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Gliricidia sepium is considered one of the commonly used multipurpose legume shade trees in Ghana. Different pruning regimes affect the nutrient content as the amount of biomass produced by many multipurpose trees. In this study, the... more
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      AgronomyOrganic agricultureAgroforestryEnvironment and natural resources conservation
Dans la présente étude, nous avons appréhendé les perceptions paysannes sur les pratiques agroforestières (RNA et Plantation) en zone agroécologique nord-soudanienne du Burkina Faso ainsi que les facteurs qui affectent son adoption. Des... more
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      Conservation BiologyClimate Change AdaptationLand tenureClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
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      HorticultureOrganic agricultureHydroponicsBiology
International agricultural policies to address hunger and malnutrition in the tropics and sub-tropics have typically been based on approaches to the intensification of farming systems effective in industrialised economies where the... more
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      BusinessLandscape EcologyAfrican StudiesDevelopment Economics
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and characterize plant growth behaviour, light profile and soil fertility status of seventeen different trees (12 years old). The study indicated higher biomass production potential... more
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      AgroforestryMultidisciplinaryCurrent Scienceagroforestry and NTFPs
research institutes. LEI’s unique data, models and knowledge offer clients insight and integrated advice on policy and decision-making in an innovative manner, and ultimately contribute to a more sustainable world. LEI is part of... more
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      MathematicsInternational TradeWest AfricaGender
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    • agroforestry and NTFPs
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    • agroforestry and NTFPs
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      ForestryMillenium Development GoalsForest EcologyHabitat Restoration
An experiment entitled "Effect of GA3and NAA on yield of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) cv (MGH-4)" was conducted at Horticulture Research Field, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of... more
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      HorticultureOrganic agricultureAgroforestryAgriculture
With 250,000 ha of forest lost annually, Zambia is one of the countries most affected by deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The thesis, which is based on empirical data gathered during 13 months of in-depth fieldwork in 2014 and 2015,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAfrican StudiesDevelopment StudiesForestry
Kerajinan tenun merupakan salah satu warisan budaya nusantara, termasuk di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pembuatan kain tradisional saat ini masih berlangsung baik untuk kebutuhan pakaian, adat istiadat maupun sebagai cinderamata. Pewarnaan kain... more
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    • agroforestry and NTFPs
Kopi Konservasi adalah budidaya dan cara berkebun kopi yang ramah lingkungan, tidak membuka kawasan hutan/berhutan apalagi di wilayah terjal, dan pada areal kebun yang terbuka dilakukan penanaman disela-sela tanaman kopi dengan... more
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      Agroforestryagroforestry and NTFPs
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      Agroforestryagroforestry and NTFPsSoil sciencesLocal Knowledge
Les différents documents qui y sont présentés portent essentiellement sur l’Agroforesterie au Rwanda. Cependant, le lecteur ne sera pas surpris de se rendre compte que certains d’entre eux sont à cheval sur la Foresterie et... more
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    • agroforestry and NTFPs
Miniatur Resolusi Konflik di Kawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus (KHDTK)’ merupakan buku hasil karya peneliti yang tergabung di bawah koordinasi Rencana Penelitian & Pengembangan Integratif (RPPI) 13: Sosial, Ekonomi, Kebijakan, dan... more
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      agroforestry and NTFPsCimate Change
The agarwood tree is a multipurpose tree species (MPTs), being exploited mainly for ethno-medicinal, ethno-botanical as well as pharmaceutical uses. The leading market demand had led to over exploitation of natural population of this... more
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      AgroforestryIndigenous AgroforestryAquilariaagroforestry and NTFPs
SUMMARY As forest products from Cameroon and DR Congo are commercialised, a value chain is created from harvesters, processors, and retailers to consumers worldwide. In contrast to dominant narratives focusing on regulations and customs,... more
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      GovernanceNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)Central AfricaValue chain analysis
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      Agricultural EngineeringAgronomyAgricultural EducationAgribusiness
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      agroforestry and NTFPsDAYAK NGAJU
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      agroforestry and NTFPsAgrofood Economics and StatisticsAgrofood StudiesAgro-Entrepreneurship
A field experiment was conducted in wheat during rabi season 2011-12 on sandy loam soil at.P.).The experiment was conducted in R.B.D with three replications comprising ten treatments of weed management, clodinafop 60 g a.i ha-1 ,... more
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The HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS), is an international-peer reviewed, open access journal that serves as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of R & D advances and innovations in all facets of Horticultural Science (Pomology,... more
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      HorticultureVegetable ScienceTropical FruitsPostharvest Horticulture
This brief is aimed at trainers and support organisations for farmers and tree owners, as well as commercial tree nursery operators, government extension agencies and NGOs, among others, who are interested in cultivating the pygeum tree.
