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Psi State News Issue 2

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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International--For Key Women Educators

VOL. 65, NO. 2 FALL 2015


Official Publication of the Georgia State Organization

Getting Involved!
by Gail Springstead
Psi State President

September Executive Board

started with a bang! An
explosion of activities
erupted as committees
began planning a myriad of
opportunities to Impact
Psi State/Georgias Day at
the Capitol, Leadership
Institute, Deltahostel, and
Leadership Seminar I offer
personal and professional
development as well as
making DKG better known
in the state. A new
Alabama/Georgia (ALAGA)
Fine Arts Retreat is being
planned for June. Make
plans to participate and
showcase your artistic


Jonnie Ghetti leads treasurers from around the
state through the most current and relevant
information to keep chapters on track.

It is also time to apply for

the Golden Gift Leadership
Management Seminar,
scholarships for advanced
degrees and endorsements,
grant money for a
classroom, or community
project through the
Boylston Foundation and
Cornetet grants.


Brown and team meet to discuss existing and
future projects which expand the work of

This is just a taste of

what is on the schedule
with new opportunities
in the development
stage. In which of these
activities are you going
to participate --maybe
for the first time? May
you feel the excitement,
energy and enthusiasm
that I do! Georgia is just
getting started.

TECHNOLOGY Merry Willis and fellow

committee members plan ways for members to
learn about programs that can add to
members existing toolboxes of technology.

Learn to lead with Becky Sadowski

of Education at the
University of Memphis.

by Martha Noyes
Leadership Committee

"You are never too old to set

another goal or to dream a
new dream," said Rebecca
(Becky) Sadowski, quoting
C.S. Lewis. The Southeast
Regional Director and the
chair of the 2016 Convention
Steering Committee, Becky
will be our guest speaker at
the Leadership Institute in
Macon on Saturday,
February 20.
Since becoming a DKG
member in 1989, Becky has
served on the local, state,
regional, and international
levels as a participant,
presenter, chairperson, and

Becky is a Xi State
Achievement Award
Recipient; she has also
received the Jo Patterson
Award in Gifted Education in
Tennessee. She has served
as XI State President, and
internationally, she has been
recognized as a "Woman of
Vision." She was a Golden
Gift Leadership Management
and Renaissance Program
participant. Professionally,
Becky has served as the
President of the Tennessee
Association for the Gifted
and was the Keynote
Presenter at Tennessee Legal
Education Conference on
Special Education.
Married to her college
sweetheart for 46 years,
Becky has two grown
children and four
granddaughters. She also
assists in caring for her
mother who just celebrated
her 89th birthday.

Although she is very busy,

she is looking forward to the
Leadership Institute. Becky
Serving as a Special
said, "My goal for one day
Education advocate has been together is that each person
Becky's passion. Living in
will leave with a clearer
Tennessee, she has served as understanding of her own
a classroom teacher, a Lead
leadership philosophy.
Teacher for the Memphis
Having this knowledge will
City Schools, an Adjunct
guide us as we consider
Professor at the University of possible leadership roles and
Memphis, and a Special
also as we lead others
Education Specialist and an
whether we are at the
Educational Consultant for
podium or sitting among the
Shelby County Schools, as
group of participants!"
well as the head of the School

February 20, 2016
Forest Hill United
Methodist Church
1217 Forest Hill Road
Macon, GA 31210
9:00 AM Registration
9:30 AM 3:30 PM Program

Registration: $20.00
(includes catered lunch)
Registration Information:




Email address for confirmation:

Daytime phone for confirmation:

Mail to:
Jonnie Ghetti
Psi State Org. Treasurer
7306 Hedgewood Way
Hoschton, GA 30548
February 12, 2016

The best way to

predict the future is
to create it.


