Fraudulent Insurance Claims
Fraudulent Insurance Claims
Fraudulent Insurance Claims
1. Preamble
1.1 This main subject of this paper is fraudulent claims on marine insurance policies under
English law. But much of which I set out below is equally applicable to all types of insurance. I
will address the general shape of English law with regard to fraud in the presentation of insurance
claims, and the way in which the law works in practice.
1.2 This paper has been prepared so that, broadly, you can dip in or out of it at any particular point
of interest; or read the whole narrative.
1.3 This paper is divided into 8 sections:
1.4 In this paper I have set out certain key propositions of law and suggest how certain themes
might be developed as the law progresses. I have not attempted to analyse each question down to
the last detail nor have I set out a catalogue of authorities and references. I have only touched
upon some which might be of particular interest and relevance.
1.5 I hope you find this paper of interest and of use.
2. Introduction
2.3 But what about fraud confined to insurance? As you may be aware the English Law
Commission and the Scottish Law Commission have jointly issued a Scoping Paper as part of the
process of setting up a joint review of insurance contract law. In the context of that review they
have issued further papers, including those addressing non-disclosure and warranties. The Law
Commissions are seeking feedback on proposed amendments to the law, both in England and
Wales and in Scotland. The English Law Commission last considered insurance contract law in
1980 when it looked in particular at non-disclosure and breach of warranty. You may remember
that its conclusion then was that the law was undoubtedly in need of reform and that such reform
had been too long delayed. Certain recommendations were made but not implemented.
2.4 The new Law Commissions Scoping Report identifies a whole catalogue of possible areas for
review or reform. This includes post-contractual good faith and fraud (which are touched on in
this paper). In any event, in the section on fraud it is reported that in March 2005 the Association
of British Insurers estimated the average total value of dishonesty in claims detected per week was
3.5 million, or 180 million per annum.
2.9 There is another clear example of a fraudulent claim, which may occur when there is not a
total loss but a particular average loss.
2.10 A householder who has genuinely suffered a burglary and genuinely lost some of the
contents of his house, may exaggerate his claim by pretending that items he never actually had had
been stolen. By contrast a shipowner should find it more difficult to allege that his ship had items
of equipment which she never had, and these items had been lost or damaged. This is because the
ships documents amount to a sort of inventory of all the pieces of equipment on board. Nor is it
likely that a shipowner should find it easy to allege that repairs had been done which were not
done. Repairs are (generally) done by shipyards which are usually quite large businesses, and it
might be thought necessary for the shipyard to co-operate in the fraud by issuing a fraudulent
invoice. Further since repairs are often followed by surveyors from Class, it might also be thought
necessary for the shipowner to collude with them (and I am not for one moment suggesting they
do). This is where, for example, photocopy documents can present risks.
2.11 But lets look at a theoretical example. Lets say a shipowner alleges that, when carrying out
work on the vessels main engine, as part of a larger repair the crew drained the whole system of
lubricating oil and subsequently replaced the whole charge (at a cost of several thousand dollars).
The owner then produces what appears to be fraudulent invoices from a bunker supplier to support
the allegation that a complete fresh charge of lubricating oil had been supplied, he might do this
because he feels his claim might be beaten down anyway and is hoping by this means to reach
the right number. But plainly, this is not permitted; and can have devastating consequences as
we shall see.
2.12 One must distinguish this sort of exaggerated claim from the sort of negotiation which
naturally takes place when there is an insurance claim in respect of repairs to a vessel.
2.13 For example, when the facts as to repairs, and the other work which has been done in a
shipyard, are out on the table between the Salvage Association/Underwriters surveyors and the
owners Adjusters, there may then be a debate as to the allocation of the yards general account
between the insurance claim and Owners work. The owners Adjusters may start off by
maintaining that the whole of the general account should be allocated to the insurance claim. If the
facts are out on the table, there can be no fraud in adopting a negotiating position and attempting
to argue for a higher claim amount.
2.14 So, there has to be a distinction between the situation where:
2.14.1 what is put forward is put forward as a fact on which the insurers are invited to rely (as
with the allegation that the complete charge of lubricating oil was disposed of and replaced),
2.14.2 the situation where what is put forward is a negotiating position, which the insurers are
well able to recognise and respond to.
Fraudulent Devices
2.15 This brings me to what the English Courts call a fraudulent device. This is the situation
where a claim, which may in itself be genuine and not exaggerated, is supported by fraudulent
evidence. It is possible that a shipowner may in fact have been in compliance with the terms of his
insurance on their true construction, but he may have been afraid (say) that he might have been in
breach of warranty, and may have produced fraudulent evidence that the warranty had been
complied with. This is a hazardous path.
2.16 The most obvious practical significance of the law with regard to fraudulent devices, is that
it may be possible to show quite cheaply:
2.16.1 that fraudulent evidence has been produced in support of a claim; but
2.16.2 not possible to show (or at least, not without the much greater expense of a full trial)
that the claim itself is not genuine.
2.17 Obviously, it is not possible to infer, merely because fraudulent evidence has been produced
in support of a claim, that the claim itself is not genuine. However, if the assured produces false
evidence in support of a claim, he will forfeit the claim even if the claim is genuine. Insurers can
in these circumstances have the claim dismissed without incurring the risks and expense of a full
2.18 A final type of situation: suppose that a vessel had sustained damage which was genuinely
covered by her hull insurance, and had been in the yard for repairs, and that there is no
falsification or exaggeration in the yards invoice, which the assured (with the assistance of a
payment on account from underwriters) pays and then claims by way of a final adjustment of the
claim. But, the fact which appears nowhere in the adjustment, and which the assured never
mentions, is that when the assured company (the Registered Owners of the vessel) pays to the yard
its invoice for (say) $300,000 the yard then pays its representative in the Owners home country a
commission of 5% on the amount received. The representative then pays the Managers of the
Owners (a separate legal person, although lets say it is another company belonging to the same
individual) most of this commission. By this means the shipowner receives a small sum of (say)
US$10,000 effectively at the Insurers expense. This is not precisely fraud. Neither the Owners
nor their representatives on their behalf have said anything at all which was not strictly and
literally true. Rather, it is only a case of the non-disclosure of a fact which might have been of
interest to the Insurers in their consideration of the claim.
