Learn how to manage your debts and get back on your financial feet. Below you'll find information on debt settlement and negotiation tactics, as well as how to deal with bill collectors, repay student loans, and improve your credit. You can also learn about the different collection methods creditors can use—such as repossession and wage garnishment—and what happens if a creditor sues you.
If Your Wages Are Garnished: Your Rights
Your wages can be garnished if you owe child support, alimony, student loans, or back taxes, or if a court judgment has been entered against you.
How to Object to a Wage Garnishment
Learn the basic procedures for challenging a wage garnishment.
Repossession: What Creditors Can and Can't Take
Find out what items creditors can take from you by repossession and what's off limits.
Options for Debt Relief: What to Do If You Can't Pay Your Debts
If you're struggling with debt, learn about your options to get debt relief.
What Does Judgment Proof Mean?
Being “judgment proof" means you don’t have much in the way of income, cash reserves, or other assets that a creditor can take to pay off a money judgment.
Will I Go to Jail If I Don't Pay My Debts?
Debots' prisons are a thing of the past. Usually, you cannot go to jail just because you don’t pay your debts or bills.
Car Repossession Laws: An Overview
Learn about car repossessions: how they work, how to avoid them, and your options if it happens to your car.
How Motor Vehicles Are Repossessed
Learn what the repo agent can and can't do when repossessing your car.
Required Notices in Car Repossessions
If your car is repossessed, the lender must give you certain notices after the repossession and after it sells the car. But in most cases, it doesn't have to give you notice before repossessing the vehicle.
You can request that a collection agency verify the amount and validity of a debt. But you must act quickly.
What Are My Rights Against a Debt Collector?
Find out how to fight back against unscrupulous debt collection agencies.
Handling Debt Collection Calls: Do's and Don'ts
Here's what you should—and shouldn’t—do when a debt collector calls.
Common Defenses in Debt Buyer Lawsuits
Learn about defenses you might have if a debt buyer sues you to collect a debt.
Time-Barred Debts: When Creditors and Collectors Can't Sue You for Unpaid Debts
The "statute of limitations" bars creditors from suing for unpaid debts after a specific amount of time.
Creditor Lawsuits: What to Expect When You’re Sued by a Debt Collector
What happens when a collection agency sues you? Here's how debt collection lawsuits work.
Strategies for Negotiating With Creditors
With the right negotiation strategies, you might be able to reduce your debt.
Tax Consequences of Settling Debt
What are the tax consequences of debt forgiveness? The IRS might consider the canceled debt amount as taxable income.
Pros and Cons of Debt Management Plans
Learn about the upsides and downsides to debt management plans and get information about how to steer clear of related scams.
Should I Get a Lawyer if My Credit Card Company Sues Me?
If your credit card company sues you, you’ll need to decide if it is worth paying for an attorney to help you.
Should I Hire a Lawyer If My Car Lender Sues Me After Repossessing My Car?
If your car loan lender repossesses your car, van, truck, SUV, or other motor vehicle is repossessed, it might sue you to recover any money you still owe on the vehicle loan (called the "deficiency"). If this happens, you’ll need to decide if it is worth paying an attorney to help you.
Should I Hire an Attorney for Debt Settlement? Or Should I Use a Debt Settlement Company?
If you’re struggling to pay your debts, you might wonder if you should negotiate on your own or hire a lawyer or a debt settlement company to deal with your creditors. In most cases, it’s best to avoid debt settlement companies.
Bankruptcy and Your Credit FAQ
Here are some essential questions to ask yourself.
If the Credit Reporting Agency Does Not Correct Your Report: What to Do
If you dispute an item in your credit report, but the credit reporting agency refuses to correct it, you can take additional steps to remedy the problem.
Which Is Worse for Your FICO Score: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Short Sale, or Loan Modification?
Foreclosure and its alternatives will cause your credit scores to drop—the amount depends on your credit history and other factors.
Pros and Cons of Lawsuit Loans
If you're in the midst of a lawsuit and need money, should you take out a lawsuit loan to tide you over until you settle the case or win a judgment?
Risks of Cosigning Someone's Home Mortgage Loan
What are the risks of cosigning on a mortgage loan? Here’s what you need to know before you commit.
Disadvantages of Pawn Shop Loans
Because pawn shops charge high rates and fees, they're not a good way to get money.
Credit Card Rejection and Debt Forgiveness
Credit card companies rarely forgive your entire debt. But you might be able to settle the debt for less and get a portion forgiven.
How Credit Card Debt Collection Works
Learn the players and steps involved in the collection of credit card debt.
What Is a Credit Card Debt Write-Off?
If you fail to make payments on your credit card, the credit card company may declare your debt uncollectable. This is referred to as a credit card debt write-off (also called a credit card charge-off).
How to Get Out of Student Loan Debt
Most people can't eliminate student loan debt—but many can get better payment plans.
Do I Have to Pay My Student Loans If I'm Unemployed?
If you're unemployed, you might be able to get a temporary break from repaying your federal student loans through a deferment or forbearance.
Common Defenses to Student Loan Lawsuits
If you're sued for nonpayment of a student loan, you might have a defense to the lawsuit.
What Is the Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt in California?
A statute of limitations is a law that tells you how long someone has to sue you. In California, most credit card companies and their debt collectors have only four years to do so.
New Jersey Auto Repair Shop Laws
New Jersey automotive repair regulations (specifically, the New Jersey Auto Repairs Deceptive Practices Regulations) protect consumers against deceptive practices by unscrupulous auto repair shops.
Florida Restrictions on Payday Loan Lenders
Florida law limits the interest and terms of payday loans and requires lenders to comply with other rules that protect consumers.