Nurs 3021 Silo
Nurs 3021 Silo
Nurs 3021 Silo
Learning goal 1
Describe an area in your practice you want to further develop.
Based on my experience, I feel that my documentation skills for an individual with multiple
comorbidities is lacking compared to my documenting skills of an acute patient.
Define your learning goal. What is it that you want/need to learn? Include a timeline for when
you want to achieve this goal. Watch: Are your learning goals SMART? to enhance your
learning goals.
I will demonstrate improved head-to-toe assessment and documentation for patients with
multiple comorbidities skills by February 17th.
Describe the learning activities you plan to complete to achieve your goal. Include a timeline
to stay on track.
1. Perform daily head-to-toe assessment on my assigned patient with use of written notes to aid in
remembering assessment abnormalities by Feb 10 th, 2023
2. Ask for clarification and support from my clinical instructor, classmates and partnered nurse when
an assessment finding is outside of my current scope of knowledge by Feb 4 th, 2023.
What principles of the Code of Conduct does your goal align with
Principle 1: Nurses respect the dignity of patients and treat them as individuals.
Principle 2: Nurses work together to promote patient well-being.
Principle 3: Nurses maintain patients’ trust by providing safe and competent care.
Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with colleagues to best meet patients’ needs.
Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity to maintain patients’ trust.
Principle 6: Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.
Learning goal 2
Define your learning goal. What is it that you want/need to learn? Include a timeline for when
you want to achieve this goal. Watch: Are your learning goals SMART? to enhance your
learning goals.
I will develop stronger intercommunication and therapeutic communication skills to enhance
my clinical engagement with my assigned patient and other residents by Feb 10th, 2023.
Describe the learning activities you plan to complete to achieve your goal. Include a timeline
to stay on track.
1. Actively listen to my assigned patient and ask open questions to develop nurse-patient therapeutic
relationship by Feb 4th, 2023
2. Regularly verbally engaged with patient’s during assessment and when providing care Feb 4 2023
3. Ask clinical instructor and fellow classmates tips on improving inter/therapeutic communication
skills by Feb 10th, 2023.
4. Review online support videos of redirection and de-escalation techniques when caring for pts with
cognitive and behavioural impairments by Feb 4 th, 2023.
What principles of the Code of Conduct does your goal align with
Principle 1: Nurses respect the dignity of patients and treat them as individuals.
Principle 2: Nurses work together to promote patient well-being.
Principle 3: Nurses maintain patients’ trust by providing safe and competent care.
Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with colleagues to best meet patients’ needs.
Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity to maintain patients’ trust.
Learning goal 3
Define your learning goal. What is it that you want/need to learn? Include a timeline for when
you want to achieve this goal. Watch: Are your learning goals SMART? to enhance your
learning goals.
Describe the learning activities you plan to complete to achieve your goal. Include a timeline
to stay on track.
4. Review existing drug cards, notes and textbook readings of common medications used for the most
common chronic illnesses by Feb 17th, 2023.
5. Review the posted EPIC training videos on blackboard by Feb 6 th 2023
6. Ask for clarification and assistance from my clinical instructor during my medication day
What principles of the Code of Conduct does your goal align with
Principle 1: Nurses respect the dignity of patients and treat them as individuals.
Principle 2: Nurses work together to promote patient well-being.
Principle 3: Nurses maintain patients’ trust by providing safe and competent care.
Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with colleagues to best meet patients’ needs.
Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity to maintain patients’ trust.
Principle 6: Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.
Learning goal 4
I feel that my skills and experience in administering complex wound dressing changes and
properly evaluating the wound in a realistic situation, environment and living human being is
a lacking nursing skill
Define your learning goal. What is it that you want/need to learn? Include a timeline for when
you want to achieve this goal. Watch: Are your learning goals SMART? to enhance your
learning goals.
I hope to demonstrate my improved wound dressing changes, wound site evaluation and
documentation by the end of my clinical placement in April 2023.
Describe the learning activities you plan to complete to achieve your goal. Include a timeline
to stay on track.
7. View, assist and perform a wound dressing change and assessment whenever the task is offered
during my entire winter clinical placement.
8. Review the supportive wound dressing changes and assessment material within the Elsevier clinical
skills folder.
9. Actively communicate with my patient during the wound dressing change/assessment to
monitor their pain and develop a stronger therapeutic relationship.
10. Ask for advice from my clinical instructor and partnered nurse for clarification during wound
dressing changes and documentation to improve skills and efficiency.
What principles of the Code of Conduct does your goal align with
Principle 1: Nurses respect the dignity of patients and treat them as individuals.
Principle 2: Nurses work together to promote patient well-being.
Principle 3: Nurses maintain patients’ trust by providing safe and competent care.
Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with colleagues to best meet patients’ needs.
Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity to maintain patients’ trust.
Principle 6: Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.
Given that our clinical placement time is limited and the uncertainties of the
healthcare environment on any given day make it extremely difficult to optimize
participation in every aspect of my learning plan, precisely my goal of improving
my wound dressing changes and wound site assessment, the majority of my
goals are improvements of the daily components of a “normal” clinical
placement day. Therefore, attaining my goals strongly relies on my adhering to
and promoting myself-proposed steps in achieving my goals and employing
support from my classmates and clinical instructor. My goal of improving my
therapeutic communication with my patient’s can be improved thought the
entirely of my placement by actively engaging in conversations with my assigned
and non-assigned patient. Additionally, various steps of my goals incorporate
resources external to my clinical placement hours. The utilization of external
resources and learning environment allows increased time allocation to better
learn new skills and further strengthen those I already possess. Given that this
semester is a transition from acute to chronic care in which many of the patient’s
have multiple comorbidities proper medication administration skills and
knowledge are vital for improving our patient’s health/well-being and
preventing/correcting adverse reactions, many which are at greater risk of
developing adverse reactions. I consider that improving my current medication
skills and knowledge that became developing last semester. If one of my goals is
achieved before the stated timeline an additional goal will replace it, as the
nursing profession is an endless learning career to better the care we provide
and our nursing scope of practice.