2.19 The latest set of Hull Clauses promulgated by the London Market (the International Hull
Clauses (1/11/03)) include an attempt by the market to deal with some of these problems by way
of express contractual provisions, to the effect that a claim will be forfeit if the assured knowingly
presents false evidence in support of it, or fails to disclose matters which are relevant to
underwriters proper consideration of the claim.3
2.20 However, I understand that the take-up of these new clauses has (as yet) been rather limited.
The London Market does not refuse to write insurance on the previous versions of the Institute
Time Clauses (1983 and 1995). The market of brokers and shipowners appears, thus far, to have
preferred the previous versions. One can only speculate as to why. Perhaps one reason is the
reluctance of shipowners (indeed insureds generally) to be the guinea-pigs for new clauses. No-
one would wish to be the owner whose claim depends on the precise meaning of a new wording,
so that his claim turns into the test case on the meaning of a particular wording, with the
resulting legal expenses (risk and delay). Indeed, I have heard a well-respected broker say in a
public lecture that one reason why the new International Hull Clauses are slow in gaining
acceptance is precisely these provisions with regard to fraudulent evidence and non-disclosure in
the claims process.
2.22 The broker said very clearly that he would not defend for one moment anyone who
contemplated knowingly making use of fraudulent evidence in support of a claim. However, there
was a wide gray area with regard to non-disclosure of relevant information.
2.23 Lets take an example. Say there is a claim for unrepaired damage. The amount of the
indemnity will depend on the market value of the vessel in her unrepaired state, as distinct from
what her market value would have been if she had not been damaged. The assureds
representatives may consult a number of sale and purchase brokers, seeking opinions on these
questions of valuation, and may then present to the underwriters (obviously) the opinion which
was most favourable to a claim. Imagine how the shape of negotiations would change if the
assured were compelled to disclose every single opinion which had been requested.4
2.24 As a result, insurers writing hull policies (as distinct from other classes of cover) and which
are governed by English law are unlikely to be able to rely on express contractual provisions
dealing with such issues. They may have to continue to rely instead upon the general principles of
English law with regard to fraud in the presentation of insurance claims, to which I will turn to
shortly below
3. The attitude of the English Courts to fraudulent claims in general - not insurance
3.1 Before turning to the specifics of English law on fraud in the presentation of insurance
claims , it might be worthwhile (by contrast) to look at how English law generally treats
fraudulent claims; which are not insurance claims.
3.2 With regard to exaggerated claims, there are many cases before the Courts in which claimants
who have genuinely suffered personal injuries deliberately exaggerate the extent of the resulting
disability, and are simply pretending that they are incapable of activities of which they are in fact
perfectly capable.5 With such claims, I need only quote from an article by the Vice President of
the Forum of Insurance Lawyers:
Under the current system, a claimant who brings an exaggerated claim and is unsuccessful
will have the exaggerated elements disregarded and still recover legitimate elements of the
claim6 (my emphasis).
3.3 The only consequence for the personal injury claimant who has exaggerated his claim may be
in terms of the recovery of legal expenses. A claimant who has exaggerated his claim may not
recover his legal expenses from the defendant; at least not in the way (or amount) that a successful
claimant would normally recover legal expenses under English law and practice.
3.4 For example, in a recent case which came before the English Court of Appeal, the claimant
had served a schedule of damages claiming more than GBP1m, and this was reduced by
negotiation between the parties to GBP240,000. But, the claimant recovered at trial only
GBP55,000, and the Judge specifically found that in the claimants evidence given at the trial he
had exaggerated his disability. The claimant received, in place of the usual order for 100% of his
legal expenses as assessed, an order for 75% of his legal expenses as assessed.7
Fraudulent Devices
3.5 With regard to fraudulent devices, there is an interesting case with a maritime background
proceeding before the Scots Courts. It relates to a claim following the pollution resulting from the
wreck of the Braer off the Shetland Islands, and the resulting fishing exclusion zone along the
West coast of Scotland. A group of companies (all owned by one individual, and including a
company named Shetland Sea Farms Ltd), would appear to have suffered a genuine loss. The
group had intended to place salmon smolt (which the group bred in the South of Scotland) into
fish farms in the area of the Shetland coast, which was prohibited because of the pollution, and to
grow them to maturity there. Because of the prohibition (exclusion zone) they were unable to do
so. The claim was not paid by the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund. The Fund took
the view that the amount to be paid should take into account the extent to which the group of
companies as a whole had been able to mitigate their losses, by growing some of the smolt
intended for Shetland in its other fish farming facilities elsewhere in Scotland.
3.6 Shetland Sea Farms Ltd presented a claim before the Scots Courts, treating the arrangements
between the companies within the group as if they were contracts made at arms length. Shetland
Sea produced falsified letters as purported evidence of the alleged contracts. There were two trials
before the Scottish equivalent of the English High Court, at the first it was held that the letters had
been falsified.8 At the second it was held that the witnesses from Shetland Sea Farms had been
involved in a fraudulent scheme. The Judge requested the Scottish prosecuting authorities to
consider bringing criminal proceedings against three of the witnesses.9 Nonetheless, the Scots
Courts allowed the civil claim to proceed on the basis that there were no legally-binding contracts,
but that there was indeed a genuine lost opportunity to make a profit by rearing salmon smolt in
3.7 In one of the judgments in this case, the Judge in the Court of first instance said:
in my opinion, the courts disposal of the matter must depend on the question whether the
dishonesty has made a fair trial of the issue impossible. If it has, the court has a duty to stop the
proceedings in order to protect the innocent party from an injustice. But if the dishonesty is found
out and desisted from and if, in consequence, a fair trial of the essential claim remains possible,
the court ought not to stop the proceedings. To do so in such circumstances would simply be
judicial retaliation for the affront to the court. Shetland Sea Farms Ltd v Assuranceforeningen
Skuld [2001] ScotCS 178, at para [146]; [2004] SLT 30 at 32.
3.8 Although this is a Scottish judgment, almost all the authorities referred to by the Judge are
English decisions. I have no reason to suppose that the law as stated in this judgment is not also
the law in England.
4. The attitude of the English Courts to fraudulent claims in general - pleading and
proving fraud
4.1 What about insurance claims? In an insurance case (just as in any other civil case) it is difficult
to plead and prove fraud. What is required?
