Manager Project
Manager Project
Manager Project
Grade 8
Chapter 1 | Present Tenses: Active and Passive
Answer Key
English Today
1. What’s up 2. I see what you mean
3. What are they up to 4. What gets me is
Challenge Yourself
1. been 2. for 3. When 4. was 5. used
6. is 7. ago 8. was 9. yet 10. use
11. has 12. are
Let’s Practise
A. 1. My skin was burning because – b
My skin was burnt because – a
2. The police arrived while the thief – b
The police arrived after the thief – a
3. I used to have a tennis lesson – a
I was having a tennis lesson – b
4. How long did you study – a
How long had you been studying – b
5. I was living in London – b
I lived in London – a
6. We would never stay out late – b
We had never stayed out late – a
7. I had answered six emails – b
I had been answering emails – a
B.1. How long has it been since you last saw Rick?
2. During lunch, Sam told a joke.
3. As a child, Ryan was always getting into trouble.
As a child, Ryan would often get into trouble.
4. I finished packing before I phoned for a taxi.
I didn’t phone for a taxi until I had finished packing.
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5. We started learning French a year ago.
We have been learning French for a year.
6. Meg had been working for an hour when we arrived.
C. 1. crashed; was driving; had been talking
2. was jogging; tripped; had been left
3. was painting; lost; fell; hadn’t been
4. went; hadn’t been riding; was stopped
D. 1. I used to go for piano classes.
2. I used to love playing football.
3. I never used to go into chat rooms.
4. I didn’t use to like coffee.
E. 1. 1. yesterday 2. While 3. no sooner
4. By the time 5. for 6. Before
2. 1. ago 2. in 3. after
4. Until 5. ever 6. As soon as
F. 1. was being repaired; took
2. had you been walking; stopped
3. were watching; ordered, was delivered; had finished
4. entered; arrested; had been received
5. didn’t have; had been stolen
G. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C
7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. B
H. 1. while she was having
2. didn’t used to be / never used to be
3. we had been travelling for
4. he had been given
5. took me ages to
6. would often come
7. were being taken
8. had never been climbed
English Today
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
Challenge Yourself
1. time 2. used 3. could 4. learnt 5. would 6. for
7. this 8. later
Let’s Practise
A. 1. g 2. e 3. h 4. b 5. f
6. c 7. d 8. a
B. 1. a 2. a 3. b
C. 1. a 2. b 3. a
D. 1. get 2. I’ll get 3. will have arrived
4. will tell 5. Will Katie be babysitting 6. am going to buy
7. will have been studying 8. to start 9. are meeting
10. leaves
E. 1. will 2. be 3. have 4. by 5. won’t
6. going 7. about 8. probably 9. happens
F. 1. will be living 2. will have been invented
3. will have disappeared 4. will be transmitted
5. will have created 6. will be living
7. are going to change/ will change 8. will have been built
9. will probably be
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G. 1. will have landed 2. will be visiting
