Written Language
Recent papers in Written Language
Epics have their own narrative styles and there are many expressions which consist of formulaic structures in them. From these expressions, elliptical words and epithets have been examined in terms of linguistics in this study. Elipsis... more
Link: https://www.grao.com/es/producto/escriptura-i-perspectiva-ar07380315 En escriure sobre textos històrics, pot ser profitós manejar fonts diverses. Això invita a mirar el contingut dels orígens de la informació trobada des d’una... more
Уникальные древнетюркские памятники стали доступны каждому, в то время как оригинал остался на месте. Наличие точных копий стел дает возможность сделать необходимое количество полных отливок или любого фрагмента поверхности с надписями.... more
El estudio de la gramática está presente en muchas disciplinas centradas en las lenguas humanas, desde la lingüística teórica hasta la didáctica de las lenguas; sin embargo, los conceptos gramaticales se dan muchas veces por supuestos sin... more
Common patterns of interactions are altered in the digital world and new patterns of communication have emerged, challenging previous notions of what communication actually is in the contemporary age. Online configurations of interaction,... more
Το θέμα της εργασίας είναι η προφορικότητα στον γραπτό λόγο μαθητών του Δημοτικού Σχολείου. Η προφορικότητα έχει ποικίλα στοιχεία-χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα που, εκτός από τον προφορικό λόγο, είναι δυνατόν σε διάφορες περιπτώσεις να... more
Naturalness Theory (NT) is founded on the notion of naturalness and claims that when a linguistic phenomenon can be processed by humans with little effort, both sensomotorically and cognitively, it is deemed more natural compared to... more
Preface and Introduction to the edited volume *The Tyranny of Writing: Ideologies of the Written Word* (eds. Constanze Weth & Kasper Juffermans), Bloomsbury (Advances in Sociolinguistics), 2018. The book is an attempt to make sense of... more
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Writing is an eclectic phenomenon whose many facets are studied by the young interdisciplinary field of grapholinguistics. Linguistically, writing is a system of graphic marks that relate to language. Under the lens of processing, it is a... more
Abbreviations as a communication phenomenon may be subcategorised into oral-born and written-born. The way in which the latter are integrated into the oral code, i.e. lexicalised, cannot be described and analysed only on the basis of... more
This chapter is dedicated to the relationship between spoken and written Galician, which will be discussed in two different parts: a first one that refers to historical aspects and a second one concentrating on the current differences and... more
Este libro es un trabajo conjunto que se planteó como un recurso de consulta ágil y agradable para que la comunidad académica resuelva dudas y mejore sus habilidades comunicativas en la lengua española. Contribuí a esta obra en dos... more
A characteristic of the written text is its permanency. Many people can read that text over a long time period and in many different ways. It can be analysed and deconstructed by the reader to present many varied interpretations, to... more
Publicado en: Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, vol. I, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2005, págs. 219-260.
Speaking and writing are the most important communicative tools among human beings. While speaking is considered to be older and more widely employed, spoken and written language have not been treated equally. Spoken language is seen as... more
Tutkimuksen aiheena on sanaston käyttö yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kirjoittamissa ranskankielisissä aineissa. Korpus koostuu 106:sta (2x53) kahdessa eri vaiheessa kootusta aineesta, ja 50:stä (2x25) kontrolliryhmän aineesta. Ensimmäisen... more
This paper proposes a way in which the semantographic/ phonographic dichotomy recognised as fundamental in logographic (or morphosyllabic) writing systems in East Asia, the ancient Middle East, and Mesoamerica can be systematised to... more
All’interno della vasta tematica del rapporto scritto/parlato selezionerò un fenomeno specifico: i segnali discorsivi (SD). Verranno inizialmente prese in considerazione le caratteristiche generali dei segnali discorsivi (eterogeneità... more
Continuing the dialogue between ‘comparative standardology’ and variation studies, this volume offers comparative data which allows us to delineate large groups of factors behind the standardisation process in manuscript cultures. The... more
La puntuación es una parte integral de la lengua escrita, pero son pocas las investigaciones tratan de entender cómo aprenden los niños a usarla en sus escritos. Las aproximaciones al estudio de su aprendizaje suelen hacerse desde una... more
In this essay, I discuss the challenges of (engaging in) grapholinguistics, a young field that focuses on writing, a topic mostly marginalized in ‘mainstream’ linguistics to this day. Issues that are raised include the lack of... more
Il friulano, lingua minoritaria parlata nella regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, è una realtà piuttosto variegata e frammentata, fatta di diversi dialetti, con pronunce diverse e grafie diverse. Esiste tuttavia una koinè legalmente... more
"‘Asemic writing’ is defined by Tim Gaze as a collection of forms ‘which appears to be writing’, while ‘having no worded meaning’. Asemic forms may bear the hallmarks of writing, either through their shape or organization, but have no... more
The grapheme appears to be a central concept of grapholinguistics. However, there is no consensus on how it should be defined. Some use the concept of grapheme in their work but fail to give a definition while others altogether reject it.... more
The Medieval stratum of Hebrew corresponds to no spoken Hebrew, whence a certain loss of interest for Medieval Hebrew; a literary idiom, certainly, but not lacking linguistic consequences. A succinct survey of some effects of Medieval... more
Following a research study highlighting the potentials of peer review in university contexts, a group of researchers and teachers has verified the impact of this practice in elementary and secondary school contexts. This article presents... more
Honours dissertation in Language Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, 29 March 2017
Degree: Master of Arts with Honours in Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics
26 November 2017: Edited Edition uploaded
Degree: Master of Arts with Honours in Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics
26 November 2017: Edited Edition uploaded
We’re all familiar with abbreviations in written English and other European languages—taking for granted such common conventions as Dr. (for Doctor) and POTUS (for President of the United States). These conventions are inherited from the... more
This chapter provides an overview of what literacy is and why it is important, along with some key questions designed to assess background knowledge related to literacy teaching and learning. At the end of the chapter, tips are provided... more
Ashkenazic Hebrew is a unique language variety with a centuries-long history of written use among Central and Eastern European Jews. It has distinct phonological and grammatical features attested in texts composed by Ashkenazic Jews (e.g.... more
A l’escola, una de les tasques més habituals a l’hora de parlar d’un tema és escriure una redacció o presentar una exposició oral. Tot i això, aquestes dues activitats gairebé sempre són exclusives: o es fa oralment o es fa per escrit,... more
The primacy of speech in second language learning and the relative lack of importance of the written form have triggered a continuous debate in the field of language teaching methodology. The various approaches which have been developed... more