Pleading fraud
4.2 It is not a simple matter for one party taking proceedings before the English Courts to allege
that the other party has committed fraud. This point applies to every sort of fraud, in the strict
sense. Accordingly, it applies when an insurer wishes to allege:
4.3 However, it may not apply to an allegation simply of non-disclosure, because non-disclosure is
not fraud in the strict sense.
4.4 One cannot simply allege, in general terms, that the assured has committed fraud. There must
be particulars, and these must include particulars of every element legally necessary to constitute
the fraud alleged. There must therefore be particulars:
4.5 In England the legal profession remains divided into two, with separate qualifications and
separate governing bodies for barristers (to speak broadly, the trial lawyers) and solicitors (to
speak broadly, those who do all the rest of the work). In practice, the written Statements of Case
of the parties (their pleadings) will be drafted by barristers. It is a professional rule of conduct
for barristers that they must not allege fraud against a party, whether in a written Statement of
Case or in argument at trial (for example, by way of a line of questioning in cross-examination),
unless they have in their hands some evidence of the fraud which they would be alleging. This
evidence has to amount to aprima facie case.
4.6 In practice, the combination of the need for full particulars and the need for prima
facie evidence before pleading those particulars, can make it extremely difficult to plead fraud.
formally put the assured to proof (there was previously another avenue available, now closed: see
section 5 below).
4.8 In all (or practically all) of these cases, the real issue between the parties is that the insurers
suspect that the assured has willfully caused the loss himself (for example, by casting away the
vessel in question) but the insurers cannot plead this case, and instead the trial must be conducted
on the basis that the real issue between the parties is not mentioned out loud. The suspected fraud
is the elephant in the room that no one mentions.
4.9 The rules of this specialised little sub-branch of the law specify the way the insurers counsel
can conduct the trial: thus, if the assured is a jeweler who says that he has suffered an armed
robbery and lost US$3m in goods, Counsel can put it to the assured that he has not proved that he
suffered a robbery. But he cannot put to the assured what the insurers actually believe (or rather
strongly suspect), which is that the assured received a visit by prior arrangement from a group of
his friends wearing masks and carrying guns in order to terrify the assureds staff (who were not in
the conspiracy) and who removed the stock, which was subsequently disposed of for the assureds
4.10.1 in the case of a criminal prosecution, the charge must be proved beyond reasonable
4.10.1 whereas in a civil case the allegations against the defendant need only be established
on the balance of probabilities.
4.11 In this way, it is perfectly possible for a criminal charge of murder brought against a person
to result in acquittal; whereas in a civil case the same person might be found to have murdered the
victim and may be held liable in damages to the victims relatives.
4.12 However, under English law, where the allegation in a civil case is that a party has
committed a crime, then the standard of proof seems to shift, and becomes something rather more
than the ordinary civil on the balance of probabilities, although it is still something less than the
criminal standard beyond reasonable doubt. English judges refuse to admit in plain words that
there is an intermediate standard of proof here, and say that the standard is still the civil standard
of the balance of probabilities. However, they also say that where a crime is alleged against a
party, the evidence needs to be clear in proportion to the seriousness of the crime alleged.
4.13 Roughly speaking, the effect of this requirement for clear evidence may be that an English
judge trying a civil case will only find that a party has committed a serious crime if there is before
him no other reasonable explanation of the evidence and of the partys conduct. This may not be
quite the same as beyond reasonable doubt, because with beyond reasonable doubt, one may
be not just looking at the explanations presented, but thinking in more absolute terms; that is to
say, asking not just whether the explanations presented were unreasonable, but whether one is
sure that they are false. But conversely it may not be quite the same as the ordinary civil standard
of proof, in that one may be thinking whether the explanation presented by a party is reasonable,
as distinct from asking whether it is overall more probable than the alternative.
4.14 Despite difficulties in pleading and proving fraud, it is noticeable from the Law Reports that
English judges do quite often find allegations of scuttling proved to the necessary standard.
Obviously we do not see in the Law Reports all those cases where the insurers may have
suspected scuttling (or other fraud). The explanation is obvious: the only cases of scuttling which
come to trial are those where the insurers think (even if they are not always right) that they have
sufficient evidence of the right sort to satisfy the mindset of an English judge and to satisfy the
judge to the requisite standard of proof.
4.15 English judges do from time to time say things about the sort of evidence which is required to
satisfy them on an allegation of scuttling (or on some other allegation of fraud) which are quite
robust and revealing, in the sense of saying that they do not require special sorts of evidence, and
in particular, do not require evidence which is particularly direct. An example is the view of Mr
Justice Aikens said in The Milasan. I am setting out a longish section of the judgment because it
illustrates the judicial approach clearly.
(4) if a defendant insurer is to succeed on an allegation that a vessel was deliberately cast away
with the connivance of the owner, then the insurer must prove both aspects [that is, both that the
vessel was cast away deliberately and that the owner was a party to this] on a balance of
probabilities. However as such allegations amount to an accusation of fraudulent and criminal
conduct on the part of the owner, then the standard of proof that the insurer must attain to satisfy
the Court that its allegations are proved must be commensurate with the seriousness of the charge
laid. Effectively the standard will fall not far short of the rigorous criminal standard;
(5) although there is no presumption of innocence of the owners, due weight must be given to
the consideration that scuttling a ship would be fraudulent and criminal behaviour by the owners;
(6) when deciding whether the allegation of scuttling with the connivance of the owners is proved,
the Court must consider all the relevant facts and take the story as whole. By the very nature of
these cases it is usually not possible for insurers to obtain any direct evidence that a vessel was
wilfully cast away by her owners, so that the Court is entitled to consider all the relevant indirect
or circumstantial evidence in reaching a decision;
(7) it is unlikely that all relevant facts will be uncovered in the course of investigations. Therefore
it will not be fatal to the insurers case that parts of the canvas remain unlighted or blank;
(8) ultimately the issue for the Court is whether the facts proved against the owners are
sufficiently unambiguous to conclude that they were complicit in the casting away of the vessel;
(9) in such circumstances the fact that an owner was previously of good reputation and
respectable will not save him from an adverse judgment;
(10)the insurers do not have to prove a motive if the facts are sufficiently unambiguously
against the owners. But if there is a motive for dishonesty then it may assist in determining
whether there has been dishonesty in fact.10 (My emphasis).
