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International relations as we know them emerged through the peace of Westphalia, and the discipline of International Relations emerged in 1919 and developed through a First Great Debate between idealists and realists. These are the... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsHistorical SociologyInternational Relations Theory
Tom French believes that China, Japan and South Korea are locked into a spiral of mutual suspicion, insecurity and even hate. So what should they do about it? He believes it’s time to jettison the hyper-nationalism and pursue mechanisms... more
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      NationalismSino-US RelationsTeaching HistoryEast Asian History
co-authors: Sophie Bollen, Pieter Bruyland, Bram Fauconnier, Jonas Slegers, Vincent Stockx, Koen Van Overvelt
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMiddle AgesSchool Textbooks
Review of Henderson, Peter V. N. (2013) The Course of Andean History, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM), xvii + 377 pp. $34.95 hbk.
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPeruvian HistoryAndean History
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistorySocial Movements
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
Η παρούσα μελέτη ερευνά τα βιβλία Ιστορίας της α’ τάξης του Γυμνασίου από το 1975 μέχρι σήμερα, πιο συγκεκριμένα τις δια-Λογικές αναπαραστάσεις της δωρικής εγκατάστασης στον ελλαδικό χώρο και της τέχνης της γεωμετρικής περιόδου. Τα... more
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesPublic ArchaeologyPublic History
Co-authors: Sophie Bollen, Pieter Bruyland, Tom De Wolf, Hans Jacobs, Jonas Slegers, Koen Van Overvelt

History schoolbook on Antiquity
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      Ancient HistoryAntiquitySchool TextbooksHistory textbooks
In recent decades, the impact of postmodern approaches to history teaching has triggered an extensive worldwide debate that accommodates diverse and contrasting voices. This article examines how the education system of Religious Zionism,... more
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      EducationReligious EducationIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
This study analyses the representation of different ethnic communities in Lithuanian history curriculum both in interwar period and nowadays. The main focus is on the multicultural heritage of three major Lithuanian cities – Vilnius,... more
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      GeographyMulticulturalismEthnic minoritiesHistory textbooks
Užrašai yra labai svarbi serijos „Atrask“ istorijos vadovėlio komplekto 5 klasei dalis, kurios paskirtis - padėti mokiniui taikyti įgytas žinias praktikoje, ugdytis kritinio mąstymo gebėjimus atliekant praktines užduotis, ieškant... more
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    • History textbooks
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Geschichtsschulbüchern hat eine lange Tradition. Arbeiten, die auf geschichtsdidaktische Aspekte zur Einforderung und Förderung historischer Denk- und Lernprozesse durch Schulbücher fokussieren, gibt es aber... more
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      History EducationTextbook ResearchHistorical ThinkingHistory textbooks
Naujas istorijos mokymosi komplektas, parengtas nuosekliai laikantis esminių Pagrindinio ugdymo istorijos bendrosios programos nuostatų ir turinio gairių bei pagrindinio ugdymo programos tikslo – padėti mokiniams formuoti istorinę sąmonę,... more
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    • History textbooks
This paper opens with a general consideration of modern education system and its position within nationalist ideology. Drawing on Michael Hechter's typology of nationalism, it proposes two types that are used as analytical tool for a... more
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      Medieval HistoryCritical Discourse AnalysisBosnia and HerzegovinaHistory textbooks
In 1930, the engineer Theodoro Ramos published a book on vector calculus through the French publisher Albert Blanchard. The context of is publication, the publishing house where it was printed, the market for books of this kind in France,... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of the BookHistory of ScienceHistory textbooks
Empirical results: Textbook as key medium in History education in Austria
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      History EducationTextbook ResearchTriangulationHistory textbooks
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      UkrainePerestroikaSchool TextbooksHistory textbooks
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    • History textbooks
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      Southeast Asian StudiesHistory of EducationCurriculum StudiesHistory Education
Το άρθρο αυτό δημοσιεύτηκε στο τεύχος #5 του ηλεκτρονικού περιοδικού Marginalia: σημειώσεις στο περιθώριο. Ο τρόπος... more
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      NationalismNational IdentityMacedonian QuestionBranding National Myths and Symbols
Há no ensino de História uma grande dificuldade em incorporar a educação ambiental, mesmo, especificamente, o meio ambiente como tema contemporâneo transversal. A educação ambiental é ofertada de modo fragmentado, em geral, ministrada... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental HistoryTeaching HistoryHistory Teaching
O presente artigo explora os discursos e perspectivas sobre a Abolição da Escravidão transmitidos pelos livros didáticos de História do Brasil do início do século XX até a década de 1980. Para tanto, considerou-se as atuais linhas... more
