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1. Use the appropriate form of the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. (to speak) without (to think) is (to shoot) without aim. 2. Do you know what
is peculiar about the English rule of (to drive)? 3. I'm glad to say that the lady didn't
keep us (to wait). 4. I remember (to take) to Paris when I was a very small child. 5. I
strongly suspect Gerald of (to know) all about it beforehand, though he swears he
didn't. 6. Excuse me for not (to write) more at the moment. 7. She never lost the
power of (to take) quick decisions. 8. He had an air of (to be) master of his fate,
which was his chief attraction. 9. She denied (to see) me at the concert though I'm
sure I saw her in the stalls. 10. I want to thank her for (to look) after the children
while I was out.

2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund functioning as

a subject
1. Picking the correct terminology to refer to each of the rival methods is no
easy task. 2. Proposing such a characterization will be the first order of our business.
3. Clarifying what counts as a "construction" would improve Costakis' analysis
considerably. 4. Accepting this approach entails giving up analyses proposed by
Kozma and Vaster (1993). 5. As will be seen below, taking a rule of thumb as an
absolute guide can lead to all sorts of conceptual tangles. 6. Summing up, it appears
that assigning a special function to the object under investigation does not solve the
problem. 7. We believe that offering even a partial or open answer to the questions
will benefit both the theory and practice of our method. 8. Providing argument
against those circulating in favor of the hypothesis became the best-known
occupation of many University Departments. 9. Specifically, explaining the data in
terms of these principles may purchase internal homogeneity and consistency in the
picture at the expense of their perhaps wider significances. 10. Heating the gas
increases the speed of its molecules.

3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund functioning as

an object
1. Two things are worth mentioning about this analysis. 2. But the monograph
is well worth reading. 3. I am wary of setting up an entirely new notion. 4. To correct
the mistake requires no more than drawing the same distinction. 5. I am grateful to
M. Brook for bringing these facts to my attention. 6. This account requires saying that
such a position is obligatory. 7. Space limitations prevent me from describing this
procedure in detail. 8. But the theory may be worth constructing, the data worth
finding. 9. We are actually interested in comparing one group of contrasts with
another. 10. It is worth recalling in this connection Hill's remark. 11. The chapter is
particularly persuasive in countering this claim. 12. We are thus in an unusual
position of having little to gain from this new source. 13. But most importantly, it
also risks obscuring the fruits of an explanatory strategy. 14. This is precisely what
the computer designers have succeeded in doing. 15. Although the preceding facts
support this possibility, other considerations caution us against exaggerating it.
4.Translate the following sentences paying attention to Gerundial Complexes
1. In trying to spell these notions out, we rapidly get into deep theoretical water. 2. In
developing a full-fledged theory, we should not restrict our data, 3. In presenting a
case for this analysis, I need first to establish some formal points. 4. In making this
claim, I am in effect reverting to the more open position I first proposed in 1989. 5.
The principle goes far toward constraining the theory. 6. Science is best learned
through "doing science" and history through "doing history". 7. The second theory
was given preference due to its being based on more recent data. 8. He then tests the
theory's feasibility by making a small-scale "working model". 9. Scientists often
describe events by constructing a mathematical model. 10. By expanding now on
these issues, we hope to clarify our method. 11. Very often authors use the term
without making it clear in what sense it is to be taken. 12. But we can make a fair
amount of progress without questioning the assumptions. 13. In saying this, I am not
arguing against the validity, or the significance, of principles, such as those posited
by Golfes. 14. Many will find this approach helpful for familiarizing themselves with
the research in these areas. 15. This book may go a long way toward making explicit
connections between theory and practice. 16. Furthermore, I will assume, without
arguing for it at this stage, that there is an intrinsic connection between the two
phenomena. 15. In discussing the statistics, Bower uses the term "frequency" more or
less interchangeably with "percentage".

5. Translate these sentences into English, using the proper form of the Gerund.

1. Цю проблему варто обговорити. 2. Я пригадую, що бачила цю ж

фотографію Британського музею в іншому журналі. 3. Хоча ми були в Лондоні
всього три дні, я отримала велике задоволення від огляду визначних пам'яток
цього величезного міста. 4. Читання книг з історії Англії і, зокрема, Лондона –
приємне і корисне заняття для майбутнього фахівця англійської мови. 5. Вони
не могли не спізнитися. Їх потяг затримався через туман. 6. Я пам'ятаю, що
бачила статтю на столі. 7. Вибачте, що я втручаюся, але у мене дуже важлива
новина для вас. 8. Вона вважає за краще все робити сама без будь-чиєї
допомоги. 9. Він сказав це голосно, не дивлячись ні на кого, і було неясно, до
кого він звертається. 10. Ми провели багато часу над написанням цієї книги. 11.
Ви можете поліпшити вимову, слухаючи аудіо, а також читанням вголос. 12. Я
шкодую, що доводиться залишати вас так скоро. 13. Це питання варто
обговорити. 14. Він подумує про те, щоб залишити роботу на кафедрі. 15. Ви
повинні вчасно повертати книги в бібліотеку без нагадування. 16. Ця стаття
заслуговує на те, щоб її переклали на українську мову. 17. Існують різні
способи перекладу герундія на українську мову. 18. Він краще запам’ятовує
нові вирази, вживаючи їх у власних реченнях. 19. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо,
коли буде опублікованав ця стаття. 20. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб її послали на

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