4.16 However, on one point, it does seem that English Judges are reasonably easily convinced on
the balance of probabilities. If a Judge has been satisfied (to the requisite standard of proof,
(which may be no other reasonable explanation) that a vessel has been deliberately cast away
by members of the crew, then he may well be satisfied by the smallest of indications together with
evidence of some motive, that the vessel was cast away with the complicity of the assured
4.17 It may be that the Judges are permitting themselves the thought that some shipowners (even
those who are otherwise respectable people of good reputation) do indeed commit this type of
crime from time to time. Alternatively, it may be that Judges consider, that in most cases it will
not be a reasonable explanation to suggest that the crew may have decided to cast away the
vessel (barratrously) on a whim. By and large, people do not do such things without a motive, and,
realistically, the assured is likely to be the only person with a motive.11
4.18 In general, despite robust remarks such as those made by Mr Justice Aikens, it is worth
bearing in mind the closeness of the relationship between the mindset of barristers and the mindset
of judges within the English system. On the one hand, judges are former barristers, who have
learned to think in the way that barristers think. Thus, the judges who put forth such robust
remarks were previously barristers with the barristers reluctance to plead fraud. On the other
hand, barristers think in the way in which they do because they have learned not to think the
things which judges do not wish to hear: if barristers are reluctant to allege fraud, this is because
the judges before whom they appear do not wish to hear allegations of fraud unless they can be
supported by evidence to the high standard which these judges require.
5.2.1 the assured owed to the insurers a duty of utmost good faith in the presentation of the
claim; and
5.2.2 that in pursuance of this duty the assured was obliged to disclose certain facts; and
5.2.3 that these facts were not disclosed.
5.3 Following through on the routine, the trainee barrister was taught to plead that:
5.3.1 the insurers were therefore entitled to avoid the policy of insurance; and
5.3.2 the insurers had avoided it alternatively now were avoiding it, and therefore were not
liable in respect of any claim.
5.4 As you will know, under English law the duty of disclosure which rests on a proposer for
insurance (prior to the making of the insurance contract) is extraordinarily strict. The proposer
must disclose not only facts which heactually knows but facts which in the ordinary course of his
business he ought to have known (so called constructive knowledge), and he must disclose not
only facts which he realizes are relevant or which a reasonable person in the position of the
proposer would realise were relevant, but any facts which a reasonable underwriter would wish to
know about the risk.
5.5 I suspect that the idea of utmost good faith in the presentation of a claim was never pleaded
with quite this (pre-placement) degree of strictness: I think that it was always supposed that the
assured had in some sense to be aware of the facts in question, and had to be in a position to
realize that they were relevant to the claim. However, it was thought that it would probably be
enough to show that the assured had been aware of these facts at some relevant time, without
needing to show that he was consciously aware of them at the precise moment when he authorised
the presentation of the claim, still less needing to show a conscious intention to mislead the
underwriters. Thus, although some particulars of knowledge might be required, this line of
pleading was much more attractive (and easier) than pleading fraud.
5.6 This line of pleading also had some interesting ramifications. There is one case in the Law
Reports where the assured did not present a claim to the underwriters at all but simply commenced
proceedings on the claim. The underwriters responded by pleading a breach of the duty of utmost
good faith in the presentation of a claim, simply on the basis that by not presenting a claim and not
disclosing any facts or documents, the assured was in breach of a duty of good faith.12
5.7 This whole line of pleading was based upon s17 of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 which is as
Insurance is uberrimae fidei
A contract of marine insurance is a contract based upon the utmost good faith, and, if the utmost
good faith be not observed by either party, the contract may be avoided by the other party.
5.8 This line of pleading, relying on Section 17, arises from the judgment of the High Court in The
Litsion Pride in 1985.13
5.9 However, the one point in English law in the insurance claims field which seems absolutely
clear is that since the decision of the House of Lords in The Star Sea (which my firm took
successfully to the House of Lords)14, The Litsion Pride is no longer good law. S17 of the Act
cannot now be applied to the presentation of claims in the way envisaged by that line of pleading.
There is therefore no duty of full disclosure in the presentation of a claim and thus no remedy of
avoiding the policy for a failure to make such full disclosure.
of a duty of utmost good faith, as set out in section 17 of the Act, did continue to apply after the
contract had been formed, and the two sides argued the case simply over the question what would
be the content of that duty after the contract had been formed, in the presentation of a claim
(rather than whether the duty existed at all). It seems that the Judges in the House of Lords did not
thoroughly shake themselves free of the way in which the case was argued by counsel before
5.11 I am not intending here to embark on an analysis of the judgment in The Star Sea and of
the two or three leading judgments from the Court of Appeal which have followed it, one of which
(The Mercandian Continent 15) may or may not have been superseded completely by the
subsequent judgment of the Court of Appeal in The Aegeon#8221; 16
5.12 Instead, I will try to set out in this section of this paper, and the following two sections,
where I think English law on this topic seems to be going. Even if I am right, I cannot predict how
quickly the development of the law in decided cases would reach the position which I am
suggesting. Indeed, the development may be delayed because when parties can see the direction in
which the wind is blowing, they may settle their cases rather than incur the expense of taking a
case to the House of Lords so as to give their Lordships the opportunity of issuing a judgment
which has been in the pipeline for some time. Also, this process of development may be
interrupted: some new set of ideas may come onto the scene and influence the development of the
law.17 I can only say what the effect of the ideas present in the recent judgments of the House of
Lords and Court of Appeal would be, if these ideas were to come to their full development.
5.13 The first of these ideas, when fully developed, is that s17 of the 1906 Act has application
only to the formation of a contract of insurance. This is not to say that it applies only when a
person is proposing for a fresh policy. It will also apply in the case of amendments, variation or
renewals. It may also, possibly, apply to the situation in which the assured is held covered and is
required to give information to the underwriters in order for them to agree an adjustment to the
premium. However, section 17 will have no application at all to the presentation of an insurance
5.14 This is not to say that there is no place at all for any idea of good faith in relation to
the performance of insurance contracts (as distinct from the formation of them) and in particular
in relation to claims. On the contrary, it is appropriate to think in terms of an overarching idea of
good faith, which distinguishes insurance contracts from most other contracts under English
law. This idea, however, when considered as an overarching, general, idea, is rather unfocused. It
is brought into focus, first, in the principle enacted in section 17 of the 1906 Act, which governs
the formation of an insurance contract, and secondly (separately) in separate principles (which I
will discuss in the next two sections of this paper) dealing with the presentation of claims and with
the performance of the contract in general.
