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Students: For each category, provide a brief description of nature and location of evidence.

Assessors: For each category, highlight the appropriate descriptor (i.e. inadequate, emerging, proficient, distinctive)
Sources of evidence include, but are not limited to,-video* of teaching at two different levels (ELC: kindergarten and elementary; ELM: elementary and middle;
SED: middle and secondary), lesson plans, unit plans, feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors, multimedia presentations, web quests and
other interactive technologies

1. Planning and Preparation


The candidate applies subject matter knowledge to develop lessons/units that:
relate to state and/or district standards
use varied instructional strategies
are for varied developmental levels that represent levels of licensure
address varied content areas (for ELC/ELM: math, science, language arts
& social studies; for SED: varied disciplinary fields)
use appropriate teaching and resource materials
include provisions for individual students with particular learning needs
include both formal and informal assessments that provide information
about student learning, e.g. rubrics, tests, checklists, opportunities for
students to self assess
The candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively produce multi-media
communication tools and can support her decisions for their use in enhancing
student learning.

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

Throughout my entire portfolio you will see how I brought in how my

different artifacts showcased my Alverno Abilities as well as the State
Standards. Even though I elaborated how each artifact showcased a
specific Ability or Standard I feel that many of my artifacts go along with
other Abilities and Standards.

Throughout my three field placements I have used multiple learning

strategies. There were some lesson plans where the students were required
to read a lot of information, somewhere students acted out a play and then
discussed the meaning, reviews, and group discussions. All of these types
of lesson plans include all of my students and allow each individual the
opportunity to shine.

I have lesson plans that were used for 7th, 9th, 11th, and 12th grade ELA
students. Even though I didnt have every single grade, my lesson plans
show that I am able to create a learning environment that encourages
individuality as well as collaborate learning.

My artifacts show that throughout all three field placements I have used
informal and formal lesson plans to check where my students were in their
* one video segment must be from ED 315

2. Classroom Environment



Brief description of nature and location of evidence

The candidate demonstrates the ability to apply social and cultural understanding
in interpersonal situations by:
designing learning experiences that best relate to the characteristics of
individuals and groups
perceiving and responding to elements in interaction, e.g. roles,
developmental levels, culture, language, etc.
describing how characteristics of individuals and groups influence
teaching decisions

After my first placement, you will see in my evaluations from my second

and third cooperating teachers as well as Alverno Faculty that I have
improved greatly on my rapport with my students. I found their likes and
dislikes and where they excelled and their struggle areas, to create lesson
plans that push my students beyond their boundaries and allow them to
explore what they are capable of.

3. Instruction and Assessment


The candidate demonstrates the ability to accurately implement instruction and
assess student learning by providing:
samples of completed assessments in which the experiences used to
assess student learning relate directly to the lesson/unit objective(s)
self assessments that focus on student learning as a result of lessons
taught in field placements
feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I have shown this in my portfolio in my Diagnosis section. I created

a Book Talk and Book Trailer unit where my students worked over
several weeks finishing their books and beginning the process of
presenting a Book Talk individually as well as a Book Trailer with a
group of peers. I gave my students the rubric when we began the
project so that they would be able to reference it throughout the
entire lesson and make sure that they are following the guidelines. I
also was able to help grade both of these assessments allowing me to
gain the experience that I need in order to grade my own
assessments in the future.
In my Conceptualization unit I presented evidence that I am able to
self-assess myself. My artifact is from my LRP lesson that I did in
LTM 622 and shows that I can see where I did well as well as see
where I could use improvement. One of the most important things
that I have learned through my time here at Alverno is the ability to
self-assess your lesson plans as well as to learn from your mistakes.
I feel that I have shown this ability throughout my entire time here at
Alverno throughout my semesters.
In the Diagnosis section I also placed an artifact from my
cooperating teacher asking for his feedback on a lesson plan that I
had executed earlier that day and his praises and criticism for future
lesson plans. I was able to take that information to shape the way
that I planned and executed lesson plans throughout the semester.

4. Professional Responsibilities and Reflection



Brief description of nature and location of evidence

The candidate articulates how she has applied educational frameworks (e.g.
Bloom, Piaget, Erikson, Maslow, Montessori, Cambourne, Gardner, Holdaway,
Purkey, etc) and their influence on her teaching by stating the major aspects of
selected theories in her own words and identifying where she has applied these

In my video section one of my lesson plan goes off of

Raffenbrenners theory of students learn best when learning together
and having discussions. I used this idea while planning a review
lesson for my students assessment that was coming up. I allowed
my students the ability to think on their own as well as have
discussions with their peers throughout this lesson so that they were
able to discuss their thoughts and reasoning, also the best way to
know that you know a subject is by explaining it to someone else.
This way I could be sure that my students knew the subject well.

The candidate represents herself as a reflective practitioner by:

showing, in rationales and self assessments, where modifications of
her teaching have or should have taken place
analyzing and articulating ways in which elements of diversity have
influenced her planning, teaching, and assessing
describing, in a letter to an ED 201 or AE 222 student, her growth in
understanding and using the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
limiting her choices of appropriate artifacts that provide evidence of
an ability to synthesize the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
including artifacts that address all 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards
and all 5 Alverno Education Abilities

On my very first tab in my Portfolio I have a letter welcoming future

LTM students to Alverno. I presented in that letter the Standards as
well as the Abilities that will become so engrained in their minds
that they will know and incorporate them throughout all of their
lesson plans. I also explained some of my favorite theorist as well as
the ones that I find myself using in the majority of my lesson plans.
I also used Gardner in my lesson plans. In my section of Integrative
Interaction my artifact shows my use of Multiple Intelligences

allowing every student to succeed while in my classroom.

Throughout my entire portfolio I have presented the 10 Standards
giving several artifacts to show how I have used them efficiently
throughout my field placements and even with other aspects of my
life, including the Girl Scouts.

5. Oral and written communication



Brief description of nature and location of evidence


Consistently engaging audiences by using appropriate conventions,

coherent structures, and effective style

Throughout my portfolio you will find well written rationales as

well as thought out artifacts to prove that I am ready for student
teaching. I have shown that I have thought about the Abilities as
well as the Standards and incorporated them thoughtfully throughout
my lessons.

Accurately analyzing ones own ideas in relation to

disciplinary/professional contexts
Articulating meaningful relationships between disciplinary/professional
frameworks and the selection of artifacts by explaining the Wisconsin
Teacher Standards and the Alverno Education Abilities in her own words


For your own planning and organization, you should develop a chart like the following to ensure that you have provided adequate (but not excessive)
evidence for each of the Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure and each of the Alverno Education Abilities.
Lesson Plan on Fossils
Unit on Civil War

Education Ability


Tab 1 or other label
Tab 5 or other label


Education Ability

9, 10


Lesson plan on Book Trailers

E-mail with third Cooperating Teacher


9, 10


Lesson Plan Graphic Novel Review


2, 6


Assessment of Lesson Plan:



2. 6






LRP Lesson Plan


8, 1






4, 8


Lesson Plan

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