Learn how to represent yourself effectively in court, how small claims court works, and about alternatives to litigation, such as mediation.
Learn what a class action lawsuit is, what to expect in class action litigation, and the likelihood of a class action settlement.
What Is a Legal Notice of Class Action Settlement?
Here are your options once you receive a notification of a class action settlement agreement.
Objecting to a Class Action Settlement
If you're a member of the "class,” you have the right to object to a settlement if you think it's unfair or inadequate.
50-State Chart of Small Claims Court Dollar Limits
The small claims amount limit determines how much you can get in small claims court. Find the dollar limit for your state.
What Type of Case Can I Resolve in Small Claims Court?
Find out if your case is eligible for small claims court by learning about the types of cases that can be filed and the maximum amount that can be awarded in your state.
How to Write a Formal Demand Letter
If your efforts to talk out your problems fail and you decide not to mediate, your next step is to send your adversary a letter.
Before you file a lawsuit, you need to decide a few things about your potential case.
Statutes of Limitations: Is It Too Late to Sue?
Filing a lawsuit on time is critical. Check out our FAQ for information on timing issues related to suing and being sued.
Personal Jurisdiction: In Which Court Can I Sue the Defendant?
Federal and state laws grant and limit courts' jurisdiction -- that is, the power to hear and decide a particular case.
Should I Ask for a Jury Trial?
Even if your case is eligible for a jury trial, it's often better to tell it to the judge.
Formal Discovery: Gathering Evidence for Your Lawsuit
Learn about the most common discovery techniques, including form and special interrogatories, requests to produce documents, and depositions.
Tips for Success in the Courtroom
When you're trying a case without a lawyer, make a good impression on the judge by organizing your evidence, preparing your presentation, and following a few courtroom rules.
Mediation is much less formal than court, but the conflict resolution process involves distinct stages designed to lead to a mutually beneficial compromise.
If you’re considering arbitration as an alternative to litigation, it pays to learn the pros and cons of arbitration.
Mediation: Ten Rules for Success
What are the keys to keeping your mediation on the path toward a fair and agreeable resolution? Here are ten rules to follow.
How to Find an Excellent Lawyer
Follow these steps to find a good lawyer to help you with your legal issue.
Legal Aid and Pro Bono Representation and How to Find It
Learn about legal aid and pro bono representation, the difference between them, and how to find these types of free legal help.
Attorney Fees: Does the Losing Side Have to Pay?
The losing party pays the winner's legal fees only if the winner is entitled to attorney fees by contract or statute.