3. will have spent 4. will be travelling
5. will have been travelling 6. will be spending
7. will have spent 8. will be travelling
H. 1. am not going to take / have
2. is about to start
3. what are you doing
4. will be given / is going to be given / is being given
5. will be having
6. won’t have been written
I. 1. being 2. will 3. has 4. about 5. be
6. going 7. by 8. been 9. is 10. have
11. no 12. it
English Today
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a
Challenge Yourself
1. will 2. Before 3. are 4. does 5. start
6. to 7. able 8. their/these 9. by 10. have
11. not 12. are
Let’s Practise
A. 1. i 2. d 3. f 4. h 5. a
6. e 7. j 8. b 9. c 10. g
B. 1. might 2. ought to have 3. can’t 4. would have
5. can 6. couldn’t 7. Would 8. should
C. 1. can be arranged 2. must be worn
3. might result 4. should check
5. will have been posted 6. do not have to pay
7. has to be shown 8. needn’t be accompanied
D. 1. may have made fun of his running
2. would have given you directions
3. should have brought more soft drinks
4. must have hurt a lot
5. can’t have made it
6. needn’t have wasted your money
E. 1. ought to have told us earlier 2. might have been stolen
3. ought to be arriving soon 4. has to be sent today
5. must be paid by Friday 6. may have been driving too fast
7. will have heard the news by now 8. could be feeling ill
F. 1. would 2. had to 3. couldn’t
4. needn’t have 5. was able to 6. could
7. might 8. would be 9. had to
10. could have been 11. will have recovered 12. should be killed
13. must consider 14. shouldn’t be surfing 15. ought to be
English Today
1. I couldn’t care less 2. if you must know
3. I might have guessed 4. I should hope so
5. We might as well
Challenge Yourself
1. might shouldn’t
2. could can
3. needn’t could
4. must should
5. can’t would
6. could might
Let’s Practise
A. 1. This play was written by William Shakespeare. P
2. A fire has started in the forest about two miles from our home. A
3. Daniel was raised in Belfast, in Northern Ireland. P
4. All books have to be returned to the library. P.
5. They will have finished painting the museum by September. A
6. The new sports centre is going to be opened by a famous footballer. P
7. The game of rugby is played all over the world. P
8. The team had been training for three hours when they finally stopped for a
rest. A
B. 1. had been accused 2. has been set up
3. have to be paid back 4. is considered; thinks
5. will be chosen 6. ought to inform
7. don’t suppose 8. crashed
C. 1. has been; is being; will be 2. has been; is; has to be
3. are being; can be; had been 4. is going to be; are; will have to be
D. 1. is believed 2. has been visited 3. are displayed
4. were used 5. can be seen 6. are arranged
E. 1. are invited 2. were organised 3. could be improved
4. has been held 5. are given
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F. 1. has/gets her clothes made
2. have/get air conditioning put in
3. am having/am getting my photograph taken
4. have had/got her hair coloured
5. got/had all the rooms redecorated
G. 1. not had her teeth checked 2. is known to cause
3. is being organised by 4. got his parents to buy
5. may have been stolen by 6. is being shown/will be shown
7. was supposed to be 8. were being interviewed
H. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b
English Today
1. it can’t be helped 2. easier said than done
3. Given the choice 4. we’ve got it covered
Challenge Yourself
1. being 2. to 3. not 4. Instead 5. by
6. far 7. in 8. could
Let’s Practise
A. 1-f, 2-a, 3-c, 4-e, 5-b, 6-d
B. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b
C. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b
D. 1. The cost of all food items have gone up.
The cost of all food items has gone up.
2. The information our books offer are very valuable.
The information our books offer is very valuable.
3. The poet and dramatist are being honoured.
The poet and dramatist is being honoured.
4. All the passengers, with the driver, were saved in the accident.
All the passengers, with the driver, was saved in the accident.
5. None of these letters has been answered so far.
None of these letters have been answered so far.
English Today
Accept all logical answers.
Challenge Yourself
Margaret, the eldest of the four, is sixteen, and very pretty, being plump and fair, with
large eyes, plenty of soft brown hair, a sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she is
rather vain. Fifteen-year-old Jo is very tall, thin, and brown, and reminds one of a colt,
for she never seems to know what to do with her long limbs, which are very much in
her way. She has a decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, grey eyes, which appear
to see everything, and are by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful. Her long, thick hair is
her one beauty, but it is usually bundled into a net, to be out of her way. Elizabeth, or
Let’s Practise
A. 1. phrase 2. clause 3. phrase 4. clause 5. phrase 6. clause
B. 1. main clause 2. subordinate clause
3. coordinate clause 4. main clause
5. subordinate clause 6. coordinate clause
C.1. It is important to ask
f. whether the wedding is formal or semi-formal.
Noun clause
2. What the child said
a. was true.
Noun clause
3. I must leave now
c. because I am not feeling well.
Adverb clause
4. We must reach
d. before it starts to rain.
Adverb clause
5. We eat.
b. so that we may grow strong.
Adverb clause
6. That it might snow
e. seemed a possibility.
Noun clause
D. 1. The car that is red belongs to my brother. car
2. The man who is at the desk is the CEO of the company. man
English Today
Accept all logical answers.
