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Rewards and Sanctions: Reviewed Annually by Senior Staff

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Rewards and Sanctions

Reviewed annually by Senior Staff

Updated September 2007

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Introduction A policy on rewards and sanctions is part of the schools strategy to encourage and reward higher standards of achievement and to discourage anti-social and disruptive behaviour. This policy document offers a structured approach to rewards and sanctions, but there are three main pre-requisites if it is to be a success: 1. There must be consistency with other areas of School policy, particularly: Whole School Behaviour Policy Whole School Policy on Special Education Needs Anti-Bullying Policy Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy Pastoral Policy Health and Safety Policy Management of Drug Related Incidents Child Protection Policy 2. It must be applied consistently by all members of staff and its use monitored at middle and senior management level. 3. Teaching and learning strategies must allow pupils to achieve while discouraging poor behaviour due to boredom or frustration. In particular there must be a variety of approaches and work should be differentiated to cater for pupils of different abilities. The merit system is the basis of the reward system at KS3 along with Pupil Attitude Tickets in Year 9. At KS4 an Achievement and Award system is operated. These are described on Page 4 and Page 7. There is a unified sanction system for Years 7-11. The sanctions developed are felt to be appropriate to the whole age range and differences in treatment could lead to problems when dealing with serious or repeated offences which may require exclusion. There is a separate but complementary arrangement for the Sixth Form (Years 12-13/14). AIMS OF REWARDS AND SANCTIONS SYSTEM 1. To provide a structured system in which different levels of achievement can be recognised and rewarded and different degrees of inappropriate behaviour can be dealt with at a variety of levels within the school. 2. To foster a culture in which praise and rewards become more widely used and higher level rewards become accessible to a larger group of pupils. In this way it is hoped that standards of work and behaviour will be improved and expectations raised. 3. To provide a system that is clearly understood and valued by pupils and consistently applied by teachers.

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OBJECTIVES OF A REWARDS AND SANCTIONS SYSTEM 1. To encourage a more consistent and wider use of rewards by teachers. 2. To provide a greater variety of rewards which will recognise different levels of achievement. 3. To give a higher profile to rewards using assemblies, notice boards, and the Awards Evening. 4. To provide pupils with valued documents as evidence of achievement. 5. To involve form teachers more fully in celebrating the achievements and dealing with the behaviour problems of pupils in their forms. 6. To give heads of subject departments a much greater role in dealing with disciplinary problems in the classroom. 7. To allow Pastoral Heads more time to deal with the more serious disciplinary problems, as well as monitoring the application of the policy. 8. To inform and involve parents more fully in the sanctions procedures. MONITORING The routine monitoring should be carried out by Heads of Departments and Pastoral Heads who will report to a member of SLT with oversight of the pastoral system.

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There are separate systems for KS3 and KS4. KS3 REWARDS 1. Praise which may be: a) Verbal Praise - this should be used where appropriate to reinforce expected standards of work and behaviour. It may apply to individuals, groups or whole classes. b) Written Praise - (e.g. in books) see also Marking Policy re feedback. 2. Merit Stickers - these will be stuck in pupils link books on specifically designed pages. They can be awarded for achievement in subjects and for contributions to extra-curricular activities. These will be monitored by form teachers. They will complete a monitoring chart showing the total number of merits awarded to each pupil in the form. Returns should be sent to Pastoral Heads regularly, with termly form prizes for the KS3 form with most merits. 3. Headteachers Merit This will be awarded by the Headteacher on the recommendation of subject teachers, pastoral staff and leaders of extra-curricular activities. This merit will have a value of 5 ordinary merits towards Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates. The award will take the form of a certificate which pupils can retain for their RoA. 4. Merit Certificates These are to be awarded for accumulated merits during the school year: Bronze certificate 10 merits Silver certificate 25 merits Gold certificate 50 merits Platinum 75 merits House Success Postcard 100 merits Headteachers Award 120 + merits Bronze and Silver certificates can be presented in House assemblies as they are achieved. However, Gold Certificates should be presented at the special end of term assembly. 5. Positive Attitude Tickets (PATs) For Year 9 pupils a teacher may wish to award a PAT for good work, behaviour, participation etc. These are collected by the Form Teacher. A draw is held every 3 weeks with the form winners receiving prizes. The PATs are then collected centrally, ready for a Grand Draw, with more valuable prizes, at the end of the year.

