GIU Basic 5 - Present Simple
GIU Basic 5 - Present Simple
GIU Basic 5 - Present Simple
(simple present)
wc usc rlic simpLc prcsent for thilgs that arc tnie in gcneral. or for $nrgs thrt happel
somctimcs or all tfic rimc:
N\ I like big cirics.
$\ Your English is good. You speak very rvell.
[\ Tim works vcry hard. He starts at 7i30 rd fifishes at 8:00 at night.
,\\ The earth goes around rhe sun.
N\ \Ve do r lot ofdifferent thnigs m our frce .nne.
Nl Ir costs .r lot ofmoney to build a hospital-
5.2 Complete the sentenaes about the people in the pidures. Use:
eat go liwe plaT play sleep
1. 4.
2. They in a very big house. 5. to the movies a lot.
3. a lot of fruit. rven hours :r night.
5.3 Complete th6 sentcn(es. tjse:
boil close cost cost liLe like *poeL teach
1. Maria sfaa*s four languages.
2. Banks usually at 9:00 rn thc mornDg.
3. 3t 5:00 in the aftcrnoon-
4. Tina is r teacher. She nath to youns childrcn.
Myjob is very interesting. I a lor ofpeople.
6. Peter s car is :rlways dirry He never ir.
7. Food is ex?ensive. It
Shoes are er?ensive. They
9. at 100 degrees Celsius.
10. Juli:r and I are good ftiends. I
5.4 Wrhe sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb (arr.r'ye or araivet etc).
L GlMrh .Jiy sv ztritr) Soc alwav; arnves eatl:t
2. (to rhe movies,/ never,/ L, so)
l. (work i Marrnr ,/ h.rd z rJ*rys)
4. (like,/ chocolare,/ children z usually)
5. 0dia ,/ parries ,/ enjoy .z alwayd
6. (often ,/ peoplel namer / I / foryet)
7 Gelevision ,/ Tim ,/ watch ,/ never)
8. (usually , dlnnel we / h,ve / rt o:10)
9. 0enny ,/ always ,/ nice dorles ,/ wear)
5.5 Write sentences about yourself. lJse arwryslnaverloftattlusuallylsometimas.
l. ($,rch lV rn rhe e\cniw\ / uruallv watch IVin rhe evenm
2. tead in bed) r
3. (get up before z:00)
4. (so !o work,/school by bu,
s. (drink coffe.- h fie morning)
4.3 UNII 6 7 D..s lj.lrL ltien trrl el oil
i. Are t'.u 1i{eni.g $ rrti bn5in.s; , l)o.s lre .rti.D
+. \rhere irc ronr tl,.ids gonlg: Lrr!el oD bn n.$:
l. loeir'i phr th. tlrno lerl
: Are !ou, ptrre.n Ml.lxDs 8. Do _!on \.x.r fo be ixDronsl
r). Does An.i {orl hxrdi ,r l)o.!
3 doDt k..s n,! thoue
6. Whrt i,lessi.i ..oli,r g?
7 Whr xre Iou lookinE rr me: .1 We donr lrork rcrr h] . 7.2
8. Is the |u\ .oniirgi i. Ilile d.en,\ hivc r .rr. L l lo\r oirn do you Ntrn_h TV:
4.4 6. You dont do Lh. gne dlnrs 1 Whrr io _!ou \r:nt lor drDxer:
2 Ycs I jin fr No. Ii. ,ror. 5 l)o to! lilc foo$rlll
i. Ycs, I rnr. or 1.\o. l',n ror. 6.2 i, l)o.i ),ofr |rother lik.
.1. Ycs, Lr i5 ., No. ir ,s.i / 1 doei,\ Iik. .h$i.rl nnrri..
like o l d.n1riLe) 7 \\ har do lou do i. IoLLr
5 Yct, I r.L. oi No, lir n!t. 2. donl likc bo\rrli
a, Y.s. Ir r .r No. I'.r.ot 8 Wh.i. doer yonrsnr.r worl?
lLLe (or 1 do.'r lik.) boxnrs. r). l)o rotr .!.r go to rhe nr.!i.s:
UNIT 5 l. Bilt and lit. horror llr whir Jo.s rhi5 N.ral.,cir?
5.1 ll l)o.s it olie! rroN h.ici
crnn doe!,\ tik. hor ror 12 whrt tnne do _vor u\urllt go
I tl,inks
I lil. (d I dotrl likc) hofto.
13 I I.$' .ru.h doe5 it .osr r.
5.4 7.4
I I never co to rh. r,oqes. 2. Yes,do o, No, l,
3 Mxft,.r trl(trl\ Norkr bxrd :1. Y.s, Ido. d No, I donl
4 Ctrildr.i trstrr \ ljte l. Y.s. it do.s or No, t
s. l!lir rhntrrs,s |1rtie5.
a. Yes, I do .r No, I do.'r
6. i olien lorq.r !.ot,le's UIVIT A
? TirD Dc\.cr lvrt.h.s 8.1