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      AgroforestryEnvironment and natural resources conservationNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)agroforestry and NTFPs
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      AgroforestryNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)Democratic Republic of CongoValue chain analysis
This study is part of a public-private partnership project ‘Oilseeds specialties: opportunities for the Dutch business community in the vegetable oil industry’ from 2013 to 2015. Demand is rapidly increasing for shea butter in cosmetics... more
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      International TradeWest AfricaGenderAgroforestry
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      Human GeographyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeAgroforestryEcology
The introduction of hybrid varieties cocoa has led to the progressive disappearance of the complex agroforestry systems in Côte d’Ivoire. However in forests-savannah transition area, these systems seem to persist in despite the high... more
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The potential for traditional and local ecological knowledge to play a role in contributing to biodiversity conservation has been recognized from the international level to the local level. There are challenges associated with... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySustainable agricultureEnvironmental AnthropologyTraditional Ecological Knowledge
The people of Fiji had relied on agroforestry since the time early settlers arrived here. Increase in food requirement, urbanization, decrease in intentional tree planting habits among the people due to change in mindsets has contributed... more
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      AgroforestrySocial Forestryagroforestry and NTFPsSilviculture and Agroforestry
For over two decades, Zambian smallholder farmers have been exposed to agroforestry technologies that have been widely researched and implemented. Climate change and extremes are common throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, especially Zambia.... more
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      Water resourcesAgricultural EconomicsImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agricultureagroforestry and NTFPs
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      ForestryApicultureBiodiversityCambio climático
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      HorticultureMedicinal PlantsEnvironmental SustainabilityVegetable Science
International agricultural policies to address hunger and malnutrition in the tropics and sub-tropics have typically been based on approaches to the intensification of farming systems effective in industrialised economies where the... more
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      Landscape EcologyAfrican StudiesDevelopment EconomicsSocial Sciences
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      Appalachian StudiesCultural HeritageCommonsCultural Landscapes
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and characterize plant growth behaviour, light profile and soil fertility status of seventeen different trees (12 years old). The study indicated higher biomass production potential... more
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      Agroforestryagroforestry and NTFPsSilviculture and AgroforestryAgroforestry, Plantation forestry, Forest ecology
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyAgroforestryAgriculture
A systematic study of edible caterpillars and their host plants was carried out in different departments and localities of the Republic of the Congo. Twenty-nine (29) species of edible caterpillars were identified, of which 22 were... more
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      EntomologyClimate ChangeAgriculturePublic Health
This document explores the potential of collaborative approaches for nontimber forest product inventory and monitoring in the United States. It begins by reviewing results of a federal and state survey that documented inventory and... more
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      Participatory ResearchInformation VisualizationNon timber forest productsNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)
Products and services provided by trees in forests and farmland support the needs and promote the wellbeing of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics. Value depends on managing both the diversity of tree species present in... more
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      AgroforestrySustainable Livelihoodsagroforestry and NTFPsFood security and rural livelihoods
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      Agricultural EngineeringRural SociologyDevelopment EconomicsAgronomy
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    • agroforestry and NTFPs
Baillonella toxisperma is a multipurpose tree that provides non-timber forest products. In particular, fruit kernels can be transformed into buffer for cooking and cosmetics and its bark is used to cure many ailments in local communities.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceResearch MethodologyEnvironmental Studies
Agroforestry activities in Forest Areas with Special Purpose (FASP) have been implemented since 2000 in Parungpanjang, West Java, which was subsequently reinforced by the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry concerning the... more
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      SocioeconomicsHousehold StudiesRegression ModelsHousehold Economics
Agroforestry Practices At the CCRES Research Facility, we are working with farmers who are converting their working farmland into agroforestry operations. The CCRES Program addresses the need to better understand and implement... more
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      Agroforestryagroforestry and NTFPsSilviculture and AgroforestryAgroforestry, Plantation forestry, Forest ecology
Upaya pengurangan sampah yang bertujuan untuk membatasi volume tumpukan sampah sangat perlu dilakukan. Selain bertujuan untuk kebersihan, keindahan dan kesehatan, pengolahan sampah perlu dilakukan agar dapat mencegah emisi gas Rumah kaca... more
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      ForestryNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)NTFP harvestagroforestry and NTFPs
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    • agroforestry and NTFPs
La reforestación como mecanismo de restauración ecológica contribuye a la recuperación de la cubierta de árboles en tierras taladas que no han perdido su capacidad productiva, de tal modo es posible el desarrollo de diferentes tipos de... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementAgroforestryAnuransEcology
大约30多名生物学家、资源管理 者、社会学家和志愿者从1993年到1996年一起合作,研究美国华盛顿州奥林匹克半岛采集鸡油菌(Cantharellus sp.)的生物学、社会经济学与管理的问题。不同地形上生产力的高度变化与较低的蘑菇价格使采集者密切注意更多的法规、更高的许可证费以及限制某些人采集 的合同(这些人出最高的投标价格来获得一些地区的采集权)。公共与私人资源管理者面临着预算的降低、许可证的必要花费和包括收获管理实际花费在内的其它费... more
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      MycologyEnvironmental AnthropologyAgroforestryNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)
Large, but not insurmountable, obstacles remain to nontimber forest product (NTFP) development in the Middle Fork forest region east of Eugene, Oregon. he NTFP resource base itself is not a problem as these products are plentiful in the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRural DevelopmentAgroforestryNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)