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House Achievements Award Each house will award 2 of these per term for each of Years 7-9. They will be decided by the Pastoral Heads based on academic and social progress, contributions to the House and/or School, and any outstanding achievement out of school which enhances the good name of the school. The Award will take the form of a certificate to be presented at a special end-of-term assembly. The number of merits awarded will be shown in the Pastoral page of the pupils reports.


Success/Praise Postcards These will be sent by teachers or curriculum leaders in the event of continued good performance by pupils, or for incidents of special praise.

KS4 REWARDS 1. Praise - which may be: a) Verbal Praise - as for KS3

b) Written Praise - (e.g. in books, drafts of coursework) 2. Commendation - to be awarded by subject staff, house staff, leaders of extra curricular activities. The pupils will be notified, either verbally or in writing. The Commendation Slips will be available for each subject, house and for extra curricular activities. The slip will be passed to Pastoral Heads by the awarding teacher. They will maintain a monitoring sheet and pass back the commendation slip to the pupil via the Form Teacher, and it will give the latter the opportunity to reinforce the achievement with discreet praise and encouragement. (This mechanism is the reverse of that for lower School. It is intended to overcome the embarrassment many older pupils feel at receiving tangible rewards in front of their peers and their reluctance to hand in any reward slips). 3. Headteachers Merit As for KS3 1 Headteachers Merit = 5 Commendations Senior Achievement Certificates (SAC) This is seen as the upper school equivalent of the super merit. The SAC can be achieved by a number of routes: 10 commendations = 1 SAC for all-round achievement 1 SAC per term will be awarded per teaching group for progress within the subject. A different pupil should receive the award for each term in a school year. Teachers of small A-level groups should exercise their discretion : if a second or third pupil does not merit such an important award, no nomination should be made. The Certificates should be completed by the teachers concerned and forwarded to the Pastoral Heads. The Certificates will be presented at the end of term assemblies. 6


a) b)

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Outstanding contribution to extra curricular activities - to be awarded on a termly basis by Pastoral Heads and leaders of extra-curricular activities. The latter should follow the same procedure as in (b) House Achievement Award As for KS3 Outstanding Achievement Award Pupils who achieve 10 or more SACs in a year will receive a special certificate and a prize at Prize Award Evening. Positive Attitude Tickets (please see separate sheet of explanation) Success/Praise Postcards These will be sent by teachers or curriculum leaders in the event of continued good performance by pupils, or for incidents of special praise.

5. 6.

7. 8.

The number of Commendations will be shown on the Pastoral page of pupils reports.


1. 2.

A Colours badge should be awarded to pupils who achieve school sporting colours. There is a range of other celebrations of achievement via noticeboards around the school. They are used for display of: Pupils Work /High Achievers/Gifted and Talented/Photographs/Certificates/Press Coverage. It will still be possible for staff to issue certificates for particular purposes as a record of successful participation e.g. Prefect duties, service in the Library. However, dual awards should be avoided e.g. a Librarians certificate plus a merit for service to the Library.


APPENDIX : SUGGESTED CRITERIA 1. Criteria for Giving Merits/PATs/Commendations. These are standards which exceed those generally expected to be the norm. a) Good consistent standard of work/involvement over several weeks b) A very good single piece of work/performance/contribution c) A significant improvement in standards

2. a) b)

Criteria for Headteachers Merit A good, consistent standard of work/involvement over a long period (e.g. 1 term) An outstanding single major piece of work/performance/contribution which may far exceed the expectations for the pupil concerned.

