Get your finances into shape and avoid future problems with Nolo's information on budgeting, saving, and avoiding consumer scams. Learn how to make smart decisions when using the Internet, buying cars, and purchasing life insurance. And know your rights when traveling, negotiating the health care system, and more.
Timeshare Cancellations: Can I Cancel a Timeshare Purchase?
If you just bought a timeshare, can you cancel? Maybe, but you'll have to act quickly.
Can I Cancel a Contract Within Three Days of Signing It?
Federal and state laws allow you to cancel certain types of contracts within three days.
AI and Data Privacy: Does the Law Protect Your Personal Information?
Data privacy is one of the biggest concerns with emerging artificial intelligence technology. The most prominent AI models—large language learning models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Meta’s LLaMa—are trained on vast quantities of data. The more data these AI models consume,
Car Leasing: Understanding Your Maintenance and Repair Responsibilities and More
Get key information about leasing a car before you sign on the dotted line.
If your car turns out to be a "lemon," you might be able to get a refund or a replacement vehicle. Here's how lemon laws for vehicles work.
Automobile Service Contracts: Are They Worth It?
An automobile service contract is similar to a warranty -- they both promise to perform or pay for certain repairs or services to your car. However, unlike a warranty, a service contract always costs extra.
What to Do If You Get a Credit Card You Didn’t Request
A company can’t send you a credit card you didn’t request. Here’s what to do if you get a random, unsolicited credit card in the mail.
ATM and Debit Card Overdraft Protection
Most consumer advocates recommend against getting overdraft protection for ATM and debit card transactions.
Your Liability for Unauthorized Credit and Debit Card Charges
Learn how to limit your liability for unauthorized charges to your credit, debit, or prepaid card.
Passport Laws and Border Entry Rules Under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
Learn about the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative when traveling to Canada, Mexico, and elsewhere.
Tarmac Delays and Airline Passenger Rights
Federal rules limit tarmac delay times and spell out airlines' obligations to passengers.
Pros and Cons of Airbnb, VRBO, and Other Short-Term Rentals
Advice for travelers on renting via Airbnb or Vrbo versus booking an hotel.
Avoiding Financial Trouble: Ten Tips
Get tips on how to keep your finances under control.
A realistic budget is your best weapon against overspending.
Take control of your finances by learning the basics of money management.
What Is Portfolio Diversification?
Investment diversification protects your portfolio from adverse stock market conditions. But how should I diversify my portfolio?
Medical Expense Accounts: FSAs, HRAs, HSAs, and MSAs
Tax-advantaged accounts, such as FSAs, HRAs, HSAs, and MSAs, can help you save and pay for medical expenses.
What Happens to Your Money If Your Bank Fails or Is Acquired?
What's protected and what's at risk if your bank, credit union, or brokerage firm fails.
Ten Signs You Might Be a Victim of Identity Theft
Your first step in recovering from identity theft is recognizing the warning signs.
Top Ten Ways to Prevent Identity Theft
Find out how to protect yourself from identity thieves.
What’s an FTC Identity Theft Report?
If you’re the victim of identity theft, you have the right to create an FTC Identity Theft Report.
Using Life Insurance to Provide for Your Children
Life insurance might be a good source of income for your kids if you die.
Naming a Beneficiary for Your Life Insurance Policy
If you buy life insurance for your family, or are offered a free or low-cost policy at work, you’ll be asked to name a beneficiary—someone who will receive any policy proceeds that are paid out a
Transfer Your Life Insurance and Decrease Your Estate Tax
If you own your life insurance policy, it could be subject to estate and gift taxes. Learn when these taxes apply and how to avoid them.
Obamacare: Health Insurance Marketplace Overview
Get answers to frequently asked questions about Obamacare and the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Medicare and Medicaid: What's the Difference?
Medicare and Medicaid coverage explained.
How Can I Get My Records From Former Doctors?
Legally, you have a right to a copy of your medical records. But it is also true that you will have to go back to the original doctor that you saw for many types of medical records.