Challenge Yourself
1. a 2. b 3.c 4. a 5. c 6. b
7. a 8. c 9. a 10. c
Let’s practise
1. We ordered a pizza that had a lot of onions and peppers on it.
2. The singer who/that won the reality show was very talented.
3. Summer, which is not my favourite season, can be very hot here.
4. The Queen’s Theatre, where the play will be performed, is in central
5. Michael, whose sister works for an airline, often travels business class.
6. What’s the tallest building that has ever been built?
7. Stella forgot her phone, which meant she couldn’t contact anyone.
8. I once had a friend with whom I shared all my secrets.
9. Do you know the reason why she doesn’t like me?
10. I can’t believe what Tom said about the food in that restaurant.
B. 1. whom; Penelope 2. Peter; whose
3. that; Olga 4. which; Alex
5. where; Boston 6. which; Spain
7. who; Moscow / Russia 8. whose; Paris, France
C. 1. who 2. What 3. who 4. whose 5. who
6. where 7. when / that
English Today
1. B 2. C 3. A
Challenge Yourself
1. whose; with whom 2. that; where
3. why; which 4. which; whatever
© Burlington Group 2023
Burlington English Grammar: An Eclectic Approach
Grade 8
Chapter 9 | Temporals, Conditionals, wish
Answer Key
Let’s Practise
A. 1. c, b, a
2. b, a, c
3. a, c, b
4. c, a, b
B. 1. you must use sunscreen 2. I knew more about motorcycles
3. you hadn’t hurt your arm 4. you caught the early train
5. I listen to music 6. you had taken a bus
C. 1. has finished / finishes 2. gets 3. reaches
4. is planned 5. were 6. practised
7. hadn’t completed 8. had been invited
D. 1. In 2. needs 3. Otherwise
4. could have happened 5. had been 6. The moment that
7. connects 8. might not have reached 9. hadn’t acted
10. providing 11. doesn’t have 12. wouldn’t be able
E. 1. had told 2. had 3. hurry
4. hadn’t said 5. hadn’t been sleeping 6. weren’t closing
7. could 8. didn’t have
English Today
1. If so 2. if you like
3. if you don’t mind 4. You wish
Challenge Yourself
1. more 2. how 3. take 4. if 5. been
6. longer 7. anything 8. even
Let’s Practise
A. 1. she was taking a skiing holiday the following month.
2. she was sure Laveena would have a great time.
3. where she was going to stay.
4. she had booked a room at a small hotel the previous week.
5. if she had been planning to go alone.
6. she had invited a friend but she had cancelled.
7. if she could go with her instead.
B. 1. she was working late that day so she couldn’t meet Joseph / him for coffee.
2. Joseph / him that he had left his jacket at the house the day before.
3. him to call her as soon as he got that message.
4. Joseph / him not to be late for training at 6 o’clock that night.
5. Joseph / him when they had to hand in their history project.
6. to give Joseph / him a lift to college the next day.
C. 1. persuaded 2. decided 3. accused
4. explained 5. demanded
D. 1. accused Tom of breaking the printer
2. recommended that Mr Brown travel economy class
3. complained that his noodles were overcooked
English Today
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. e
Challenge Yourself
1. wonder 2. would 3. whether 4. no 5. asked
6. had 7. a 8. out
Let’s Practise
A. 1. b, a 2. a, b 3. b, a 4. b, a 5. a, b
6. b, a 7. b, a
B. 1. seeing 2. to tell 3. camping 4. to pick up 5. to keep
6. to give 7. putting 8. buying 9. yawning 10. seeing
C. 1. it’s time 2. would rather 3. had better
4. am not used 5. have got used
D. 1. travel 2. Speaking 3. to understand
4. to express 5. taking 6. not study
7. to look up 8. keeping
E. 1. Calling the hotel would be
2. is too polluted to drink
3. can’t stand listening
4. would rather you had not called
5. Listening to music is
6. is not big enough to hold
7. suggested that I dress
8. is about time the waiter brought
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F. 1. throwing 2. take 3. learning 4. jumping 5. to gain
6. Training 7. preparing 8. deal 9. dive 10. to jump
11. have 12. to know 13. skydiving 14. do
English Today
1. if you don’t mind my asking
2. That goes without saying
3. It juts goes to show
Challenge Yourself
1. didn’t feel like going 2. no point in having an argument about
3. not capable of memorising 4. clearly enough to be able to identify
5. had better not have broken 6. went on to give us
English Today
Accept all logical answers.
Challenge Yourself
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b
Let’s Practise
A. 1. loudly 2. quickly 3. softly
4. carefully 5. suddenly 6. well
B. 1-b, 2-a 1-a, 2-b 1-b, 2-a
1-b, 2-a 1-a, 2-b 1-b, 2-a
C. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. b
D. 1. He quickly dressed and went out in a hurry.
2. She realised at once that she had made a mistake.
3. We are often invited to our cousin’s house at the weekends.
4. I have almost finished painting the inside of the house.
5. We usually go to our native place in the hills in summer.
6. Your car just needs some servicing.
English Today
Accept all logical answers.
