What a great August meeting we had! Thanks to Marilyn for being an outstanding
hostess. And aren’t we great cooks! So many delicious dishes… It was nice to have
everyone together once again to begin the new year. We have filled all the vacan-
cies on our committees and now look forward to a great year. This year our theme is
“Bridging yesterday and tomorrow”. Our new approach of offering grants to young teachers is a good
way to move in that direction. Kudos to Debbie and Vicky for their detailed crafting of the changes we
will be piloting this year.
Our September meeting at TSO quarters will include an initiation ceremony. Linda Anderson, long time
guest, will be initiated, and we will welcome Roberta Gould as a transferring member. Please be sure to
welcome them both as new members of Kappa Phi.
We have a nice group planning to go to Little Elm for the Area IX Workshop on Saturday, September
15. Lunch will be at the Hula Hut Restaurant on the north shore of Lake Lewisville. Contact me if you
want to join the group; it is not too late to sign up!
Editor: Celeste Craig, 6210 White Rose Trail, Dallas, TX 75248
$$ Money Matters $$
There was no activity in our account in June. The Treasurer’s Report for the July bank
statement shows a deposit for the Area 9 Workshop, expenses of the birthday cake,
convention expense, and workshop fees for eight members.
We now have nine members signed up for the workshop. You can still sign up if you wish to go. Email
me that you want to attend. I will register you, and you will need to send me your $12 fee, or give it to
me at the September meeting.
Many thanks to the members who paid their annual dues of $90. I have to have these by October 31. I
appreciate getting them sooner as the paper work takes some time. Date your check the day you want me
to deposit it, and I will do that.
Dinner following the program at Café de France, 17370 Preston Rd., Suite #505, Dallas.
Yearly Program Calendar
I updated our Kappa Phi website and completed the paperwork, and I am pleased to say that
our website has met compliance with Society website standards for the 2008-2010 bien-
nium. This means that our chapter website can be listed and linked from the International
and State websites. We even have a special seal at the bottom of
the main page! Check it out at
ASTEF Update
ASTEF (Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation) receives contributions and conducts fundraising
activities to:
This year slightly over $38,000 was awarded to multiple chapters across the state. Every person attend-
ing the Annual Meeting in Waco received a bookmark listing the winning chapter, project name, and
amount awarded. These bookmarks will also be available at the Area Workshops.
Remember that not only chapters can apply, but individual members and areas can, too.
In preparation for Texas night, the Monday night of the convention, Lee Nitcholas sent in photos that she
had taken in and around Dallas, and Charlotte Davis sent photos of bluebonnets at her house, as well as
other bluebonnet pictures. Farmers Branch was represented in the slideshow by Charlotte’s photos from
Farmers Branch, and one of Lee’s Dallas photos may have been used. Thank you, Lee and Charlotte!
The slideshow was enjoyed by many guests from around the world.
Getting to Know You
Roberta was raised in a military family. She was born in Panama, and her early
elementary years were spent in Germany. She graduated from Roosevelt High
School in San Antonio and Texas Women’s University in Denton with a major
in special education/elementary education, and a minor in history and political
The San Francisco Bay Area was Roberta’s home for 11 years. She attended California State University,
Haywood, and received inventory certification. She worked for Bio-Rad Laboratories in Richmond,
California, as an Inventory Analyst.
Returning to the DFW metroplex in 1983, Roberta started her career with Lewisville ISD in 1986,
where she taught for 28 years. She taught third and fifth grades at two different elementary schools in
Lewisville. Roberta was Teacher of the Year at both Flower Mound Elementary and Bridlewood Ele-
mentary. In 2005 she was honored by the Texas Council for Social Studies as Texas Social Studies Ele-
mentary Teacher of the Year for the state.
Roberta has written a multitude of published curriculum and has served on the state committee for revis-
ing the latest Social Studies TEKS. She has also done numerous presentations at various Texas Council
for the Social Studies conferences, as well as the Council for the Advancement of Mathematics confer-
ences. Although she retired two years ago, Roberta continues to substitute because she misses being in
the classroom with the students. Education is definitely Roberta’s passion!
Robert has two adult sons, Greg and David. Her hobbies include traveling, hiking, counted cross stitch,
and she is an avid reader. Her favorite biographer is David McCullough, and she is currently reading all
of Kathy Reichs’ and Nevada Barr’s books.
September 6: Chapter Meeting Use the following link to access the minutes from
September 15: Area IX Workshop 4 the August meeting: August Minutes
October 4: Chapter Meeting (Hold down your Ctrl key and click “August”
with your mouse)
October 31: Dues Must Be Paid You can also access the “Minutes” on the Kappa
December 6: Christmas Auction Phi website.
Happy Birthday to You!
Lee Nitcholas September 12
Susan Price September 19
3 Barbara Taylor September 24
Tina Flatt September 28
Lee, Nancy, Susan and Lee, Nancy, Susan, and Celeste at the Lee, Nancy, Susan, and Celeste at the
Celeste pose with Chip and Diamonds and Denim Banquet at TSO Armstrong Browning Museum and
Joanna at the TSO Convention. Library, Baylor Campus, Waco.
Marilyn, our hostess, making sure Marci and Ann at the August Vicky, Marci, Chris, and Pat at the
everything is ready! meeting. August meeting.
1, 2. Graphics courtesy of 3. Photos courtesy of Kappa Phi Members 4. Graphics courtesy of Microsoft Word non-
commercial use graphics 5. Free Illustration: period-481478_960_720.jpg