by Hannah Fowler
Executive Secretary

This is an awesome quote and how

true it is! Think back over your life
and how you created your future
through planning and persistence.
The same is true for Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International.
Eighty-five years ago, the founder
of DKG looked into the future and
created an organization for
professional woman educators. She
had no idea at the time that DKG
would continue as a strong
organization and encompass 17
envision the future and then lay out
the plans to create it!
It has been the responsibility of
every generation to pay it
What do you see in the future of
forward and continue to create a
DKG in your chapter and in our
viable future for the organization.
state? The Georgia biennium
Georgia State Organization
theme Impacting Members
president, Gail Springstead, has
Impacting Communities gives
challenged officers and committees each member a focus to begin
to create a plan that will lead DKG planning the future we DKG will
through 2026. How exciting to
create. Past International President,
Dr. Beverly Helms, stated, Our

future will only be as bright as our

chapters are strong, so together
lets do everything possible to
strengthen every chapter and make
DKG shine.
Lets begin today to create the
future of DKG beginning in your
chapter--the heart of our


One of the new World
Fellowship Recipients is
attending UGA! Maria is
from Costa Rica, and her
field of study is geography.
Her address is confidential
and should not be posted on
any websites. However,
chapter presidents can
email their district director
for Maria's contact
Let's welcome Maria to our
friendly peach state!
by Jeanne Stroebel, World Fellowship Chair

Looking for a good read that will help

you as a leader in your chapter? May
we suggest Haydn Shaw's Sticking
Points? You'll hear much more about
this book at the Spring Leadership
Training Conference!

And speaking of the Spring

Leadership Training
Conference...Plans are being made,
excitement is being generated,
speakers are being gathered, your
needs are being addressed, food is
being ordered, training sessions are
being developed, interest sessions
are evolving. It is going to be a
whirlwind Friday night and
Saturday, and we can't wait to be a
part of another Georgia first
designed to bring the wonderful
sisters of DKG together to prepare
them to be officers, committee
chairs, and members!
Save the dates now: April 29 and 30,
2016, in Warner Robins. One gigantic
training meeting! It's going to be
by Virginia McChesney, First Vice-President


2016 Delta Hostel is Coming!

Date: March 11-13, 2016

Location: Thomasville, GA
Cost: $220 (or $87
without lodging)
Rewards: Priceless!

Friday P.M. Arrive (if possible) by 3:30
P.M. at Hampton Inn Thomasville, check in
and unpack. Leave motel at 4:15 P.M. for
Jonahs Fish and Grits,(does not make
reservations.) Latecomers, please arrive at
Jonahs by 4:30 (109 E. Jackson St.). Enjoy a
special and delicious treat here...

(so that you will joi

n us)

Friday night. After returning to

the Hampton, relax and enjoy a
Meet and Greet fellowship
followed by Psi State greetings,
and a weekend packet/overview.
Alpha Omicron is bringing
Welcomegoodie bags, while
Sigma is providing lemonade and
cookies, both special treats. The
Thomas County Historical Society
curator will then present an
interesting oral/audio-visual
program on the area history.

From Thomasville
Rose City, home
plantations an
T he B ig O ak
C o lq u it t s M u ra
C i t y, h o m e o
Swamp Gravy an
Saturday A.M. After a hot/cold
d breakfast, guests will depart at 9:30
mayhaw jell
y , A.M. to visit the famous Pebble Hill
So ut hwes t G eo rg
ia Plantation, where we will enjoy a
beckons you t
o guided tour of the Main House. This
a memorable experience will be of
interest to all who love art, history,
weekend of histor
y, antiques, or the great outdoor beauty.
artistic and music
al A large complex of buildings plus a
expression, love an
d gift shop are ours to enjoy. Alpha
Si st erly fe llow sh ip Delta is catering a picnic lunch, and
Yall come; youll be Xi is providing dessert. Enjoy some
glad you did.

free time before we leave for Colquitt

at 2:30 P.M.
Saturday P.M. The DKG group will
travel 1 1/4 hours to Colquitt, then
enjoy an Alpha Omicron tour of the
lovely murals in theMural City.
Next a treat begins at Cotton Hall
Theater for the 5:30 P.M. original
production of Swamp Gravy: Order
in the Courtfeaturing true tales of
Southwest Georgia. For 25 years
Swamp Gravy, the official folk-life play
of Georgia, has produced stories and
delighted audiences of all ages/
backgrounds. After an exciting blend
of comedy, drama, and music, we will
then enjoy a delectable prime rib,
shrimp, and all-the-trimmings dinner
buffet at Moby Dicks near
Colquitt. Alpha Omicron is
decorating the tables for us to make
our meal particularly festive.
Sunday A.M. After a hot/cold
breakfast, check out of the Hampton
Inn, then at 9:30 A.M. join our DKG
Sisters as we gather around the
massive 335 year old The Big
Oakfor Sunday morning devotions/
music. This Service will also serve as
the culmination of a weekend filled
with history, artistic/musical
expression, Sisterly fellowship, and
lifelong memories .

