Retail Price Protection Gap: Insurance Policy
Retail Price Protection Gap: Insurance Policy
Retail Price Protection Gap: Insurance Policy
Understanding Your Insurance Cover We collect non-public personal information about you from the
following sources:
Please read this policy carefully together with the schedule
and make sure you understand and fully comply with all the a) your application or other forms;
terms and conditions as a failure to do so might jeopardize the b) your transactions with us, our associates, or others; and
payment of any claim which may arise and may lead to your c) consumer reporting agencies.
insurance becoming void.
We do not disclose any non-public personal information relating
Words in bold type face in this policy, other than in the to you to anyone except as is necessary in order to provide our
headings, have specific meanings attached to them as set out in products or services to you or otherwise as it is required or
section 1 of this document. permitted by law (e.g., a subpoena, fraud investigation,
Please ensure you keep this policy and the schedule in a safe regulatory reporting etc.).
place so that if you should need to you can read it again. We restrict access to non-public personal information relating to
you to our employees, our associates, our associates’
Your Insurance Cover
employees or others who need to know that information to
This policy is a contract between you and the Insurer, Acasta service your account. We maintain physical, electronic, and
European Insurance Company Limited, 5/5 Crutchett’s Ramp, procedural safeguards to protect your non-public personal
Gibraltar, GX11 1AA (registered no. 96218), which is authorised information.
and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and
subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority
Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and
and Prudential Regulation Authority for the conduct of UK Representations) Act 2012
business. Details about the extent of our regulation by the You are required by the provisions of the Consumer Insurance
Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012 to take reasonable
are available from Acasta European Insurance Company Limited care to:
on request. I. Supply accurate and complete answers to all the questions We
or the Administrator may ask as part of
In the event of the total loss of the insured vehicle after the
start date and before the end date we will pay a maximum Your application for cover under the policy;
benefit equal to the difference between your motor
II. To make sure that all information supplied as part of Your
insurance settlement and the invoice price of the insured
application for cover is true and correct;
vehicle, or if greater, the amount you require to pay your
early settlement amount. This payment will be inclusive of III. Tell Us of any changes to the answers You have given as
the excess deducted by your motor insurer up to a limit of soon as possible.
£250. Full cover lasts for the period shown in your schedule.
After this period cover will continue for the outstanding finance Failure to provide answers in-line with the requirement of the Act
on your vehicle until; the day you sell the vehicle, the day you may mean that Your policy is invalid and that it does not
terminate your finance agreement or after 60 months operate in the event of a claim.
whichever occurs first. There is no surrender value to this
extended period of cover.
Making a claim
Should you need to make a claim, please call us on 0114 321
We will pay the early settlement amount to the finance 9877 before accepting any offer from your motor insurer. If
company and any balance to you. you do accept an offer before contacting us any claim
Basis For This Insurance Cover settlement made to you could be changed to reflect the
market value of your insured vehicle at the time of the
All information supplied by you in connection with your total loss.
application for insurance cover including any proposal form,
application form or otherwise and supplied by or on behalf of The claims procedure is explained in section 7 of this policy.
you will be incorporated into and form the basis of this Cancelling your insurance cover
insurance cover. It shall be a condition of this insurance cover
that all such information is true so far as it is within your You may cancel your insurance cover within 30 days of
knowledge. receiving this policy and schedule by contacting the us and
you will receive a full refund of the premium paid.
In the event of a breach of any provision of this section, and
without reducing any of our rights we may: You may cancel your insurance cover at any time after 30 days
and receive a pro rata refund of the number of complete
a) in a case of a breach of condition, cancel your insurance unexpired days remaining of your insurance cover. You will not
cover with effect from the date of the breach or inception of be entitled to a pro-rata refund if a claim or an incident that
your insurance cover, whichever is the later; or may give rise to a claim has occurred.
b) reject or reduce claims connected with the breach and The administrator will deduct a fee of £35 including IPT from
continue your insurance cover on such terms as we may any refund that may be due to you to cancel your insurance
determine. cover. The cancellation procedure is explained in section 9 of
Privacy this policy.
