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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
The study adopts a complex approach to present and analyse how the annexed territories following the Treaty of Trianon and the new borders impacted transport in the western Hungarian county of Vas, and its largest transport hub of... more
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      Transport HistoryRoad TransportAviation History (Transport History)Railway and Transportation History
During Late Antiquity, travels and transports still took place along the road network and the water-ways established by the Romans, during the Late Republican and Imperial ages. Travellers, during official missions as well as during... more
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      Late AntiquityRoman roadsRoman Road systemWaterway transports
The inland waterways transport was shaped at the origin as the only practical way of handling the products involved in the first trade. Large urban areas such as ancient Rome or London (e. g. during the Industrial Revolution) would not... more
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      HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologySocial History
According to a handful of researchers who have explored the problem of portages, they have been present in almost every time period and in almost every place, but the interest they have garnered is disproportionate to the role they used... more
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      Historical GeographyArchaeological Method & TheoryDromography (Historic Routes Research)Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar as grandes invenções que ocorreram com os meios de transporte fluvial, lacustre e marítimo visando o transporte de pessoas e cargas ao longo da história e sua evolução futura. O uso de embarcações... more
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      Transportation StudiesWaterway transports
This article aims to present the great inventions that occurred with the means of river, lake and maritime transport, aiming at the transport of people and cargo throughout history and its future evolution. The use of boats constituted... more
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      Transportation StudiesWaterway transports
River-based cities are now capitalizing on the potential of their bodies of water to serve as critical transportation networks to complement land-based transport. For these cities, their water tributaries have historically served as... more
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      Sustainable TransportationTransport PlanningTransportationUrban Transportation
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      Historical GeographyTransport GeographyItalyInland Waterways
Cet article vise à présenter les grandes inventions qui se sont produites avec les moyens de transport fluvial, lacustre et maritime, visant le transport de personnes et de marchandises à travers l'histoire et son évolution future.... more
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      Transportation StudiesWaterway transports
The Mediterranean-Black Sea system consists of two semi-enclosed basins connected by the Turkish Straits. In turn, the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the narrow Strait of Gibraltar. The hydrological cycle of... more
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      EvaporationSatellite gravimetryNorth Atlantic OscillationWater Cycle
Xülasə. BMHS 16 "Kiralama" 01.01.2019-cu il tarixindən qüvvəyə minir, buna görə icarəçi aktivin aktiv dövr ərzində istifadə hüququnu və ödəniş öhdəliklərini əks etdirmək üçün balansdakı bütün icarə müqavilələrini dərhal tanımalıdır. Bir... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingMultinational EnterprisesFinancial Reporting
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      PPP, risk assessmentPPP projectsWaterway transports
The aim of the article is a brief description of the actual usage of ICT-based marketing communication within the waterborne transport sector in Poland during the years 2012-2015. The research concerns both passenger and cargo transport... more
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      ResearchMarketing CommunicationsWaterway transports
Schipper Corneles van Emmerik voert comedie op bij Bijlmer Tol in 1901 De aanleg van trekvaarten in de 17de eeuw was een grote vooruitgang voor het transport in de Republiek. Het verkeer tussen Amsterdam en Weesp nam sterk toe na de... more
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      ProtestRailway and Transportation History17th Century Dutch RepublicAmsterdam History
River-based cities are now capitalizing on the potential of their bodies of water to serve as critical transportation networks to complement land-based transport. For these cities, their water tributaries have historically served as... more
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      GeographySustainable TransportationTransport PlanningTransportation
Семенова С. М. Управління грошовими потоками на підприємствах водного транспорту. – Рукопис. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук за спеціальністю 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами... more
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      Cash Flow projectionsWaterway transportsCash FlowCash Flow Management
Водний транспорт як фондоємна галузь національної економіки потребує значного оновлення об’єктів портової інфраструктури та флоту, для інформаційного забезпечення прийняття необхідних інвестиційних рішень даних синтетичного обліку та... more
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      ManagementAccountingFinancial AccountingManagement Accounting
In this paper some historiographical details connected with dugout discoveries and studies at the Voronezh and Bryansk regions are discussed. The current study is based mainly on archive documents kept at the Department of Written Sources... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPrehistoric ArchaeologyEastern European historyWood (Archaeology)
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      Sociology of SportPsychologyApplied PsychologySocial Psychology
in Ethnologie Française, 1989, XIX (4) : 351-362
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyWaterway transports
River-based cities are now capitalizing on the potential of their bodies of water to serve as critical transportation networks to complement land-based transport. For these cities, their water tributaries have historically served as... more
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      GeographySustainable TransportationTransport PlanningTransportation
Водний транспорт знаходиться у стані глибокої системної кризи. Серед несприятливих факторів – нестача обігових коштів, криза неплатежів, нарощування простроченої дебіторської заборгованості. У статті запропоновано критерії оцінювання... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsAccountingIntegrated assessment
Panama might not have received good comments lately, but the so-called “Panama Papers” affair should not put shadow on a recent great achievement of this country: the expansion of the Panama Canal. On June 26th 2016, the Panama Canal will... more
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      Structural EngineeringHydraulic systems and structuresNavigationInland Waterways
General objectives and project specifications for the Third Set of Locks in the Panama Canal. Justification of principal decisions concerning the functionality and structural systems of the new locks. Main construction details of... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringHydraulic systems and structuresWaterway transports