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A structured sanctions system will be operated, with progressively more serious sanctions being applied. There will not always be a logical progression from one stage to another because a serious case of misconduct e.g. supplying drugs, assaulting a pupil/adult, sexual assault, racial/sexual harassment may lead to a pupil dropping down several steps on the scale. All staff are responsible for the behaviour and discipline of pupils in their charge, and should use appropriate strategies and sanctions to maintain an orderly framework within which effective learning can take place. The steps in the system 1. Warning/Reprimand - which may be: a) Verbal - usually most appropriate when delivered to individuals/small groups rather than whole classes. b) Written (including instruction to repeat/improve work). See Marking Policy feedback 2. Referral Slip This may be used at a number of levels in the Sanction system and is an important part of the behavioural log on pupils. At this stage in the sanctions system it could be used to report relatively minor misdemeanours e.g. a repeated failure to bring essential equipment. It should also be used to support more serious incidents (see Appendix 1). 3. Detention There are 3 types that can be administered by teachers: a) 10 minute detention - without notice This can be given at the discretion of an individual teacher who is also responsible for administering it. The longer detentions (30 minutes) detailed below must be accompanied by a detention slip to notify parents. These will be printed on NCR paper. The top copy should be given to the pupil and this should be returned with parents signature when the detention is served. The second copy should be sent to the pupils GUIDANCE LEADER immediately the detention is awarded. b) Departmental Detention - normally awarded for work/behavioural problems in lessons. Groups of departments will have PRIORITY on set nights (Mon, Tues, Thurs). Departmental detentions will be administered by Heads of Departments and supervised by departmental staff. Smaller departments should consider combining detentions in order to reduce supervisory load. c) Pastoral Detention - normally awarded for an accumulation of referrals and punctuality, offences outside the classroom. These detentions will be administered by Pastoral Staff and have PRIORITY on Thursday and Friday. All detentions will be logged by pastoral staff as part of a behaviour record for each pupil. The current detentions timetable is shown below by way of example of what is produced annually. C:\Documents and Settings\jamesfendek@ALDRIDGE.internal\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2AAD\REWARDS 8 AND SANCTIONS DRAFT POLICY revised 09-07.doc

Monday Geography MFL RSt Art

Tuesday Maths Technology History P.E

Wednesday School

Thursday Science English BSt Music House

Friday House

4. Parental Notification Parents are notified of detentions through the standard detention slip system. Departments are responsible for forwarding the copies to the appropriate pastoral heads who will follow up persistent offenders. As well as sending parents information about detentions the involvement of parents at an early stage will derive from a serious misdemeanour/misconduct/misbehaviour persistent misbehaviour persistent poor performance referral system

5. Referral to Middle Management for Further Action a) Referral to Curriculum Leader It is envisaged that this will be used for work/behaviour problems in lessons where sanctions 1-4 have proved unsuccessful. Heads of Departments have discretion about the action they take e.g. further detention(s), subject reports, counselling, subject contracts. As pupils placed on subject report are likely to be in trouble elsewhere, Heads of Departments should arrange for pupils to see them at times other than 3.15 p.m. unless they are certain that the pupils do not have a detention. Detentions have priority at 3.15 p.m. - so an arrangement to see pupils immediately after the lesson, at break, at start or end of lunchbreak would avoid any clash. Teachers should normally refer disciplinary problems to their Curriculum Leader in the first instance. Only in extenuating circumstances should pupils be referred directly to Pastoral Heads/SLT. Pupils should not be sent to wait outside house offices for disciplinary offences - they will be sent back! b) Referral to Pastoral Head - for disciplinary offences outside lessons e.g. anti-social behaviour in corridors, suspected of traunting lessons, smoking. The Pastoral Head will take appropriate actions according to the seriousness of the offence and for serious offences they may drop down to step 8. Close liaison between Pastoral Heads should ensure consistency of approach. 6. Curriculum Leaders Referral to Pastoral This is normally the logical step from No 5. The referral may be due to a single serious incident (e.g. deliberate disruptive behaviour, insulting conduct, threats against other pupils) or because steps 1-5 have not been successful. This must be seen clearly as more serious and challenging than anything that has gone before. Pastoral Heads may decide that the incident is so serious they should drop down to one of the steps below. If they decide that they will handle it themselves they must
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have discretion over the appropriate action which may include counselling as well as more punitive measures. In many instances pupils will be placed on an appropriate PASTORAL REPORT and this must be seen as a very serious step. Parents will be made aware by standard letter that their child is on report and the reasons why; the letter will also give blanket notice that their child may be detained for up to 30 minutes each evening if the report contains unfavourable comments that day. Parents will be involved further at the discretion of pastoral heads if no significant improvement occurs. 7. School Detention 1 hour duration This will consist of an interview with the Headteacher (or designated Deputy), and a letter to parents. Detentions will normally be given by Pastoral Heads, Heads of Departments, and SLT. They will be awarded for single serious incidents or for a cumulation of other offences e.g. a repeated failure to turn up to detention. Detentions will be logged in a School Detention Book kept in the Heads Secretarys office. It will be collected from there and returned by the School Detention duty team. Pupils who fail to attend school Detention without good reason will be subject to further action at the discretion of the Headteacher. 8. Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee In cases where (a) continuing difficulty concerning behaviour or (b) a single serious breach of the Statement of Shared Values and a permanent exclusion is being considered the parents, pupils, and pastoral staff may meet together with of the Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee. The Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee will then consider the action to be taken. The parent(s) will be notified of the decision in writing. Fixed Term or Permanent Exclusion This power resides with the Headteacher. It may result from a single major incident e.g. selling drugs, serious assault, or as a result of an accumulation of serious offences for which other steps have been exhausted. In the latter case it is essential that the Headteacher has evidence, hence the importance attached to having a detailed record of transgressions starting with the Referral Slips. In some cases specific conditions will be laid down for re-admission after a Fixed Term exclusion e.g. that the family seeks help from an Educational Psychologist, that the pupils behaviour will be closely monitored for improvement.


