2023 JRAHS Year 9 Assessment Handbook 3 Feb 2023
2023 JRAHS Year 9 Assessment Handbook 3 Feb 2023
2023 JRAHS Year 9 Assessment Handbook 3 Feb 2023
Year 9
Assessment Handbook
To help you organise your time and be successful in each assessment task we have
compiled this assessment handbook for you.
It is very important that you read this handbook carefully. It contains the guidelines
and expectations for your school-based summative assessment tasks.
• advance notification of all summative assessment tasks for the calendar year in
each subject
• communication of school assessment and examination practices and
• assessment schedules for each subject with the type of task and the
approximate week it may be due for submission
Summative assessment tasks are just one component of your learning at Ruse. In
addition, you will be expected to undertake classwork, homework and formative
assessment tasks. Together these elements will enable you to develop your
knowledge and understanding so that you can reach your full academic potential.
The staff at James Ruse Agricultural High School are here to support you to gain your
academic personal best. If you feel that you need additional assistance please speak
to your class teacher or your Year Adviser as soon as you can.
Yours sincerely
Ms Rachel Powell
Purpose of assessment
Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information
about student’s learning to inform the reporting process. The central purpose of
assessment is to provide information on student achievement and progress and set
the direction for ongoing learning.
Procedural fairness
All faculties support student learning by adopting a consistent approach to
assessment by ensuring that:
Assessment Tasks
Assessment tasks are mandatory for each course. Students are expected to complete
set work regularly, in order to be determined as having satisfactorily studied the
course. A variety of assessment task styles - for example speaking, listening, reading
and writing - are included in assessment programs to provide students with varied
opportunities to demonstrate achievement of outcomes.
Submission of tasks
Students are required to complete and submit mandatory assessment tasks on or
before the due date.
For Year 9:
A penalty of 20% per day (including weekend days) will be applied for the late
submission of tasks without a valid reason, such as a medical reason or those involving
misadventure. After 5 days, a zero mark will be awarded.
If an extension of time is needed, the student must negotiate with the Classroom and
Head Teacher of the course 5 school days before the due date.
Parental Notification
Year 9
All assessment tasks not submitted will result in an Academic Warning Letter being
sent to the parent/caregiver. Teachers are required to send one warning per task.
Malpractice is any activity undertaken by a student that allows them to gain an unfair
advantage over others. It includes, but is not limited to:
• copying someone else’s work in part or in whole, and presenting it as their own
• using material directly from books, journals, or the internet without reference
to the source
• building on the ideas of another person without reference to the source
• buying, stealing or borrowing another person’s work and presenting it as their
• submitting work to which another person such as a parent, coach or subject
expert has contributed substantially using words, ideas, designs or the
workmanship of others in practical and performance tasks without appropriate
• paying someone to write or prepare material
• breaching school examination rules
• using non-approved aids during an assessment task
• contriving false explanations to explain work not handed in by the due date
• assisting another student to engage in malpractice
* Where cheating is detected a mark of zero will be given for the task to each
student involved.
Student Responsibilities
• Students are expected to complete ALL assessment tasks by the due dates
and times specified.
• Where assessment tasks involve attendance at excursions, field studies etc,
attendance is compulsory.
• All work submitted for assessment must be the student’s own work. (See
Malpractice above)
• It is each student’s responsibility to be aware of assessment task dates for all
courses and to organise a study schedule accordingly.
Post examination
All students will receive feedback on each examination sat, detailing the mark or
grade achieved and the marking criteria and/or comments. Wherever possible,
examination answers and question papers should be kept by the student for study
and revision purposes.
Disability provisions are concessions made by NESA in the conditions under which
certain students with disability sit for examinations and assessment tasks.
The Principal has the authority to decide on, and to implement, disability provisions
for school-based assessment tasks, including examinations. The purpose of the
provision is to assist students who may otherwise be unfairly disadvantaged by the
conditions of the examination.
There are many ways to be optimally organised around effectively completing your
assessment tasks at James Ruse Agricultural High School, including (but not limited
☺ Ensure that you are familiar with the sections of this assessment handbook
☺ Keep a record of tasks completed for each subject so that, at any given time, you
know exactly what proportion of your course assessment has been completed and
how much remains
☺ Seek feedback from teachers if you are unsure about what you need to do to
improve and make further progress
☺ Inform your teacher if you know that you will be absent when a task is due and
make alternative arrangements for the task to be submitted or completed on or
before the due date
Assessment Tasks
Year 9 Term 1 2023
Week Subject Type of task
Week 1
Week 2 PDHPE Mandatory (Weeks Practical skills (ongoing during class time)
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 Agricultural Technology TV Commercial (5 weeks to complete)
Week 6 Commerce Multimodal presentation (handed out Week 2)
History Elective Research presentation (4 weeks to complete)
Week 7 History Research task (handed out Week 3)
Week 8 Geography Group Project (handed out Week 2)
Week 9 Drama Performance and analysis
Mathematics Algebra & Number common test in class
Latin Research task
Japanese Composing task – DYO castle
Week 10 Music Composition submission
PASS Practical Laboratory test (in class)
Week 11 Visual Arts In class drawing and assignment
Photographic and Digital Pinhole camera and assignment