5.15 To conclude and recap this section: section 17 is dealing not with such a general, unfocused,
idea of good faith, but with a specific principle. It has been established by the decisions of the
English Courts that the:-
5.15.1 the principle in section 17 of the Act is to be viewed as a principle of law coming
from outside the agreement between the parties, as distinct from an implied term which
would be a part of the agreement between the parties; and
5.15.2 following the wording of the Marine Insurance Act, the remedy in relation to this
principle of law is always and only the avoidance of the insurance contract ab initio; and
5.15.3 this specific principle, as enacted in section 17 of the Act, will apply only in relation to
the formation of insurance contracts, and not to the presentation of claims.
Mr Justice Willes stressed to the jury that it was of the utmost moment that insurances should be
enforced fairly and protected from fraud.
These authorities link the defence to the observation of good faith but are specifically based upon
the actual fraud of the insured in making the claim. These judgments do not use the language of
avoidance of the policy ab initio but refer to the forfeiture of all benefit under the policy or all
claim upon it. It seems that the language used at the time in express clauses was similar18
6.2 From the recent authorities, there are three particular points I should make about the
application of this fraudulent claim rule.
6.3 First, to apply to a claim this rule requires fraud. So, taking a representation made by the
assured (or by a person who can be identified with the assured) as an example it must be not only
false but known by the person making it to be false (or at least, the person making it did not care
whether it was true or false, and in that demanding sense was reckless as to its truth).19 Within
this rule of law, there is no escape from the difficulties of pleading fraud and providing particulars
of fraud (described above).
6.4 This specific rule embraces not only claims which are as a whole fraudulent (where the
assured has scuttled his ship, or committed arson upon his building), but also claims which are
fraudulently exaggerated (as discussed in section 1 of this paper) 20 and claims which are
promoted by fraudulent devices.21
6.5 It has been suggested that for the purposes of the fraudulent claim rule there are four separate
types of fraud: claims which are fraudulent as a whole, claims which are fraudulently exaggerated,
claims where the assured makes fraudulent representations concealing the existence of a defence
to the claim, and fraudulent devices.22 I do not think that the most recent authorities deal
directly with the third of these categories, of fraudulent representations concealing the existence of
a defence to the claim. But it may not matter whether this is a separate category, since any such
fraudulent representation should be a fraudulent device.
6.6 Perhaps the cruellest lies are told in silence. But I anticipate that when this principle is fully
developed, it will be absolutely established that it requires a fraudulent representation, and that a
mere non-disclosure (however deliberate, and however much it intended to mislead) does not fall
under this rule.
century, whose judgments were quoted by Lord Hobhouse in The Star Sea, might have been
surprised to hear that it was considered that this rule of law did not apply to the presentation of a
claim by way of court proceedings.
6.14 Lord Justice Mance, who gave the leading judgment in Axa v Gottlieb, laid down the extent
of the forfeiture in this way, because of the application of a separate rule of English insurance law,
which is this: as a matter of the theory of the law, the obligation of an insurer to indemnify the
assured is treated not (as common sense might dictate):
6.14.1 as an obligation to pay a sum by way of indemnity within a reasonable time after the
happening of a loss, but (rather crazily)
6.14.2 as an obligation to prevent the harm from happening to the assured; so that as soon as
the harm has happened the insurer is technically in breach of contract.
6.15 If the insurers obligation was (in accordance with common sense) treated as an obligation to
pay within a reasonable time, then fraud by the insured before the insurer had paid might have
been treated as meaning that the insurer was no longer obliged to pay. However, under the
(perhaps rather odd) theory the insureds right to an indemnity is complete at the moment when
the loss occurs, it cannot be treated as forfeited by an act of fraud, simply as such. Instead, Lord
Justice Mance develops the different division of the territory, by which the assured retrospectively
forfeits rights to an indemnity which were already complete, but only forfeits these rights to the
extent that they are part of the same claim. It is perhaps regrettable that the law with regard to
fraudulent claims has been developed on the basis of this separate rule which is not in accordance
with common sense, and which has other inconvenient consequences, so that it might well in due
time be swept away.
6.16 The Axa v Gottlieb division up of the territory of the assureds rights to indemnity may have
interesting consequences for hull insurers, besides the possibility (which I have mentioned
already) of recovering back a payment on account. Obviously, a great deal will depend on the
definition of what is the same claim for the purposes of this rule.
6.17 In Axa v Gottlieb the event which was the operation of an insured peril was physical damage
to the Gottliebs house, which led to claims for two types of loss. One was the cost of repairs (and
in relation to this there appears to have been no fraud), while the other was a claim for alternative
accommodation (and in relation to this the fraud was committed). The Court of Appeal confirmed
that because of the fraud in relation to the alternative accommodation claim, the insurers were
entitled to recover back the amounts which they had paid in respect of the cost of repairs. Thus, it
appears that where there are losses of two insured types resulting from one operation of an insured
peril, and fraud is committed in relation to the claim for one of the two losses, the claim in respect
of the other loss also will be forfeited.
6.18 How should this apply to hull policies? I would speculate that this would mean, for example,
that if damage to a ship on a voyage results both in a claim for salvage to bring the vessel from the
place where the damage occurred to a place of safety, and in a claim for the cost of repairs, and
there is a fraud committed in relation to the claim for repairs, then the insurers will be entitled to
recover back from the insured whatever amount they may have paid in respect of the salvage
7.5 I have deliberately used the expression implied terms, and not of a single implied term of
good faith. I am indebted here to a very helpful paper by David Foxton the post-contractual
duties of good faith in marine insurance policies: the quest of elusive principle. Mr Foxton says:
A number of commentators have supported an approach which recognizes a number of different
duties of good faith in the post-contractual context, in which both the nature of the duty and the
remedy are moulded to the moment.26
7.6 Thus, the way may be open for an implied contractual term which would require of the assured
something more than merely abstaining from fraud, and more like a full disclosure of information.
