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August 2015 NL

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Kappa Phi Happenings

Kappa Phi Chapter, No, 261, Area 9, Carrollton, TX

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Texas State Organization
Carrollton-Farmers Branch
www.kappaphitexas.weebly.com smprice@hotmail.com
Vol.37, Issue 1
August 2015
DKG Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes
professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

News Editor; Susan Price 5100 Aztec Dr. The Colony, TX 75056

Presidents Letter

Kappa Phi August Meeting


Thursday, August 5, 2015

5:30 - 7:30

Place: Betty Shaw's Home

Farmers Branch, TX

Program:Salad Supper/Yearly Start Up

Last Names A-L bring a salad or
appetizer to share.
Come prepared for a great time.

Connecting with DKG via Social Media:

Twitter: @DKG_SI
Instagram: @dkgsi
YouTube: Search-- DKG: The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International
LinkedIn: Search-- DKG: The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International

August, 2015
San Antonio lush greenery, a winding river walk, lilting pan
pipe flute music, the historic Alamo, great food, friendly DKG
Ah, Susan Price and I had a great time at the convention in San
Antonio. The only thing that would have made it better would
have been if all of Kappa Phi had been there to feel the
excitement and enthusiasm that members around the state have
for Delta Kappa Gamma. We were very proud to be members
of Kappa Phi as our chapter was acknowledged for five awards:
Tudor Rose (for increased membership)
Annie Award (for the Strickland project/program)
Certified Chapter Website
Communication Award for our Newsletter
Exemplary Yearbook and Early Bird Award

There continues to be a great emphasis on growing our

membership, with strategies that many chapters are using
successfully. One of the concerns that we heard was that many
of us are retired and no longer have that day-to-day interaction
with teachers. One of the solutions is to talk to principals to
find out who their strong teachers are and get a short bio about
each of the recommended teachers. Then we can present the
names to our membership, vote, and invite them to join an
organization that promotes personal and professional growth of
women educators.
We were encouraged to present membership as an honor and
a privilege. It was also emphasized that as our membership
grows, we must make sure to make our new members feel
welcome and involved and not be afraid of change.
One of the meetings that I attended was about archiving our
chapter materials. It was very informative and made me realize
that we have a lot of material in boxes in my closet that really
should be in the archives! I recently had the opportunity to visit
the DKG archives at the library at TWU and was given a tour
by an archivist who is actually a DKG member! I would like to
invite a few of you to work with me this year to go through our
materials and get it organized according to state guidelines.
I would like to extend a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the
Kappa Phi officers who spent the morning of July 15 th
discussing plans for this next year. Every effort has been made
to try to find a variety of programs and activities that fit the
needs of our membership. I am looking forward to seeing
everyone on August 6th.


DKG Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide

2 Kappa Phi

Dorothy Carroll and
husband Mike went to
Las Vegas for their 30th
wedding anniversary!
They took an AMAZING
helicopter ride to the
Grand Canyon!


24 Nancy Strickland

Al and Pat B have seen
baseball games in 26/30 parks.
This year we marked off the
Milwaukee Brewers and the
Atlanta Braves.

1 Chris Little


8 Mary Funk
29 Charlotte Davis

A little Kappa Phi birdie has shared that Nancy Shaheen had a grand time on her European trip
(check out our FB page or hers) and that Tina and Darren Flatt celebrated their 25th Anniversary
this summer.

Susan and Sterling Price celebrated their 50th Anniversary with a

trip to Savannah, GA where they spent the first two years of their
marriage working in a Mission Center in the old downtown area.
The trip also included time in Charleston, SC.

DKG San Antonio Convention

President Presentation

Enjoying SA Culture

Debbie & Michelle

We are friends here separated by time, space and distance.

your happy times and the not so happy times, help the bonds of
friendship strengthen and grow. Please share.

3 Kappa Phi
July, 2015

Since my last report-Six members attended the Spring Luncheon.

Balance November, 2015


We funded the Honorary Membership fee for Betty



World Fellowhip & $10 New Member
Spring Luncheon


We helped Debbie Moss and Susan Price attend the

convention in San Antonio.

Available Cash


And, we sent $350 to Van ISD to help the

elementary teachers there set up their class rooms
this fall. So, proud of us for doing that!

#1063 Tina Flatt expenses

#1064 Dorothy Carroll expenses
#1060 Spring Luncheon
#1065 DKG New Member fees
#1066 Debbie Moss Convention expenses
#1067 Susan Price Convention
31068 Van ISD


Pat B

Balance June 20, 2015



*(Includes $5,786.68 designated for scholarship money)


Thank You Note from Van ISD

Grant in Aide Recipient 2011

From Pat B:
When I was volunteering at Strickland
Thursday, I met our Grant-in-aide
recipient for 2011, Natalie Garza. She
graduated from Smith and will graduate
from North Texas Dec. 2015. She is
student teaching in CFB. She was
absolutely delightful and we can be very
proud of selecting her. She told me she
remembers having dinner with us and the
fact that we invited her family to join