The following words will have the following meanings when they insurance following a claim for the total loss of the insured
appear in bold print in this document: vehicle;
“administrator” means the administrator, Spectrum “motor insurer” means an authorised motor insurance
Insurance Services Limited as set out in the schedule who will company that issued your policy of motor insurance to you;
provide administrative services on our behalf. Spectrum “period of insurance” means the period as shown in the
Insurance Services Limited is authorized and regulated by the schedule from the start date up to either the:
Financial Conduct Authority; FCA number 309230. This
(a) end date of cover as shown in the schedule;
information can be checked by visiting the FCA’s website.
Spectrum Insurance Services Limited is registered in England; (b) the date on which the insured vehicle is repossessed by
company number 05129413; the finance company;
“associates” means our subsidiary, parent and or associated (c) date on which the insured vehicle is sold or transferred to
companies; a new owner;
“early settlement amount” means the amount required to (d) your finance agreement is terminated, for any reason;
settle your finance agreement at the date of total loss (e) date the policy is cancelled in accordance with its terms;
excluding any amount carried over from a previous finance (f) date of claim under the policy;
agreement, any insurance premiums, additional interest
charges, discounts, incentives and cashbacks, arrears, title (g) the date of non- payment of premium by you; or
discharge fees and any other financed amount not relating (h) the date you receive a replacement vehicle from your
specifically to your insured vehicle: motor insurer and have failed to advise us or the date you
“end date” means the date your insurance cover ends as sell your vehicle privately and the new owner fails to contact
noted on your schedule and reverts to finance cover only; us.
“data controller” The Insurer, who determines the purposes This insurance cover is non-renewable;
and means of processing Your personal data. “policy” means this document, together with the schedule;
“premium” means the amount that you have agreed to pay us
“finance agreement” means an agreement between you and in respect of your insurance cover in accordance with the terms
the finance company for the purchase of your insured of this policy;
“schedule” means the document titled schedule that includes
“finance company” means an authorised finance company your name and address, the vehicle covered under this
with which you have entered into your finance agreement; insurance, the premium and taxes and is incorporated in your
“invoice price” means the price paid for the insured vehicle policy and accepted by us;
including factory fitted options and dealer fitted options up to “secondary schedule” means a second agreement between
£1,500 but excluding any delivery charges, insurance you and your finance company arranged by the supplying
premiums, new vehicle registration fees, road tax, number dealer and noted on the first agreement and not related to the
plates, cherished number plate transfers, warranty costs, fuel, insured vehicle;
paintwork protection applications, other extras and any amount
relating to finance for any other vehicle which may be included “start date” means the date this insurance cover commences
in the invoice price; as shown on the schedule;
“insured vehicle” means only the vehicle as identified in the “territorial limits” means the area in which this insurance
schedule, but not exceeding 8 years of age, for use on the cover is effective being UK Mainland and Northern Ireland. The
public highway and designed to carry no more than eight people insured vehicle is also covered in the European Union,
including the driver or small commercial vehicle of less than Croatia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and
3,500kg gross weight; Andorra for a maximum of 30 days in any 12 months of cover,
providing the cover provided by your motor insurer is an
“market value” means the retail value shown in the Glass’s equivalent level of cover as you would have enjoyed in the UK;
Guide publication for a vehicle of similar make, model, age,
mileage and condition; “total loss” means the total loss of the insured vehicle as a
result of fire, theft, accident damage, natural disaster or
“maximum benefit” means the claim limit shown on the adverse weather conditions rendering the insured vehicle
schedule; beyond economic repair resulting in a motor insurance
“motor insurance” means a policy providing comprehensive settlement;
motor insurance in respect of your insured vehicle issued “we, us, our” means Acasta European Insurance Company
by your motor insurer and maintained in your name Limited, 5/5 Crutchett’s Ramp, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA (registered
throughout the period of insurance; no. 96218);
“motor insurance settlement” means the money that you “you, your, insured” means either a:
receive from your motor insurer under your motor
2.1 You are eligible for this insurance cover if at the date of 2.2 You are eligible for this insurance cover if you are
commencement of the period of insurance: partnership, limited company or other legal entity if:
(a) you are resident in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland or (a) you are permanently situated, and in the case of a limited
Wales on the start date and remains so throughout the period company, registered in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or
of insurance; Wales on the start date;
(b) you are at least 18 years of age; (b) you have purchased the insured vehicle with monies
(c) you have purchased the insured vehicle with monies advanced under a finance agreement or with your own
advanced under a finance agreement or with your own funds ;
funds; (c) you have paid or agreed to pay the premium and agreed
(d) you have paid or agreed to pay the premium and agreed to comply with the terms and conditions of this policy;
to comply with the terms and conditions of this policy; (d) you have motor insurance in place for your insured
(e) you have motor insurance in place for your insured vehicle; and
vehicle; and (e) your vehicle is not an excluded vehicle, details on which
(f) your vehicle is not an excluded vehicle, details on which vehicles are excluded can be found in section 5.