7.7 However, the implied terms which may be derived from the nature of the relationship between
the assured and the insurer may impose duties upon the insurer as well as upon the assured. And
these duties may relate not only to good faith understood in terms of honesty and in terms of the
disclosure of information, but also to other ideas which may be brought under the heading of
good faith. It may be said that in the relationship between the assured and the insurer, the
insurer has (even after the contract has been formed) to continue to rely upon the assured for
information, and this aspect of the relationship will give rise to duties upon the assured to disclose
information and to do so honestly. On the other hand, the nature of the relationship is such that the
assured has to rely upon the insurer for things quite different from information.
7.8 There is a very helpful discussion in Mr Foxtons paper of the application of the concept of
good faith to the post-contractual relations of insureds and insurers in situations in which one
party is exercising rights in which the other has a legitimate (but antithetical) interest, in order to
ensure that those rights are exercised fairly as between the two parties.27 Under this heading,
Foxton speaks about:
7.8.1 the insurers right to control the defence of a claim in liability policies;
7.8.2 the insurers exercise of rights of subrogation (in circumstances where the assured may
have its own interest, because the policy has a deductible, or because there is a possibility of
recovering uninsured heads of loss);
7.8.3 follow the settlements clauses in reinsurances, where the reinsurer has to rely upon the
reinsured to act in a businesslike way; and
7.8.4 claims control clauses where the reinsured may have to rely upon the reinsurer not to
refuse consent to a settlement arbitrarily or by reference to considerations which are
extraneous to the claim which the reinsured wishes to settle.
7.9 However, the main way in which insureds have to rely upon insurers follows from the
fundamental purpose of insurance, which was classically stated in the marine insurance context as
being that the misfortune which may occur to one individual should not be the ruin of that
individual, but rather should fall upon many. The assured has to rely upon the insurers to prevent
him from being ruined and enable him to continue his business. Given the way in which the field
is open for the Courts to discover implied terms, and given the way in which debate in England
is tending, I believe it is very likely that within a few years English law will include implied terms
requiring insurers:
7.9.1 not to refuse to pay claims except on the basis of a reasonable suspicion; and
7.9.2 to decide within a reasonable time whether to refuse claims or pay them.
7.14.1 conditions [this is not the same use of the word condition as in relation to a
condition precedent under insurance law] any breach of which gives rise to a right to
terminate the contract;
7.14.2 innominate terms, where a sufficiently serious breach gives rise to a right to
terminate the contract, but a less serious breach gives rise only to a claim in damages; and
7.14.3 warranties [this is not the same use of the word warranty as in English insurance
law] which give rise only to claims in damages.
7.15 But, these notions of [non-insurance] condition and innominate term are not attractive
for insurers as ways of handling a duty upon the assured in relation to the presentation of a claim,
for two reasons.
7.15.1 First, in relation to both [non-insurance] conditions and innominate terms, the
right of the injured party to terminate the contract does not operate retrospectively: the injured
partys termination of the contract only takes effect: from the time when the injured party discovers the other partys breach and acts
to terminate the contract; or (at best)
o only with effect from the time when the other party committed the breach.
7.15.2 Under the peculiar rule of English insurance law, by which the assureds right to an
indemnity is complete when the loss occurs, any breach of [non-insurance] condition by
the assured in relation to a claim would notaffect the assureds right to indemnity in respect of
the loss which had already occurred and in relation to which the assured was claiming, but
only in relation to any future losses which might occur.28
7.15.3 Secondly, in relation to innominate terms, the test imposed by English law for
whether a breach is sufficiently serious, is very stringent. It is said that in order for a breach
to be (as it is called) repudiatory, the breach must deprive the injured party of
substantially the whole benefit of the contract. In practice, it might be very difficult for any
breach by the assured of an implied term relating to the disclosure of information on a claim
to satisfy this test.
complied with exactly, or cover terminates as from the moment when the warranty is not complied
with. If a term is a condition precedent to a claim, then any failure to comply with the condition,
however small and however venial, leads to the loss of the claim. At present, such stringent
concepts are not attractive to the English Courts.
7.19 Therefore, insurers would stand much more chance of persuading the Courts to discover
implied terms with regard to the presentation of claims which the insurers might feel to be useful,
if there were some half-way house between a condition precedent and a term which would only
give rise to a claim for damages. Logically, it would seem that in the same way as general contract
law recognizes a half-way house between conditions (in the non-insurance sense) and
warranties (in the non-insurance sense) and so allows there to be innominate terms, so
insurance law should recognize a half-way house between conditions precedent (any breach
which results in a loss of a claim) and terms which can only give rise to a claim for damages. With
such a half-way house, any serious breach (but only a (very) serious breach) would give rise
to the loss of the claim. If this less stringent type of term were available, then it might be much
easier to persuade the Court to discover implied terms which would not only give rise to
counterclaims for damages. In 2000, it appeared that the English Courts were allowing this as a
possible type of term.30 However, this possibility has now been definitely rejected by the Court of
Appeal under the leadership of Lord Justice Mance.31
7.20 Overall, I suspect that the process of development of implied terms in insurance contracts
will be of benefit to assureds, but will not be of assistance to insurers who wish to resist paying
claims which they suspect to be dishonest. If I am right, Underwriters should persist in seeking to
impose express terms, but only, of course, if the market will purchase such cover.
8. Good faith, the relationship between insurers and the assured, and the fraudulent
claims rule
8.1 In sections 5, 6 and 7 of this paper, I have been looking at the likely development of the ideas
present in the recent judgments of the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal in England. In this
final section I want to look briefly beyond the ideas which are already present in the leading
judgments, and consider a possible further development, which may present a threat to the
fraudulent claims rule which I explained above.
8.2 In the context of English law and practice in general, the fraudulent claims rule is anomalous.
It only applies to claims by party A against party As own insurers. Also, it only applies before the
commencement of court or arbitration proceedings. It may seem that there is no explanation or
justification for the law adopting a different attitude to fraud at one time rather than another and
by one type of party only, and that this rule is supported only by authority, as distinct from any
explanation or justification. In general, where rules of law are supported only by authority, they
are in danger of being swept away.
