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LTM 640

Students: For each category, provide a brief description of nature and location of evidence.
Assessors: For each category, highlight the appropriate descriptor (i.e. inadequate, emerging, proficient, distinctive)
Sources of evidence include, but are not limited to,-video* of teaching at two different levels (ELC: kindergarten and elementary; ELM: elementary and middle;
SED: middle and secondary), lesson plans, unit plans, feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors, multimedia presentations, web quests and
other interactive technologies

1. Planning and Preparation


The candidate applies subject matter knowledge to develop lessons/units that:
relate to state and/or district standards
use varied instructional strategies
are for varied developmental levels that represent levels of licensure
address varied content areas (for ELC/ELM: math, science, language arts
& social studies; for SED: varied disciplinary fields)
use appropriate teaching and resource materials
include provisions for individual students with particular learning needs
include both formal and informal assessments that provide information
about student learning, e.g. rubrics, tests, checklists, opportunities for
students to self assess
The candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively produce multi-media
communication tools and can support her decisions for their use in enhancing
student learning.

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I apply my subject matter knowledge to develop lesson/unit plans that

relate to state and /or district standards throughout the portfolio. I
demonstrate my ability to perform common core standards for social
studies and common core literacy standards. Social studies follow content
standards that align with literacy standards. I demonstrate my ability to
follow these guidelines in the section of the portfolio that explains
rationales for my teaching. The examples can be found on the tab that is
titled More through these different web pages:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #1/Conceptualization
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3/Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4/Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6/Communication
I demonstrate the ability to use varied instructional strategies through a
majority of my lesson/unit plans. The goal for my unit plans was to
include a diverse type of learning group. Specifically, because I worked

and currently work with a diverse population of students. Learning not

only to teach to their strengths and weaknesses as students but also their
strengths and weaknesses within their culture. I provide examples of this
skill through these examples:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #/1 and Conceptualization
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #8 and Communication
I was able to develop lesson plans or units based on subject matter
knowledge through different levels of licensure through applying lessons
for two different grade levels. The different grade levels I demonstrate
my ability to differentiate developmental levels is through field placement
work and my current position. The evidence that proves I have the ability
to demonstrate this concept is seen through:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
The two content areas that I am able to demonstrate the application of
subject matters in planning lessons is English Language Arts and Social
Studies. These two content areas are relevant to my licensure because in
the concept of social studies skills through content is taught. Social
studies bring literacy to the content area because students are required to
read and analyze material to understand history. The evidence provided
for this idea can be seen in these examples given:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #/1 and Conceptualization
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #8 and Communication
Teaching is a craft that requires the appropriate usage of materials and
resources. Teachers have a plethora of resources available to them
technologically, administratively, through peers and other resources.
Utilizing all resources available is the foundation of becoming a good
teacher and using a growth mindset. I have been able to demonstrate
numerous times my ability to use as many resources as possible. Using
resources is an important concept to me because teachers need to use what
is given to them to create an optimal learning environment for students.
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #/1 and Conceptualization
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #7 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #8 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #9 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #10 and Coordination
Creating lessons that include provisions of individual students learning
needs can be seen throughout lessons. Especially, because designing my
lessons attempts to meet as many student needs as possible.
Demonstrating my ability to meet the special needs of individual students
can be a challenging part of the teaching realm. Beyond special needs
students each student has their own needs. All students have a social need
as well as an academic need. This idea of individual social needs can be
shown when students are brought together to achieve a strong community
through lessons. I demonstrate my ability to of attending to a particular
students needs through these examples:

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard # 3 and Coordination

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #10 and Coordination
Assessment is the cornerstone to understanding student learning.
Assessments have the ability to create student learning and help to
understand if the goals the teacher sets forth is being achieved. Though,
assessment does not need to be a direct or indirect concept but a concept
that allows students to show their learning to the teacher. I have created
various assessments through my Alverno program and current position at
Carmen High School such as:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #/1 and Conceptualization
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #7 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #8 and Communication
* one video segment must be from ED 315

2. Classroom Environment


The candidate demonstrates the ability to apply social and cultural understanding
in interpersonal situations by:
designing learning experiences that best relate to the characteristics of
individuals and groups
perceiving and responding to elements in interaction, e.g. roles,

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

Social and cultural understanding is vital to my ability to teach in any

situation. However, that understanding is especially important because of
the location I teach. The location I teach is on the north side of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin and understanding their background has guided
my design for learning experiences. I have demonstrated my ability to

developmental levels, culture, language, etc.

describing how characteristics of individuals and groups influence
teaching decisions

design lessons around individual groups through these examples:

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #7 and Coordination
Perception and responding to student-teaching interaction, student-student
interaction, administration-student interaction, parent-student interaction
and teacher parent-interaction is an important element to teaching. There
are various ways I have demonstrated my ability to respond to the
interactions I have stated. Interaction is the key to understanding students
as a whole learner. There artifacts of evidence I provide for signifying
are as such:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #10 and Coordination
The characteristics or personality traits of individuals and groups
influence all teaching decisions on a daily basis. I design lessons around
curriculum that aim to interest students so that their learning environment
will create an enthusiasm for learning. Each lesson created, though,
attempts to reach different state standards has a theme of drawing in
student interest whether the lesson is content based or based on the
students growth and development. The evidence described for this idea
can be explained through these examples:
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #/1 and Conceptualization
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #7 and Coordination

