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Chapter 1

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Grammar is the study of words and the ways words work together; an invisible force that
guides us as we put words together into sentences. Any person who communicates using a
particular language, consciously or unconsciously becomes aware of the grammar of that
language. Clear communication is nearly impossible using good grammar. Proper grammar
keeps you from being misunderstood while expressing your thought and ideas. Other people
consider good grammar to be a mark of intelligence and education.
In midwifery, good grammar is also important in achieving high standards of midwifery
care, communicate effectively with women and their families throughout the preconception,
antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal periods. This section will introduce you to improve your
understanding of the rules of grammarand use it in speaking and writing.
Understanding of the rules of grammar and the use it in speaking and writing.
a. Understanding verb tenses that use in speaking and writing.
b. Understanding part of speech and expression of quantity.
c. Understanding vocabulary in health term.



In some languages, verb tenses are not very important or do not even exist. In
English, the concept of tense is very important. In this lesson we look at the idea behind
tense, how to avoid confusing tense with time, and the structure of the basic tenses, with
examples using a regular verb, an irregular verb and the verb be.
Tense (noun) is a form of a verb used to indicate the time, and sometimes the
continuation or completeness, of an action in relation to the time of speaking. (From Latin
tempus = time). Tense is a method that we use in English to refer to time - past, present
and future. Many languages use tenses to talk about time. Other languages have no tenses,
but of course they can still talk about time, using different methods.


Pola kalimat:
(+) Subject + Infinitive (Verb1) + s/es (subject tunggal) + Object + Adv of time
( -) Subject + do/does + Not + Infinitive (Verb1) + Object + Adv of time
(?) do/does + Subject + Infinitive (Verb1) + Object + Adv of time
Fugsi Kalimat:
1. Kebiasaan sehari-hari:
 I have breakfast at 7.00.
 I get up early in the morning.
2. Pekerjaan yang sering kali dilakukan:
 I always visit my grandmother.
 He often comes late.
3. Kebenaran umum:
 The earth goes round the sun.
 The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.
4. Suatu pernyataan pada saat sekarang:
 I love him.  John is a clever boy.
 He likes coffee



Jika kata kerja dalam bentuk present ini digabungkan dengan subjek orang
ketiga tunggal maka harus ditambah akhiran -s. Ada beberapa aturan dalam
mencantumkan akhiran -s ini, yaitu:
1. Untuk kata kerja pada umumnya, tambahkan -s. Contoh:
 play » plays  run » runs
 eat » eats
2. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –s, –ss, –sh, –ch, –x, –z, dan –o, tambahkan
–es. Contoh:
 catch » catches  go » goes
 fix » fixes  miss » misses
3. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran konsonan+y, –y diganti dengan –ies.
 fly » flies  hurry » hurries
 cry » cries
Kalimat dalam bentuk present tense juga terkadang disertai adverb of time
atau kata keterangan waktu. Beberapa adverb yang sering digunakan misalnya
every day, every week, today, tonight, this week, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu juga terkadang disertai adverb of frequency atau kata keterangan
yang menerangkan “seberapa sering”, yaitu often, always, generally, usually,
seldom, sometimes, dan lain-lain.


Pola kalimat:
(+) Subject + Be (is/am/are) + [Verb1 + ing] + Object + Adv of time
( -) Subject + Be (is/am/are) + Not + [Verb1 + ing] + Object + Adv of time
(?) Be (is/am/are) + Subject + [Verb1 + ing] + Object + Adv of time



(+) Linda is cooking in the kitchen right now.
(-) Linda is not cooking in the kitchen right now.
(?) is Linda cooking in the kitchen right now.

Fungsi Kalimat:
 To express an activity happening now (menyatakan suatu kejadian/kegiatan
yang sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang).
Example : She can not answer the phone because she is doing her homework.
 To express an activity happening about now, but perhaps not at the moment
os speaking. (menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi seputar waktu present)
Example : I am reading a very interesting novel at the moment.
 To express a planned future arrangement. (menyatakan pengaturan rencana
dimasa yang akan datang).
Example : He is playing badminton next month.
 To tell about a developing or changing situation and condition. (menyatakan
tentang perkembangan situasi dan kondisi yang berubah-rubah).
Example : The climate is getting warmer.

