damages or accidents such as fire, theft or glass damage
(windscreen or window)
• Any prosecutions or motoring convictions that you, or any named
drivers, are aware of.
• Any fixed penalty notices or licence endorsements incurred
during the year
• Any medical or physical condition or disability that you or any
insured drivers need to tell the DVLA/DVANI about, including
any you haven’t told them about yet
• Any non-motoring convictions that you and any named drivers
have that are not considered spent. A spent conviction is one
that, under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974,
can be effectively ignored after a specified amount of time. If
however someone has received a prison sentence of more than
four years, the conviction will never be spent.
If you don’t tell us about changes and take reasonable care to ensure
that the information you supply is honest, full and correct we or your
insurer may cancel your policy from the start date, apply additional
premium, reject your claim or only pay part of it. You may also have
to pay for the cost of any third party claim/s.
If you provide false or inaccurate information, and we identify that
you have committed fraud, we may pass your details to relevant
agencies to prevent fraud and money laundering.
Please email: CounterFraudMailbox@hastingsdirect.com if you
would like further details on how the fraud prevention agencies
may use this information.
Renewing your policy
At least 21 days before your policy ends we will send you a renewal
notice reminder that the insurance cover is due to expire. In most
cases, this notice will include an offer to renew your insurance for
another year. To help you make an informed decision, any offer made
will include important facts about your policy, any changes to the
policy terms and a price.
The renewal terms offered will be based on the most recent
information you have given us. These will be shown in your renewal
invitation which you will find in MyAccount. Please check the
accuracy of this information and if any details are incorrect contact
us immediately.
In a small number of cases, your insurer may not renew your policy.
If you want to accept a renewal offer, you must take reasonable care
to ensure that your information contained in the policy is correct
and up to date for your van. See the previous section about
contacting our customer services team if anything has changed.
Each renewal of the policy represents a new contract of insurance,
starting on the date shown on your renewal schedule.
Automatic renewal
We automatically renew most policies. This means that, unless you
tell us otherwise, your new insurance cover will start on your renewal
date. If we intend to automatically renew your policy we will tell you
this in your notice of renewal.
In a small number of cases, we won’t automatically renew your
policy. If this is the case, we will let you know in your notice of
renewal. Some of the reasons we may not automatically renew your
policy include:
• You have previously told us you don't want us to automatically
renew your policy
• Our panel of insurers won’t insure you for another year
• You have got an outstanding debt on your current policy.
If you don't want to renew your policy, or wish to opt out of the
automatic renewal process, please let us know before your renewal
date by contacting our customer services team.
After renewal
If you pay for your policy by annual or monthly direct debit or
continuous card authority, we will continue to collect your premium
as agreed previously, using the same account details you gave us the
previous year. You will enter into a new contract of insurance with us
starting on the cover start date shown on your renewal documents.
If you pay annually but don’t leave your credit/debit card details with
us, so that we can automatically renew your policy, you will enter
into a new contract of insurance on the day you renew and your
premium will be due on this date. You must contact us as soon as
possible to pay the premium.
You have the right to cancel this policy at any time. Cancellation fees
will apply.
Arrears Renew
changes to Cancellation
payment accept
your policy
Debit Payers
*At the request of many of our customers and to make managing your
insurance more convenient for you we are happy to deal with your
partner, named on the policy, who calls us on your behalf regarding
payment, changes or renewal to your policy. If you would like to
change this arrangement, or nominate someone else (such as a named
person on the policy, friend or other family member), or would prefer
us to deal only with you please email or call us to let us know.
How to make a complaint
We want to provide you with a high level of customer service,
if you are not happy about something please tell us.
Email: customerrelations@hastingsdirect.com
Call: 0333 321 9677
Address: Customer relations team, Hastings Direct,
Conquest House, Collington Avenue, Bexhill-On-Sea TN39 3LW
If you need to make a complaint, we will make every effort to
resolve it as quickly as possible. If your complaint requires further
investigation, we will send you a written acknowledgement,
typically within five working days.
We will provide you with a final response, usually within four weeks,
or explain our position and provide timescales for responding. If
dealing with your complaint fully takes longer than four weeks we
will keep you fully informed of the position until we are able to
provide you with a final response.
Financial Ombudsman Service
If we can’t give you a final response within eight weeks of the initial
date of your complaint, or if you are not satisfied with our response,
you can refer the dispute to the Financial Ombudsman within six
months of receiving our final response letter.
Their contact details are:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower,
Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR
Call: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 (from mobiles or
non BT lines)
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 1pm
This insurance is not available in the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands. Hastings Insurance Services
Ltd, trading as Hastings Direct, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(register number 311492.) Registered in England and Wales, 3116518. Registered Office: Conquest
House, Collington Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN39 3LW.
How to claim
To report an incident or make a claim, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Log into MyAccount: www.hastingsdirect.com/MyAccount
Call (in the UK): 0333 321 9800
Call (outside of the UK): 00 44 1424 738 585
If you need to send us more information about your claim
(such as photos of the damage) you can email or write to us:
Email: motorclaims@hastingsdirect.com
Address: Claims department, Hastings Direct, Conquest House,
Collington Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 3LW
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