Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Approximate Shape of Objects
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Approximate Shape of Objects
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Approximate Shape of Objects
Shape of Objects
This paper presents a new approach to retrieve images by content using a composition of relevant
features regarding texture, shape and brightness distribution. The first step of the method is a
segmentation process based on Markov Random Fields, which can be done automatically, having
as parameter the number of desired classes. The regions obtained in the segmentation guide the
extraction of measures from the original image producing a 30-dimensional feature vector used
in the image retrieval. The experiments showed that the feature vector has high discrimination
power and the time for retrieval operations are only fractions of seconds.
1. Introduction
The ever increasing amount of images acquired in hospitals and medical centers has motivated the
research on automatic algorithms to retrieve images based on their intrinsic characteristics instead
of textual annotations/descriptions about them. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques
work on the whole information embodied into an image and are not restricted to a textual description
about it. Reservations about such descriptions arise from their inherent subjectivity, because when
describing an image, the specialist can be concerned about only specific aspects of it, laying
important aspects of the image down. Therefore, we can see that the CBIR and the retrieval based
on textual descriptions of the images are orthogonal approaches, but can be integrated into a system,
bringing more power to a Hospital Information System or a Picture Archiving and Communication
System [4].
The selection of images from a dataset, as performed by a CBIR system, involves comparing pairs
of images assigning a similarity coefficient to each pair, where such similarity is measured by a
distance (dissimilarity) function. The comparison is executed through features extracted from the
images. These features are chosen to get the “essence” of the images, adequately characterizing each
image. Thus, an important problem in CBIR is the development of effective and efficient feature
extraction methods to represent images, allowing their faithful retrieval.
It is usual to group the image features in three main classes: color, texture and shape [1, 10].
Ideally, these features should be integrated to provide better discrimination in the comparison
process. The first and simpler class of features to extract is color, or brightness distribution, mainly
given by image histograms. To extract information about shape and texture is much more complex
and costly tasks, usually performed after the initial filtering provided by color features.
This paper presents an approach to retrieve images through an automatic segmentation technique
that allows to get approximate information about the shape of the regions in the images. The
segmentation is performed through a stochastic algorithm using the texture of the regions under
analysis. We found that the image features generated from the image regions allow higher
discrimination among images than the existing approaches.
∑ x ⋅ h ( x, y)
c ∑ y ⋅ h ( x, y)
xoc = , yoc =
mc mc
The dispersion feature is a summation of distances. That is, for each region i of a given class c,
the centroid oi,c = (xoi,c, yoi,c) is computed and then their distances to the centroid oc are summed as
dc = ∑
dist (oc , oi ,c )
where, dist ( oc , oi ,c ) = ( xoc − xoi ,c ) 2 + ( yoc − yoi ,c ) 2 is the Euclidean distance between oc
(the global class center) and oi,c (the center of region i of the class c).
Finally, as mentioned before, the mean and variance features of the class c are computed over the
original image I considering the resulting segmentation S, and they are respectively denoted by :c and
F2c. Formally, we have
x,y ⋅ hc ( x , y )
∑ (I
x, y − µ c ) ⋅ hc ( x , y )
µc = σ 2
c =
mc mc
Figure 2 - Composition of the feature vector of an image considering the features of all classes.
The proposed feature vector is built using these five features for each class. Since the centroid has
two values, we have six features per class. Figure 2 shows a graphical representation of the feature
vector for an image segmented in L classes. It is important to note that the composition of the vector
is driven by the mean feature. That is, the class with the smallest mean has its features in the
leftmost part of the vector and the class with the largest mean constitutes the rightmost part of the
vector. This approach, allied to an adjustment of the feature ranges, allows the use of Euclidian
distance to compare the feature vectors more
Table 1 - Summary of image datasets
Image Category Number of Images
4. Experiments
Angiogram 21
To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MR Pelvis 33
approach we worked on a variety of medical
image categories. Due to space restrictions, we MR Axial Head 50
show here only the results for the categories MR Sagittal Head 38
summarized in Table 1. Figure 3 shows an
example of a query applied on the image MR Coronal Abdomen 34
2854.jpg, using the proposed six features per MR Sagittal Spine 44
class. As we are using five classes per image
(the image background is not considered), the feature vector is 30-dimensional. As a basis for
comparison, we also executed the same queries using as feature vectors the brightness histograms
of the images, because the histogram is one of the most employed features to retrieve images by
content. Figure 4 shows the precision vs. recall plots for the two feature vectors, obtained by asking
5 similarity queries over the same randomly selected images. Each point of the graph is obtained by
the average of the 5 queries. The histograms are 256-dimensional vectors while the proposed feature
vector is only 30-dimensional, but achieves higher effectiveness in characterizing the images, for five
image categories, losing for the histogram only for the MR axial head images considering high values
of recall. However, for small recall values the proposed method still overpasses the retrieval by
histograms. As the size of the proposed feature vector is much smaller than the histogram's, the time
demanded to answer the queries is also smaller as well as the memory space demanded to store it.
1 1
0,8 0,8
0,6 0,6
0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0 0
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Recall Recall
Angiogram MR Axial Pelvis MR Axial Head Angiogram MR Axial Pelvis MR Axial Head
MR Coronal Abdom en MR Sagittal Head MR Sagittal Spine MR Coronal Abdomen MR Sagittal Head MR Sagittal Spine
Figure 4 - Precision vs. Recall graphs for the 6 image classes when answering similarity
queries. (a) For the proposed approach using a 6-D feature vector, (b) For 256-D histograms
as feature vectors.
The proposed technique to built image feature vectors through image segmentation using textured
objects can deal with the problem of identifying the organs and anomalies presented in the image
exams. An interesting point of this approach is the use of unsupervised segmentation, which has
given promising results. The extracted features use only the regions given by the segmentation
method, which is done automatically, allowing to work with the approximate description of objects.
The drawback of the segmentation step is its high computational cost, as the segmentation of an
image of 300 x 400 pixels takes between 3 to 5 seconds in a AMD Athlon XP 2600 machine. But
as the generation of the feature vectors for the image database is done off-line, and only the query
image needs to have its features extract during the query processing, this cost is acceptable. As the
querying time is what really matters to the users, is important to notice that this time is only a
fraction of seconds, and that depends on the database size.
The authors are grateful to the Center of Image Science of the Clinical Hospital of the University
of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto - Brazil, which kindly provided the project with the images used in
the experiments. This research has been supported, in part, by the Sao Paulo State Research
Foundation (FAPESP) under grants 02/07318-1, 03/01769-4 and by the Brazilian National Research
Council (CNPq) under grants 52.1685/98-6, 860.068/00-7 and 35.0852/94-4.
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