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Questo volume ricostruisce la storia del Welfare State sovietico del periodo compreso fra le due guerre nei suoi aspetti legislativi, istituzionali e sociali, sperimentando un complesso metodo d’indagine che coniuga macrostoria e... more
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      History of EducationSoviet Union (History)XXth Century History
A közlekedéstörténet a történelemtudomány és a honismeret szerves része. Magyarországon jelenleg kevés professzionális történész foglalkozik a témával, leginkább műszaki végzettségűek járják körbe a történettudomány módszereinek... more
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      SzombathelyHistory of FlightXXth Century History
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      Church HistoryTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
History of the Church in XX century
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in 1998
Apologetic Studies
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      History of ReligionCatholic Church and ModernityTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
Notice Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (1908-1995) did not write an autobiography. However, the fundamental traits of his remarkable life and fruitful work can be drawn from the vast collection of documents that the compilers of these... more
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      Church HistoryTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
L’Unione sovietica è stata sicuramente il paese che nel XX secolo ha più investito nei progetti educativi al fine di costruire l’identità di un cittadino impegnato nella vita pubblica e dedito al lavoro collettivo. Scopo del presente... more
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      History of EducationSoviet Union (History)Teaching HistoryHistory textbooks
1944. június 29-én, 75 évvel ezelőtt, légiriadók közepette avatták fel Dunakeszi harmadik katolikus templomát, az akkori Műhelytelepen (ma: Gyártelep). A Jézus Szíve-templom története azonban jóval korábban kezdődött, akkor, amikor... more
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      HistoryLocal HistoryChurch HistoryXXth Century History
Que retenir de Paul Marion (1899-1954) ? En proposant une biographie politique de son itinéraire tourmenté, l'auteur entend mettre en évidence ses ruptures et ses basculements politiques multiples. Marqué par l'expérience de la Première... more
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      HistoryFrench HistoryPolitical HistoryVichy France
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      History of the ChurchTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
წიგნში გაშუქებულია საქართველო-რუსეთის ურთიერთობის კარდინალური საკითხები, რომელთა ქრონოლოგია ძირითადად მე-18 საუკუნის ბოლოდან იწყება და 2010 წლამდე მოდის.
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      HistoryPoliticsRussian PoliticsGeorgia
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      History of the ChurchTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
SOARES, Catarina – “Escritos e imagens: o processo de construção de memórias do Museu de Etnografia e História do Douro-Litoral do Palácio de S. João Novo.” In ROSAS, Lúcia; SOUSA, Ana Cristina de; BARREIRA, Hugo [Org.] – Genius Loci:... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyArt History
Un résumé figure p. 6, vois aussi le 4e de couverture et l'avant-propos p.8. Texte intégral.
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      Berbers. Amazighs. History of Berbers. Cultural and Political Claims. Cultural and Berber Movement. North of Africa. Algeria. Morocco.XXth Century HistoryLa guerre des drones
In the XXth century, the Palazzo Priuli Baldan in Piove di Sacco underwent at terrible period of decadence. Between the desire of the Municipality to make it a public building and the impressive efforts by the Soprintendenza of restoring... more
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      FoundryRestoration of Historical BuildingsVenice and the VenetoVillas
Valoarea istorică a memoriilor din " lumea celor mici ". Cazul Neculai A. Caba Perioada interbelică reprezintă un topic intens dezbătut în România, probabil unul dintre cele mai frecventate subiecte interzise sau abordate într-o cheie... more
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      Second World WarComunismXXth Century History
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      Balkan HistoryHistoriographyNATOCold War
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      History of the ChurchRevolution and CounterrevolutionXXth Century History különösen: IN ENGLISH: Short summary of the PhD. thesis from Mrs. Zsuzsanna Paál: “A rural society on its way to... more
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      Globalisation and cultural changeEthnographyLife History TheoryOral History and Memory
Resumen La política hoy en día está plagada de trincheras. Parece que, con el triunfo del pensamiento único neoliberal y la manifiesta "confusión de la época", la izquierda esté abanderando la lucha contra el fantasma del fascismo. Un... more
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      FascismInterwar Period HistoryOswald MosleyDecadence
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira’s providential political discernment stands out among the many qualities of his rich and multifaceted personality. He made countless prognoses and predictions on most varied subjects, usually coupled with timely... more
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      Church HistoryXXth Century History
El papel del Estado y la actividad inmobiliaria en la modernización de dos ciudades latinoamericanas: Ciudad de México y Lima
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      Urban HistoryMexico CityLIMA PERUXXth Century History
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      Church HistoryTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
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      Church HistoryTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
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    • XXth Century History
ABSTRACT: The historical study of the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 has been traditionally explained from the political, diplomatic and military point of view, whereas its analysis is mainly absent in the Spanish historiography. The latest... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryHistoriographyNationalism
El propósito de este artículo es realizar un estado de la cuestión del africanismo castrense, un grupo militar forjado en el contexto colonial de las Campañas de Marruecos (1909-1927) y decisivo para comprender la historia contemporánea... more
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      Military HistoryHistoriographyColonial WarfareRif War
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      Church HistoryTradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century History
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      Gender StudiesHistory Of EmotionsFrancoismFalange Española
Una obra auspiciada por «Cubanos Desterrados», Miami - New York, septiembre 1990 En memoria de aquellos incontables catolicos -muchos de ellos jovenes- que cayeron asesinados en el «paredon» castrista, mientras proclamaban su Fé con el... more
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      Cuban StudiesSocialismProgressivismComunism
American TFP (Tradition Family and Property) Newsletter - Documents, news, comments
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      History of the ChurchRevolution and CounterrevolutionXXth Century History
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      History of the ChurchRevolution and CounterrevolutionXXth Century History
Review. "Słowo Żydowskie", Kwiecień 2018, nr 4 (554), s. 30-31.
