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Kappa Phi News

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Kappa Phi News

Kappa Phi Chapter, No. 261, Area 9

Carrollton-Farmers Branch, TX
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Texas State Organization 2
Vol. 40, Issue 4 December 2018/January 2019

DKG Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal
growth of women educators and excellence in education.
DKG Vision Statement: Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide

From the President’s Pen


The Holiday season is upon us, and I know we are all busy with the tasks of the season.
This is always an exciting time of the year, and that carries over to our sisterhood in Kappa
Phi and the Annual Christmas Dinner and Auction to raise money for our Early Educators
Awards. Linda Anderson, our newest member, has invited us into her home for this
December 6 event. We will dine on the delicious dishes that our members provide followed
by the auction. Our own Nancy Shaheen, auctioneer extraordinaire, will be running the
show. Come and bring a guest or two, your auction item, and your money! You know we
love to eat!

We will be using Perfect Potluck to manage the food. Choose a special holiday dish and list it on the Perfect Pot-
luck notice for others to see. The idea is to help everyone decide what they want to bring and coordinate our

Your Executive Board will be meeting in January to review the year and plan for the spring. Our goal is to provide
productive leadership for a dynamic group of women. In our year of building bridges we want to bring new mem-
bers into our fold, and, with that in mind, we will be discussing strategies that will attract both active and retired
educators. If you have ideas to share, please do so over the next six weeks. Working
together makes us a powerful team!

Lee Nitcholas, President


Kappa Phi Officers, 2018-2020

President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee Nitcholas 1st Vice President. . . . . . Marilyn Marsh
2nd Vice President. . . . . . . Marci Matlock Recording Secretary. . . . Chris Little
Corresponding Secretary. . . Sally Saar Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Bielamowicz
Parliamentarian. . . . . . . . Nancy Shaheen

We appreciate our officers and all the work they do to keep Kappa Phi the exceptional Chapter that we all love!

Editor: Celeste Craig, 6210 White Rose Trail, Dallas, TX 75248 celrob2@sbcglobal.net
Website: kappaphitexas.weebly.com
3 $$ Money Matters $$
As shared in my email, Kappa Phi’s dues have been submitted! We officially have 25 active
members, 1 reserve member, and 1 honorary member. It would be nice to have several more
members. Keep that in mind, please.

We will be working on adding to our Early Educator Fund at our next function on Thursday,
December 6th. I have been told the meeting will be short or even non-existent so that we can focus on having fun
and visiting with our sisters. Hopefully you have either gotten your contribution for the auction or know what you
will be bringing. Time to let your creativity shine!

Thanks to Jan Waggoner who will be sending us a contribution to the auction as she cannot join us. Remember to
invite your friends, especially those familiar with DKG, to the party!

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Pat Bielamowicz, Treasurer

My DKG and the Member Directory

Have you ever met a fellow DKG member but didn’t know how to get in touch later on?
Have you ever wanted to find a phone number for a committee member? The DKG
Member Directory is the answer—if the member has updated her profile.

My DKG on the DKG International Website (www.dkg.org) is a member’s profile. It con-

tains the member’s chapter, id number, date joined, address, email, phone number, and
more. It is also where members can update that information, access Communities, donate to
the Emergency Fund, shop DKG, and register for conferences and conventions.

Once logged into the member side of the DKG Website, click on the “MyDKG” tab. To log
into the site, a member needs her id number and password. Use the pencil edit icon to look up the information on
the “About ME” tab on the red bar. Click to save after any changes.

Next, click on the “My Participation” tab and click “yes” to share the information in the Member Directory. This
will allow other members (and members only) to find you in the Directory.

Since a member can easily update her own data, she knows it is accurate and International has the most correct
information for others to use. IF everyone share their profiles, members will have an International Directory and
methods of communicating with other members anywhere!

Lee Nitcholas, President

Program Notes

Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s time for our annual Christmas Auction! Please join us for a feel-good evening
to have fun with our DKG friends and help our fund raiser at the same time. As you know, we
are raising money for our service project, our Early Educators Awards to help early educators
on their ways to successful and long careers. A huge thanks to Vicky Herr, Debbie Moss, and Tina Flatt who de-
veloped the guidelines for the Awards and the guidelines for choosing the recipients. So let’s all come out and
support this event so we can help these deserving early educators grow professionally. It will be a really good way
to start our Holiday Season by giving to our fellow educators in a fun way. Any Christmas item hand-crafted or
purchased will bring a good price to support our project. Nancy Shaheen will again be our entertaining auctioneer
for the festivities. Linda Anderson has graciously offered her home to us for this event. Please bring a guest and
come out for all the action! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday, December 6th, at 6:00 p.m. at
Linda’s home! 1211 Sycamore Drive, Carrollton, TX, 75007

Marilyn Marsh, First Vice President of Programs

December Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2018 Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Place: Home of Linda Anderson Inspiration: Debbie Moss
1211 Sycamore, Carrollton 75007

Purpose: To Unite To Advance To Initiate, Endorse, Support To Endow

What to Bring: A hand-crafted or purchased Christmas item for the auction

Your favorite holiday dish

It is the expectation that every member contributes to this fundraiser. So, if you are unable to attend, please mail
your contribution to Pat.