Print this form and mail it in to secure your

spot for this exciting opportunity!

2016 GA (Psi State) DeltaHostel

Please complete Registration Form for each attendee and guest.
Last Name:___________________________First Name:___________________________Title:________
Address:_________________________________City:___________________ State:_______Zip:_______
Home Phone:___________________Cell Phone:__________________E-Mail______________________

I grant permission to the GA (Psi State) Organization of the D.K.G Society

International to use my photograph in the Psi State News and/or on the
Society website. _____Yes _____No Initials_______

Weekend price includes motel (2 queens beds-2 guests/room), Jonahs

meal, Thomas Co. Historical Society speaker,Pebble Hill Plantation
admission, Swamp Gravy admission, Moby Dicks meal, all taxes&
gratuities is $220.00 or $87.00 (no lodging)
amount paid :_______________ck#_________
roommate preference:_____________________________________________
Make check to Psi State (DeltaHostel on memo line) and postmark by Feb.
11, 2016 (non-refundable after this).
Mail this part to:
Mrs. Becky Avera
729 Dukes Creek Road
Edison, GA 39846

Arts Retreat and
Workshop: Meet
at the River

The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society
International Arts &

by Becky Avera

Humanities Jury is

Personal Development Chair

Calling Georgia Sisters to meet

Alabama at the river, yes, the
Chattahoochee, for an exciting
weekend of fun, food, friendships,
and artistic presentations and

pleased to announce the

publication of What I
Did On My Vacation, an
art quilt, by Bobbie R.
Daughtry in the DKG
Gallery of Fine Arts, an

This event will be June 10-12, 2016

at Bagby State Park near Ft. Gaines,
Georgia. Alabama has already lined
up several presenters for unique
demonstrations such as acrylic
coasters, basic quilting, paper
quilling, feather pins, pins made
from mens neckties, string picture
greetings cards, and cross stitch.
We will have 14 sessions available
for our members, and yes, you
Georgia Sisters can still sign up to
present, by letting Becky Avera, Psi
State Personal Development Chair
know by e-mail what youd like to
(beckyavera@yahoo.com). Dont
worry--youll have plenty of time to
create some of the items listed above
and also present your artistic

online gallery of works of

art and letters at
www.dkg.org. Daughtry, a
resident of Swainsboro,
GA, is a member of Beta
Beta Chapter.
Please confirm by email that you can
help and what youd like to present,
and no, you dont have to be a
professional to show off your
By the way, the individual
registration fee will cover the items
that you choose to make. Well have
other highlights of the weekend
including a tour of Shorter Mansion

in Eufaula, Alabama, and a driving

tour of Eufaulas antebellum homes.
The weekend price will be available
soon, but now we need to show
Alabama that Georgia also has
talented Sisters, by signing up to
present your artwork or craft. Lets
make this first-time event a great one
to remember


Make plans to attend the
National Legislative Seminar
at the Holiday Inn, National
Airport, Crystal City, in
Arlington,Virginia from
March 13-16, 2016. Based
on the results of the NLS
Planning Survey given at
each regional conference,
the NLS will place an
emphasis on the following
five topics:

Bullying and Cyberbullying

High-Stakes Testing
Human Trafficking
Mental Health/Gun Violence
Pay Equity/Fair Pay for Women

Registration information:


