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TPA Task 3

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Use the Assessment Commentary template to write a commentary no more than 8 single-spaced pages (including attachments) that address

the following prompts. 1. Analyzing Student Learning a) Identify the specific standards/objectives and central focus from the learning segment measured by the assessment chosen for analysis. Describe any changes from what was planned for this assessment as described in the lesson plans or in the Planning commentary, prompt 4.
Central Focus: The central focus of this lesson was on comparing and contrasting fiction and non-fiction books. Along with comparing and contrasting we also discussed characters, setting, major events, and details. Standards: - RL 1.5: Explain the major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types This was completed in a whole group setting and orally. - W 1.1: Write opinion pieces, in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion and pride some sense of closure. Students completed a sentence about why they enjoy fiction or non-fiction more. Objectives: - I can identify the characters and setting of a story - I can identify the sequence of the storys major events - I can use details I found in the story to describe the characters, setting, and major events - I can explain how fiction and nonfiction texts are different - I can express why I like a certain story - I can compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction stories All of the above objectives were done in a whole group setting.

b) Respond to prompts below to create a summary of student learning relative to your evaluation criteria. 1. Summarize student performance in narrative and/or graphic form (e.g., table or chart). Student number one is below grade level. The student chose to finish a sentence that said, I like fantasy stories best because. This student did not write anything after the pre-written sentence. The student chose to try and copy the words that were already written right below

them. This student then colored in the bear and turned the paper in with no hesitation at all. Student number two is at grade level. The student finished the sentence, I like fantasy stories best because throre feneey and throre rlle coll. (They are funny and they are really cool) The student began to color the bear but then decided to turn the paper in and go read instead. Student number three is above grade level. The student finished the sentence, I like fantasy stories best because thye hav fun pichr. I like the books. (They have fun pictures. I like the books.) This student finished their work in a timely manner and used neat handwriting. 2. Discuss what students appear to understand well where they continue to struggle, including any misunderstandings, errors, confusions, or needs (including a need for greater challenge).

Student number one did not ask any questions and decided to complete the work how he saw best fit. This student obviously did not understand the directions. The next day when I spoke with this student I was able to ask them why they liked fantasy stories the best. The student was able to tell me the reasons why they enjoy those types of books. This student copied the words that were written on the paper previously. This student did not write his opinions. This student needs more direction as well as one on one time with the teacher to help scaffold and a guide them. Student number two was able to come up with a complex sentence for a first grader. This student made errors in spelling, but when asked to read me what they wrote they were able to tell me what the sentence said. As a teacher it was easy to decode his paper and figure out what he meant. This student can be challenged by: forcing them to slow down and think about their writing (their spelling is higher than what they displayed). Another way that this student can be challenged would be to have them explain why they think those types of books are funny and cool. Student number three was able to follow directions and get right to work on his writing piece. This student completed the sentence with ease and only made a couple of spelling errors. This student could be challenged by given a prompt to have them write why the pictures are funny or to explain what types of picture they like.

3. Consider common patterns across the class as well as groups of students with similar strengths or needs. Cite evidence to support your analysis from the three-student work samples you selected. The students who are at or just above the same level that student number one is at are all emergent spellers. These students use single or double letters to spell whole words. When asking the students what they wrote they usually can remember what they were trying to spell. Sometimes these students will look at their writing and are not able to figure it out. That is when I know that those students need some one to sit with them and help them figure words out. Or these students need to learn how to use the different resources that we have around the room. Such as the word wall or their word cards. The students who are at the same level as student number two are able to sound words out in their head to the best of their ability. These students are spellers who spell things the way that they actually sound. Some examples from student number twos writing would be: rlle (really), coll (cool), and feneey (funny). The students who fall under this category have spelling that is decodable and easy to figure out. The students who are at the same level as student number three are able form sentences at a higher rate than the other students. The sentences that these students choose to write are usually different in the wording. For example student number three wrote: Thye hav fun pichr. I like the books. (They have fun pictures. I like the books.) These students arent using the same beginnings for each of their sentence like the students who are at the same level as number two. Number two wrote, throre feneey and throre rlle coll. (They are funny and they are really cool.) This sentence can be broken into two sentences, when it is broken into two sentences they both start with They are. c) Respond to prompts below by referencing your understanding of the two focus students: 1. Describe each students individual learning strengths and challenges relative to the standards/objectives measured by the chosen assessment. Consider your knowledge of each student (e.g., prior knowledge of the content, language development, academic development, and/or special needs).

Student number one is eager to learn and pays attention most of the time. This student is able to orally tell me all of the information that I need in order for this student to meet the objectives and standards. This student is unable to show his abilities in writing. This particular students prior knowledge was non-existent. This student had never heard the words fiction (fantasy) or non-fiction, or he just did not remember what they were. This student is behind on language development both orally and written. This student is hard to understand because he tends to switch letter sounds around. This student is below grade level and is always in need of direct one on one instruction in order to keep him moving and understanding what is being asked of him. Student number two loves to learn but has difficulty staying focused. (ADHD) This student is able to orally tell me all of the information needed in order to meet all of the objectives and standards. This student is able to write what he is thinking. This students prior knowledge was pretty good; he was able to remember what fiction and non-fiction were after a little bit of questioning. This student is capable of speaking clearly and is able to form opinions and speak them to whomever may be asking him something. This students writing abilities are on level. They spell words as they hear them and spells them close to correct, they do not add random letters in that would not make any sense. This student is on grade level and is capable of all that is asked of them, the only thing standing in their way is their lack of focus. This student is on medication for ADHD/ADD. At the time of the lesson the medication was new to the student and they were still getting use to it. Student number three is going to be a lifelong learner. This child is full of knowledge and ends up teaching their teachers little tid bits here and there. This students prior knowledge was and is unbelievable, they were able to tell me what the difference between fiction and non-fiction was immediately. This student could orally tell me and in written form (if needed) express what they needed to in order to meet all of the objectives and standards. This students language development is high in both oral and written forms. Student number three abilities in speech are high and they know some words that most first graders do not know. This student is capable of writing longer pieces. This student is one whose academics are strong in all content areas. This student was going to small group for social skills; this student does not attend this small group anymore.

