NURS 362
Goal Statement: Obtain entry level employment as an RN in an acute care setting to gain the
experience and skills necessary to develop into an independent, reliable and effective nurse in
preparation for eventually becoming a CRNA.
Clinical Practice
Plan: As I begin my
career, I plan to observe
how RNs work with aides
and other assistive
personnel to provide
efficient and effective care
to patients. I also plan to
have a firm understanding
of my own job description
as well as the job
descriptions of the other
types of staff I will be
working with.
Strengths: I have formal
leadership experience
from my time as a shift
supervisor in dietary at
When I am in a leadership
role, I tend to act with
empathy for the people I
am in charge of. I dont
ask anything of them that
I wouldnt ask of myself.
Areas targeted for
growth: I can lack
Professional Development
Objective: Apply to an accredited
nurse anesthetist program. (This may
not be a realistic goal within the next
two years, but is currently my ultimate
Plans/Strategies: Research my
various options, spend/save carefully
after graduation in order to be able to
afford more schooling, and take
whatever prerequisites I am still
missing between my associates
degree in nursing and bachelors
degree in nutrition.
Skills/competencies: I am
CPR/BLS certified and plan to
be a licensed RN with an
associates degree in nursing by
early next year. I also have
extensive knowledge of human
nutrition, which may be helpful in
providing or at least reinforcing
nutrition education to patients in
the future.
Areas Targeted for Growth:
While we do get some
experience in learning and
practicing nursing skills
throughout nursing school, I
definitely want to grow in that
area as I begin my nursing
career. I want to be able to
perform nursing skills effectively,
efficiently, and-above all- safely.
assertiveness at times
and can shy away from
confrontation by taking on
excessive responsibilities.
I need to work on acting
with conviction and
making unpopular
decisions when