Challenge Yourself
1. a. Adjective b. Adverb
2. a. Adjective b. Adverb
3. a. Adjective b. Adverb
4. a. Adjective b. Adverb
5. a. Adverb b. Adverb
6. a. Adverb b. Adjective
Let’s Practise
A. 1. complete 2. quiet 3. easily 4. sadly 5. bad
6. possible 7. hardly 8. nice 9. dark 10. deeply
B. 1. fewer 2. the highest 3. as many 4. the best 5. as wide
6. the worst 7. more convenient
C. 1. such 2. so 3. too 4. enough 5. such 6. so
a – 6. b – 4, c – 1, d – 3, e -2, f – 5
D. 1. close; longer and longer 2. earlier; easier
3. a lot cheaper; nearly 4. quite as tall; highly
5. later; more tired 6. hard; better and better
7. a lot less difficult; shortly 8. tight; even more
E. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. A
F. 1. most 2. less 3. far 4. The 5. than
6. so 7. as 8. and 9. that 10. too
11. enough 12. such
Challenge Yourself
1. likely 2. those 3. It 4. in 5. most 6. less
7. well 8. often
Let’s Practise
A. 1. a, b 2. b 3. b 4. a, b
B. 1. despite the fact that 2. so that 3. instead of
4. As a result 5. as well as 6. not only
7. In addition
C. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a
6. b 7. c 8. a
D. 1. should visitors feed 2. had I turned on
3. does she have 4. have/had we seen
5. do we get 6. will we be able to
7. were my friends 8. can customers order
E. 1. although 2. Because of 3. Consequently
4. neither 5. however 6. in spite of
7. In addition
F. 1. had they reached 2. when 3. had
4. Yet 5. did they reach 6. included
7. they had spent 8. did they feel 9. no one has managed
G. 1. from Gayle, nobody is
2. on account of
3. in spite of the fact
4. in order to be
English Today
1. b 2. c 3. a
Challenge Yourself
1. except for Tom, who showed no 2. addition to being full of iron
3. for fear of being criticised by 4. no matter how unpleasant the
5. though it is raining 6. despite having been seated
Let’s Practise
A. 1. damage; was 2. water; is 3. works; have
4. furniture; looks 5. litter; spoils 6. hair; suits
7. news; is 8. luggage; was
B. 1. nature; the 2. university; work 3. Rock climbing; a
4. a piece of; a bottle 5. anywhere; school 6. an astronomer; the
7. in court; prison 8. dinner; Christmas 9. an hour; by car
10. arrogance; the worst
C. 1. many; much 2. some; any 3. a little; little
4. Few; a few 5. None; no one 6. A lot of; plenty
7. anything; nothing 8. Nobody; something
D. 1. somewhere 2. anywhere 3. nothing
4. some 5. anybody 6. nowhere
E. 1. isn’t anything for teenagers 2. only a few parks
3. to find somewhere 4. None of the
5. is too much 6. little money is
F. 1. the 2. is 3. a 4. lot 5. few
6. little 7. any 8. to 9. an 10. by
11. on 12. no
Challenge Yourself
1. the 2. known 3. its 4. no 5. all
6. if 7. Nothing 8. not
Let’s Practise
A. 1. those 2. it 3. that 4. these 5. this
6. there 7. That 8. it
B. 1. There is 2. it is
3. are there 4. it is; it would be
5. Has there been 6. it is
C. 1. there are 2. they 3. It is 4. them
5. its 7. her 8. she 9. that
10. his 11. Beauty’s new beak 6. its 12. her
D. A. himself; herself; – B. –; themselves; myself
C. ourselves; –; themselves
E. 1. every 2. both 3. all 4. of 5. Each
6. their 7. either
English Today
1. all year round 2. this and that
3. every now and then 4. help yourself
Challenge Yourself
1. there 2. These 3. it 4. had 5. his
6. other 7. could 8. themselves 9. them 10. another
11. own 12. their
1. on 2. at 3. beside 4. at 5. between
6. in 7. until 8. at 9. during 10. in
11. at 12. in 13. to 14. in 15. while
16. in 17. by 18. among 19. on 20. at
Let’s Practise
A. 1. a. at the; b. at 2. a. on; b. in
3. a. during; b. while 4. a. at the end; b. in the end
5. a. on; b. in
B. 1. Tuesday afternoon 2. the moment 3. the same time
C. 1. in 2. by 3. at 4. In 5. till
D. 1. b 2. d 3. f 4. i 5. h
6. j 7. a 8. g 9. c 10. e
E. 1. b. 2. c. 3. d. 4. a. 5. b.
6. d. 7. a. 8. a. 9. a. 10. c.
