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We propose Bayesian inference in hazard regression models where the baseline hazard is unknown, covariate effects are possibly agevarying (non-proportional), and there is multiplicative frailty with arbitrary distribution. Our framework... more
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      GeographyRelevance TheoryBayesian AnalysisBayesian Inference
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      EngineeringTechnologySolar CellElectron Diffraction
There are few studies on unemployment duration in developing countries. This is the first study on duration aspect of unemployment in Turkey. We use the results of the Household Labor Force Surveys of 2000 and 2001 to construct a... more
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      Unemployment DurationDeveloping CountryLabor ForceCross Section
This paper considers the estimation of discrete time duration models. We highlight the enhance identification opportunities embedded in multiple spell data to separately identify the effect of duration dependence and individual time... more
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      EconomicsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloPanel Data
We consider the problem of planning in domains with continuous linear numeric change. Such change cannot always be adequately modelled by discretisation and is a key facet of many interesting problems. We show how a forward-chaining... more
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      LINEAR PROGRAMduration dependence
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied OpticsOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      In Situ HybridizationCatsHistamineAnimals
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      Computer ScienceProject ManagementCombinatorial OptimizationService Quality
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      PsychologyEconometricsData AnalysisMedicine
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      EconomicsFirm PerformanceResearch with LEED (Linked Employer-Employee Data)Economic
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      In Situ HybridizationAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisHumansMuscle
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsApplied EconomicsHeterogeneity
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      EconomicsEconomic Studiesduration dependence
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      EconomicsHigh FrequencyStock PriceEmpirical Analysis
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      BusinessHuman CapitalLabour MarketNested Logit
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      Environmental ToxicologyCytotoxicityMicronucleiEnzyme
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      Biomedical EngineeringGene expressionTransgenic MiceBiomedical Optics
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      EconomicsEmpirical EconomicsMarkov switchingBusiness Cycle
Advanced x-ray/EUV diagnostics for spectroscopy, imaging, and polarimetry at the Nevada Terawatt Facility z-pinch plasma source. [Proceedings of SPIE 4138, 203 (2000)]. Victor L. Kantsyrev, Bruno S. Bauer, Alla S. Shlyaptseva ...
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      EngineeringPhysicsMagnetic fieldProceedings
This paper uses an unbalanced panel dataset to evaluate how repeated job search services (JSS) and personal characteristics affect the employment rate of the prime-age female welfare recipients in the State of Washington. We propose a... more
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      PsychologyEconometricsData AnalysisMedicine
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      BusinessPsychologyRelationship MarketingPerformance
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      Labour EconomicsApplied Economicsduration dependence
This paper studies the role played by several financial and economic indicators in determining the process of bank failure in Argentina after the Mexican crisis known as the “tequila effect”. Due to the relative scarcity of previous... more
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      EconomicsBank failureHazard RateEconomic indicator
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      Panel DataLabour MarketRegional UnemploymentRandom sampling
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      Labor MarketFixed Term ContractsHazard RateUnobserved heterogeneity
Standard search theory assumes that searchers are perfectly informed about their own abilities, and thus their objective chances of success in search. In contrast, we hypothesize that searchers are typically uncertain about themselves,... more
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      Mental HealthWage bargainingUnemployment DurationSearch Theory
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      Physical sciencesNew PhysicsShock Waveduration dependence
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      Quantum PhysicsX-ray free electron laserLaser AblationMid-Infrared
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      Labour MarketInitial ConditionState dependenceduration dependence
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      Stem CellsCell CyclePure MathematicsStem Cell
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      Time SeriesGoodness of FitSelf-similarityBootstrap Method
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      Young PeopleLabour MarketTemporary EmploymentLabour market flexibility
ABSTRACT A recent study has shown that the process of self-discharge is determined by a number of parameters such as initial voltage, temperature, and charge duration. Depending on these parameters we observed a voltage decay of 5–15%... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceRenewable EnergyEnergy Policy
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      PsychologyRiskApplied EconomicsIndividual Differences
We propose Bayesian inference in hazard regression models where the baseline hazard is unknown, covariate effects are possibly age-varying (non-proportional), and there is multiplicative frailty with arbitrary distribution. Our framework... more
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      GeographyRelevance TheoryBayesian AnalysisBayesian Inference
This paper studies the role played by several bank specific financial indicators in determining the process of bank failure in Argentina after the Mexican crisis known as the "tequila effect". Due to the relative scarcity of... more
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      Bank failureHazard Rateduration dependence
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESSpectrum
Respiratory illness is recognized internationally as one of the commonest medical disorders affecting the world's populous countries. The identification of continuous abnormal lung sounds, like adventitious breath sounds in the total... more
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      Remote Monitoringduration dependence
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      Physical sciencesNew PhysicsShock Waveduration dependence
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      Emerging EconomiesApplied EconomicsKalman FilterMoney and Finance
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      Unemployment DurationEuropean Community Household Panelduration dependence
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringWearTribology
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      Vocational TrainingWorking ConditionsLabour MarketHazard Rate
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      Water Resources ManagementMultidisciplinaryCurve NumberDuration Analysis
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      ImmigrationUnemployment DurationWorking PapersRandom Effects Model
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      HypoxiaFolic acidCardiovascular RiskAnoxia
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      X RaysGamma Ray BurstAccretionBlack Hole
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      Applied EconomicsUnemployment DurationBusiness and ManagementLabour
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      Employment protectionTemporary EmploymentFixed Term ContractsCompeting risks