2. After analyzing each students work sample, what conclusions did you make regarding their individual learning? Cite specific evidence to support your conclusions. Student number one: This student needs one on one attention from the teacher. The reason that they need this attention is because they struggle to complete assignment correctly if they are not guided step by step, or because they are not equipped with the tools that they need. For examples: the directions were to complete the sentence by writing why they like a specific type of story. This student re-wrote, I like fantasy stories best because. If someone was there to guide this student one what to do they would be able to complete the assignment. Something that is not present in this students work is their spelling capability. This student struggles with spelling due to the fact that they switch letter sounds around when they write as well as when they speak. The student is an emergent speller and tends to write letters to represent whole words. From the work that the student handed in I would assume that this student did not understand the task at hand. After speaking to the student I was able to see that this student understood what happened during the lesson and he was able to tell me the differences between fiction and non-fiction, as well as many other objectives. Student number two: This student needs just a couple of reminders to stay on task every so often. This student is capable of better spelling if they take their time on their work. Often times (once used to medication) this student likes to rush through their work to show that they are focused and able to complete it. When this student hands in their work I would check their work and ask them to go back and slow down and focus on what they are working on. This students spelling is better than what was shown on this example. This student wrote, Throre feneey and throre rlle coll. (They are funny and they are really cool). This student was able to meet the standards as well as the objectives that were hit during the whole group lesson. Student number three: This student is above grade level in all that they do and is a lifelong learner. This student does not have to be asked to focus or to pay attention. This student remembered to use periods and had different sentence starters unlike almost the entire class. This student wrote: thye hav fun pichr. I like the books. (They have fun pictures. I like the books.) This student is capable of spelling more

accurately he made simply mistakes such as switching letters around in the word they (thye: their spelling). Or leaving letters out in the word have (hav; their spelling). This students persistent attitude in spelling is really evident in his attempt to spell picture. They spelt it the way they heard the sounds: pichr. This student is one that can be challenged and this student will enthusiastically accept the challenge. 2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning a) In what form did you submit your evidence of feedback (e.g., written directly on work samples, audio files, a time stamp reference for videorecording(s) in the Instruction task)? If submitted via video for Task 2, provide time stamp here. In order to guide further learning I spoke with the students one on one either when they handed their work in, or the next day once I had a chance to look at their pieces. b) How did feedback provided to each focus student address individual student needs and learning objectives? Reference specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanation. Student number one: I sat down with this student and asked them why they liked fantasy stories the best. They told me why; I then asked them it they could write down why they liked them. They began to write. Their writing was emergent and I was unable to understand it. I asked the student to state what they were writing. I dictated what they told me and wrote it down on a piece of paper. This student was able to copy the words down with ease. Student number two: Since I was able to decode their writing I was not too worried about this students writing or understanding of the task that was asked of them. One thing that I did do with this student was show them how the words that they wrote look spelled correctly. I did this to show them the difference in their words and the correct words. I asked them if they could see the difference and they were able to tell me where they saw the differences. Student number three: I spoke with this student about his minor errors in spelling as well as capitalization of his first letter in his first sentence. He understood exactly what I was pointing out and was able to tell me how he would fix his paper.

c)What opportunities were/will be provided for students to apply the feedback to improve their work, either within the learning segment or at a later time? If necessary I gave the student a new piece of paper and aided the student in completing the task. (student number 1). These students are going to be comparing and contrasting other stories this year. They will also be writing why they like or dislike something more this year as well. Their official teacher was present when I was speaking with the focus students and she is aware of what the students need to work on. These skills are writing skills and are not just present in this assignment they are present whenever they are writing or completing an assignment. 3. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction For prompts below, consider what you know about your students and the effectiveness of your instruction when designing next steps. Be sure to connect your next steps to your analysis of the student performances. a) Based on your analysis of student performance on this assessment, describe next steps for instruction for the whole class. The next step for whole class instruction would be to review fiction and non-fiction stories. The students would then share why they like fantasy or fiction the best. This makes the whole class aware of how everyone else is thinking and reinforces pieces that make up fiction and non-fiction stories. (Funny pictures vs. realistic pictures) Something else that I would be aware is giving instructions more than once as well as give them in multiple ways. This will help all students understand the assignment. Student number one made me more aware of this aspect of teaching, because they are one of the students who needs directions repeated just like many other students. b) Describe any individualized next steps for the three focus students. All of students are going to need to be reminded to use the resources in the room such as the word wall and their word cards. This will help the students learn how to spell the different and new words. Student number one: Once the students are set out on their own to begin their individual work. This student needs one on one attention to help them focus.

Student number two: The main step for this students is to remind them to stay focused and on task. Another step would be to remind this student to take their time on what their job is. This will help this student focus on their spelling and rushing tendencies. Students number three: This student only needs to be reminded to recheck his work. By simply telling them to re-check their work they are automatically editing their writing. This will force this student to double-check their spelling of words that they are capable of spelling. c) Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of the student performances. These next steps are formed off of the analysis of the students performance, because I looked at each students work and their behaviors as they were working to help me decide how I was going to further their learning. Each of the students have different things that need attention from myself or any teacher as well as things that they can focus on by themselves once they are told what it is.

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