Corrected Proposal Corrected.
Corrected Proposal Corrected.
Corrected Proposal Corrected.
The Registrar
KUHS, Thrissur
(Candidate name and signature)
(Guide name and Signature) (HOD Name and Signature with Seal)
(Signature & Seal of the Principal)
Date :
Signature of the guide :
Enclosures :
Name of the Guide and College Name Mrs. Rincy Rachel Mathew, St. Gregorios
College Of Nursing
Contact Mobile No. of the Guide 9539796075,
Name of the PG course with subject MSc Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing
The art of life is the art of avoiding pain.
- William Hazlin
Life expectancy has increased significantly in the last few decades. For this good news, If people
live long enough, they are more likely to develop multiple long-term conditions, a degree of
disability, dementia or the risk of chronic and life-limiting pain from a variety of causes.As the
number of individuals older than 65 years continues to rise, fragility and chronic diseases
associated with pain will likely to increase. Joint pain is a common musculoskeletal disease
affecting 80% of people at some point in their lives. The three most common sites of pain in
elderly are the back, leg/knee or hip and other joints.
The elderly are often either untreated or undertreated for pain.Good pain management is essential
to support and maintain independent living. People rely on certain drugs for pain relief, which has
side effects if used continuously. As people get older; body cannot respond to medications due to
the reduced metabolism.Many older adults have turned to complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) therapies for treating their conditions. It is generally more natural and safer than
conventional medicine and also provides a greater relief of symptoms.
The most commonly preferred natural remedy for joint pain includes the use of essential oils,
applying heat or warmth and dietary modifications. Moreover, many herbal medicines are
practiced in modern medicine. One such herbal medicine which is effective in reducing joint pain
includesGlycyrrhiza Glabra Linn (Family fabacea) commonly known as licorice, sweet wood,
mulethi and yastimadhu. It is an easily and cheaply available herb found in Asia with less side
effects. Clinical and experimental studies suggest that it has several other useful pharmacological
properties such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory
and wound healing properties.
Research Approach: quantitative approach
Research design: quasi experimental research design
Setting of the study: The study will be conducted in Jubilee Mandiram and
Snehasadanam in Kollam district.
Population:Inmates of old age homes with joint pain.
Target population:Inmates of old age homes with joint pain in Kollam district.
Accessible population:Inmates of the selected old age homes with joint pain in Kollam
Sample:Inmates of the selected old age homes with joint pain in Kollam district who meets
the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Sample size:The sample size will be 60
Sampling technique:Purposive sampling technique will be used for this study.
Inclusion criteria:All inmates of the selected old age homes with moderate to severe knee
Exclusion criteria:
Those who are not willing to participate.
Those individuals who are not able to verbalize their pain score: unconscious,
altered sensorium, differently abled.
Those with swelling, open wounds and fractures.
Dependent variable: joint pain
Independent variable: licorice oil
Section A: Questionnaire on sociodemographic data
Section B:Tool to assess the level of joint pain by numeric pain rating scale
Section C:Questionnaire on activities of daily living related to joint pain
PILOT STUDY:Plan to conduct pilot study in 6 inmates of an old age home in Kollam district.
Data collected on the basis of Pain Scale Scores will be recorded and analyzed through the
following Statistical techniques:
Descriptive Statistics
Mean and Standard Deviation used to assess the level of Joint Pain among the inmates.
Inferential Statistics
Statistical paired t Test - is used to compare pre & post joint pain scores for statistical
Permission will be taken from the authorities of selected old age homes.
Informed consent will be taken from the participants
Level of pain will be assessed before the intervention for both experimental and control
Activities of daily living related to joint pain will be assessed before the intervention for
both experimental and control group.
5ml of licorice oil will be applied once in a day on the painful knee joint for the
experimental group.
Placebo will be applied to the control group. (Placebowill beprepared by adding 1gm of tea
leaves to 1litre of coconut oil.)
Level of pain will be assessed 1hr after the intervention for both experimental and control
group for 4 days.
Activities of daily living related to joint pain will be assessed after 4 days of intervention
for both experimental and control group.
BUDGET:The budget for the overall study will be met by the investigator.
ETHICAL CONSIDERATION:Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional ethical
1. Dr. Aza Abdulla, Professor Nicola Adams. Guidance on the management of pain in older
people. Age and ageing: 2013(42);1-57
2. Damayanti Datta. Pain epidemic. India Today: October 2015
3. Stephen J Gibson, David Lussier. Prevalence and relevance of pain in older persons. Pain
medicine: 2012(13); 23-26
4. A review on Glycyrrhiza Glabra and its pharmacological activities. International journal of
pharmaceuticals and drug analysis: 2016(4)
5. Anyssa Garza. The increasing effects on health care. The aging population:2016
6. Supakanya wongrakpanich, Amarapon wongrakpanich. A comprehensive review of non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use in elderly. Aging and disease:2018(1);143-150
7. Dr.Jagdev singh. 26 amazing benefits and uses of mulethi. Evidence based information on
I--------------- (participant’s name) is ready to take part in the research study conducted by
Mrs. Raji R, 2nd year M.Sc. Nursing student of St. Gregorios College of Nursing, Parumala on the
topic “to assess the effectiveness of topical application of licorice oil for joint pain among the
inmates of selected old age homes in Kollam district”.
As part of the research, I am aware that a series of questions are asked through a
questionnaire and numeric pain rating scale, which I should answer depending on best choice
provided. I can quit from the study any time and it will not affect me in any personal affairs.
It is also assured that all the details collected for the study will be confidential and will be
used only for this study purpose.
In the context of any doubts related to the study, the person whom to contact and
responsible will beRaji R, the researcher of the study.
It consists of reading from 1- 10. Based on the scores the intensity of pain is calculated.
0 No pain
1 -3 Mild pain
4–6 Moderate pain
7 – 10 Severe pain
None 0
Mild difficulty 1-11
Moderate difficulty 12-22
Severe difficulty 23-33
Extreme difficulty 33-44