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Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears
Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears
Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears
Ebook128 pages55 minutes

Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears

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My book is just to tell about people's lives, be they dead or alive. It's to make people laugh or make them cry. That's what my book is about, nothing more! Nothing less!

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears

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    Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears - Chuck Myers


    Lots of Laughs and Lots of Tears

    Chuck Myers

    Copyright © 2022 Chuck Myers

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 979-8-88654-859-4 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88654-866-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    What Are Poems

    Alexa (Oops, Here It Is)

    An Angel Painted White

    And Then There's Jeanette

    Angels in Flight

    A Silent Prayer

    A Stranger's Funeral

    A Token of Love

    Baby Girl

    Beyond the Gates


    Blowing Sand

    Breast Cancer

    Broken Stem

    Clinton Stoke 305



    Crime, We Must Pay


    Double Role



    Duh! Which Way Do I Go, Angie



    Farewell to Little Bill

    Final Words


    God's Little Grace


    Grandpas and Grandmas

    Greatest Gift of All

    Help Me Understand


    He Will Always Be Dad

    Ice Age

    Izzy and Eddy's

    Just a Child

    Just Once

    Just Like Leaves


    Lady in HR

    Lady of Stone

    Life's Demands

    Life, It's So Unfair

    Let's Talk about Waitresses

    Li'l Abby

    Lisa and Jake

    Little Miss Molly

    Love of Life


    Mandy (the Little Nurse)

    Mary and Willi

    Mother Earth

    Mountains Streams

    My Dream

    My Poor Back


    Officer Down

    One Last Round

    Our Grandma

    Our Little Retiree

    Palm Trees and Sand

    Parting of Friends


    Precious Baby Girl

    Race of Life

    Rachel, Rachel

    River of Tears


    Roses for You


    She's Still There

    Sister at Work


    Stars in Heaven

    Still Missed

    Styles and Fads


    Symbols of Freedom

    Taken Away

    Tasha (Chop! Chop!)


    Tears That Fall

    Ten to Life

    The Call

    The First Snow

    The Happy Trio

    The Man of Stone

    The Man Had a Plan

    The Miller Lite Man

    Therapy: What a Thrill


    Time to Go

    Through the Year

    Through My Eyes

    Together Again

    Torn and Tattered

    Today's Kids

    Troops Far Away


    What a Lady

    Waking Up

    What Do You Do

    What Is Blue?

    When Snowflakes Fall

    When Will It Stop

    Where Do We Go

    White Tail



    Whispering Wind


    You Have My Heart


    Why Am I Here

    About the Author

    My name is Charles (Chuck) Myers. I have a son (David) and a daughter (Alesha) a stepdaughter (Tabbi) and a stepson (John Allen)

    I am just a high school graduate. I like to write poems as a hobby. I'm sorry! My late wife Margaret used to love to read my poems.

    I'm now retired and finally attempting to fulfill my dream.

    What Are Poems

    Poems, just words that tell about many things

    Stories about rich and poor, about queens and kings

    Stories about people and lives they've had

    Lives that are good, some that are bad

    Dreams about things we wish we could do

    Others about the dreams that never come true

    Poems can be about flowers, birds, and trees

    Or they can be about people like you and me

    They can be about family or even a friend

    About life or death in the very end

    They can be about strangers or about ones we love

    Poems could be about the devil or God above

    Poems consist of words that come from the heart

    That can make us laugh or tear us apart

    Words with feeling that can make us cry

    Or just look amazed and wonder why

    I write my poems in the same way

    I don't try to hurt anyone with the words I say

    So if I didn't make you laugh or make you cry

    It's not because I didn't try

    Alexa (Oops, Here It Is)

    We walk through the door, who do we see

    No other than Alexa, greeting you and me

    She grabs a menu and tells you to follow her

    Sometimes this I'm not to awful sure

    She seats you and tells you who'll be serving you

    One would think this would be easy to do

    She makes cloudy days seem bright and sunny

    'Cause when it comes right down to it, she is rather funny

    But on those days that have bumps and ridges

    She just thinks of her hobby, jumping off bridges

    She is the hostess, she is a worker, and she's surely not lazy

    But one does have to wonder, could she be certifiable crazy

    I wrote this just for fun

    So I hope she doesn't snap and come undone

    But if she does, just because of what I wrote

    Could someone please stop her before she goes for my throat

    I wrote this not meaning any harm

    So please don't get upset and don't break my arm.

    An Angel Painted White

    Just standing, facing

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