Cedarburg Lesson 6
Cedarburg Lesson 6
Cedarburg Lesson 6
Activate prior
Greet students and talk about what the class will entail for the day. Go over the itinerary on the Smart Board and
let students as questions if they have any.
Review of Compound Sentences (50 Min) Linguistic Features-Multiple Intelligences
Students will all get out a piece of paper and a pencil. All other materials will be placed inside their desk.
Before starting students will be told the rules/expectations of this activity. They will number their paper as they
go along and write both the question and their answer on their sheet. This will allow them to remember better as
well, for the fact they are cognitively thinking about their answer as they are writing it down. . They will correct
it as we go along so they are able to study off of it at home as well as allow us to see how they are truly doing.
Have students write out questions and answers throughout review and grade as we go. Then on the backside
have them write their exit slip so I can see how theyre doing realistically with compound sentences and which
section they are struggling most with. (Question then: what are we going to do with that information? How many
students are struggling? We will be looking at what students are struggling with and create a worksheet/review
designed specifically to their needs and not focus on other areas.)
Every student should give an answer to a question on the board or give a reasoning of why someone elses
answer is incorrect. This will allow students to feel success knowing that they know certain areas, and will allow
them to see the areas that they are failing in and be able to start those areas to study for.
Exit slip for break: On a scale of 1-5 how clearly did you understand todays review on compound sentences? Are
there any things that you are unsure of that youd like addressed before leaving today?
Break 5 Minutes
Speeches. (20 Min)-(Gardner-Multiple intelligences; Vegostski-scaffolding)
Pre-assigned roster of students and the order they will go in.
Students will get in front of the classroom and are allowed to bring a piece of paper or note cards up in the front
of the room with them if needed. Students will be timed from the back of the room by the teacher and if the
student exceeds 3 min they will receive a hand signal signifying they are over the time allotted and to finish up
their speech. Speech requirements state speech should be within 1 to 2 Minutes.
Throughout speeches, classmates will write down books they feel they might want to read in their reading binder
on their Books I might Like to Read page. Also will write a sticky note on each speech and will say one positive
and one thing to work on for Posture, eye contact, expression, and hand gestures. At the end of class students
will give the post it notes to Scott or I before leaving.
Exit Slip: What are two books that were talked about today that you might be interested in reading? Is there
anything youre still unsure with compound sentences?
SmartBoard, Books, Pencils, Writing binder, Note Cards (students doing speech), Rubric (students doing speech)
Name of Book:
Genre of Book:
Seemed to make an
effort to have an
interesting intro, as well
as had a clear, thoughtout conclusion to end
the presentation.
Little to no introduction
to the book of choice,
as well as had a
generic conclusion
i.e Thank you for
listening-I hope you
liked my speech.
I sometimes changed
my facial expression to
match what I was
saying in my speech. It
looked like I was
somewhat engaged in
what I was saying. I
looked at the audience
most of the speech,
only reading from the
cards a little.
I changed my facial
expression a little bit to
match what I was
saying in my speech. It
looked like I was a little
engaged in what I was
saying. I glanced some
at the audience, but
read quite a bit from
I rarely changed my
facial expression to
match what I was
saying in my speech. I
didnt look that
engaged in what I was
saying. I mostly looked
or read from
paper/cards, only
glancing once or twice
around the room.
(5 pts.)
(5 pts.)
Why I like
the book
(5 pts.)
Eye Contact
(5 pts.)
(goes with
an impression of
enthusiasm in talking
about my topic.
Connect these
sentences with the
correct FANBOYS
Comma or not?
Parts of a Sentence
Is it a compound sentence?
I enjoy dancing. I
enjoy swimming.
What is an independent
And, So
But, Yet
I could go see my
sisters show. I could
go see my friends
football game.
Or, And, But
We worked the
concession stand so
mom and dad could have
a break.
No comma