8.3 There has already been judicial comment on one aspect of this apparent anomaly. In The
Game Boy , Mr Justice Simon said:
What is said by the insurer is that, even if the assureds had a valid claim, the claim must fail
because the assureds have used fraudulent devices to promote the claim. The rule is in some
ways anomalous since it only applies between the making of the claim and the start of litigation.
After litigation has commenced an insured may advance false documentation and lie without
the drastic consequences which follow if the deployment of false documentation and lies are
less well timed. Nevertheless, the rule is presently well-established 32
8.4 One way of eradicating this anomaly would be for English law and practice to harmonise
up; that is:
8.4.1 to get tougher on fraud outside the relationship between an assured and an insurer;
8.4.2 tougher on fraud committed during the course of court proceedings.
8.9 If that is indeed the justification for the fraudulent claims rule, then the rule itself may be
under threat, because the insurer is (often) not in any real sense relying upon the information
provided by the assured who handles claims.
8.10 In the context of hull insurance, in very many cases of total loss of vessels, the insurers
conduct their own complete investigation into the cause of the loss and, for example, very often
the surviving members of the crew are interviewed together by the solicitors for the owners and by
the solicitors for the hull insurers.34 In this context, it is not so easy to say that the insurers are
relying on information provided by the assured.
8.11 There may be a parallel threat to the fraudulent claims rule (which is at present an overall
rule applying to every type of insurance under English law) from the practice of insurers in
relation to some types of personal lines insurance. For example, many insurers on travel
insurances, in order to prevent fraudulent claims, insist that they will not accept the mere
statement of the assured that he possessed an item which he alleges was lost, but require him to
produce documentary evidence that he possessed it in the form of a receipt. When the insurer is
not willing to rely at all on what is said by the assured, how can it be said that the nature of the
relationship is that the insurers are relying on the information provided by the assured?35
Lack of reciprocity?
8.12 Therefore, one threat to the continued existence of the fraudulent claims rule may lie in the
attitudes and conduct of insurers themselves. If they change the relationship so that in the context
of claims they are no longer relying upon information from the assured, then perhaps it would not
be surprising if the fraudulent claims rule were swept away.
8.13 A further potential threat arises from considerations about the relationship between the
assured and the insurer as a whole. The insurer relies upon the assured for information, both at the
stage of proposing for insurance and (to some extent) at the stage of claims. The assured relies
upon the insurer to pay claims promptly and honestly. It may well be said that at present English
insurance law protects the ways in which the insurer relies upon the assured, but does not give
protection to the principal way in which the assured has to rely upon the insurer. At present, with
no duty of good faith upon the insurer in the handling and payment of claims, there is perceived
to be a lack of reciprocity in the rules of English insurance law, and this perceived lack of
reciprocity may be a threat to those rules which protect the insurer. (This idea may perhaps be
expressed by saying that if the relationship is one of good faith, then the general overarching
idea of good faith should give rise both to duties upon the assured and to duties upon the
8.14 However, this potential threat to the existence of the fraudulent claims rule would be
removed, if (as I expect) the English courts discover implied contractual terms by which the
insurer is obliged to consider claims reasonably and pay them with reasonable promptness.
8.15 Therefore, the likely development in English law of duties of good faith upon insurers
should perhaps not be altogether unwelcome to insurers, if it contributes to preserving the special
rules which protect insurers in relation to proposals for insurance and in relation to claims.
9. Conclusions
9.1 At present, Underwriters on marine insurance policies have the benefit of an anomalous and
draconian Fraudulent Claims Rule.
9.2 By virtue of this rule, if fraud is pleadable and can be proven, the assured will forfeit all right
to the relevant claim (but not necessarily all benefit under the policy in respect of other genuine
9.3 On recent authority, it appears that if two claims arise from the same event (for example a
claim for salvage and repairs) then if there is any fraud in relation to one of those claims then the
assured may forfeit one and be required to repay the other.
9.4 It is now clear that an assured is not required to disclose documents and information in relation
to a claim to the standard required at the time of placement, nor therefore is there a right to avoid
for such non-disclosure.
9.5 Otherwise, the state of the law, post placement is unclear. There is certainly a duty to desist
from fraud but the precise scope of insureds duties in presentation of claims is still evolving.
9.6 The duties of insureds and insurers in relation to claims may be founded upon implied
contractual terms. The precise nature of those terms and the consequences of their breach need to
be worked out. To the extent that breach would only entitle an injured party to damages this might
be beneficial for insureds but the benefit to insurers would be questionable.
9.7 The likelihood of the English Courts implying terms with draconian remedies (for example
conditions precedent or warranties) is small.
I should like to thank my assistant Robert Gay for his assistance in the preparation of this paper.
This paper is a general review of the law and is not a substitute for nor should it be relied on for
legal advice in any particular case. To the extent that it expresses opinions, these are the view of
the writers only.
1 Lloyds of London Press, 2003.
2 Paragraph 6.38, page 125.
3 International Hull Clauses (1/11/03) clause 45.3. These provisions are made somewhat less
stringent, because they only attempt to deal with the situation before Court proceedings have been
commenced, and also (by clause 45.4) do not require the disclosure of documents which are
protected by privilege under English Law. Thus, these provisions (like the principle of law with
regard to fraudulent claims, which I will discuss below), have nothing to say about the assured
who first begins to concoct false evidence in support of his claim after Court proceedings have
been commenced. Also, since in many cases of total loss of a vessel, solicitors are involved from
the beginning of the investigation, and the evidence of the vessels personnel will be in the form
of witness statements taken by the solicitors, much of the relevant evidence may be protected by
privilege and not have to be disclosed under these provisions.
4 This example also shows that the necessary distinction which I drew above between matters of
fact and negotiating positions, is not entirely clear. It may well be said that the brokers opinion
evidence as to the value of a vessel is not exactly fact, and perhaps lies somewhere in between
facts and negotiating position. (After all, where a sale and purchase broker is not engaged in
giving opinion evidence, he may be professionally engaged in talking up or talking down the
values of vessels). However, it is a matter of fact that the various brokers whose opinions the
assureds representatives obtained, held the various opinions which they did hold.
5 I should emphasise that I am not meaning to speak about those individuals who have a physical
disability, and in addition to that are affected psychologically in such a way that there are
activities of which they might be physically capable, but which they genuinely believe that they
are not capable of and do not even attempt to perform. In my text, I am meaning to speak about
those individuals who are, quite straightforwardly, pretending that the extent of their disability is
greater than it really is.