F. 1. The Second World War took place from 1939 to 1945.
2. People play tricks on each other on April Fool’s Day.
3. Matt Damon studied at the Harvard University.
4. The president of the USA lives in the White House.
5. The Corinth Canal was built between 1881 and 1893.
6. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st.
7. Mount Etna is situated in Sicily.
8. Mozart was born in the 18th century.
G. 1. through 2. in/around/through
3. over/across 4. along/up/down
5. to/towards 6. past
English Today
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a
Challenge Yourself
1. on 2. in 3. when 4. home 5. age
6. in 7. among 8. while 9. besides 10. by
11. had 12. at
The Ferryman
A. 1. The fact that the water is always present, somehow new and yet the same
appealed Siddhartha the most.
2. The ferryman was astonished to see such an elegant man as Siddhartha.
3. Siddhartha found it beautiful that the ferryman got to live near the river and
cruise on it every day.
4. Siddhartha asked the ferryman for a dhoti and a request to keep him as his
5. The ferryman wanted to know why Siddhartha found his elegant clothes to be
such a nuisance.
B. 1. incessantly 2. ascetic 3. astonished 4. ferry
C. 1. He asked if he would like to ferry him over.
2. The passenger remarked that it was a beautiful life he had chosen for himself.
Importance of Books
A. 1. the greatest and the most satisfactory of recreations
2. the surest and most lasting of recreation
3. are excellent; many in which we may find neither pleasure nor profit
4. needs a little planning
5. they do not take the trouble of choosing a book
B. 1. interesting
2. approved
3. friends
4. intentionally
5. excellence
C. 1. leisure 2. solitude 3. successive 4. intellect 5. cultivation
D. Accept all logical answers.
A. 1. She would not be driving cross-country after all.
2. She wants to give the impression of being her usual, confident self.
3. She felt doubtful.
4. She wants to see what has been done to it.
B. 1. c. 2. a. 3. b. 4. d.
A. 1. spends; is visiting
2. haven’t had; went
3. arrived; had been waiting
4. has been playing; hasn’t managed
5. was getting; were watching
6. didn’t go; had been stolen
7. have been fixing; hasn’t been finished
B. 1. is 2. are 3. has 4. did 5. was
6. not 7. been 8. for 9. in 10. as
C. 1. will bite 2. will be flying
3. are going to organise 4. will have been studying
5. is taking 6. will have finished
D. 1. have to 2. can’t 3. shouldn’t
4. could 5. must be 6. might have
7. should 8. could be 9. would have
10. will be able to 11. ought to 12. may be
E. 1. to be 2. visit
3. is organised 4. has been arranging
5. can be driven 6. had to be tested
7. could be used 8. are taken
9. was built 10. is being drawn
F. 1. Do the teachers revise the syllabus every year?
2. There continues to be an investigation into the recent jewellery store
3. At no point during the photography workshop were we allowed to use a
4. All the leaves have turned orange and fallen this month.
A. 1. he had 2. us to use
3. preferred 4. to see
5. the museum opens 6. using
B. 1. started; start 2. recycle; to recycle
3. getting up; to get up 4. to clean; clean
5. visiting; visit 6. not to study; not study
C. 1. a 2.b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a
D. 1. quickly 2. rudely 3. extremely
4. easily 5. delicately 6. very
E. 1. largest 2. usually 3. as 4. strong enough
5. easily 6. well 7. warmer 8. earlier
9. worried 10. a short 11. so 12. worse
F. 1. the; none 2. the; a few 3. a; much 4. -; somebody
5. the; lots 6. an; no
G. 1. instead of 2. on account of 3. because 4. not only
5. but also 6. Moreover 7. in order to 8. However
9. Under no circumstances 10. despite
H. 1. the same time 2. front of
3. the end 4. present
5. last 6. the back of
7. the left
I. 1. in 2. they 3. of 4. from 5. there
6. other 7. it 8. and 9. the 10. during
11. their 12. by
J. Accept all logical answers. Sample answers are given below.
1. Though he was not well, he went to the party.
2. Ishaan was lazy, so he was scolded by his father.
3. Since they were sleepy, the children did not watch the film.
4. Geeta was praised for her courage.