3. Instruction and Assessment


The candidate demonstrates the ability to accurately implement instruction and
assess student learning by providing:
samples of completed assessments in which the experiences used to
assess student learning relate directly to the lesson/unit objective(s)
self assessments that focus on student learning as a result of lessons
taught in field placements
feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I have demonstrated the ability accurately to implement instruction and

assess students through lessons and unit objectives through various
examples. They have been recorded and shown through these examples
through the portfolio assessment. The location of the demonstration is
held on the portfolio website in the tab that states more through these
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #8 and Communication
Self-assessment that has focused on student learning as a result of
lessons taught is important to understanding teaching benchmarks.
Students ability to self-assess and align with the teachers thought
process in regards to their achievement allows for the student and
teacher to open communication and improve learning for the student. I
was able to achieve a positive outcome for self-assessment portraying
the example in my portfolio:
-Wisconsin Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Standard #8 and Communication
I maintain the ability to implement instruction and assess student
learning through the feedback from my cooperating teachers and
Alverno supervisors through paying attention to the improvement and
conferences we perform to improve my teaching ability. I achieve a
better standard of learning by referring back to the feedback I have
received. The evaluations tab of the website demonstrates my ability to
adhere to and improve based on feedback received.

4. Professional Responsibilities and Reflection


The candidate articulates how she has applied educational frameworks (e.g.
Bloom, Piaget, Erikson, Maslow, Montessori, Cambourne, Gardner, Holdaway,
Purkey, etc) and their influence on her teaching by stating the major aspects of
selected theories in her own words and identifying where she has applied these

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I have maintained the ability to articulate various educational

frameworks. Bloom sits at the forefront of my abilities within the idea
of showing rationales and self-assessment because Blooms taxonomy
of questioning brings an enduring understanding for students and for
teachers. Bloom allows for a deeper standing for teacher lessons which
has been expressed in the lessons that I provide evidence. These
artifacts of evidence are shown in the more tab under tabs 1-8. Bloom
is present in lessons that reach a higher understanding for students.

The candidate represents herself as a reflective practitioner by:

showing, in rationales and self assessments, where modifications of
her teaching have or should have taken place
analyzing and articulating ways in which elements of diversity have
influenced her planning, teaching, and assessing
describing, in a letter to an ED 201 or AE 222 student, her growth in
understanding and using the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
limiting her choices of appropriate artifacts that provide evidence of
an ability to synthesize the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
including artifacts that address all 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards
and all 5 Alverno Education Abilities

Diversity influenced my planning, teaching and assessing because

diversity is apparent in all school situations. When discussing diversity
the idea of race is not the only idea that is present but age is an
important part of diversity. Through Eriksons theory of psychological
development teachers must analyze and present lessons that meet the
needs of all students. The idea of Eriksons theory is present in my
teaching style identifying students of different backgrounds and ages
and is proven in my portfolio through pages 1-8 in the more tab of the
teaching standards aligned with the Alverno advanced abilities.
I have been able to represent myself in growth aligning my ideology of
Wisconsin state standards and the Alverno abilities. I have grown
through both of these concepts because Alverno has guided me to the
understanding of both of these teaching abilities. I have been able to
provide evidence of these abilities in the tab of my portfolio website
pages, 1-10. On these web pages I align the Wisconsin Teacher
Standards with the Alverno Educational Abilities.
I have been able to synthesize the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Educational Abilities because I show artifacts that I can achieve

both concepts. I have chosen the appropriate artifacts in tab more

explaining Wisconsin Teacher Standards 1-10 and how they relate to the
Alverno Advanced Abilites.
I have proven all Alverno advanced abilities and Wisconsin Teacher
standards through the pages provided to all assessors and people
viewing the website to prove my ability to teach.

5. Oral and written communication



Brief description of nature and location of evidence


Consistently engaging audiences by using appropriate conventions,

coherent structures, and effective style

The consistency of engaging audiences by using appropriate

conventions, coherent structures and an effective style can be proven
through the evidence provided in the tab labeled more consisting

Accurately analyzing ones own ideas in relation to

disciplinary/professional contexts

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #/1 and Conceptualization

-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 and Diagnosis
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #3 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #4 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #5 and Integrative Interaction
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #6 and Communication
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #7 and Coordination
-Wisconsin Teaching Standard #8 and Communication

Articulating meaningful relationships between disciplinary/professional

frameworks and the selection of artifacts by explaining the Wisconsin
Teacher Standards and the Alverno Education Abilities in her own words

I have been able to analyze ones own ideas in relation to

disciplinary/ professional context in regards to creating lesson/unit
plans and implementing a positive atmosphere for learning. I have
been able to prove this through the tab labeled more and looking at
all tabs Wisconsin Teaching Standard #1-8 in which describes my
abilities to plan lessons in the context of my own idea and my
Throughout this project I have articulated meaningful relationships
between my disciplinary/professional framework and the artifacts of
evidence I have provided. The evidence through artifacts I have
explained has aligned with the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities and has overall proven my readinesses to
student teach. The website has given evidence of the ability I have as a

teacher and my enthusiasm for moving to complete student-teaching.


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