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Additional Actions/Approaches
1. An Interim Report - these will be circulated at the discretion of Heads of House normally in response to staff and/or parental concerns. Appropriate action will be taken in the light of the comments on the report. 2. Behavioural Surveys These will be conducted as appropriate and may cover individuals or groups of pupils. Pupils, and in more serious cases, parents will be seen by senior staff. The precise courses of action to be taken will be decided by pastoral heads who will initiate appropriate action which may include a period of close monitoring following the interview. Notes: Where the conduct of the student is such that it impinges upon any school policy statement e.g. Drug Related Incidents then the relevant procedures will be invoked.

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(Addendum to Rewards and Sanctions Policy) All sixth form students, unless 6th form membership specifically exempts them, are subject to the normal rules, regulations and expectations of Aldridge School as set out in various prospectus. The following will be invoked should a students place on a particular course or within the school as a whole become in doubt. 1. Informal Warnings 1.1 Where a student infringes the rules/expectations laid down by the academic staff, the tutor/Curriculum Leader will give advice, counselling or admonition. The tutor/Curriculum Leader will record this in an appropriate manner. 1.2 An informal warning may be issued by the head of sixth form. 2. Formal Oral Warnings 2.1 Where a student has infringed the rules and expectations or where their attitude/demeanour/work (output and quality) is such to warrant formal action, the head of the sixth form shall meet with the student. If the complaint is from just one curriculum area then the Curriculum Leader will be invited to attend this meeting. A member of the Senior Staff will be present. Action to be taken by the student will be outlined and the time scale for the completion given. A record of the meeting will be kept and held on file. The parents of the student will be informed . 2.2 A formal oral warning will be given if the comments made on the half yearly written school report are such to warrant it. 2.3 The academic staff and the form tutor of the student will be informed. 2.4 Should the situation fail to be satisfactorily resolved i.e. the student not complete the action outlined then the final warning stage will be invoked. 3. Final Warning 3.1 In more serious cases or where the formal oral warning fails to bring a resolution, satisfactory to the school, a final warning will be given. The parents of the student will be informed and the letter will make it clear that any further breach of the specified conditions will result in exclusion. Exclusions may be fixed term or permanent as determined only by the Headteacher. 4. 5. At any stage where the parents are informed then, the facility will be open for them to come into school to discuss the situation. Where the conduct of the student is such that it impinges upon any school policy statement e.g. Drug Related Incidents then the procedures outlined within these documents will be invoked.

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