6 Lea Brocklebank, in Legal Week 3 August 2006.
7 Jackson -v- Ministry of Defence [2006] EWCA Civ 46, summarized in Civil Procedure News 14
March 2006.
8 [2001] Scot CS 178.
9 Assuranceforeningen Skuld -v- International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (Court of
Session, Outer House, Lord Hardie, 28 May 2003), / opinions /o76_95.
10 The Milasan [2000] 2 Lloyds Rep 458 at page 468
11 The exception which proves the rule is the one case in which the English Courts have held
that a vessel was cast away by a member of the crew for fun and without the complicity of the
owner - The Michael [1979] 1 Lloyds Rep 55 (Kerr, J); [1979] 2 Lloyds Rep 1 (Court of
12 The Sagheera [1997] 1 Lloyds Rep 160
13 The Litsion Pride [1985] 1 Lloyds Rep 437.
14 [2001] UKHL 1, [2001] 1 Lloyds Rep 389
15 [2001] EWCA Civ 1275, [2001] 2 Lloyds Rep 563.
16 Agapitos v Agnew [2002] EWCA Civ 247, [2002] 2 Lloyds Rep 42.
17 In particular, through the process instigated by the Joint Law Commissions, which may
possibly present fresh ideas.
18 The Star Sea [2001] UKHL 1 at paragraphs [62] - [64];[2001] 1 Lloyds Rep 389 at page
403, with citations omitted.
19 However, there is an authority, which is helpful for insurers, which establishes that if the
presentation of a claim is entrusted to somebody as the assureds agent, then a fraudulent
representation by that agent will count as fraud by the assured - Direct Line -v- Khan [2001]
EWCA Civ 1794; [2002] Lloyds Rep IR 364.
20 There is a qualification that the exaggeration must be not insignificant, and there may be a
little doubt as to exactly how this is to be worked out. It seems clear that a claim for US$300,000
for repairs to a ship will not be defeated because the assured fraudulently claimed US$500 as the
cost of garbage disposal, when the amount actually paid was US$300. However, it is not quite
clear whether the amount has to be significant in relation to the rest of the claim, or rather
significant in itself. Presumably, the words in itself cannot be taken literally: presumably, an
amount of US$2,000, which would certainly be significant in the context of an individuals travel
insurance, and would probably be significant in the context of an individuals insurance of the
contents of his house, may not be significant in the context of the insurance of a vessel which may
be valued at US$50m.
21 Once again, there is a qualification, in that the fraudulent device must have not only been
intended by the assured to assist this claim, but must have been such that on a reasonable view, at
that stage of the presentation of the claim, it would tend to improve the chances of a more
favourable outcome for the assured.
22 Peter Macdonald Eggers, Simon Picken and Patrick Foss Good Faith and Insurance
Contracts (2nd edition, Lloyds of London Press, 2004) paragraph 11.42, page 263.
23 Axa General Insurance Ltd vGottlieb [2005] EWCA Civ 112; [2005] Lloyds Rep IR 369.
24 This will be the position so far as the fraudulent claims rule is concerned, but there may also be
other rules, which I will discuss in the next section. These other rules may well mean that the
assured is not entitled to recover in respect of losses occurring after the commission of a fraud on
the insurers. These rules will almost certainly mean that at the time when the insurers discover the
fraud they are entitled to treat this as a repudiatory breach of the insurance contract, and
terminate the contract on that basis, so that at least the insurers will not be liable in respect of any
loss occurring after the time when they discover the fraud and take action in response to it.
25 [2001] UKHL 1 at paragraphs [50] and [52]; [2001] 1 Lloyds Rep 389 at page 400.
26 At paragraph 6 of his paper prepared for a Symposium at Swansea University in 2005.
27 Paragraph 60 of Mr Foxtons paper.
28 It is generally accepted as an implied condition (in the sense of general contract law, as
distinct from insurance law) or at least an implied innominate term of an insurance contract that
the assured will not commit fraud against the insurers, so that the insurers will have a right to
terminate the contract for any fraud by the assured, or at least any serious fraud. However, it is
generally considered that this analysis will mean that the contract is only terminated as from the
time when the insurers discover the loss and take a step to terminate the contract, so that (as far as
this right for the insurers is concerned) the assured will still be entitled to be paid in respect of
genuine losses which occur before the time when the insurers discover the fraud.
29 Paragraph 41 of Foxtons Fraudulent Claims paper for the Symposium at Swansea
University in 2005.
30 Alfred McAlpine Plc -v- BAI (Run-Off) Ltd [2000] Lloyds Rep IR 352.
31 Friends Provident Life & Pensions Ltd -v- Sirius International Insurance [2005] EWCA Civ
601; [2005] 2 Lloyds Rep 517.
32 [2004] EWHC 15 (Comm) at paragraph [150]; [2004] 1 Lloyds Rep 238 at page 258.
33 If this is the basic justification for the fraudulent claim rule, then perhaps it may not be so
anomalous that it does not apply in the same way after court proceedings have commenced,
since in the context of court proceedings, the insurer is no longer relying in the same way upon
information provided by the assured.
34 Compare the express provisions in the International Hull Clauses (1/11/03) at clause 45.1 and
35 In particular, where the assured on a travel policy which by its wording only requires evidence
of loss to the insurers reasonable satisfaction is confronted by demands for receipts for the
purchase of a suitcase which he bought (or perhaps, was given as a present) twelve years ago, or
for the foreign currency which he drew out of an ATM abroad the previous year, and decided to
keep for his next holiday rather than exchange back into his home currency, it may well be felt
that the assured who then produces a falsified receipt ought not to be punished for a fraudulent
device which was provoked by the insurer unreasonable and non-contractual insistence on
receiving evidence other than the assureds own statement that he had such a suitcase, or such
foreign currency.
This idea is expressed by James Davey in an article Unpicking the fraudulent claims jurisdiction
Insurance contract law: Sympathy for the devil? in [2006] Lloyds Maritime and Commercial
law Quarterly 36 However, Mr Davey presents the argument in a way which I think mistaken, in
that he seems to me to fail to distinguish between, on the one hand, the fraudulent claims rule and
on the other hand those duties which should be analysed as complied contractual terms.