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      Cultural HistorySlaveryAbolition of SlaveryTeaching & Learning of History
Embedded in transitional justice processes is an implicit reference to the production of collective memory and history. This article aims to study how memory initiatives become a crucial component of truth-seeking and reparations... more
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      South KoreaTransitional JusticeMemory StudiesCollective Memory
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      HistorySecond World WarHistory textbooks
The content and the use of history textbooks are defined by political contexts and vary from one social and educational context to the other. This study constitutes a historical review of educational policies that took place in Greece... more
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      History EducationHistory curriculumSchool TextbooksHistory textbooks
The first images of the past, which are formed by school education and history textbooks, are among the strongest. Textbooks bear the knowledge that a respective society wishes to pass on to the next generation. States use them as... more
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      Second World WarHistory textbooks
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    • History textbooks
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1990 / The book was published in Prague in 1990. ISBN 80-7066-161-5.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      Didactics (History)History textbooks
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian HistoryArmeniaSchool Textbooks
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      HistoryTextbook ResearchPrimary EducationHistory textbooks
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      History EducationTeaching HistoryHistory textbooksBasic Education Skills
"Livro didático" é categoria ideal-típica designadora de um artefato que "apresenta o conhecimento". Etimologicamente, neste verbete, a expressão é composta pelo termo latino libro (fibra vegetal usada como suporte da escrita) e pela... more
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      Teaching & Learning of HistoryHistory textbooks
Our focus is on the ways in which the production practices at educational publishers indicate some quite dramatic shifts in conceptions of "colonialism" and "Africa". But we also explore the tension which apprears when authors actively... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAfricaColonialismPost-Colonialism
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      History EducationTeaching HistoryTextbook ResearchTextbook
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      Art HistoryEast Asian StudiesJapanese Art HistoryComic books
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      School TextbooksSchoolbooksHistory textbooks
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      European HistoryContemporary HistoryWorld HistoryMoldova
Recent years have brought increased interest in issues around representations of colonialism. This chapter provides an overview of textbook analyses on this subject published in the last two decades, to the end of identifying trends and... more
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      ColonialismTextbook ResearchTextbooksTextbook
Welche Deutungsmuster befinden sich im Themenfeld Reformation, Katholizismus und Hexenverfolgungen in österreichischen Schulbüchern? Wird mit den Schulbuchdarstellungen diesbezüglich historisches Denken möglich, indem Multiperspektivität,... more
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      HistoryReformation StudiesEuropean Witch TrialsHistory Education
Social studies education has had a turbulent history as one of the core subjects in the school curriculum. The fundamental content of the social studies curriculum – the study of human enterprise across space and time –however, has always... more
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      Decision MakingHistory of EducationSocial Studies EducationCurriculum Studies
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      Greek HistoryRoman HistoryHistory textbooks
Using a mixed quantitative and qualitative analysis of 42 South African textbooks from the postapartheid era, we seek to understand how global human rights discourses manifest in South African textbooks across different subjects and... more
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      Social SciencesHuman RightsComparative & International EducationHuman Rights Education
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      History of EducationTurkish NationalismByzantine HistoryRepresentation of Others
While most studies of war propaganda assume a consistent nationalist ideology, 1990s war propaganda in the former Yugoslavia was produced against a backdrop of a yet-undismantled socialist ideological system. This article examines the... more
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      YugoslaviaSecond World WarWorld War IIBalkans
Ein Bild ist nicht einfach eine Ikone, sondern es wird dazu gemacht. Dabei steht ein Bild für einen historischen Ereigniszusammenhang und bekommt Bedeutung über den konkreten Entstehungskontext hinaus; in diesen Fällen kann es als... more
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      HistoryWikipedia StudiesTextbook ResearchHistories of Photographies
L’Unione sovietica è stata sicuramente il paese che nel XX secolo ha più investito nei progetti educativi al fine di costruire l’identità di un cittadino impegnato nella vita pubblica e dedito al lavoro collettivo. Scopo del presente... more
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      History of EducationSoviet Union (History)Teaching HistoryHistory textbooks