NLP Syllabus R21
NLP Syllabus R21
NLP Syllabus R21
1. Course Description
Course Overview
Natural Language Processing is the art of extracting information from unstructured text. Learn
basics of Natural Language Processing, Regular Expressions & text sentiment analysis using
machine learning in this course. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is basically how we can teach
machines to understand human languages and extract meaning from text. The course covers the
phases of NLP processing and uses libraries provided by NLP to analyze the given text
Course Pre/co-requisites
A7503: Python Programming
A7704: Foundations of Machine Learning
Introduction: What is Natural Language Processing (NLP), Origins of NLP, The Chal- lenges of
NLP, Phases of NLP, Language and Grammar. Finding the Structure of Words and Documents:
Words and Their Components, Issues and Challenges, Morphological Models. Finding the
Structure of Documents: Introduction, Sentence Boundary Detection, Topic Bound- ary Detection,
Methods, Complexity of the Approaches, Performances of the Approaches, Features, Processing
Syntax: Parsing Natural Language, A Data-Driven Approach to Syntax, Stop words, Correcting
Words, Stemming, Lemmatization, Parts of Speech (POS) Tagging, Representation of Syntactic
Structure, Parsing Algorithms, Models for Ambiguity Resolution in Parsing.
Semantic Parsing: Introduction, Semantic Interpretation: Structural Ambiguity, Entity and
Event Resolution, System Paradigms, Word Sense, Predicate-Argument Structure, Meaning
Language modelling: Introduction, n-Gram Models, Language Model Evaluation, Pa- rameter
Estimation, Types of Language Models: Class-Based Language Models, MaxEnt Language
Models, Neural Network Language Models Language- Specific Modeling Problems,
Multilingual and Crosslingual Language Modeling.
Applications: Question Answering: History, Architectures, Question Analysis, Search and
Candidate Extraction, Automatic Summarization: Approaches to Summarization, Spoken
Dialog Systems: Speech Recognition and Understanding, Speech Generation, Dialog Manager,
Voice User Interface, Information Retrieval: Document Preprocessing, Monolingual Information
Text Books:
1. Daniel M. Bikel Imed Zitouni., Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications: From
Theory to Practice, IBM Press, 2013.
2. Tanveer Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary., Natural Language Processing and Information Re- trieval, Oxford
University, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H Martin., Speech and Language Processing: An in- troduction to
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition,2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2008.
2. James Allen., Natural Language Understanding,2 nd Edition, Cummings publishing
company,1995. 2