Dis Language Policy
Dis Language Policy
Dis Language Policy
Language Practices
Instruction at all levels in the school focus on the major teaching emphases:
Teaching Practices:
Provide time and support for students to reflect, represent and report on their reading, e.g.
use of strategies;
Model the process of reflection;
Support students reading with a range of scaffolding;
Provide specific and targeted feedback to guide students to independence;
Devise plans to meet the needs of all students;
Use a balance of small group, whole class and individual instruction;
Create an environment where students feel free to take risks;
Use a range of research-based reading procedures;
Use a range of effective teaching and learning practices;
Embed experiences in texts to build students knowledge
Create reading experiences that are engaging, authentic, culturally and developmentally appropriate;
Help students make connections between their current understanding and new learning;
Plan experiences across subject areas to allow students to consolidate and integrate
new understandings and skills;
Work together to support students with different language learning needs.
Genres of Reading
Students at appropriate developmental stages will be taught strategies and be encouraged to read broadly
in a range of reading genres, including both fiction and nonfiction.
Instruction at all levels in the school focus on the major teaching emphases:
1. Environment and Attitude
2. Use of Texts
3. Contextual Understanding
4. Conventions
5. Processes and Strategies
Teaching Practices:
Purposes of writing
Students at appropriate developmental stages will be taught and be given chances to apply in authentic
contexts the following purposes of writing.
Create a supportive environment that nurtures students to become confident speakers and receptive
listeners in English, Filipino and in other languages spoken
Encourage students to experiment with difficult forms of speaking
Plan for constructing and refining understanding of language through purposeful talk
Encourage and practice active listening and discussion
Teach and encourage the use of the language of social interaction
Teach and encourage the use of the language of literacy and literary analysis
Teach and encourage the use of the language of thinking
Teach and encourage the use of formal language in oral presentations
Actively encourage and educate parents about the reasons for mother tongue development
Parents are encouraged to maintain the students mother tongue at home, and to try to maintain age
appropriate academic language. This is a regular message given out at parent presentations.
Parents are encouraged to use school premises to hold mother tongue appreciation or language
learning classes.