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Lesson Plan: November 244h

Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk

Common Core/DPI Content Standards:
Curriculum Map
Year: Fall 2014
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.2 Determine a theme or central
idea of a text and analyze its development over the course
Teacher: Jamie Ann Carmody
of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.3a Choose language that
Grade Level(s): 7
expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and
eliminating wordiness and redundancy.
Length: 1 day (90 Min)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.3a Vary sentence patterns for
meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.
Theorist involved: Raffenbrenner-Students learn best when
CCSS-Literacy SL. 7.4 Present claims and findings,
learning together and having discussions.
emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use Why: Students learn best when working together to try and figure
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear
out the problems and solutions. When one student answers a
question and another student can tell them what is wrong or why
Abilities Assessment Outcomes: Ability to talk about a book of
their answer isnt correct it helps build report in the classroom as
choice and confidently prepare and execute a compound
well as within the group setting.
sentences quiz.
Lesson Book Talks
Date: November 24, 2014
Essential Questions:
How do I effectively give a book talk to my peers?
How do I effectively write about a pre-selected topic?
Objectives (SWBAT)

Activate prior

Students will be able to:

Plan out from beginning to end a complete book talk and express excitement to their peers of about a
book. (Cognitive expectations related to book talk)
Talk in front of an audience to talk for 1-2 minutes using eye contact, hand motions, and positive posture.
(Cognitive expectations related to book talk)
Confidently study compound sentences, and feel confident for their compound sentence quiz.
Comprehends compound sentences .. Identify parts of a compound sentence.
Write for 20 minutes of free writing time and enjoy their writing time.
Talk confidently in front of classmates about a specific book using proper volume, hand motions, and eye contact.
Feel confident about the next days quiz on compound sentences. Practice writing for an extended time or revise
previous works of writing.
Let students choose their favorite book that they want to talk about.
Discussion on book talks from 6th grade and the expectations for 7th grade book talks, review of compound
Ask students what they remember about the book talks that they gave in 6 th grade and ask how they went and
how they felt during them. Allow discussion to build off their experiences and now that they are a grade older
what their expectations should be now that they are older. Using that as a segway, we will then talk about the
rubric and how they will be graded.

Lesson Plan: November 24th



Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk

There will be 2 benchmarks for compound sentences so we know beforehand where the students stand on compound
sentences and if theyre going to need extra help before going through this review. This review is based off
Raffenbrenners theory that students learn best from their peers, so this review is set up to have each student answer a
question and then explain their answer. Students will raise their hands if they agree (which is a common thing we do in
this classroom so they are used to this activity) and if a student isnt raising their hand they have to explain why they
disagree. This allows students to voice their opinion freely as well as making sure every student is paying attention
while doing the review.
Book talk, compound sentences quiz
Book Talks.

Lesson Plan: November 244h

Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk

Greet students and talk about what the class will entail for the day. Go over the itinerary on the Smart Board and
let students as questions if they have any.
Review of Compound Sentences (50 Min) Linguistic Features-Multiple Intelligences
Students will all get out a piece of paper and a pencil. All other materials will be placed inside their desk.
Before starting students will be told the rules/expectations of this activity. They will number their paper as they
go along and write both the question and their answer on their sheet. This will allow them to remember better as
well, for the fact they are cognitively thinking about their answer as they are writing it down. . They will correct
it as we go along so they are able to study off of it at home as well as allow us to see how they are truly doing.
Have students write out questions and answers throughout review and grade as we go. Then on the backside
have them write their exit slip so I can see how theyre doing realistically with compound sentences and which
section they are struggling most with. (Question then: what are we going to do with that information? How many
students are struggling? We will be looking at what students are struggling with and create a worksheet/review
designed specifically to their needs and not focus on other areas.)
Every student should give an answer to a question on the board or give a reasoning of why someone elses
answer is incorrect. This will allow students to feel success knowing that they know certain areas, and will allow
them to see the areas that they are failing in and be able to start those areas to study for.
Exit slip for break: On a scale of 1-5 how clearly did you understand todays review on compound sentences? Are
there any things that you are unsure of that youd like addressed before leaving today?


Break 5 Minutes
Speeches. (20 Min)-(Gardner-Multiple intelligences; Vegostski-scaffolding)
Pre-assigned roster of students and the order they will go in.
Students will get in front of the classroom and are allowed to bring a piece of paper or note cards up in the front
of the room with them if needed. Students will be timed from the back of the room by the teacher and if the
student exceeds 3 min they will receive a hand signal signifying they are over the time allotted and to finish up
their speech. Speech requirements state speech should be within 1 to 2 Minutes.
Throughout speeches, classmates will write down books they feel they might want to read in their reading binder
on their Books I might Like to Read page. Also will write a sticky note on each speech and will say one positive
and one thing to work on for Posture, eye contact, expression, and hand gestures. At the end of class students
will give the post it notes to Scott or I before leaving.
Exit Slip: What are two books that were talked about today that you might be interested in reading? Is there
anything youre still unsure with compound sentences?
SmartBoard, Books, Pencils, Writing binder, Note Cards (students doing speech), Rubric (students doing speech)

Lesson Plan: November 24th

Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk
Book Talk Planning Sheet
(1-2 Minute Speech)


Name of Book:


Genre of Book:

Why I liked this book?

Twists or plot that made this book particularly great?