Recruiting and retaining members

in your chapter: What you can do
by Gwen White
Membership Chair

Dona Christopher
Alpha Zeta
May 2015

Agnes Hodges Moseley

Alpha Omicron
June 22, 2015

Elaine Vann
July 3, 2015

Marie DiPaola
Beta Kappa
July 11, 2015

Grace Puckett
Beta Rho
July 2015

Ellen Davis
August 21, 2015

Shirley Mell
September 8, 2015

Tammy Fountain Alpha

September 30, 2015

Angela Rodriguez
Gamma Delta
October 2015

Psi State Membership Committee trusts that the recruitment process is going
well for you. Its so rewarding to both the chapter and the new members when
worthy ladies join the fold. Remember that you can locate all info at dkg.org
under Committees, Membership, Membership Recruitment Plan 2015.
Additionally, find all four of the new recruitment forms on the state website,
dkgga.weebly.com, under Psi State Tools, Committee Info & Forms,
Recruitment. Hopefully, these tools are helpful for you to download and
complete to meet your chapters needs. By making use of the Pride in the Big
Picture slide presentation at an orientation session; the beautiful new
pamphlet, A Journey for Life, available free from International; and your
chapters mentors, you will have your new members off to a very informed
As you work toward recruitment, it is important to note that the criterion for
the biennial Order of the Rose award has changed. Your new membership
committee thought it important that the award be given only to those chapters
that INCREASE membership during the biennium, not just maintain. We
realize that this will be tougher for some chapters than others due to chapter
size, number of deaths and withdrawals of members, economic conditions, and
the list goes on and on. However, with the societys emphasis on increasing
membership, this seems a worthy endeavor to pursue.
After recruiting new members, of course you want to RETAIN them and all the
others, too! Here are a few ideas we brainstormed that may help with
assign new members promptly to working committees & keep mentors
for at least a year
survey members to discover their interests & talents
make use of members ideas & talents for meaningful programs &
involve multiple members in meetings by assigning jobs such as
greeting, hostessing, delivering the inspiration or icebreaker
hold raffles for World Fellowship or another cause
send agenda & minutes to members who miss meetings

Thanks, chapter membership chairs, for sending necrology forms (Report of

the Death of a Member form 6) in a timely manner. Please also send a PHOTO
along with the form to be used in remembrance at State Convention 2017.
Digital photos can be emailed to Gwen; so far only one photo has been received.
Send us your membership ideas, concerns, and questions so that we can share.
Committee members from each district are:
I Maggie Oyler maggieoyler@gmail.com
II Gwen White, chair, gwenlwhite@hotmail.com
III Marian Fletcher marian1251@earthlink.net
IV Gail Wilcher grwilcher@yahoo.com
V Sandra East chickeneast@yahoo.com
VI Evon Floyd jandefloyd@outlook.com

Syd Morrison, Cheryl Goff,

Laura Croom, Elaine Ruckel,
and Suzette Williamson. Each
member of the committee
by Betty Richardson
looks forward to working with
Communications Chair

the Georgia State Organization

The need for information
leadership and members to
becomes more important today ensure effective practices in
than ever before within all
communication are practiced
organization wide. Leslie will
publish the Psi State News,
Good communication is
essential in achieving building Sandra will post information
on the state website, and all
stronger relationships within
our chapters and Delta Kappa committee members will be
Gamma as a whole. The goal of participating in the Spring
the Communication Committee Leadership Conference in April
to share ideas with chapters.
this biennium is to foster the
development and
dissemination of
organizational news and
opportunities to our
membership and leadership
through the use of chapter
newsletters, media releases,
chapter and state websites,
and the Psi State News.

are key in DKG

The 2015-2017 biennium

communications committee is
Betty Richardson (chair),
Sandra Yerby, Leslie Giraldo,

Communication begins at all

points along the 360-degree
information pathway flowing
from the chapters to members
and to state leadership as well
as from state leadership to
chapters to the general
membership. The committee
functions as the fiber cable
through which this
information flows. It depends
upon the chapters to submit
their chapter newsletters and
media releases to
in order that chapter best
practices can be identified
and shared at the Spring
Leadership Conference. An
accounting by chapter of
submittals will be maintained.
All chapters are encouraged to
submit an electronic copy of
their newsletter quarterly and
at least five different media
releases over the biennium.
These submittals should go to