vehicles are excluded can be found in section 5.
If we pay any benefit as a direct or indirect result of your may void this insurance cover in its entirety from the date of
fraud, recklessness or negligence then all payments shall be loss or alleged loss if:
forfeited and we reserve the right to demand that any sum paid (a) a claim made by you or anyone acting on your behalf to
by us is repaid by you and/or take the appropriate legal action obtain any benefit is fraudulent or intentionally exaggerated; or
against you.
(b) you or anyone acting on your behalf makes a false
Your insurance cover may be voidable if you or anyone acting declaration or statement in support of a claim under this
for you fails to disclose or misrepresents any material fact. We insurance cover.
If you wish to make a claim under this insurance cover please (a) a copy of your motor insurance schedule; and
contact the administrator on 01143 219 877. All claims must (b) your motor insurer’s written confirmation that the motor
be notified as soon as is reasonably possible and in any event insurance settlement has been paid following your claim for
within 30 days of any total loss. The administrator will send total loss and the terms on which the motor insurance
you a claim form for you to complete and return. settlement was made; and
You must take all reasonable steps to safeguard the insured (c) your original invoice relating to the insured vehicle; and
vehicle in the event of any damage occurring to it.
(d) a copy of your finance agreement, written confirmation
In the case of malicious damage and theft you must report the from your finance company of the early settlement amount
incident to the police within 24 hours and advise the and the terms on which it has been calculated; and
administrator of the crime reference number.
(e) a valid crime reference in the case of malicious damage or
Do not accept a settlement offer from your motor insurer theft.
without first contacting the administrator.
The administrator may request you to provide additional
If you accept a settlement figure from your motor insurer information which may be reasonably required by them to
which is less than the market value of your insured vehicle assess the validity of your claim for benefit. If the
we will instruct the administrator to calculate the benefit administrator does not receive such proof we will instruct the
using the market value of the insured vehicle according to administrator not to pay the benefit.
the retail value shown in the Glass’s Guide publication.
The administrator will be unable to process your claim if you
do not provide:
You are able to transfer the unexpired portion of your meet the eligibility requirements of this insurance, the transfer
insurance cover to a new vehicle if either: will be declined and any transfer fee paid will be refunded.
(a) your motor insurer provides a replacement vehicle under All transfer requests must be made within 30 days of the date
the terms of your motor insurance in the event of a total of sale of your vehicle.
loss; or You cannot transfer your insurance cover if a claim or an
(b) If you sell your insured vehicle, You may transfer the incident that may give rise to a claim has occurred.
remaining cover to the eligible replacement vehicle, subject to If your motor insurer provides you a like for replacement
our agreement. vehicle under clause 10 (a) there will be no charge to transfer
The first transfer is free of charge, subsequent transfers will be your insurance cover to your new vehicle.
subject to a transfer fee of £35.00. If the new vehicle does not