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Lesson Plan - Language

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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Lesson Plan

Content Area:
Reading Skills
Grade level: 6th Grade
Instructor Name:
Jessica Twombly
Date: 9/30/14
Core Standard:
Instructional Objective:
Behavioral Objective:
Language Arts. Grade 4 Fluency. Read with sufficient
Students will read words with the inflectional endings
Students will stay in learning position during 90% of
accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
s and ing. Students will decode words with the
the lesson. While reading the story and decoding
Language Arts. Grade 3 Phonics and Word
sound ea and silent e. Students will practice word
words, students will track in their books.
Regonition. Know and apply grade-level phonics and
recognition and high-frequency words. Students will
word analysis skills in decoding words. Read graderead decodable text and answer comprehension
appropriate irregularly spelled words.
questions. Students will reread decodable texts to
increase fluency.
IEP Goal:
Content (concepts, information, skills, new vocab,
Instructional Materials Needed:
Students will read 120 words per minute correctly on 6 th
Teachers manual of Corrective Reading Decoding B1
grade level in one minute on 3-4 trails.
Phonemic Awareness: inflectional endings (s, ing)
Student book
Decoding and Word Analysis: sounds (ea), silent E, word
Student homework packet
recognition, high-frequency words
Reading decodable text
Comprehension: predict, details, draw inferences
Fluency: reread decodable text
Homework: spelling using letter/sound relationships,
comprehension, and writing mechanics
Teachers Role/What Im doing:
Students Role/What theyre doing:
1. Students enter class and begin 1. Preparing my curriculum and materials for the lesson as students write for 2 minutes. Praise
1. Students get homework out, pencil,
with writing starter
students that came into the classroom quietly and sat down to start writing. Check homework.
planner, and student book. Students
2. Make sure students have three 2. I am reminding children to open their planner to the correct page as I am walking around checking
write quietly for 2 minutes.
Ps and student book on their homework. Thanking kids that are prepared for class.
2. Students have 3 Ps on their desk
3. Point to behavior expectations on the board and thank kids that were prepared for class and
and planners opened to todays date.
3. Review behavior expectations followed directions.
3. Eyes are on the board with bodies in
4. Get students attention and
4. Chant, Eyes on the board Thank the kids that actually looked at the words on the board.
learning position.
transition into eyes on the
5. State the learning objectives of practicing decoding skills, sounds that letters make, and reading
4. Chant back, Eyes on the board
accurately while understanding what we read.
5. Listen.
5. State objectives on the board
6. We are going to say words with these endings. First word, lock. I touch letter s, Say lock with
6. Kids say the words with the
6. s, ing endings
this ending, Continue for trim and ride.
7. Ending Buildup (columns of
7. I point to the words on the board. Assessing which kids are reading the words accurately.
7. We read the words as a class.
words with different endings)
8. What does the word rest mean? Asked open-endedly so that the students can activate their
8. Individual child answers. Kids
8. Practice the vocabulary word
background knowledge. Then make all of the kids rest their heads on the desk. Then do learning
respond to learning position check
rest and then do learning
position check.
position check
9. Student Book touch part 1, get ready, touch. Touch the letters E-A. What sound do those
9. Students touch part 1. Slam desk.
9. Sound combination: ea
make? We are going to read these words together. First word? Next? Next? Next? Observing that the EA! Kids read all the words in coral
10. Reading the underlined sound kids are tracking and reading the words clearly.
of the word
10. What sound? What word? Observing the students responses.
10. Kids respond together.
11. Silent E words
11. These words have a silent E at the end of the word. The vowel makes the sound of the letter
11. Its name! Kids read all the words
12. Reading irregular words
name. What sound does the vowel make? Touch the first word. What word? Next?
13. Individual Assessment of
12. That word is into. What word? Spell into. Continue with the first row. Then read all the words in
12. Kids answer as a class. They read
word analysis skills
Part 4.
the word, then spell it on a beat.
14. Story Reading
13. I call on individual students to read a row starting with part 1. After each person give them one
13. Students read when they are called
15. Reading Check out not
clap, two claps, round of applause, etc.
on and tracking when they are not.
14. I read the title. What do you think the story is about? Each student is going to read one sentence.
14. One person tells us what they think
16. Reading check out timed
Remember to read loud and proud and track the whole time. After the first part, ask the kids
the story is about. Students read one

17. Homework Lesson 16

18. Wrap Up
19. START sheet and write
homework in planner

Isaac sits in the front row for
proximity management. Vocab. Is
checked more frequently to help
kids make connections. Coral
responses to increase opportunities
to respond in one class period.

comprehension questions. Continue with part 2, then comprehension, then part 3, then
sentence at a time. Students answer
comprehension. Observe which students are tracking.
comprehension questions.
15. Today we are going to do two partner readings. You are going to read to your partner. When your 15. Students read to their partner and
partner makes a mistake, mark it in your book lightly with a pencil. After they finish reading the first
mark the words that tricked them.
part, tell them what mistakes they made. Do the same for your partner.
16. Kids to read to each other, while
16. Now we are going to time our reading to see how many words we can read in one minute. The
tracking and marking mistakes.
checker must mark the mistakes in their book lightly. I will tell you when to start and stop. This is not 17. Students write the sounds and
a race, just read like you talk. Checkers, raise your hand if your partner make no more than three
complete the words on their
words tricked them. Same for the other partner. Record the students I observed on summary sheet.
17. Write the letters that make each sound I say. (sh, or, er, ch, d, p, j, I, t, o). Touch part 4, get
18. Students answer questions all
ready, touch Complete the words. Down, camp, after, will, these
together or individually.
18. Wrap Up
19. Students write down their
a. We learned new endings today. What endings class?
homework in their planner and fill out
b. We practice silent E Who can tell me what silent E does at the end of a word?
their START sheets.
c. Reading who can tell me what our story was about?
19. Sign START sheets. Give out a golden ticket.
Reinforcement Procedures:
Follow-up Activities:
Verbal praise for individuals
Pre: Homework from last night and the
Home fun! Similar skill building in
Golden ticket.
lesson from yesterday.
tomorrows lesson. Focus more on s
Coral response behavior reminders.
During: Coral and individual responses to
inflection and how that changes the
questions and reading.
meaning of the word ( same as in
Post: Homework and reading check out.
Spanish). Continue with reading check
out and graphing the kids fluency and
accuracy scores to see how they are
progressing in their reading skills.

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