Keterangan waktu yang dipakai: now, at present, at this moment, dan lain-
lain. Salah satu ciri bentuk continuous adalah penggunaan akhiran –ing pada kata
kerjanya. Ada aturan dalam penggunaan akhiran –ing ini, yaitu:
1. Untuk kata kerja pada umumnya, cukup tambahkan –ing. Contoh:
 watch » watching  eat » eating
 fly » flying  go » going
2. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –e, maka –e harus dihilangkan sebelum
ditambah –ing. Contoh:
 love » loving  argue » arguing
 save » saving  rise » rising



3. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –ee, -e tidak perlu dihilangkan. Cukup
ditambahkan –ing. Contoh:
 agree » agreeing  see » seeing
4. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan satu huruf vokal dan satu huruf
konsonan, maka konsonannya didobel sebelum ditambahkan –ing. Contoh:
 sit » sitting  kidnap » kidnapping
 run » running  get » getting

Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak dipakai dalam bentuk present continuous:
1. Verbs of sense atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan indra. Contohnya see,
hear, smell, notice, recognize.
2. Verbs of emotion atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan emosi. Contohnya
desire, refuse, forgive, wish, care, hate, adore, like, dislike.
3. Verbs of thinking atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan pemikiran.
Contohnya feel, realize, understand, know, mean, suppose, believe, expect,
remember, recollect, forget, trust, mind.
4. Verbs of possessing atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan kepemilikan.
Contohnya own, owe, belong, posses.
5. Kata-kata kerja lainnya, termasuk seem, appear, contain, consist, keep,


Pola kalimat:
(+) Subject + Have/Has + Verb3 + Object + Adv of time.
(-) Subject + Have/Has + Not + Verb3 + Object + Adv of time.
(?) Have/Has + Subject + Verb3 + Object + Adv of time.
Fungsi Kalimat:
a. Is used to tell about a present condition as a result of an event or condition in
the past. (menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan dan hasil
pekerjaan itu dapat dilihat pada saat sekarang.)



Example: Sofia has lost her purse. She hasn’t found it.
b. Digunakan ketika kita membicarakan sesuatu kejadian yang dimulai
dikerjakan pada masa lampau dan hingga sekarang masih berlangsung.
Example : I have taught English in STIKES since 2010.
c. It is used to tell something that happened just a short time ago.
Example: Sofia has just arrived home. She is changing clothes now.
d. Use the present perfect to say that you have ever/never done something
during a periode of time which continues up to the present.
Dave : Have you travelled a lot Nora?
Nora : Yes, I’ve been to 47 different countries.
Dave : Really? Have you ever been to China?
Nora : Yes, I’ve visited China twice.
Dave : What about India?
Nora : No, I’ve never been to India
e. Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan berulang dalam periode waktu yang
tidak ditentukan antara masa lalu dan kini.
 They have seen that films six times
 She has visited her grandmother frequently.
f. Kata keterangan yang sering digunakan adalah:
 Just (baru saja terjadi)
- ever/never
- lately/recently
 Already (sudah)
- once/twice/three times
- Since and for
 Before (sebelumnya)
- Still (masih)




Pola kalimat:
(+) Subject + Verb2 + Object + Adv of time.
 They went to the zoo yesterday
(-) Subject + Did + Not + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time.
 They did not go to the zoo yesterday
(?) Did + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time.
 Did they go to the zoo yesterday?

Jika kalimatnya tidak menggunakan kata kerja, maka pola kalimatnya adalah:
(+) Subject + Be (was/were) + Complements.
 They were in the hosptal last night
(-) Subject + Be (was/were) + Not + Complements.
 They were not in the hosptal last night
(?) Be (was/were) + Subject + Complements.
 Were they in the hosptal last night?

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi
di masa lampau. Kata keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan adalah last, ago,
yesterday, just now, last year, two days ago, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu pada kalimat simple past tense sering digunakan kata used to,
untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan di waktu lampau yang sekarang tidak
dilakukan lagi. Contoh: When I was young I used to go school on foot.