Be Thinking About This Auction Item: VIP Package for Repertory Company Theatre’s production of White Christ-
mas, Sunday, December 16, at 2:00 p.m. Package includes 8 seats in the VIP Box and complimentary snacks and
beverages (includes wine/beer). This would be a fun item to bid on with a group of friends.

Future Meetings
January 10, 2019: ASTEF Emphasis and Kappa Phi Birthday, Sweet Basil’s—5:30-7:30
February 7, 2019: Federal Highway Adm/Tribal Consultation: A Primer, Church of the Apostles, Coppell—5:30
April 4, 2019: Historical Tour, Farmers Branch Museum and Park, Dinner following at Nuevo Leon—5:30
May 9, 2019: Founders’ and Presidents’ Celebration, Initiation, Marshall’s BBQ—5:30-7:30

January Meeting
Date: Thursday, January 10 Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Place: Sweet Basil Restaurant Inspiration: Celeste Craig
17610 Midway, Dallas

Purpose: To Unite To Honor To Advance To Endow

Program: ASTEF Emphasis and Happy 40th Birthday, Kappa Ph!

Kappa Phi Yearbook


The Kappa Phi Yearbook has been completed, and required copies have been sent to the appro-
priate State officials. Whew!! If you have not received your digital copy, please let me know,
and I will send one to you (smprice@hotmail.com). Check your personal information to make
sure it is correct, and let me know if I need to make corrections.

Susan Price, YearbookChair

Prospect Card
Do you know an outstanding female
educator who would be a perfect fit for Name
Kappa Phi Chapter and Delta Kappa
Gamma? If so, fill in the “Prospect Address
Card”, cut it out, and bring it to a meet-
ing, or mail it to Marci Matlock.

Seeking Future TSO Leaders
Applications for TSO Elected Officers and Elected Committees (Nominations and Finance) are now available on
the Deadlines/Forms page and the Nominations Committee page of the Texas State Website (dkgtexas.org). The
following are elected officials:

1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary

All of the above must have completed two or more of the following leadership assignments at the state level prior
to taking office: Committee chairman/co-chairman, Area Coordinator, or Chairman/Co-chairman of a state con-

2019 Texas State Convention

The 2019 Texas State Convention will be in Arlington, June 20-22. Delta Kappa Gamma Con-
ventions are always fun, inspirational, and educational, and it would be wonderful if we could
have a large contingent of Kappa Phi members attending—especially since it is in our own
backyard. Mark these dates on your summer calendar!

5 The deadline for the February/March newsletter is Monday, January 21. If you
would like to submit an article for that edition, please send it to Celeste
(celrob2@sbcglobal.net) by that date.

A special “thank you” to Debbie Moss. She has been doing an amazing job as the
“substitute recording secretary” while Chris Little recovers from her wrist injury. Debbie sent in the min-
utes for this December/January newsletter the week after the October meeting! She was really on the
ball. Thank you, Debbie!

1, 2.Graphics courtesy of dkgtexas.org/graphics 3. Photos courtesy of Kappa Phi Members 4. Free Illustration:, Microsoft HeLLo GoD
5. Free Illustration: period-481478_960_720.jpg

Grant-In-Aid News
Update on Grant activity. . . There has been interest in our project to fund early educators, so applications and
requests have been submitted. Decisions on who gets the funds will occur in February, so this project is ongoing.
Reminders will be sent and contact with the staff will be ongoing. For sure we want early educators to feel we are
invested in their future.

3 3

Vicky Herr and Debbie Moss


We all know how helpful Siri can be, even though we might get a little frustrated with the program
3 at times. Did you know, though, that you can:

Ask Siri to translate. The program can translate in several languages. This might come in handy on your next trip

Not only will the program spell the

translation out for you, it will pronounce
it, as well!

3 3

Celeste Craig, Communications Chairman

Happy Birthday to You!
Betty Shaw December 18
Laura Harbin December 28
3 Roberta Gould December 28
Sarah Eaton January 4
Sally Saar January 25

Betty, Susan, Lee, Nancy, Pat, Mary, and Mary, Betty, and Lee at Remington’s.
Debbie enjoyed a dinner get-together at Rem-
ington’s in November. Thank you, Nancy, for
organizing it!


Nancy, Lee, and Debbie are ready for din- Mary, Betty, Susan, Lee—A lovely group of
ner to arrive! Kappa Phi sisters!

