Grade 5 How We Organize Ourselves Sy14-15
Grade 5 How We Organize Ourselves Sy14-15
Grade 5 How We Organize Ourselves Sy14-15
Class/grade: Grade 5
transdisciplinary theme
Age group:
School code: 7800
Government Systems
PYP Planner
What are the possible ways of assessing students understanding of the central
idea? What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for?
What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change, connection,
perspective, responsibility, reflection) to be emphasized within this inquiry?
Goal: Students will be able to design their own country with its own system of
government. They will construct their own countrys constitution and show
how their country is governed. It should include a description of the way the
government is organized by coming up with systems.
country. Considering the history, the events and the things that you have seen
from the Corregidor Trip, how will you improve or develop it into a place that is
What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the
students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving questions?
Students will create a poster of how their government would look like if they were to be a
president of their country. They have to show in their poster the different government systems
and their functions, the impact of their government on their citizens and the rights and
responsibilities of their government and their citizens.
What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of
the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for?
Line of Inquiry
Impact of
government on
The rights and
of the
government and
the citizens
Free-day - Students will be given a 40-minute free time to do whatever they wanted to do. Then they will discuss their answers on
the following questions:
o What happened with-in the 40-minute time given as your free time? Why do we need rules/routines?
o Who sets routines? Why?
Brainstorm, sort and organize who makes decisions on the following:
a. home b. school c. community
Why do they need to make decisions? Why do we have rules at home? Why do we have student handbooks in school?
Students will be watching video clips about lives in some barbaric places. Then they will share their ideas on:
If I were the leader in that place.
Students look at the rules we have at school and in their homes. They then discuss and share the impacts of these rules on them.
(Continued in Attachment A)
What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the learn er profile?
A. Transdisciplinary Skills
Thinking Skills:
Analysis - By learning about the different functions of the government system, students will be able to analyze the impact of
government systems on the lives of citizens
Synthesis - By learning about the rights and responsibilities of the government and the citizens, the students will be able to
understand that both have equal responsibilities to the country.
Social Skills:
Respecting others - By knowing and understanding about the different systems of the different types of government, students should
be able to recognize that other people's beliefs, viewpoints and ideas may differ from ones own
Cooperating - Students will be able to cooperate to work within their groups after having realized that others viewpoints and ideas
differ from their own.
Communication Skills:
Reading and Writing - Students will be able to improve their reading and writing skills in this unit as they gather facts and express
their ideas and opinions about a certain topic.
Research Skills:
Formulating Questions- Students will be able to develop more skills in formulating questions for their research.
Observing- Students will be able to develop more strategies on how to observe details needed for research.
B. Learner Profile
Knowledgeable - Students will be able to inquire about the government system of the Philippines and compare with the others. They
may also inquire into the different government systems in Philippine history and compare them.
Open-minded - Students will be able to understand and appreciate how different countries strive to achieve good governance.
C. Attitudes
Tolerance - Students will be able to develop this attitude when they become sensitive to the decisions and points of view of others
Appreciation - Students will be able to develop this attitude when, after learning about the different systems of a government, they
get to appreciate how these governments strive to achieve good governance
Relevance: The students, in general, developed a certain degree of awareness of the importance of
government systems, how the systems function and how the systems affect the lives of the citizens.
They became conscious of accepting each other's uniqueness and individuality making them more
considerate with one another and making them appreciate each others point of view. They were also
made to understand and realize the importance of having systems for them to live in a harmonious,
orderly and a better society.
Engaging: The students enjoyed sharing and discussing their ideas and concepts learned from their
readings, researches, and survey about the different forms of government, especially learning about
how each government is different from another. They were also engaged in discussing and sharing
insights about the different kinds of government systems that the colonizers imposed in Philippine
history, especially that they were able to connect well with what they saw in the dioramas of Philippine
history at Ayala Museum.
Challenging: The students found it tough and demanding, though interesting, to know and carry out their
responsibilities as good citizens, especially knowing about the effects of having good systems in their
lives. They felt overwhelmed that children as young as their age can already contribute to society,
therefore considering their actions as big accomplishments.
How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more
accurate picture of each students understanding of the central idea.
The assessment could have been better if west dwelt on the concepts. We could
have more focused our assessment in a smaller context using such concepts as
compared to a bigger concept like a country.
What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and
the transdisciplinary theme?
By looking at the different systems that each government has, students were able to
see the interconnectedness of human systems and community that influence the
lives of citizens. Through their knowledge and understanding of the systems in
government, they were also able to make connections to the concepts of structure
and decision-making.
9. Teacher notes
Unit of Inquiry
Having the students go on field trips helped them engage more with what we had
been doing in the classroom. This also made me realize the importance of field
trips to these group of students.
The Ayala Museum field trip was something that aroused the curiosity of the
students about the kind of life that the Filipinos had during the time of the
Knowing more about the government, the trip to Camp Crame helped them to
understand more about how laws are being implemented, who are implementing
and who are making the laws.
The field trip to Corregidor and the engagements undertaken during the field trip
was a big factor in making the students understand more about systems. It was a
good opportunity for them to finally see and prove what we had been talking about
in the classroom. As evidenced by their summative assessment, the students were
able to show a full grasp about systems and how systems influence the lives of
The students somehow tried to take the initiative of organizing their classroom
especially in fixing their classroom library and making sure now that the classroom
is in order before they leave.
The debate that the students had about Dictatorship and Democracy somehow
helped the students to become more Open-minded. The sharing of argumentsand
proving/defending their arguments with facts ignited their interest in writing
persuasive texts.
A. Learning Engagements
Finding Out
Sorting Out
Experiences and texts that add to the knowledge base. Emphasis on gathering first-hand data in a
range of ways (usually shared experiences)
Data collection
Line of Inquiry 3: The rights and responsibilities of the government and the citizens
Students list down the rights and responsibilities that they have at home and their
parents to them.
Students find-out the different rights and responsibilities of their school and
themselves in the school.
Students also look at their rights and responsibilities for their countries. Likewise,
they also find-out the rights and responsibilities of our government to them.
Students create an editorial cartoon that would compare and contrast the 4
kinds of government.
Students come up with a T-Chart that would illustrate or tell us about the
impacts of systems on individuals or groups.
Students compose a song that would show the rights and responsibilities of the
government and citizens.
Going Further
Activities to challenge and extend
Raising new questions, extending experiences, challenging assumptions. May be individually negotiated.
They compare and contrast the different systems of government the Philippine colonizers had Spaniards, Americans and Japanese.
Students analyze the lives of the people during the Spanish, American and Japanese colonization and connect these with the systems of governance that they had.
Drawing conclusions
Raising new questions, extending experiences, challenging assumptions. May be individually negotiated. Students draw conclusions of what they have learnt. This is an
important time to evaluate the success of the unit and the needs and achievements of individuals. This is where students put it all together.
Students come up with a generalization chart to show what they learned about the unit.
Students come up with a system for their classroom and decide to revisit their essential agreements so that they will change the things that are not effective with
agreements that they think will help in improving the systems that they have in the classroom.