Pola kalimat:
( + ) Subject + Shall/Will + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time
( - ) Subject + Shall/Will + Not + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time
( ? ) Shall/Will + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time



Fungsi Kalimat:
 Bentuk ini digunakan jika kita membicarakan suatu kejadian yang akan
terjadi (prediction). Example : (it will rain tomorrow).
 Jika digunakan dengan I atau We, untuk menyatakan keputusan spontan.
Example: I’ll pay for the tickets by credit card.
 Untuk menyatakan kerelaan.
Example: I’ll do the washing-up
 Dalam bentuk negatif, untuk menyatakan ketidakrelaan.
Example; I won’t leave untill I’ve seen the manager.
 Jika digunakan dengan shall dalam bentuk pertanyaan bermakna
menawarkan sesuatu. Example: shall I open the door?
 Jika digunakan dengan shall dalam bentuk pertanyaan dan menggunakan we
bermakna memberikan saran. Example: shall we go to the doctor?
 Jika digunakan dengan shall dalam bentuk pertanyaan dan menggunakan “I”
bermakna meminta saran/instruksi. Example: shall I tell the boss about this
 Jika digunakan dengan you dalam bentuk pertanyaan bermakna
mengundang. Example; will you come to my party?

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai adalah: tomorrow, next week, next
year, soon, dan lain-lain.




In the English language, words can be considered as the smallest elements that
have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are categorized into
several types or parts of speech. There are 8 major parts of speech in English grammar.
They are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and



This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, things,
animals, places, ideas, or events. Nouns are the simplest among the 8 parts of
speech, which is why they are the first ones taught to students in primary school.
Every sentence must have a noun as its subject.
There are different types of noun namely:
 Proper noun- is the name of person, place or thing. It begins with a capital
letter. Examples: Ahmad, Indonesia, Islam, Friday, Jember.
 Common nounn- is a person, place, things or idea that is not specific. A
common noun is uncapitalized noun. It is only capitalized when it is at the
begining of a sentence.
Examples: name, country, religion, day, city, girl, boy.
 Concrete– this kind refers to nouns which you can perceive through your
five senses. Examples: folder, sand, board
 Abstract- unlike concrete nouns, abstract nouns are those which you can’t
perceive through your five senses. Examples: happiness, grudge, bravery
 Countable noun– it refers to anything that is countable, and has a singular
and plural form. Examples: (a dog = two dogs), (a job = six jobs), (an animal
= some animals), (an umbrella = three umbrellas)
 Uncountable noun– this is the opposite of countable nouns, they have no
plural, they need to have “counters” to quantify them, before uncountable
nouns you can say the/some/any/much/this/his/etc. Examples of Counters:
kilo, cup, meter, Examples: rice, flour, music, gold, blood (not rices, musics,
bloods, flours). You can also use uncountable noun alone, with no article,
examples (Blood is red).

A pronoun is a part of a speech which functions as a replacement for a noun.
Pronoun berfungsi menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frasa kata benda



sama yang telah disebut sebelumnya. Some examples of pronouns are: I, it, he, she,
mine, his, hers, we, they, theirs, and ours.
There are seven Pronouns in English, those are:
1. Personal Pronoun
Digunakan sebagai subjek dan objek
 Three days ago I met Lisa. Yesterday I met her again.
 Susan borrowed three books from the library. She must return them in
two days.
2. Possessive Pronoun
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Ada 2 macam;
a. Dependent (ditempatkan sebelum suatu kata benda)
b. Independent (ditempatkan setelah suatu kata kerja)
 This is my book. The book is mine.
 This is your pencil and those are hers.
3. Reflexive Pronoun
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kegiatan untuk pelaku sendiri atau
memberi penekanan pada unsur subjek atau objek. Kata ganti ini mendapat
akhiran self untuk bentuk tunggal dan akhiran selves untuk bentuk jamak.
Examples: Myself, yourself/yourselves, themselves, ourselves,
himself, herself, itself)
 She laughed at herself.
 My father cooked his meal himself.
4. Demonstrative Pronoun
Kata ganti penunjuk berdasarkan kedekatan (this dan these) dekat dan
(that dan those) jauh.
5. Interrogative Pronoun



Kata kata yang mempertanyakan orang atau benda. Misalnya (who,

what, why, where, when, how). Examples:
 Who did you call?
 Why did you sell your car?
6. Indefinite Pronoun
Kata ganti yang mengacu pada seseorang atau sesuatu yang dianggap
tidak tentu contohnya somebody, something, everyone, everything.

7. Relative Pronoun
Kata yang menghubungkan suatu kata benda atau frase dengan klausa
penjelasannya (who, whom, whose, which, that) yang diterjemahkan dalam
bahasa Indonesia menjadi kata yang.
 I don’t like people who lose temper easily.
 Meong that I always feed every day is my cat.