Lesson Plan: November 244h

Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk
Book Talk



Had a unique, interesting, and

effective way to introduce speech,
as well as a clear and effective
conclusion that wrapped up the
presentation. Gave the audience
something to think about while
being tied into the introduction.

Seemed to make an
effort to have an
interesting intro, as well
as had a clear, thoughtout conclusion to end
the presentation.

Introduced the topic

before moving on in the
speech, as well as had
a good conclusion
although short.

Little to no introduction
to the book of choice,
as well as had a
generic conclusion
i.e Thank you for
listening-I hope you
liked my speech.

Named the genre and had a good

amount of information about why it
was that genre with some depth
without rambling.

Named the genre and

had good amount of
information about why
it was that genre, but
rambled just a bit.

Named the genre and

had information about
why it was that genre.
A little long or short.

Named the genre and

had a little information
about why it was that
genre. A little long or

I could clearly explain why I did or

did not like the book, including
giving at least 2 specific reasons. I
give a recommendation of which
type of reader might like this book.

I could clearly explain

why I did or did not like
the book including give
at least 2 specific
reasons why.

I could explain why I

did or did not like the
book. Including giving
at least 1 reason. My
reason might be a little

I could sort of explain

why I did or did not like
this book. My reasons
were very general.

I often changed my facial

expression to match what I was
saying in my speech. I looked
engaged in what I was saying while
looking at different areas of the
audience. Little need for not cardslittle to no reading.2

I sometimes changed
my facial expression to
match what I was
saying in my speech. It
looked like I was
somewhat engaged in
what I was saying. I
looked at the audience
most of the speech,
only reading from the
cards a little.

I changed my facial
expression a little bit to
match what I was
saying in my speech. It
looked like I was a little
engaged in what I was
saying. I glanced some
at the audience, but
read quite a bit from

I rarely changed my
facial expression to
match what I was
saying in my speech. I
didnt look that
engaged in what I was
saying. I mostly looked
or read from
paper/cards, only
glancing once or twice
around the room.

Always stood up straight with no

leaning, fidgeting, hands in
pockets, etc. Moved/walked
around. Consistently used hand
gestures and usually seemed

Almost always stood up

straight with no leaning
or fidgeting. Often used
hand gestures that
usually seemed natural.
Once in a while I gave

Leaned, rocked, hands

in pockets a few times.
Used a few hand
gestures, may have
been forced but were

Often poor posture,

rocking, fidgeting, etc.
Had one or two hand

(5 pts.)

(5 pts.)

Why I like
the book
(5 pts.)

Eye Contact
(5 pts.)

(goes with

Lesson Plan: November 24th

Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk
(5 pts.)

an impression of
enthusiasm in talking
about my topic.


Questions for review


Connect these
sentences with the
correct FANBOYS

Comma or not?

Parts of a Sentence

Is it a compound sentence?

What are all the FANBOYS?

(What are the conjunctions?)

I enjoy dancing. I
enjoy swimming.

What is an independent

I really like pizza and tater tots.

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet,


And, But, Yet,

Joel went to the store

and he bought a gallon
of ice cream.

When should you use a semicolon?

Billy went to New

York. He saw the
Empire State

Mr. Davis went into 7-11

to buy an umbrella
meanwhile the rain

And, So

Mr. Davis went into 711 to buy an umbrella

meanwhile, the rain

Hazel went to the

dance. She had to
leave early due to
the pile of homework
at home.

Ants are small but they

are powerful.

What is needed for a

compound sentence?

Ants are small, but

they are powerful.

Two independent clauses

(subject and verb)
combined together with a
FANBOY (conjunction).

When you are combining

two sentences that you
dont use a FANBOYS for.

Underline the subject,

conjunction (FANBOYS), and
verb in the following sentence.
Sally enjoys walking outside,
yet she doesnt like taking
walks in the winter.
Subject-Sally, She Verbenjoys, taking Conjunctionyet

Joel went to the store,

and he bought a
gallon of ice cream.

But, Yet


A clause that can stand

on its own and is
considered a complete
sentence. Has a verb and
What is the definition of a
dependent clause?
A clause that cannot
stand on its own. Is
missing either a subject
or verb. This clause
cannot stand on its own
and needs an
independent clause in
order to make it a
complete sentence.

My mother informed me were

moving, and I better start
packing up my stuff.

All along the way folks lined

both sides of the track, and they
were cheering and shouting
through their tears.

Lesson Plan: November 244h

Comm Arts 7th Grade Book Talk
What is the definition of a
simple sentence?
One verb and one subject.

I could go see my
sisters show. I could
go see my friends
football game.
Or, And, But

Why do writers use compound

sentences? What is the
Switch up their writing
style. Makes things more
interesting and combining
two simple sentences

I enjoy coffee. I only

like it in the morning.
But, Yet

I noticed Sharla forgot

her pencil so I lent her
my spare pencil.
I noticed Sharla forgot
her pencil, so I lent
her my spare pencil.

We worked the
concession stand so
mom and dad could have
a break.
No comma

What is needed to create a

Compound Subject?
You need one verb for
two or more subjects. You
also need and or or to
connect the two
fragments of the
sentence together.
What is needed to create a
Compound Predicate? You
need one subject for two
verbs. You also need and
or or to connect the two
fragments of the
sentence together.

Miss. Carmody has a German

Sheppard named Bella and
enjoys going on walks with her
after work,

Mr. Raaflaub likes the Brewers

and likes going to their games.
No; Compound predicate

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