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      Jewish HistoryInterwar Period HistoryJewish political thoughtXIXth Century History
Organisation pacifiste née officiellement en mars 1936 sous la patronage illustre du ministre radical Pierre Cot, et du conservateur anglais Lord Celcil, elle est en fait initiée par le kominternien Willy Münzenberg et l'un de ses... more
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      French HistoryPacifismHistory of CominternCommunist Parties
The authorities of Polish People’s Republic towards Jasna Góra Monastery in 1945–1989 Years of the Polish People's Republic existence were characterised by hostile state policy towards the Catholic Church primarily due to ideological... more
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      History of ReligionPolish HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismChurch History
სტატიაში განხილულია საკითხი არსებობს თუ არა ორი რუსეთი სახელმწიფოებრივ-პოლიტიკური თვალსაზრისით და კონკრეტული ფაქტების ანალიზის საფუძველზე გამოტანილია დასკვნა, რომ შეხედულება ორი რუსეთის შესახებ არის მითი და არ შეესაბამება რეალობას.
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      Soviet Union (History)History of GeorgiaXIXth Century HistoryXXth Century History
History of Church,  XX Century History, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the world
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      History of the ChurchRevolution and CounterrevolutionXXth Century History
The article analyses the contents of Italian and Soviet textbooks of ancient and medieval history in order to compare not only the different views of the past and their use for ideoloagical objectives, which have been thoroughly studied... more
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      History of EducationFascismSoviet Union (History)Teaching History
The article deals with the poorly studied problem of the conflict between the Zionists and supporters of Jewish assimilation at the turn of the twentieth century. It attempts to describe the clash between two completely different views on... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolitical ScienceJewish HistoryPoland
Artykuł przedstawia jedną z możliwych interpretacji zjawisk związanych z pojawieniem się w Polsce epidemii HIV/AIDS. Zastosowana rama teoretyczna, to jest mechanizm kozła ofiarnego według Rene Girarda, ma na celu pokazanie powią zań... more
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      Social SciencesPolish HistoryHIV/AIDSRené Girard
Ontinyent disposa encara d’una bona mostra de ximeneres fabrils construides basicament en la primera meitat del segle XX. Corresponen a fabriques de ceramica, alcohol, textils i papereres. Es realitza una aproximacio al marc general de la... more
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      IndustrializationIndustrial Archaeology and HeritageIndustrial ChimneysXXth Century History
Luigi Rasi, Eleonora Duse, Gabriele D'Annunzio
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDirectingTheatre Anthropology
The article discusses the question of whether there are two Russia's from a state-political point of view, and based on the analysis of specific facts, it is concluded that the view of the two Russia's is a myth and does not correspond to... more
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      Soviet Union (History)History of GeorgiaXIXth Century HistoryXXth Century History
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      Jewish StudiesHistory of ReligionJewish historiographyAnthropology of Religion
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      History of the ChurchRevolution and CounterrevolutionXXth Century History
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      Racial and ethnic discriminationHistory of architectureItalian fascismMilano
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      Interwar period, 1919 - 1939XXth Century History
Link open access for full text: Mandada construir a 20 de março de 1725 por Pedro da Costa Lima, que “pertendia inovar estas suas cazas em que vive”, segundo a “planta e apontamentos feitos por António... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesAnthropology
Artykuł porusza słabo rozpoznany problem konfliktu między syjonistami a zwolennikami żydowskiej asymilacji na przełomie XIX i XX w. Stanowi próbę opisu starcia dwóch zupełnie odmiennych poglądów na sytuację Żydów w Europie i dwóch całkiem... more
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      European StudiesJewish StudiesPolitical ScienceJewish History
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      Tradição, Família E Propriedade (TFP)XXth Century HistoryFrench Socialism