4 Kappa Phi

Kappa Phi Programs

Once again, your Executive Board has done some
brainstorming about programs and we have a wide variety of
topics for all members to enjoy. From the Biblical Arts Center
to a TRTA Legislative update to understanding the value of
Twitter and TED talks, weve got lots of ideas to nurture our
souls and strengthen our minds.
As we did last year, all meetings will be held on the FIRST
Thursday of each month so put these dates on your calendar!
Aug. 6
Sept. 3
Oct. 1
Dec. 3
(grant in-aid auction)

Jan. 7
Feb. 4
April 7
May 5

Details will be shared at our August 6 Salad Supper at the

home of Betty Shaw. Those members whose last names begin
with A-L should bring a salad or appetizer to share. Drinks
will be provided by Nancy Shaheen. Please gather starting at
5:30 so that we can socialize and celebrate events of the
summer and hear news from the state convention! See you


Minutes for May, 2015
The Kappa Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
met at Amores restaurant on May 7, 2015, with 12 members present.
After president Debbie Moss called the meeting to order, the minutes
were approved as printed and the treasurers report was accepted as it
appeared in the newsletter.
Debbie read a thank-you for our donation to the unifying project for
boys and girls clubs. She also informed us that Kappa Phi had received
the five-star award for our Newsletter as well as a certificate of
appreciation. She thanked Susan Price for her excellent work on the
Debbie asked for a volunteer to attend an Area IX presidents meeting
on Saturday, June 13, since she cannot attend due to her sons wedding.
Nancy Shaheen proposed that we pay part of Susan Prices expenses
to the state convention. Pat Bielomowicz reported that we have more
than $200 extra in the Grants-in-Aid fund. It was moved, seconded,
and passed that we give this money to Susan in appreciation for all of
her hard work on the newsletter for the past three years.
Everyone was asked to relate achievements for the last year, and
Nancy Shaheen awarded all with a porcelain angel for these

Tina Flatt at dcflatt@verizon.net

Strickland Project
We are ready to assist at Strickland this year. What does that
look like? Photocopying, laminating, providing goodies for
staff, and being a cheerleader to teachers. Being an
''encourager" could look like inviting teachers to DKG
meetings, greeting folks in the copying area, just being a
smiling, supportive face.
We will go on Tuesdays once again at a time convenient for
you and will start our service September 15. A list will be
compiled of folks who want to help, as well as a few subs. If
we get enough volunteers, the commitment will probably mean
you will go twice each semester. Hope you will consider
helping this year. Sign-up will be at our meeting in August.
BACKGROUND CHECK. Easy to do by logging into
CFBISD.org, going to Volunteer tab and follow its direction .

At 5:45 the business meeting was adjourned to be followed by a visit

to the Meadows Museum, with member and new Meadows docent Sally
Saar leading us on a tour of the Abell exhibit.
Debbie Moss, President

Laura Harbin, Recording Secretary




And when you get the chance

Busy, busy summer for President Debbie. In and around
the convention, preparations were being made for her
sons wedding on July 4th. From all appearances everything went well.

Vicky Herr

5 Kappa Phi

Alpha State Texas Educational


New AC

Piggy Posse Report . . . Drum Roll, Please!

August 2015
Dear Area 9 Members,

The total amount contributed to the 2014-2015

Piggy Posse campaign was . . .

I am Cathy Criner and I have been selected to be

the new Area 9 Coordinator. Michelle
Grandinetti and I traded places. She is now the
State Membership Chairman. I am looking
forward to looking at your newsletters!

Just think of the Texas educators and students
who will be impacted by a simple piggy bank.

I am also looking forward to coming to your

chapters and meeting each one of you! I will be
seeing you in the near future and hope to keep in
contact with you each month!
Cathy Criner
Area 9 Coordinator

ASTEF Project Stipends



Eighteen stipends were awarded for projects

benefitting teachers and students in Texas.
Details about recipients and project
descriptions will be featured in future
ASTEF Updates, the ASTEF website, and
the next Lone Star News.

Important Websites
And our own award winning website

New ASTEF/Road Scholar Trip

The next ASTEF trip is a Road Scholar Educational
Travel Adventure is Savannahs Rich Heritage,
Remarkable History and Memorable Music.
This event will take place in the fall...
October 11-16, 2015.

Plus: Kappa Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma

Facebook Page.

Dead line for the

September Newsletter is

August 20th

Spectacular Texas Arts Retreat 2016:

STAR 2 Camp

Allen, Navasota, TX February 19-21, 2016

6 Kappa Phi

May Happenings

Strickland Award & Teacher Appreciation

At Strickland

Ready for Teachers

Strickland Award Presented

May Meeting - Dinner and the Meadows

Tina, Chris & Ann

Susan M, Pat, Vicky, Nancy, Laura, & Sara

Sally, Debbie & Marilyn

Dining at Amores Snider Plaza

Its a beautiful day for the Meadows at SMU

Time to view the latest exhibit

1. Graphics courtesy of Microsoft Word non-commercial use graphics.
2. Photos courtesy of Susan Price & Kappa Phi Members
3. Graphic courtesy dkgtexas.org/graphics

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