This part of a speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives can
specify the quality, the size, color, condition and the number of nouns or pronouns.
Jenis Kata sifat:
1. Proper Adjective (kata sifat nama diri)
Example : (An Australian tourist, the Javanese people)
2. Descriptive adjective (menerangkan sifat dan keadaan seseorang, benda, atau
Example : (A black dog, A new magazine, A beautiful girl)
3. Quantitative Adjective (menunjukkan berapa banyak)
Example : (much, little, some, any, enough, whole, etc)
4. Numeral Adjective (kata sifat bilangan)
Example :



 Bilangan tertentu (seven, second, double)

 Bilangan tak tertentu (some, several, many)
5. Demonstrative Adjective (berfungsi menunjuk orang/benda
Example :
 Kata sifat penunjuk tertentu (this, these)
 Kata sifat penunjuk tak tertentu (certain, any)
6. Distributif Adjective (menunjukkanorang/benda satu per satu atau dalam
bagian yang terpisah (each, every, either, neither)
Example :
 The two students had each a pen.
 You can take either side.

This is the most important part of a speech, for without a verb, a sentence
would not exist. Simply put, this is a word that shows an action/tindakan (physical
or mental), event/kejadian (to happen, to become), or state of being/keadaan of the
subject in a sentence (to be, to exist dan sikap).
Macam-macam Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan fungsinya:
1. Action Verbs (Kata Kerja Aksi)
Berdasarkan objeknya action verb dibagi dalam 2 jenis:
 Transitive
Kata kerja yang diikuti direct objec untuk menerima aksi contoh
(ask, bring, buy, hit, touch, etc) dari subjek
Example; (verb di dalam kalimat di bawah ini tidak bisa berdiri sendiri)
a. I clean my own room every morning.
b. We are speaking English right now
c. Hilda raises her hands.
 Intransitive



Kata kerja yang tidak diikuti oleh direct objec sebagai penerima
aksi contoh (come, cry, arrive, go, etc), karena aksi yang dilakukan
tidak melibatkan direct objec.
a. Josua screamed when his mother surprises him.
b. They Arived Later Than Usual.

2. Linking Verb (Kata Kerja Penghubung)

Kata kerja yang menghubungkan subjek dengan informasi atau
deskripsi tentang subjek tersebut (subjek compliment berupa noun, adjective,
adverb), berbeda dengan verb yang dapat menunjukkan aksi/tindakan,
linking verb hanya sebagai penghubung. Macam linking verb dalam bahasa
 Verb of sensation (smell, taste, feel, sound, look, seem, appear,
become), the adjective following a linkng verb describes the subject of
a sentence.
a. The old man feels lonely.
b. The coat looks nice.
c. The host’s voice sounds terrible.
 Verb of being
a. Mr. Mamat is a headmaster
b. I am from Bandar Lampung
c. I wish you be mature and responsible.
3. Helping Verb (Kata Kerja Bantu)
Helping verb atau auxilliary verb adalah kata kerja bantu yang
digunakan untuk membantu dalam suatu kalimat. Contoh kata kerja bantu:
tobe is/are/was/were, have/has/had, do/does/did, can/could, should/shall,
may/might, will/would.



a. Membuat kalimat negatif dengan menambahkan kata not (We do not
study English here)
b. Membuat kalimat tanya jawab pendek dengan cara meletakkan salah
satu kata kerja bantu yang ada di awal kalimat. (Do we study English
c. Membantu membuat jawaban pendek. (yes we do, no he does not)
d. Membuat kalimat tanya jawab panjang dengan cara meletakkan kata
kerja tanya sebelum kata kerja bantu. (What do we study English
e. Jika dalam suatu kalimat subjeknya tidak diikuti kata kerja maka di
dalam kalimat tersebut perlu diberi tambahan helping verb (I am Jhon)

Just like adjectives, adverbs are also used to describe words, but the
difference is that adverbs describe adjectives, verbs, or another adverb. The
different types of adverbs are:
1. Adverb of Manner
This refers to how something happens or how an action is done. Pada
kalimat transitive adverb of manner tidak diletakkan diantara verb dan objek.
Contohnya; (He reads the instruction carefully), (the rich woman learns from
the expert how to arrange flowers beautifully), (students have to walk calmly
in the school), (the requirement of join the test is able to speak English
2. Adverb of Time
This states “when” something happens or “when” it is done. Contohnya
( already (sudah), finally (akhirnya), recently (baru saja), now (sekarang),
today (hari ini), ago/last (yang lalu), yesterday (kemarin), since (sejak), then
(pada saat itu), tomorrow (besok), etc.
3. Adverb of Place & Direction



