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Writing Lesson 3

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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Lesson Plan

Content Area: Writing

Grade level:
Core Standard: Writing Standard 2: Write
informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and
convey ideas, concepts, and information through the
selection, organization, and analysis of relevant
content. Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts,
and information, using strategies such as definition,
classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect;
include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g.,
charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding
comprehension. Develop the topic with relevant
facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or
other information and examples. Use appropriate
transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas
and concepts. Use precise language and domainspecific vocabulary to inform about or explain the
topic. Establish and maintain a formal style. Provide
a concluding statement or section that follows from
the information or explanation presented.

Instructor Name:
Jessica Twombly
Instructional Objective:
Behavioral Objective:
Students will independently write a 3-point
Participate in choral responses.
paragraph using the outline and jingle to assist their
Follow directions.
planning and writing. Students will reread their
Be respectful by responding to questions.
paragraph before passing it in to check for
Do your best!
grammatical and organizational errors. Students will
analyze a 3-paragraph expository anchor paper to
transition to the next writing unit.

IEP Goal:
In 12 weeks, when asked to write a paragraph or
response, student(s) will use a graphic organizer to
develop her ideas before writing 100% of the time on
3 out of 3 probes.

Content (concepts, information, skills, new vocab,

-New topic students write 3-point paragraphs
-anchor paper essay to look at the structure of a 3point essay to transition to the next unit

1. Get students attention (10
2. State instructional objectives
(1 minute)
3. Review behavior expectations
(1 minute)
4. Activate background
knowledge and Review (5-7
5. Writing (10-15minutes)
6. Instruction (10-15 minutes)

Instructional Materials Needed:

-Piece of paper
-anchor paper on the smartboard

Teachers Role/What Im doing:

1. Eyes on me I chant
2. Today we are going to practice writing an expository paragraph independently. We are
also going to look at a 3-point essay.
3. Remember that we expect all students to participate, follow directions, be respectful, and
do your very best work!
4. What is your favorite sport? I need 5 volunteers to tell us their favorite sport. Review
5. Students begin planning using the outline and jingle to remember the structure of a 3point paragraph. I will be walking around the room scaffolding for struggling children and
assessing their knowledge.
6. This paper is about ways to travel. Lets read this essay together and talk about what we

Students Role/What theyre

1. Eyes on you kids chant
2. Eyes are on the board
3. Listening with their eyes on the
4. Raise of hands to tell the class
their favorite sport. Sing the jingle
together as a class.
5. Students have 10-15 minutes
to write their 3-point paragraph
6. Students have their eyes on the

Analyze as a whole class

6. Wrap up
a. Review key concepts/
Check for understanding
b. Review objectives
c. Clean up

see in it. I will read the first paragraph.

a. Who can tell me what they noticed about the first paragraph? I will move one once
someone has noticed there is a topic sentence and a 3-point sentence.
b. Read paragraph two, the first sentence. Who can tell me what this paragraph will be
c. Does this person use one supporting detail or many? Get ready
d. Lets look at paragraph 3. What is this going to be about? What is the 2 nd point and
the supporting details?
e. Lets look at the 4th paragraph. What is the 3rd point and supporting details?
f. What does the last paragraph tell us? What do we call that?
g. Does this essay have all the pieces of our 3-point paragraph? (if students struggle,
sing the jingle slowly to identify each part)
7. Review the jingle one more time

a. students raise their hand to
answer the question
b. Individual students answer.
c. Many Choral response
d. Individual answers
e. talk about it with your table
f. Conclusion
g. answer the question choral
7. sing the jingle together

Jingle using a beat/music to
help kids remember the structure
of expository writing
Scaffolding and redirecting to
students that are struggling to
write independently
Read their essay to kids with
reading disabilities so they can
hear their mistakes.

Reinforcement Procedures:
Praise the whole class when they get the
answer write. Praise individual students
when they answer the analytic questions.
This class is boom dynamite! Way to go
Karen. Learning position check kids
stop feet, clap hands, fold hands as a
reminder to stay seated with their back
straight, heads up. Golden ticket raffle
ticket to students that participate.

Follow-up Activities:
The next unit will be writing 3point expository essays. The next
activity will be using the 3-point
outline to write an essay as a
whole class.

Pre: Their writing sample of an expository
paragraph from yesterday.
During: Observation of students writing a
paragraph and individual and choral
responses during the anchor paper analysis.
Post: Reading over their individual
paragraphs. Choral response to the
questionDoes this essay have the same
pieces of our 3-point paragraph?
CBM: 3-minute writing probe to assess total
words written, words spelled correct, and
correct word sequence.

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