Great News
from Alpha Chi!
The Alpha Chi Chapter is proud to announce that Julie
Childers is now serving as the Superintendent of the
Wilcox County Schools.
Julie has been a member of Alpha Chi since 2013 and has
served on the Education Excellence and Sunshine

Save the date


by Ginger Holland
Legislative Contact

Georgia State Capitol Building

Please join your DKG sisters

from all over the state from
9:00-3:00 on Tuesday,
January 12, 2016, for the
Georgia Organizations
Legislative Day at the Georgia

100 Washington St.

Atlanta, GA 30334

Please R.S.V.P by January

4 here: http://
Events of the Day Include:
Capitol Tours
Meet and Greet with
Georgia Legislators
2016 Educational
Legislation Overview and
Quality time with your DKG

Event details, directions,

suggestions, and

Just as we joined together at the

Executive Board in September,
lets congregate in January for
our official Legislative Day.

transportation options are

available on the Sign-Up
Genius Page. Hope you to
see you all there!

Contact: Ginger Holland @

gmholland27@gmail.com or
404-840-2510 with


Consider applying for funding from
the Elise Boylston Memorial
Foundation. Detailedinformation
and application are available on the
Psi State website. Printed copies
areavailablefrom Dr. Hanna Fowler,
Psi Exec Sec or Dr. Corinne Daniel,
Boylston Trustee Chair.
The interactiveapplication form on
the Psi State website can be
completed and sent inelectronically.
All applications for 2016-2017
funding are due January 3, 2016.
The Boylston Trustees look forward
to receiving applications.

Scholarship Fund
by Gai
l Springstead

in memory of Steve

Leadership Fund
eley by Alpha Omic

in memory of A
ron Chapter

Elise Boylston Foun

dation in Honor of
ggy McCall by Psi St


Donations should
Treasurer. Please ind sent to Jonnie Ghetti, Georgia Stat
icate if you would no
published in the Ps
t like your donation
i State News.

Goals of the Educational Excellence Committee

Project and Activity Ideas for EEC. It
is a 30-page document that includes
ideas compiled from state biennial
reports by the International EEC in
March 2015. It has great program
ideas like A Night At The Movies
and The Essence of Growth to Be the
Best Me.

by Kathy Brown
EEC Chair

Take a moment and think of one thing

that you would LOVE to be doing right
nowIs that one thing something that
you are passionate about? Is it
something that you are good at, or
something that you would be willing
to share with others?
Through the Educational Excellence
Committee, we have asked our
chapter to Pick Your Passion!, and
use that passion to develop programs,
project and activities that empower,
promote, and change. We do this by
supporting our International/State
projects like Schools for Africa,
Supporting Early-Career Educators,
and increasing Global Awareness, just
to name a few.
But what does that look like for us at
the chapter level? One way is through
exciting, high-energy programs and
If you are looking for somewhere to
begin, there is a wonderful resource
found at www.dkg.org on the EEC
page entitled, Collection of Program

Another way to get your membership

involved is to just ask them what they
are passionate about. Remember that
first question you were asked? Here is
how you put it to work!
Pass out an index card at the
beginning of the meeting and ask
your member to write down their
passion. Now, allow them to share
their answers with others, either in
small groups or as a whole. Take it
one step further by asking if they
would be willing to share their
passion as a program at one of
your DKG meetings.
Not only are you including your
membership in the decision
process of selecting programs for
the chapter, but you are also
tapping into the individual
potential of your membership.
Who knows? The program may
turn into something bigger, like
a workshop at the International
or State Conventions. You may
also be able to Pick Your
(New) Passion! for yourself.
The possibilities are endless
and exciting for you AND your



Mission Statement: Delta

Kappa Gamma Society
International promotes
professional and personal
growth of women educators
and excellence in education.

Leading Women Educators

Impacting Education

1. Advance
in education
2. Empower
3. Increase


Thanks for all of you

to share what is goin
g on
throughout our state.
Please jot down the
following dates for
February 12
May 7


Issue no. 2
Volume 65

If you have questions or comments, feel free to

mail the editor at

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