Carol Kull’s Lasagna Recipe
(makes 12-20 servings, depending on how you cut it)

1 Lb. Mild Italian Sausage

1 Lb. Lean Ground Beef
1 Extra Large and 1 Large jar Prego Spaghetti Sauce (any flavor)
Lasagna Noodles (can use no boil, they work fine) (may need just over a full box for 3 layers)
1 Egg
3 8-oz. packets of Italian Blend Shredded Cheese (Kroger brand works fine)
Extra Salt and Oregano, Basil, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, etc. to taste

(Works well to put together a day or two ahead of time, cover and refrigerate to let the flavors blend to-
gether and the noodles to soften and absorb some of the sauce)

Mix the Italian Sausage and Ground Beef together with most of the sauce (reserve about 1 cup). Add
about 1/2 bag of the cheese and 1 egg. Add extra spices as desired and combine well.

Take a greased 9x13 inch lasagna pan or casserole dish and spread the remaining 1 cup of sauce on the
bottom of the pan.

Plan to portion out the noodles, sauce, and cheese to make 3 layers.

Layer the noodles first, then 1/3 of the meat, sauce, and cheese mixture, then a layer of cheese, and re-
peat. Finish with a layer of cheese.

Cover a refrigerate for a day or two, or cover with foil and bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at 350 degrees
(depending on you oven), uncovering in the last 20-30 minutes to brown the cheese.

Remove from oven and let rest for 15-30 minutes to firm up, and serve.

OCTOBER 4, 2018

Members Present: Lee Nitcholas, Sally Saar, Barbara Taylor, Mary Funk, Robert Gould, Marilyn
Marsh, Susan Price, Nancy Shaheen, Barbara Gilbert, Debbie Moss, Betty Shaw

Welcome: President Lee Nitcholas welcomed all who came to the meeting and expressed our thanks to
our hostess for having us.

Inspiration: Barbara Gilbert read a quote from Trevor Noah’s book, Born a Crime:

“I don’t regret anything I’ve done in life, any choice that I’ve made. But I’m consumed
with regret for the things I didn’t do, the choices I didn’t make, the things I didn’t say.”

Introduction of Speaker/Program: Marilyn Marsh introduced Carol Kull, who opened her home to us
this evening and who is very active in the Prairie Dogs Dutch Oven Group. Her friend Cindy Koch,
who was also helping with the presentation, is also an active member of the Dutch Oven Group.

Program: Carol Kull and Cindy Koch prepared a delicious meal for us using their Dutch ovens. They
showed us their utensils and how they heat the coals that they use under each pot. In order to cook the
lasagna, the coals were placed both under and on top of the pot. Cindy prepared two kinds of sour
dough breads—with herbs and without herbs. She also prepared two desserts—a chocolate pudding and
bananas foster. Carol prepared the savory dishes including the lasagna. Carol also gave us some tips on
how to take care of cast iron pans and how to restore old rusted ones. We all enjoyed the wonderful
meal, and we have a tremendous appreciation for all of the work it takes to prepare a Dutch oven meal!

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was posted in the newsletter. Pat Bielamowicz reported
that dues are due by the end of the month. She also reported that the dues structure will be changing.
She will give us more information at the next meeting.

Secretary’s Report: Debbie Moss, substituting for Chris Little, said that the secretary’s report was
posted in the newsletter. The minutes were approved as written.

Membership Report: Marci Matlock was unable to attend the meeting. There was a discussion about
trying to get new members. Debbie Moss reminded everyone that the Prospect Card is printed in our
October/November newsletter. The first step is to think of the educators that might be a fit for Kappa
Phi and put their name on the Prospect Card—with at least an email address and your name as a

sponsor. If we can send in some names soon, Marci could send them an invitation to our December

Legislative Report: Roberta Gould reported that health care premiums will not be raised for retired
teachers this year.

Old Business: Debbie Moss reported that she and Vicky Herr met with the teachers at Strickland who
are eligible for the Early Educator Grant. The grant program was explained and the teachers were given
hard copies of the grant application. An email was also sent to them prior to the meeting with an invita-
tion to complete the application online.

New Business: Nancy Shaheen suggested that we meet for dinner on November 1st since we don’t have
a regular meeting. She will find a place for us to meet and will send an email to let us know the details.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Delta Kappa Gamma
Phi Chapter

Treasurer’s Report

Balance August 31, 2018 $10,453.73 *


9/12 Dues: Funk, Taylor, Perry, Anderson, Saar, Gould, Price $630.00
9/12 ASTEF $ 33.05
9/19 Dues: Matlock, Harbin $180.00
9/19 Workshop—Matlock, Initiation Fee $ 22.00


#1170 Stamps—Bielamowicz $ 10 .00

#1172 Convention Expense—Nancy Shaheen $ 50.00

October 31, 2018 $11,258.78

*Includes $5,786.68 designated for scholarship money


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