This tells something about “where” something happens or ”where”

something is done or happen. Adverb of direction menunjukkan (lokasi,
arah, jarak, urutan). Contoh; (outside/inside, indoors/outdoors, off/on, out/in,
there/here, away/near, over/under, upstair/downstair, back/front, before/after,
above/below, anywhere/somewhere, etc). Example: the students of
pharmacy observe the herbal medicine in laboratory.

4. Adverb of Degree/Frequency
This states the intensity or the degree to which a specific thing happens or is
done. Example: (always, often,never, usually, sometimes, seldom, ever,
hardly, rarely,once/twice)
a. The child is very talented. (“To what degree is the child talented?”)
b. I always walk to schoo and my father often drives the car to office.

This part of a speech basically refers to words that specify location or a
location in time. Preposition is a word which is used before a noun, a noun phrase
or a pronoun, connecting it to another word.

1. At/In/On/For/During (Time)
 At (time) ; we use at with times (at11.45, at midnight, at lunchtime, at
the moment, at Christmas, at the same time, at the age of...., at the
 On (time) ; we use on with dates and days (on 12 March, on Friday, on
Sunday morning, on Christmas day)
 In (time) we use In for longer periods of time (for example;
months/years/seasons) forexamples (in April, in 1998, in the winter, in
the 18 th century. But we also say (I’ll see you in the morning. But I’ll
see you on Friday morning).



 We do not use at/on/in before last and next. Examples (I’ll see you
next Friday) (they got married last March)
 In + a period of time = a time in the future
- The train will be leaving in a few minutes.
- Jack’s gone away. He’ll be back in a week.
 We also use in to say how long it takes to do something. Example (I
learnt todrive in four weeks)
 We use for + a period of time to say how long something goes on
- I’ve lived in this house for six years
- We watched TV for two hours last night.
 We use during + noun to say when something happens (not how long)
- I fell asleep during the film
- We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday
 We use while + Subject + Verb
- I fell asleep while I was watching TV
- We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday
2. At/In/On (Position)
 We use In;
- In a room/ in a building
- In a garden/ in a park
- In a town/ in a country
- In the water
- In the sea
- In the river
- In a row/ in a line/in a queue
 We use At;
- At the bus stop
- At the door/ at the window
- At the top of page/ at the bottom of page



- At the end of the street

- At the back/at the front
- At an event (at a party, at a concert)
- Athome,
- at work, at school, at university, at the airport, at cinema, at hotel
 We us On;
- On the left/ on the right
- On the floor/ on the ground/ on the grass
- On the wall/ on the ceiling/ on your nose
- On the table/on the notice board/ on the chair

The conjunction is a part of a speech which joins words, phrases, or clauses
Examples of Conjunctions:
1. Besides (lagi pula) berfungsi menambah informasi
2. However (namun demikian) mengawali kata keterangan/sifat/klausa
3. Otherwise (sebaliknya/jika tidak) untuk menyatakan kemungkinan yang tidak
4. So (jadi/maka) menunjukkan akibat yang terjadi dari pernyataan sebelumnya
5. Therefore (oleh karena itu)
6. Still dan Yet (namun)
7. Though/Although/eventhough (walaupun)
8. As, For, Because, Since (karena) bila diikuti sebuah klausa
9. As, When, While (ketika, tatkala/sementara)
10. And (dan) menggabungkan dua kata/kalimat/klausa
11. Whereas (padahal)
12. Not......untill......(baru.....setelah.. . .)



This part of a speech refers to words which express emotions. Since
interjections are commonly used to convey strong emotions or expresses a
spontaneous feeling, they are usually followed by an exclamation point. There
are different kind of interjection, such as;
 Adjective that are used as interjection
- nice! You got a monster kill in your first game!
- Good! Now we can move on to the next lesson.
 Noun or noun phrases are used as interjection
- Congratulation, you won the match.
- Hello! How are you?
 Sounds are used as interjection
- Ugh!I’m never doing that again.
- Uh-oh! I think we’re in serious trouble.
- Yahoo!, hey!, ouch!, oops!, cool!, dear!, etc


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